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My family's relationship is not very difficult or easy going but mostly difficult to understand

bringing back to my grandparents on my mother's side our grandma or we call lola raise my
mother and her siblings alone by the time my uncle or tito was born my grandpa left my
grandma alone to raise four kids such with just minimum wage or just side jobs like example my
grandma raise my mother and uncle just doing laundry or what we call labandera, with that my
mother's side were taught to be independent and to rely on ourselves because no one will help
us but ourselves. On the other hand on my fathers side they were also taught to be independent
and be business minded, practical in other words, they thrived for money because of how my
grandma also sacrifice for eight of them when my grandpa died before I was born my grandma
also love longley my uncles and aunts that they also want to take care of her thanking for her
sacrifice and hard work. With this my relationship with my family comes a long way because
some of them are not my close friends but they are close to my family, I love them equally since
they are a part of my family, also they taught me to become independent and to not rely on
others, my family is not like other family they are my home, my friends, and my world, without
them I am far from what I am today despite the disagreements and misunderstanding we still
have each other no matter what, we might not be family by blood but we are a family by love,
there is a quote that I can relate to by Gilbert Chesterton it's “The family is the test of freedom;
because the family is the only thing that the free man makes for himself and by himself.”. For
me the two people in my family that impacted my life are my Mother, and my Grandma. My
Grandma always takes care of me when I was young when my mother is busy she was the one
who's always there for me, she taught me how to be kind to others even when they are not, but
when she died my perspective in life change, I was devastated when I heard the news that she
died and I need to stand by myself now, and also my mother that is always there for us and for
me despite the challenges that life gave us she did not give up on us but I feel she's losing hope
to me and my siblings for they have different lives and different paths now. When the
pandemic started and the mandatory quarantine is needed, that was my downfall and also for
my mother we have sorts of disagreements and arguments but without those I am not who I am
today, I reflected on what I was doing back then and I tried to think if I were in her shoes what
would she feel about me, that is why I am trying to make up to her and at the same time trying
different things to make her happy. So be kind and be you.

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