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1. What is the fraction of the shaded part of the diagram?

2. In class 3, 1/5 of the children are girls. There are 40 boys. How many
children are there in class 3 altogether?


3. Use a mental strategy to ad these pairs of numbers. Explain your strategy.

a) 623+59 = __________________________________________

b) 718 + 71 = _________________________________________

4. Use a mental strategy to subtract these numbers. Explain your strategy

a) 275- 159 = ________________________________________________

b) 155-29=_______________________________________________________
5. This is 1/10 of a bag of stickers. How many stickers are in the full bag?
Explain how you know

6. Color each shape to show the fraction.

1/4 5/9 3/6 7/8

7. Draw a ring around half of each group of marbles

a. ½ of 20 is _____________________

b. 1 / 2 of 24 ___________

8. Use the expanded written method to answer each calculation

744 + 35 = ______________ 864 +29 = _____________________

238 + 146 = ______________ 287+ 162 = _____________________

9. Write the calculation in the box. Then use the method to workout the
answer. Show your working in the square grid.
What is 337 greater than 248?
10. Mini starts with $7.93 She is given another $2.75 How much money she has

11. Use the expanded written method to answer the calculations

783-456 = ______________ 656-394= _____________________

12.Mini has $10.68. She spends $4.76. How much money does she have left?

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