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1. Which one of the following expressions is regarded as greeting?

A. Thank you
B. I’m fine, thanks
C. Good morning
D. Good bye

2. Mother : Have a nice dream, my honey

Son : ….
A. Take care, mom
B. I’m happy
C. Have a nice dream, mom
D. See you, mom

3. Ratno : Mom, this is Tio, my classmate. Rio, this is my Mother.

Ratno’s mother : Nice to meet you , Rio
Rio : ….
A. I am fine
B. Thank you
C. Good bye
D. Nice to meet you, too

Read the dialog carefully to answer number 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Mr. Kardi, Biology teacher is going to the laboratory , meets Wahyu at break time.
Wahyu : Good morning , sir
Mr. Kardi : Good morning Wahyu, why are you in hurry ?
Wahyu : I am going to library ,sir. I want to borrow some books to read.
Mr. Kardi : Great, How diligent you are !
Wahyu : thank you, sir. Sorry, I must go now. See you
Mr. Kardi : see you.

4. Where does the dialog take place?

A. In the library
B. In the laboratory
C. In the canteen
D. At school

5. When do you think the dialog happen?

A. in the afternoon.
B. in the evening.
C. in the morning.
D. in the night

6. Where is Mr. Kardi going?

A. to office
B. to laboratory
C. to class-room
D. to staff office

7. Where is Wahyu going?

A. to library
B. to laboratory
C. to canteen
D. to parking lot
8. Dani : May I borrow your pen, Rio?
Rio : … I am using it.
a. Yes, please
b. Sure, you may
c. I am so sorry
d. Of course
9. Rina : Are you drinking a cup of iced-tea?
Joko : Yes, I am.
Rina : … one more for me?
Joko : Yes, sure.
a. Do you buy
b. Will you buy
c. Must you buy
d. May you buy

10. Stevi : What a delicious sausage!

Morgan : Thank you, Stevi.
Stevi : …
Morgan : Sure, help yourself.
Stevi : Thanks, Morgan.
Morgan : Don’t mention it.
a. Can I try it?
b. May I help you?
c. May I have another?
d. Did you cook it yourself?

11. Beni said, “Yes, thanks Julie. May I use your bicycle again tomorrow?”
What does he express?
a. He asks for help.
b. He offers help.
c. He does not need help.
d. He refuses help.

12. Aries : I have three erasers, but two are enough for me. Do you want to have the
other one?
Iqbal: Oh thank you, but …
a. I am not sure. I can’t use it.
b. I don’t need that. I still have one actually.
c. Of course, I need more pencils.
d. No problem, you may take it.
13. Tina : Here is the money for you.
Ida : I cannot take this, sorry.
From the dialogue above, what does the underlined sentence mean?
a. Tina offers something to Ida.
b. Tina gives a help to Ida.
c. Ida accepts something from Tina.
d. Ida refuses a help from Tina.

Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Garuda Wisnu kencana statue is a gigantic, unfinished statue which becomes one of the
greatest tourist attractions in Bali. It is situated at GWK cultural park, a park which is
intended to educate its visitors. It tells people about the importance of preserving and
cultivating world’s cultural heritage, at the southern part of Bali.

It’s designed and built by Nyoman Nuarta, one of Indonesia’s foremost modern scluptors.
The GWK statue will stand 150 meters tall with a wing span 64 meters across when it’s
completed. It is included as one of the highest statues in Indonesia.

The statue pictures Lord Wisnu, as the source of wisdom. It is riding on the back of the
mythical bird Garuda as the manifestation of conscience toward Amerta, the perennial
goodness. Although it is not compeleted yet, this breathtaking statue has attracted a lot of

The statue and its pedestal are surrounded by more than 240 hectares cultural park. It was
once an abandoned and unproductive limestone quarry. Local and foreign visitors can enjoy
the picturesque scenery and attractions there, with supporting facilities. They are lotus pond,
festival park, amphitheater street, theater, exhibition hall, as well as Jendela Bali the
panoramic resto and souvenir shop

14. The communicative purpose of the text is …

a. To relate the writer’s visit to GWK cultural park.
b. To announce the opening of GWK cultural park.
c. To describe the Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue.
d. To inform the building of the GWK statue.

15. Where is the cultural park situated?

a. At the southern part of Bali
b. At the northern part of Bali
c. At the eastern part of Bali
d. At the western part of Bali

16. The following statements are correct, except …

a. GWK cultural park occupies more than 240 visitors.
b. Nyoman Nuarta is a scluptor who designed the GWK.
c. There are such supporting facilities as small cottage.
d. The statue is picturing Lord Wisnu, riding on the back of mythical bird.
17… as the manifestation of conscience toward Amerta, (paragraph 3)
What is the Indonesian word for the underlined word?
a. Penghasilan
b. Pengorbanan
c. Perwujudan
d. Perumpamaan
The text is for questions 18 – 22.

Redwood trees are the largest and the oldest living growing in California, USA. They can be
more than a hundred meters tall. These giant redwoods have a very thick trunk. Twenty men
with arms outstretched cannot even circle them. Some of the living redwoods started growing
3,500 years ago.

18. How high can a redwood tree be?

a. More than 100 meters tall
b. 100 km tall
c. 100 centimeters tall
d. Less than 100 meters tall

19. Which one is not true about redwood?

a. It is the largest and the oldest living in California
b. It is more than a hundred meters tall
c. It has a very thick trunk
d. It started growing three thousand years ago

20. A Komodo is an Indonesian reptile. It is … than a lizard.

a. Taller
b. Bigger
c. Shorter
d. Smaller

21 Andi got 90 for the English test and Siska got 79. Which statement is true?
a. Siska is smarter than Andi
b. Andi is as smart as Siska
c. Andi is smarter than Siska
d. Andi is less smart than Siska

22. Nana wins a national science champion. She gets the … result rather than Dennis.
a. Good
b. Most good
c. Better
d. Best

23. The waiter is serving the customer. The passive is……

A. The customer is served by the waiter
B. The customer are served by the waiter
C. The customer is being served by the waiter
D. The customer was being served by the waiter
24. Mrs. Aisyah will plant rose. The passive is ….

A. A rose will be planted by Mrs. Aisyah

B. A rose can be planted by Mrs. Aisyah
C. A rose is planted by Mrs. Aisyah
D. A rose are planted by Mrs. Aisyah

25. Tomorrow, New sandals …… by Gema Nurani’s students.

A. Should be bought
B. Would be bought
C. Shall be bought
D. Will be bought

Read the text and answer questions.

From : +08295xxx

To : Lita

Sorry Honey, I can’t keep my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight. I have to meet my
friend (Mrs. Cathy) at Please don’t be angry.


26. Who sends the message?
a. Lita
b. Lita’s mother
c. Mrs. Cathy
d. Mother’s friend
27. How is Lita’s mother feel about her promise?
a. Impressed
b. Confused
c. Guilty
d. Happy
28. Mom writes the message in order to …..
a. Apologize for not keeping the promise
b. Remind Lita that she has promise
c. Tell Lita that she has to go to the meeting
d. Say that she cannot meet her in the mall
29. Which sentence is in the passive voice?
a. The teacher gave the students an assignment.
b. An assignment was given to the students by the teacher.
c. The students completed the assignment quickly.
d. They will finish the assignment before the deadline.
30. Which sentence is correct?
a. Its important to exercise regularly.
b. It's important to exercise regularly.
c. Its' important to exercise regularly.
d. It's' important to exercise regularly.
31. Choose the correct form of the verb in the present tense to complete the sentence:
My sister _____ studying for her exams.
a. am
b. is
c. are
d. be
32. Which sentence is grammatically correct?
a. I have already ate breakfast this morning.
b. I have already eaten breakfast this morning.
c. I have already eating breakfast this morning.
d. I have already ate breakfasts this morning.
33. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: We're going to the park
_________ soccer.
a. to play
b. play
c. playing
d. played
34. Shinta : Will John pass the exam?
Dewi : … He is a smart and dilligent student.
a. I am quite sure
b. I am uncertain
c. I am not positive
d. I think he won’t
35. Mr. Black : Will John follow a career in business?
Mr. Smith : … He is not fond of doing business.
a. It might be
b. I wouldn’t like to say for certain
c. I’m sure
d. Definitely

36. Jalal : What do you think we should give Arni as her birthday present?
Rusli : A doll, I think.
Jalal : …
Rusli : Yes, certainly. As far as I know, she likes doll.
a. Are you sure?
b. I don’t think so
c. Are you kidding?
d. It’s impossible

37. Rudi : It’s really boring day today. I am going now here because I’m broke.
Janet : Well, don’t worry, friend. I can lend you some money if you want.
Rudi : Really?
Janet : …
Rudi : Thank you very much.
Janet : Don’t mention it.
a. It’s possible
b. It will be OK
c. Certainly
d. Nothing to worry

38. Jemmy : It is a bright day today. Is it possible if we go to the beach?

Randi : It is possible, but … because it is very far from your and my house.
Jemmy : So, what do you want to do?
Randi : Why don’t we go swimming in the swimming pool?
Jemmy : I don’t think so. I prefer watching movie.
a. I doubt it
b. I do hope so
c. I’m quite sure
d. I’m certain

39. Rian : Where are Diana and Rohana?

Gita : They … in the library now.
a. Study
b. Studied
c. Are studying
d. Were studying

40. Beny : Be quiet, please! The baby …

Hana : Ok. Don’t worry.
a. Sleeps
b. To sleep
c. Is sleeping
d. Was sleeping
1. Rani got married... 2004
2. What are you doing ... Sunday?
3. I don’t like travelling....night
4. The two cities were connected.... satelite for a television programme.

5. Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees. Today it’s only six degrees.
It’s ..... today than it was yesterday

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