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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health
Cagayan Valley – Center for Health Development
Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City


This Contract of Service entered into by and between:

Accountant III

The Department of Health- Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development, a


government agency with office address at Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Valley,
herein represented by DR. AMELITA M. PANGILINAN – DIRECTOR IV, hereinafter referred
to as the FIRST PARTY;


_____________________________, of legal age, Filipino, and with residence at

_____________________________________, hereunder referred to as the SECOND PARTY.


1. THAT THE FIRST PARTY is in need of services of the SECOND PARTY who shall

perform works as instructed to augment the former’s manpower deficiency;

2. THAT THE SECOND PARTY has signified his/her intention, to which the FIRST
PARTY has accepted, to provide the services needed by the latter;

3. THAT THE SECOND PARTY hereby possesses the education, experience, skills
required to perform the job as described herein;

4. THAT THE SECOND PARTY has not been previously dismissed from the government
service by reason of an administrative offense: that he/she has not reached the
compulsory age retirement of sixty five (65), that the services rendered is not considered
and accredited as government service; that there is no employer-employee relationship

exists between the contractual personnel and the government agency, the Department of
Health, Cagayan Valley – Center for Health Development;

5. The Second Party is hereby contracted as VACCINATOR-(NURSE) assigned in

________________________ and is expected to perform the following functions:

a. Ensure that vaccination site is established in an area wherein daily target of children
Director IV

to be vaccinated will be met;

b. Conduct quick Health Assessment prior to administration of MR vaccine using the
recommended form;
c. Monitor and maintain the desired vaccine temperature inside the vaccine carrier;
d. Explain the benefits of vaccine(s), vitamin supplementation and respond to any
queries of the parents/guardians;
e. Explain possible side effects after vaccination, and to report adverse events
immediately to the nearest health center;
f. Ensure that the appropriate SIA vaccine/s are provided to the target eligible
population in the area;
g. Every child vaccinated with MR vaccine shall be marked with indelible ink on the left
little (pinky) finger, and for BOPV on the left index finger. The mark should cover the
entire nail bed and adjoining skin/cuticle;
h. Anticipate and take measures to prevent sudden movements by the child during and
Administrative Officer V

after injections. (Parents/caregivers should be asked to hold babies and small

children on their laps to keep them still. It can help to tuck the child’s legs between
the parent/caregiver’s thighs;
i. Follow proper disposal protocol of used MR and BOPV Vials, Syringes and Droppers;
j. Ensure that there is an AEFI kit in the field;
k. Ensure that all vaccinated children are referred to the assigned data encoder to record
all required information;
l. Formulate itinerary or schedule of vaccination per area of assignment;
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley – Center for Health Development
Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City

m. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned.

6. WORK SCHEDULE: The Second Party shall perform work at a time and schedule to be
agreed upon by both parties; in the event that the Second Party is required in the interest
of the service to undertake travels, transportation expenses incidental to the travel shall
be charged to the funds of the First Party subject to the usual accounting and auditing
rules and regulations;

7. REMUNERATION: For services performed/accomplished, the Department of Health,

Cagayan Valley - Center for Health Development pay the “CONTRACTUAL
PERSONNEL” the amount of Thirty Six Thousand Six Hundred Nineteen Pesos
(P36,619.00) per month. Services rendered beyond office hours on weekdays, during
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays shall be paid only in excess of 21 days. Further,
absences incurred shall be deducted based on the following computation:

a. Monthly salary divided by twenty-one (21) days = Salary per day

b. Salary per day divided by eight (8) hours = Salary per hour
c. Salary per hour divided by sixty (60) minutes = Salary per minute

8. In case of official authorized travel whereby the Second Party is required to render
service away from his/her official station, The Second Party shall be entitled to
travelling expenses duly authorized by the First Party;

9. PHILHEALTH& PAG-IBIG COVERAGE: That the Second Party should enroll with the
Philippine Health Insurance and Pag-ibig Fund at no expense on the part of the First
Party. That he/she shall furnish the First Party, copies of the proof of his/her enrollment
with the Phil Health and Pag-ibig Fund;

10. EFFECTIVITY: That this contract shall be effective for the period from
_________________ to _________________, unless the same is terminated in accordance
with Item 11 hereof, subject to the availability of funds and the usual accounting and
auditing rules and regulations. In the event that the Second Party will decide to
terminate the contract for reason other than permanent physical disability due to illness
or absorption in to the Department of Health regular Plantilla, he/she shall pay all
remuneration received;

11. TERMINATION: The First Party has the right to terminate the services of the Second
Party on the following grounds:
a. Non-availability of funds;
b. Violation by the Second Party of the Terms and Conditions of this Contract;
c. Violation of office rules and regulations; and
d. Unsatisfactory performance of his/her duties and responsibilities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both parties have hereunto set their hands this _____day of
________________________2023 at Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Valley, Philippines.

______________________ AMELITA M. PANGILINAN, MD, MPH, CESO IV

Contractual Personnel Director IV
Signed in the Presence of


Administrative Officer V Accountant III

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley – Center for Health Development
Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City

Republic of the Philippines )

Province of Cagayan )s.s
City of Tuguegarao )

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the above jurisdiction, personally appeared the



KNOWN TO ME to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and
acknowledged to me that the same is their own free will and voluntary act and deed.

This instrument consists of three pages including the page wherein this
Acknowledgment is written, and is agreed by the parties and their instrumental witnesses.

Witness my hand and seal, this _______day of _______________at Tuguegarao City,

Cagayan Valley, Philippines.


Doc. No. _____

Page No. _____

Book No. _____

Series of _____

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