UNIT 9 Medieval Cities & Gothic

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1. the cities

From the late 12th century an improvement in economic

conditions and development of urban life had a great impact on
western European culture. The culture throughout the 12th to
15th is linked to cities.

A new social group emerged: the bourgeoisie. They were

artisans and traders who lived in the cities and they didn't have a
lord; the were divided into the high bourgeoisie (merchants and
traders) and the petty bourgeoisie (artisans and traders). In the
cities there were also the jews who lived in separated

The cities had a magistrate who ruled the city (he was chosen).
The richest families of merchants and bankers were the privileged
group (the urban patricians).
2. trade

From the 12th century travelling was safer and

traders met at the great fairs (periodical large

There were also trade routes. Merchant, especially

those from Venice and Genoa, travelled long
distances to the lands of the east. The most famous
journey was made in the 13th by Marco Polo, who
followed the Silk Road as far as China, and he wrote
the Book of the Marvels of the World.

1. What was the Black Death?

2. What were the symptoms?

3. What happened with the population of Europe?

3. gothic architecture

Higher, brighter and more complex buildings

Pointed arches
Ribbed vaulting (intersection of 2 pointed
arches that were supported by four support
Stainded glass and rose windows
Buttresses and flying buttresses
Three doors for three naves
Gables (galleries with decoration)
Pinnacles on the top of the buttresses
4. gothic sculpture

It was used for decoration

Altarpieces and sepulchers
Freestanding sculptures
Religious themes and portraits of kings and nobles
Realistic features, faced expressed feelings, less
Sculptured weren't isolated figured, there is an
interaction with other sculptures
S curve (sense of movement)
In the themes of Jesus and the Virgin there are
interaction between them son-mother
5. gothic painting

In gothic churches walls were replaced by large

windows, so this reduced he space for fresco paintings
and panel painting (altarpieces) became more
common: diptych, triptych and polyptych
Miniature illustrations in books and codices were
Religious themes, but sometimes there are scenes
of everyday life, landscapes and cities
Natural and realistic, expression of emotions

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