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Name: Kurt Michael Lim

Course/yr/sec.: BS ECE - 3

I. Interpret the following pictures by answering the questions.


1. What is the general motif of the picture? Based on my observation that picture trying to
compare which is if you are on decent clothes it normal, while in second photo it easily
gained attention for others.

2. How does the motif reflect interrelatedness to the elements? That images show the both
of example of society that we have specially in our country that as fact we know that
second photo is more attractive because some people is depend on the physical
appearance that how they treat people.

3. What objects/elements stand out? That difference of between of two examples of that
picture specially the same motif. The black polka dots that have been added to the white
dog's coat contrast with it and capture the viewer's attention while also sending a
message about change and self-expression.

4. What objects/words seem out of place? The second photo because some people will be
agreed on the second photo specially people now days they depend on the physical
appearance not some people but most of the time.

5. What culture prevails in understanding the meaning conveyed? Filipino culture because
some of Filipino they easily gain trust specially if they are good in looking so on the
picture it shows the difference in Decent photo and Impure photo.

6. What general note can be drawn from the picture? A broad inference that can be derived
from the first image is that there is pressure to adhere to societal beauty standards in
order to be validated and seen on social media. The illustration implies that this pressure
may take the shape of sexualizing women's bodies and wearing skimpy apparel.

A general conclusion that can be derived from the second image is the notion of change and
self-expression. The picture conveys the idea that people can alter their physical
characteristics to express a new sense of self or creative expression, and that this alteration
can be viewed as a form of self-expression.


1. What is the general motif of the picture? The first picture it shows that kid have sick due
to environmental population specially the factory that can harm people due to release
plant factory. In the second picture shows COVID 19 teach people to be sensitive for
health because there’s a lot lesson in COVID 19 that we can avoid specially the factory
plant and other business factory that can harm for our nature environment that we can
change it to ecofriendly.

2. How does the motif reflect interrelatedness to the elements? The first picture
demonstrate the irresponsible the other people they don’t care for others health issue
because that factory plant they can affect in our health due to factory produce bad
smoke and population that bad also in our nature. In the second photo shows how
human activity in this case, there a lot happen during pandemic that show they we can
help each other to turn around things help each other our society specially our country

3. What objects/elements stand out? In first photo the boy is the main focus, and he looks
like he is having a hard time breathing because of the pollution caused by factories. This
shows that pollution can harm people's health. While in second photo looks like the
reason why COVID create due to lack of care our human nature also our environment
pandemic teach us to care about our health and human environment.

4. What objects/words seem out of place? None

5. What culture prevails in understanding the meaning conveyed? The ideas presented are
fairly universal and can be understood by individuals from different cultural backgrounds.

6. What general note can be drawn from the picture? The main focus of these photo teach
us how to maintain and care our human environment because our health can affect what
we living environment that we have it right now.

1. What is the general motif of the picture? The meaning of this photo we are on new
generation most likely use gadgets than books. the we are surrounding a lot of
electronics gadgets that also this is refer to child more on focus on gadgets than books.

2. How does the motif reflect interrelatedness to the elements? The picture shows that the
tradition of books is will last no longer effective for others. Because there’s a lot of
gadgets and internet right now that it easily to search and use than books but the
meaning of books is more powerful but it depends you on you how you will use it.

3. What objects/elements stand out? The picture represents books being lifted toward a
tomb by phones and other contemporary technology, giving the impression that they are
disappearing forever. This causes individuals to reflect on how conventional media, such
as books, are losing ground to digital media.

4. What objects/words seem out of place? None of the objects in these sentences seem
out of place or unusual. They convey a clear message about the two images.

5. What culture prevails in understanding the meaning conveyed? The ideas presented are
fairly universal and can be understood by individuals from different cultural backgrounds.

6. What general note can be drawn from the picture? The image demonstrates how people
may not read as much since they use phones and other modern technology more
frequently. This may indicate that over time, classic literature may lose some of their
significance. The image is attempting to convey that, despite the use of new technology,
we should continue to cherish and preserve traditional literature.

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