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Đề ôn luyện chuyên Anh vào 10 Sở Hà Nội số 19

Quiz ID: 6598

Question 1 (Question ID: 13-266423)

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. invasion
B. suspension
C. revision
D. erosion
Question 2 (Question ID: 13-266424)
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. astounding
B. contact
C. background
D. formality
Question 3 (Question ID: 13-266425)
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. soothe
B. gloomy
C. livelihood
D. monsoon
Question 4 (Question ID: 13-266426)
Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
A. irritable
B. preferable
C. commentator
D. demonstrative
Question 5 (Question ID: 13-266427)
Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
A. comprise
B. vacate
C. respond
D. forecast

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Question 6 (Question ID: 13-73861)
Think of ONE word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
1. Ever since John broke the window, he's been in the teacher's _____ books.
2. Rumour has it that he quit the country leaving nothing _____ debts behind.
3. Poor Mark! I feel really _____ about him being laid off on his birthday.
=> Answer: Q6.1....................
Question 7 (Question ID: 13-73868)
Think of ONE word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
1. By popular request, the company added a sports _____ to its offer in order to attract more
TV viewers.
2. The _____ that connects the lake with the sea lost its importance once the forests had been
3. Full of beans? Why don't you _____ your energy into some sport or hobby?
=> Answer: Q7.1....................
Question 8 (Question ID: 13-73874)
Think of ONE word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
1. The young professor made a _____ impression on her students.
2. Now that you're in _____ water, you want my help?
3. The walls were painted a _____ blue colour with yellow spots here and there.
=> Answer: Q8.1....................
Question 9 (Question ID: 13-198909)
When the Chairman ran off with his secretary, the Board tried to _____ the matter.
A. switch off
B. hush up
C. calm down
D. tuck away
Question 10 (Question ID: 13-198910)
The library is _____ people who lose their books.
A. cracking down on
B. stepping up
C. going down with
D. coming up against
Question 11 (Question ID: 13-200357)
She was in the office all of Wednesday and so has a _____ alibi.
A. stale
B. considerable
C. broad
D. cast-iron

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Question 12 (Question ID: 13-200359)
A special feature of the room is the huge picture window which _____ a splendid view of the
Quantock hills.
A. allows
B. affords
C. enables
D. presents
Question 13 (Question ID: 13-200373)
You may borrow as many books as you like, provided you show them to _____ is at the desk.
A. whoever
B. who
C. whom
D. which
Question 14 (Question ID: 13-200375)
I'll enter the competition if you _____.
A. would
B. should
C. will
D. shall
Question 15 (Question ID: 13-200378)
His poor handling of the business _____ on negligence.
A. neared
B. edged
C. approached
D. bordered
Question 16 (Question ID: 13-200388)
I knew my mother would _____ a face the minute she saw my new haircut.
A. drag
B. lift
C. pull
D. raise
Question 17 (Question ID: 13-200390)
He was a pickpocket and had to spend many years behind _____.
A. windows
B. prisons
C. cells
D. bars

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Question 18 (Question ID: 13-200391)
If you say you'd like _____ of cream on your strawberries then you don't want very much
A. a dash
B. oodles
C. lashings
D. a dollop
Question 19 (Question ID: 13-201388)
Fill each of the following blanks with ONE suitable word.
If you put a group of people who don't know Q19.1.................... other in a room together and asked
them to pair up, they will naturally gravitate towards others of similar family Q19.2....................,
social class and upbringing. We are all looking for something familiar Q19.3.................... we may not
be aware of exactly what it is. Facial attractiveness has a big Q19.4.................... on our choice of
partners, too. People tend to seek out and form long-lasting relationships with others of similar level
of attractiveness. Several studies have confirmed this. Researchers Q19.5.................... a selection of
wedding photos and cut them up to separate the bride and the groom. They then asked people to
rate how attractive each person's face was. When the researchers put the photos back into their
Q19.6.................... pairs, they found that most of the couples had been rated at similar levels. Not
only Q19.7.................... we rate others, but each of us carries a rough estimate in our heads of how
facially attractive we might be. We realized subconsciously that if we approach someone who is
significantly higher up the scale than we are, we run the Q19.8.................... of being rejected.
But Q19.9.................... the explanation for how and why we fall in love, one thing is clear: Nature
has made the whole process as blissful and addictive as possible Q19.10.................... the purpose of
bringing and keeping couples together.

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Question 20 (Question ID: 13-266543)
Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
England's breakfast revolution
The importance of a good breakfast is beyond dispute assorting to health experts, but in historical
terms breakfast is a relatively new arrival in England, with descriptions of breakfast seldom featuring
in medieval literature. Q20.1...................., there are scattered references to travellers having a meal at
dawn before Q20.2.................... on arduous journeys, and to the sick sitting down to breakfast or
medicinal reasons, but most people went without unless they were monarchs or nobles.
Q20.3...................., in the sixteenth century it gradually became the Q20.4...................., not the
exception. Some writers have Q20.5.................... this to the greater availability of food. Proponents
of this view have not always considered other profound social changes. For example, new
Q20.6.................... of employment may well offer a plausible explanation for the greater importance
now Q20.7.................... to breakfast, as individuals were increasingly employed for a prescribed
number of hours. Often this involved starting work extremely early. Thus, having a meal first thing
in the morning was Q20.8.................... in necessity, and was no longer associated with social status

Q20.1. A. Conceivably B. Deservedly C. Assuredly D. Admittedly

Q20.2. A. launching B. embarking C. committing D. engaging

Q20.3. A. Notwithstanding B. However C. Therefore D. In contrast

Q20.4. A. norm B. standard C. prototype D. trait

Q20.5. A. attributed B. accorded C. assigned D. accounted

Q20.6. A. shapes B. patterns C. lines D. figures

Q20.7. A. linked B. fixed C. attached D. secured

Q20.8. A. embedded B. rooted C. founded D. entrenched

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Question 21 (Question ID: 13-266630)
Complete the sentence by changing the form of the word in capitals.
Call it “Zoom face-envy”. Because of the rise of video-conferencing during the pandemic, legions
now spend hours staring at their own faces and, inevitably, comparing them with those of others.
Poor lighting and the skewed angles of laptop cameras are rarely flattering. Nor is “lockdown face”,
brought on by stress, or a dearth of sunlight and exercise. For Kim, a 57-year-old actress in New
York City, Zoom seemed to add ten pounds and a “crepey” look to her skin. After seeing “way too
much” of that, she got a facelift last summer. She is delighted with the result. Similarly, Michèle Le
Tournelle, a 62-year-old (RETIRE) Q21.1.................... near Nantes in France, said the “horrible”
confinement turned into “a revelation”: it spurred her to undergo a slimming procedure and a
facelift with which she has been “very, very, very” pleased.
Many cosmetic surgeons had expected the pandemic to hammer business. Instead, the industry is
enjoying a Zoom-boom. The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
reckons that the pandemic has led to a 10% increase in cosmetic surgery (COUNTRY)
Q21.2..................... In France, despite limits on elective procedures during the pandemic, cosmetic
surgeries are up by nearly 20%, estimates the French Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. For
Ashton Collins, the boss of Save Face, a firm in Cardiff that refers people seeking minimally
invasive cosmetic treatments to the 852 (and counting) practitioners it has (CREDIT)
Q21.3.................... across Britain, business is “through the roof”. In Italy, Pier Andrea Cicogna of
Studio Cicogna, a plastic-surgery clinic in Treviso, says his revenue has risen by nearly a third
despite more than three months of closure.
Apart from face-envy, other forces are at play. In the age of teleworking, patients can recover
(CONSPICUOUS) Q21.4.................... at home as bruises and swelling fade. It helps that
professionals, the biggest clients for pricey cosmetic surgery, are more likely to work from home
than many others. In normal times finagling time off work is a big hurdle (which is why Christmas
breaks have traditionally been the high season for cosmetic surgery). Recuperation is made easier
by the widespread use of face-masks, which neatly hide away the signs of surgery to the nose, chin,
cheeks and jawline, as well as the “resurfacing” of facial skin and lip-plumping.
Money not spent on clothes, evenings out and travel has financed much of this. Gains in the
stockmarket have also helped, says Alan Matarasso, whose clinic in New York is “being stretched”
by requests for surgery. Intriguingly, Dr Matarasso, a former president of the American Society of
Plastic Surgeons, thinks a more ethereal force is also at work: by casting light on “the (FRAGILE)
Q21.5.................... of life”, the pandemic is imbuing people with greater desire to squeeze more out
of whatever time they have left.

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Question 22 (Question ID: 13-266745)
Pick out the verbs and particles given to form phrasal verbs to fill the gaps in these sentences.
Remember to use all the verbs given and don’t forget to use the correct forms of the verbs.

[ shine | ask | climb | level | nose | harp | shore [ up | through | on | with | down | around |
] about ]

1. We usually Q22.1.................... before trying a new restaurant.

2. The government was forced to Q22.2.................... last night over its handling of pensions.
3. William looked at her, hope Q22.3.................... his tears.
4. The measures were aimed at Q22.4.................... the economy.
5. The police Q22.5.................... the property for a while, but they didn't find anything.
6. Don't keep Q22.6.................... about my age!
7. Q22.7.................... me. Why did you do that?

Read the following passage then choose the best answer to each question below.
Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist?
Whichever you are a new book reveals that you can learn a lot from attempting the opposite
As a nation, the British are not a very optimistic bunch. When we were first granted the honour of
hosting the 2012 Olympic Games, according to an opinion poll at the time, 55 per cent of us were
more concerned about the likely impact on the transport network while the Games were on than
with celebrating the arrival of the greatest show on Earth. But alongside this type of staunch
pessimism resides an unsettling feeling that we should be more positive. We are always trying to
dislodge each other's pessimism. Test it for yourself: sit gloomily in a public place and see how long
it takes before a smiling passer-by says, 'Cheer up, it might never happen!' or offers one of those
trite aphorisms about 'looking on the bright side' or 'clouds having silver linings'.
The self-help industry rakes in billions through peddling hope and positive thinking. But can a
positive outlook really improve our lives? How can optimism make people more trustworthy, or
sports events more successful? It can't, says Professor Elaine Fox, a neuroscientist who recently
published a book called Rainy Brain, Sunny Brain about our ambivalent feelings of optimism and
pessimism. Our negativity is the response of a rational mind and positivity is a delusion, she says,
and for most of us they both act to balance us out. 'Positivity is a delusion. But it is a useful
delusion. If we didn't have some sort of optimism we wouldn't ever get out of bed in the morning.
But pessimism has its place,' she says.
So, when we think positively, are we just tricking ourselves that things will get better? It's a little
more complicated than that, says Professor Fox. 'Where self-help books say "just think happy
thoughts' it doesn't work.' But some degree of optimism can work to our advantage, because if we
feel more positive, we will take more positive actions. 'Optimism gives you a sense of control' she
explains. So, to return to the example of the Olympics, if we had just repeated the mantra, 'the

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Olympics will be amazing, the Olympics will be amazing' it wouldn't have made it happen. In the
event we actually did respond positively to them, but by taking the kind of actions - buying tickets
to events, or getting involved as volunteers - that meant we ended up loving the whole experience.
More dramatically, positive thoughts can have concrete health benefits and can help us through
certain situations, Professor Fox explains. In experiments on pain in which students are asked to
keep their hands in a bucket of ice water for as long as they can stand it, students who believe they
have been given a painkiller, but have in actual fact just been given a sugar pill, will keep their hand
in longer than those who aren't given anything. Scans of their brains show they actually produce a
surge of dopamine, a so-called 'happy' chemical, which combats the pain.
Thomas Edison, the famous American inventor said: "If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I
haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step
forward." In general, optimists will try harder and spend longer on something than pessimists,' says
Professor Fox. 'They also believe they have some control over their life, and that's why they tend to
be more successful.'
But don't shrug off your grumpy cynicism just yet. Professor Fox says a healthy dose of negativity
can help us out, too. 'The amygdala - the fear system in our brain that helps us detect threat and
danger - is really at the root of pessimism. Pessimism helps us suss out danger in our lives.' And
although most of us are unlikely to need this reaction the same may our caveman ancestors did - for
fight-or-flight reactions - fear is still a useful trait. 'A pessimistic outlook would work if you were
setting up your own business,' says Professor Fox, 'to identify risk and avoid it.' So, there is a place
for pessimism. 'They say the aeroplane was invented by an optimist and the parachute was invented
by a pessimist. That's the reason I called the book Rainy Brain, Sunny Brain because we need
both.' Anticipate sunshine, but carry an umbrella and you should get along just fine.
Question 23 (Question ID: 13-266774)
The writer says that British attitudes to the 2012 Olympic Games:
A. illustrated an underlying mindset.
B. contradicted stereotypes of national character.
C. reflected a shift in public opinion.
D. indicated the dangers of ambivalence.
Question 24 (Question ID: 13-266775)
In the second paragraph, we learn that Professor Fox believes being optimistic _____.
A. is more desirable than being pessimistic
B. is a necessary counter to our negativity
C. is likely to lead to unrealistic expectations
D. is as natural a quality as pessimism

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Question 25 (Question ID: 13-266776)
What does Professor Fox suggest about positive thinking in the third paragraph?
A. It is difficult to find any sensible advice about it.
B. It is ineffective unless carefully planned.
C. It is desirable as it will lead to material benefits.
D. It is likely to be the basis for practical achievement.
Question 26 (Question ID: 13-266777)
What is the writer illustrating by using the phrase 'the Olympics will be amazing'?
A. the futility of merely thinking positively
B. the way that positive thoughts can motivate people
C. the importance of overcoming negative thinking
D. the fact that people can be trained to think in certain ways
Question 27 (Question ID: 13-267601)
What does the word "surge" mean?
A. flowing
B. increase
C. escalation
D. mainstream
Question 28 (Question ID: 13-266778)
What point is exemplified by the reference to Thomas Edison?
A. In order to be successful, we have to experience failure.
B. Optimists gain success through persistence.
C. Successful people are often unwilling to work for others.
D. Success comes more easily to optimists than pessimists.
Question 29 (Question ID: 13-267608)
Which of the following words is closet meaning to the word "suss out" in the last paragraph?
A. understand
B. find
C. recover
D. remember
Question 30 (Question ID: 13-266779)
In the final paragraph, it is said that the invention of the parachute _____.
A. was a necessary consequence of the invention of the aeroplane
B. proved that humans always tend to fear the worst
C. was comparable to someone starting a company
D. demonstrated a readiness to confront the idea of risk

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Rising Star
Margaret Garelly goes to meet Duncan Williams, who plays for Chelsea Football Club.
It’s my first time driving to Chelsea’s training ground and I turn off slightly too early at the London
University playing fields. Had he accepted football’s rejections in his early teenage years, it is
exactly the sort of ground Duncan Williams would have found himself running around on at
weekends. At his current age of 18, he would have been a bright first-year undergraduate mixing his
academic studies with a bit of football, rugby and cricket, given his early talent in all these sports.
However, Duncan undoubtedly took the right path. Instead of studying, he is sitting with his father
Gavin in one of the interview rooms at Chelsea’s training base reflecting on Saturday’s match
against Manchester City. Such has been his rise to fame that it is with some disbelief that you listen
to him describing how his career was nearly all over before it began.
Gavin, himself a fine footballer – a member of the national team in his time – and now a
professional coach, sent Duncan to three professional clubs as a 14 year-old, but all three turned
him down. ‘I worked with him a lot when he was around 12, and it was clear he had fantastic
technique and skill. But then the other boys shot up in height and he didn’t. But I was still upset and
surprised that no team seemed to want him, that they couldn’t see what he might develop into in
time. When Chelsea accepted him as a junior, it was made clear to him that this was more of a last
chance than a new beginning. They told him he had a lot of hard work to do and wasn’t part of their
plans. Fortunately, that summer he just grew and grew, and got much stronger as well.’
Duncan takes up the story: ‘The first half of that season I played in the youth team. I got lucky – the
first-team manager came to watch us play QPR, and though we lost 3-1, I had a really good game. I
moved up to the first team after that performance.’ Gavin points out that it can be beneficial to be
smaller and weaker when you are developing – it forces you to learn how to keep the ball better,
how to use ‘quick feet’ to get out of tight spaces. ‘A couple of years ago, Duncan would run past an
opponent as if he wasn’t there but then the other guy would close in on him. I used to say to him,
“Look, if you can do that now, imagine what you’ll be like when you’re 17, 18 and you’re big and
quick and they won’t be able to get near you.” If you’re a smaller player, you have to use your brain
a lot more.’
Not every kid gets advice from an ex-England player over dinner, nor their own private training
sessions. Now Duncan is following in Gavin’s footsteps. He has joined a national scheme where
people like him give advice to ambitious young teenagers who are hoping to become professionals.
He is an old head on young shoulders. Yet he’s also like a young kid in his enthusiasm. And fame
has clearly not gone to his head; it would be hard to meet a more likeable, humble young man. So
will he get to play for the national team? ‘One day I’d love to, but when that is, is for somebody
else to decide.’ The way he is playing, that won’t be long.

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Question 31 (Question ID: 13-266786)
You are going to read a newspaper article about a young professional footballer. For questions
1 - 8, choose from the sections (A – D). The sections may be chosen more than once.
Which paragraph…
1. states how surprised the writer was at Duncan’s early difficulties? Q31.1....................
2. says that Duncan sometimes seems much more mature than he really is? Q31.2....................
3. describes the frustration felt by Duncan’s father? Q31.3....................
4. says that Duncan is on course to reach a high point in his profession? Q31.4....................
5. suggests that Duncan caught up with his team-mates in terms of physical development?
6. explains how Duncan was a good all-round sportsperson? Q31.6....................
7. gives an example of how Gavin reassured his son? Q31.7....................
8. mentions Duncan’s current club’s low opinion of him at one time? Q31.8....................
Question 32 (Question ID: 13-266788)
Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
I absolutely forbid you to tell anyone about the plan. (NO)
=> Under ..........

Question 33 (Question ID: 13-266801)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
I understand what you are saying but I can’t agree. (POINT)
=> ..........

Question 34 (Question ID: 13-266814)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
The impression his boss has of Jack is that he’s an ambitious person. (ACROSS)
=> Jack ..........

Question 35 (Question ID: 13-266815)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
Casper didn’t mention the fact that we had met before. (REFERENCE)
=> Casper ...........

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Question 36 (Question ID: 13-202655)
Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
The committee had a long discussion but they could not make up their mind. (REACH)
=> Lengthy .....

Question 37 (Question ID: 13-219600)

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
You can eat as much as you like for $5 at the new lunchbar.
=> There ..........

Question 38 (Question ID: 13-219599)

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
Sorry, you can't do whatever you want.
=> Sorry, you are not in a ..........

Question 39 (Question ID: 13-219596)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
Your story is different from the facts.
=> Your story doesn't ...........

Question 40 (Question ID: 13-266816)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
James would only speak to the head of department alone.
=> James ..........

Question 41 (Question ID: 13-266817)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
I don’t want to be disturbed at all this morning!
=> On ...........

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Đáp án (Answer Key)
Quiz ID: 6598

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Question 1. B Question 2. A
Question 3. C Question 4. D
Question 5. D Question 6.
6.1 bad
Question 7. Question 8.
7.1 channel 8.1 deep
Question 9. B Question 10. A
Question 11. D Question 12. B
Question 13. A Question 14. C
Question 15. D Question 16. C
Question 17. D Question 18. A
Question 19. Question 20.
19.1 each 20.1 D 20.2 B 20.3 B 20.4 A
19.2 background 20.5 A 20.6 B 20.7 C 20.8 B
19.3 although / though / even though Question 21.
19.4 influence / impact 21.1 retiree
19.5 took 21.2 countrywide
19.6 original 21.3 accredited
19.7 do 21.4 inconspicuously
19.8 risk 21.5 fragility
19.9 whatever
Question 22.
19.10 for / with
22.1 ask around
22.2 climb down
22.3 shining through
22.4 shoring up
22.5 nosed about
22.6 harping on

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22.7 Level with
Question 23. A Question 24. B
Question 25. D Question 26. A
Question 27. B Question 28. B
Question 29. A Question 30. D
Question 31. Question 32.
31.1 A Under no circumstances must you tell
31.2 D anyone about the plan.
31.3 B Question 33.
31.4 D I can't agree, although I take your point.
31.5 B Although I take your point, I can't agree.
31.6 A I take your point, but I can't agree.
31.7 C
Question 34.
31.8 B
Jack comes across to his boss as an
ambitious person.
Question 35. Question 36.
Casper made no reference to the fact that Lengthy as their discussion was, the
we had met before. committee couldn't reach any decision.
Casper didn't make any reference to the Question 37.
fact that we had met before. There is no limit on how much you eat for
$5 at the new lunchbar.
Question 38. Question 39.
Sorry, you are not in a position to pick and Your story doesn't tie in with the facts.
choose. Question 40.
James insisted on speaking to the head of
department alone.
Question 41.
On no account must I be disturbed this
morning !
On no account am I to be disturbed this

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