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Ext Eerie Forest - Night

The camera pans through a dense dark forest. Dead leaves crunch underfoot and

the wind blows through the trees. A group of five young people are walking

tensely with flashlights in their hands.

Sarah is a confident and fearless young woman who leads her group. She turns

to her friends Jim, Lisa, Mike and Katie.


Come on guys, it's almost time. Just a little more.


I don't know anything about that, Sarah. Maybe it's better to turn back.


Yes, it's too spooky here. I don't want to get lost.


Relax, you two. It's just a Halloween tradition. We come to that old

abandoned mansion every year. Katie:

But what if there is something there? ghost or something?


Don't worry, Katie. there is nothing there. It's just an old house. The group

approaches a huge abandoned mansion. The windows are cracked, the paint is

peeling off, and it is in disrepair. But something feels wrong.


Okay guys, let's do this. Who's ready to explore a haunted house? The group

hesitated, but eventually followed Sarah inside.

INT. Abandoned Villa - Night

The mansion is dark and eerie, with creaking floorboards and eerie portraits

on the walls. The group walks around and explores different rooms. Suddenly

you hear strange sounds. Gym:

did you hear


what was that?


Relax, it's just the wind.


I heard something too. It sounded like footsteps. Sara:

Everyone, please stop panicking. It's probably just an animal or something.

As we continue our investigation, we hear even more strange sounds. A whisper

in the dark and a door that opens on its own. Eventually, they encounter a

secret room hidden behind a bookshelf. Inside is an old diary.


That must be the key to what happened here. let's read

As they read the diary, they will learn about the dark past surrounding the

mansion. It was once home to a cult that held sacrificial ceremonies on

Halloween night. Suddenly they hear a blood-curdling scream.


We all have to get out of here. now.

But it's too late. The cult members have returned and are after the group.

They chase her through the mansion, brandishing knives and singing in an

ancient language.


We have to find a way out of here!


There is only one way. we must fight back.

This group fights for their lives and uses any means possible to fight their

cult members. However, there seems to be no escape. Eventually they end up in

a room full of candles. There is a pentagram in the center of the room.


that's it. we have to perform the ritual.

The group shakes hands and sings a song asking the spirits for help. Suddenly

a bright light shines through the window and illuminates the room. The

cultist disappears and the mansion returns to a state of ruin.

Ext Eerie Forest - Night

The party is shaken but survives and leaves the mansion.


I can't believe I managed to get out of there. Lisa:

We were definitely dead.


Thanks to Sarah, we were able to return home alive.



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