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End of the 10th century - middle of the 12th century. T

his style adapted some Roman elements

This style is characteristic of the feudal world, in which many churches

and monasteries were built and became major cultural centres. Only
nobles and the clergy could have an education.

Religious art: In this moment the Church is the authority and there is a
lot of devotion (pilgrimage, relics. Is an artistic style to unify all the
architecture (i)
Floor plan: Latin cross
Naves and the transept . The place where they met was
the crossing and normally had a tower or dome above it.

At the top of the cross there was a central semi-circular

apse (here was the altar). Pilgrimage Churches also had
an ambulatory, so pilgrims could move around.

It was common to build a bell tower next to the main

architecture (ii)

Round arches. It was used the semi-circular barrel

vaults that were divided into sections by arches. When
two barrel vaults crossed there was the groin vault.

The walls are heavy and only had a few small windows.
Walls were reinforced by huge pillars and columns and
solid buttresses outside.

A semi-circular arch was used to atach the pillars to the

walls and was also used in doors and windows, where they
supported capitals.

The tribune (or triforium) is above the side naves where

the pilgrims could sleep.

Educational and moralising functions
Technically simple (no depth), uniform in colour and thick
People were always forward-facing, stylised and anti-naturalistic
Paintings were adapted to the architecture
Themes: scenes from the Bible, lives of saints and moral

Kinds of paintings
Pantocrator: Christ in Majesty inside a mandorla or almond
Theotokos: Virgin is seated with the infant Jesus
4. sculpture

Adapted to the architecture
Rigid, hieratic figures, without perspective
Religious themes: crucifixion, Virgin and Child
Rock and wood

Places of sculptures
Capitals: religious scenes, everyday life, real and
fantastic animals, plants
Portals: the main scene is in the tympanum (scenes
of the Final Jugdment), but there are also sculptures in
the lintel, doorframe and archivolts (scenes from the
Bible, apostles and saints).

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