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The Gandhi Memorial Intercontinental School, Jakarta

MYP YEAR 4(Grade 9)

IB MYP Design
Unit – 2 Criteria-A Guidelines

UNIT TITLE: Be Substantive

Submission Date: Feb. 16, 2023

Task description

The objective of the unit is to motivate local community to consume resources wisely.

Students must select one of the following audiences/clients:

• their school community

• their family
• community organizations

Suggested solution may be, but are not limited to, the following ideas:
• Video
• Website
• Blog
• Animation
• a slam book, recipe book, any journal etc…
Criteria A Guidelines
Inquiring and Analysing-

i. Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem
ii. Construct a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop
a solution to the problem
iii. Analyse a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem.
iv.Develop a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevant research.

Strand-1: Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target

▪ Explain the problem and its need.

▪ Explain your client/target audience.
▪ Explain the issues your client has faced due to this problem and what were different
techniques he had used to solve the problem before approaching you.
▪ Justify your finalized method/style of the solution to the problem.
Strand-2: State and prioritize the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to
the problem

▪ Start making research questions based on the content as well as the style used to create
your solution.
▪ Examine each research question and identify which sources would be the best way to
research the information needed.
▪ Finally based on the evaluation of each research question and its sources, prepare a table
that would now let you state and prioritize the primary and secondary sources for both
contents as well as style.

Strand-3: Analyze a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem

▪ You need to now analyze three or more products that are similar to your solution.
1. Cookbook
2. DIY videos
3. Recycle/reuse blog etc.
4. Book on motivation or building a new habit
▪ Remember the SOI- Local communities can create a sustainable world by consuming resources
▪ Points of Analysis- Aesthetic, content, , resources used, how the message is conveyed
▪ This analysis could be based on any critical thinking methods. Ex: De Bono’s Hats, SWOT,
CRAAP etc.
▪ Your analysis should be based on the content as well as the style used for your solution.
Strand-4: Detailed Analysis of your relevant research (Design Brief)

▪ You should summarize the complete research to create an effective solution.

▪ You may mention the various sources used and synthesize the information obtained.

Please note that all your research has to be presented in MLA8 format.

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