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Project Scope Statement

Project: Wilmont’s Pharmacy / Drone Tech drone delivery system test.

Revision No.: 1.0

Revision Date: 12 March 2023

Purpose: The purpose of the project is to test whether delivery of pharmaceutical items to
customers by drone in a non-city environment is feasible. The project will inform both
companies as to the practicality and affordability of this delivery method and if successful, may
lead to a larger service being established.

Project Goals: The project will adapt four drones, in Wilmont’s livery, to make deliveries to their
customers. A secure interface between Wilmont’s and Drone Tech’s IT systems will be
developed to ensure smooth operation. The project will start no later than January 05 next year
and will commence deliveries by November 30 to avoid inclement weather in the test area. Staff
at the four participating pharmacies will be trained to load and despatch the aircraft. A
packaging system will be developed by drone Tech to safely transport products carried by the
drones. Successful completion will likely both raise Drone tech’s profile and lead to a larger
implementation of this delivery method.

Project Scope Description:

Product Scope –
1. Four drones will be purchased and adapted to carry out deliveries; they will be piloted by
Drone Tech personnel.
2. Wilmont’s and Drone Tech’s IT systems will be securely integrated so that the customer
can simply choose drone delivery as an option at checkout.
3. Staff at four participating pharmacies will be trained to load the drones.
4. A suitable packaging system will be developed by Drone Tech.
5. The budget for the project should not exceed US $1,750,000.00.
6. The project is to start no later than Jan 05, first deliveries must commence by Nov 30.

Services Scope –

7. Drone Tech will be responsible for quality and safety aspects of the drone deliveries and
introduction of the packaging system.
8. Wilmont’s will be responsible for the quality and safety aspects of product preparation
and despatch.
9. Drone tech will be responsible for maintaining and repairing the drones used in the
10. Both companies’ IT teams will be responsible for the integration and operation of the
customer facing online ordering system.
11. Training and monitoring of personnel will be the responsibility of Wilmont’s Change
Management team.

Goal: To successfully complete customer deliveries by drone, thereby proving the

concept and improving Wilmont’s delivery options and raising the profile of Drone Tech
as a reliable delivery partner.

Primary Deliverables:

1. Four drones, in Wilmont’s livery will be made available.

2. Specialised packaging system developed.
3. Secure integration of Wilmont’s and Drone tech IT systems.
4. Training of personnel to load product onto drones.
5. Deliveries to customers carried out.
6. Continuous improvement by monitoring of project performance and communication with
all stakeholders.
7. Budgetary constraints not exceeded.

Deliverable Acceptance Criteria:

1. Drones ready on time and suitably painted.

2. Packaging system successfully developed and tested.
3. IT systems successfully and securely integrated – no apparent change from the
customer’s viewpoint.
4. Personnel trained and certified to load products onto drones.
5. Successful deliveries of pharmaceutical items to customers carried out (Customer
satisfaction monitored by survey, phone, or other methods of engagement).
6. Points raised during the continuous improvement process recorded and if necessary,
acted upon.
7. Project completed within the original $1,750,000 budget.

Key Milestones:

1. Project start date 05 Jan 24.

2. Project personnel appointed and appraised of their roles and responsibilities by 12 Jan
3. Progress review with all stakeholders 06 May 24.
4. Second progress review 12 Aug 24
5. Flight operations commence by 30 Nov 24

1. Budget not to exceed the stated amount.

2. Environment. Drone deliveries cannot be undertaken to apartment blocks or in heavily
built up areas.
3. If either or both companies cannot agree on formal terms of cooperation, the project will
not be started.
4. Personnel working on the project to be sourced exclusively from Wilmont’s and Drone
5. Training must be completed on time.
6. The packaging system must be ready.
7. IT systems integration must be successful.
8. The weather in the test area must be suitable for drone operations.


1. Drone Tech personnel have the ability to produce the packaging system.
2. The budget will be sufficient to fund the project.
3. Both companies will agree formal terms of cooperation.
4. Training will be completed on time.
5. The necessary approvals for flight operations will be obtained.

Scope Exclusions:

1. The disposition of the four drones on completion of the project.

2. Redeployment of project personnel.

Reference Documents: There are no specific reference documents for this project, but similar
trials have been carried out before and should be researched for examples of best practice.

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