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Electric Machine Tree

MKT 210
Tahrik Sistemleri

Elektrik Makinelerine Giriş


Ders – 7

MA -1 MA -2

Components for Electric Machines Electric Machines

Electric machines have the following components: Rotor

• stationary component – stator Fan
• core & seal (s)
• windings or magnets
• rotating component – rotor
• core (or no core)
• winding or/and magnets
• slip rings
• frame with or without cooling circuit
• terminal box
• bearings (regular or magnetic)
• Others such as sensors, gearbox, magnetic brake etc…

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Electric Machines Electric Machines

MA -5 MA -6

Electric Machines Electric Machines

stator structures of an induction machine

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Electric Machines Electric Machines

rotor structures of an induction machine

MA -9 MA -10

Electric Machines Electric Machines

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Electric Machines Electric Machines

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Electric Machines Building a Radial Flux Machine

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Building a Radial Flux Machine Building a Servomotor

Bearing holder

end housing
Motor end

Connect box shaft

Rotor bearing
(stator is not shown)

MA -17 MA -18

Rotating Field

Electric machines work with the principles of rotating magnetic field.

• Constant field (Example: Magnets) (B=k=constant)
• Alternating field (Example: Transformers) (B=Bmcos(wt))
MKT 210 • Rotating field (Example: Electric machines)

Tahrik Sistemleri
Döner Alan ve Elektrik Makinaları
Makinalarına Giriş

Ders – 8 B = BM e iωt = BM (cos ωt + j sin ωt )

α = ωt

MA -19 MA -20

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Rotating Field Rotating Field
Consider 2 inductors MMF distribution for a two-pole machine
• number of turns are the same
• place 90 degree apart
• excitations are 90 deg shifted

B1 = BM sin ωt → → →
B = B1 + B2

4 N eff
∑ n sin (npθ)
B = BM sin 2 ωt + BM
cos 2 ωt = BM 1
ℑ = ia
α = ωt B2 = BM cos ωt π 2 1

B1 BM sin ωt Fundamental component:

tan α = = = tan ωt
B2 BM cos ωt
ℑ1 = N eff ia sin ( pθ )
α = ωt π
Speed of the rotating magnetic field
Again, two rotating fields
2πn = 2πf
n = f = 50Hz = 50s −1 = 3000 rpm
MA -21 MA -22

Rotating Field Rotating Field

MMF distribution for a normal machine Rotating field for a single inductor:

B = BM cos ωt

B =
BM e jωt + e − jωt )
1 1
B = BM e jωt + BM e − jωt
2 2

• The components have the same length
• Directions and speeds are the same but
Winding layout for one phase have opposite signs
Coil pair MMF waveform

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Rotating Field Rotating Field

Extending this to 3-phase: Total airgap MMF wave using superposition:

y b 2
ℑ a1 = N eff ia sin ( pθ ) ℑ a1 = ℑ a + ℑb + ℑ c
Bbb’ π
c Baa’ 2
ℑb1 = N eff ib sin ( pθ − 120 ) 2 2 2
x π ℑg = N eff ia sin ( pθ ) + N eff ib sin ( pθ − 120 ) + N eff ic sin ( pθ + 120 )
π π π
c’ 2
Bcc’ ℑc1 = N eff ic sin ( pθ + 120 ) 2 2
π ℑ g = N eff (I M sin ωt )sin ( pθ ) + N eff (I M sin( ωt − 120 ) )sin ( pθ − 120 )
b’ π π
a 2
iaa ' (t ) = I M sin ωt + N eff (I M sin( ωt + 120) )sin ( pθ + 120 )
ibb ' (t ) = I M sin (ωt − 120 )
sin A sin B = 1 / 2 cos( A − B ) − 1 / 2 cos( A + B )
icc ' (t ) = I M sin (ωt + 120 )
ℑ g = N eff I M cos (ωt − pθ ) = ℑ M cos (ωt − pθ )
Total stator MMF wave produced by 3-phase winding
MA -25 MA -26

Rotating Field Rotating Field

i aa' ( t ) = IM sin ωt At ωt = 90
y b i bb' ( t ) = IM sin (ωt − 120 ) i aa' ( t ) = IM sin 90
Bbb’ i cc' ( t ) = IM sin (ωt − 240 ) i bb' ( t ) = IM sin( −30 )
c Baa’
x i cc' ( t ) = IM sin( −150 )
c’ Baa' ( t ) = BM sin ωt ∠0o → → → →
Bcc’ B net = Baa' + Bbb' + Bcc'
Bbb' ( t ) = BM sin (ωt − 120 ) ∠120 o Baa' ( t ) = BM ∠0 o
b’ →
a Bcc' ( t ) = BM sin (ωt − 240 ) ∠240 o Bbb' ( t ) = −0.5BM ∠120 o ( ) (
Bnet = BM 0 + − 0.5BM ∠120o + 0.5BM ∠240o )

o o
Bcc' ( t ) = −0.5BM ∠240 B net = 1.5BM ∠0
At ωt = 0 → → → →
B net = Baa' + Bbb' + Bcc'
Baa' ( t ) = 0 ∠0 o
→  3   3  • Direction of the magnetic field has changed but the magnitude is constant.
Bbb' ( t ) = BM sin (− 120 ) ∠120 o Bnet = 0 +  − BM ∠120o  +  BM ∠240o  The magnetic field is maintaining a constant magnitude while rotating in a
 2   2 
Bcc' ( t ) = BM sin(− 240 ) ∠240 o → counterclockwise direction
B net = 1.5BM ∠ − 90 o
MA -27 MA -28

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Rotating Field Two Pole Stator Rotating Field

MA -29 MA -30

Electrical Freq and Speed of Rotating Field Induced Voltage, Force and Torque

• Rotating field in a stator can be represented

as N-S stator poles and these poles complete
one mechanical rotation for each electrical
• Therefore, mechanical speed of rotation =
electrical frequency in Hz
fe = fm e = (v x B ) l
• Voltage induced in a simple rotating loop:
e = 2rωBl sin (ωt )
ωe = ωm

Rotating magnetic field in a stator

• If the winding is repeated twice, the stator • Force acting on each segment of the conductor loop F = i (l x B )
becomes 4 poles
represented as N-S stator poles
fe = 2fm
ωe = 2ωm • Induced torque for the conductor T = F ( perpendicular dis tan ce )
T = 2rilB sin θ
In general: ωe = p ωm or fe = p fm where p ise pole pair

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Principles Principles - Sin Excitation

• Rotating field (Ampere’s Law) • Induced voltage in a 3-phase set of coils:

• Since the rotating field moves, it cuts the rotor conductors resulting in a φ = φ max sin (ωt ) ω = 2 πf
voltage (Faraday’s Law)

V =N • Using Faraday’s Law:

• Rotor circuit is short-circuited. Therefore, a current will flow through the e=N = Nφmax ω cos (ωt ) = E max cos (ωt )
rotor circuit (Ohm’s Law) E max
I2 =
• RMS value of the Max voltage:
• If a current carrying conductor is in a magnetic field, there will be a force
acting to the conductor (Biot-Savart Law) E max Nφmax ω Nφmax (2πf )
ERMS = = =
F =Bl i 2 2 2

ERMS = 2πNfφmax = 4.44Nfφmax

• This force will create a torque
T = Fd This is the RMS voltage of any phase of the 3-phase stator

MA -33 MA -34

Slip Slip
V1 Rotational speed
of the belt Rotor Stator
Speed of the disc:
V1 − V
Belt speed rotating field
Disc speed rotor speed

The difference between the motor speed (n) and the synchronous speed (ns) is
defined as the slip speed (nslip) (or slip frequency) and given by
nslip = ns − n

If the slip speed is defined on a per-unit basis (normalized to the synchronous

speed), the resulting value is defined as the slip (s).
ns − n

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Zero Slip Case Slip
• The min value for pole pair is 1
Rotor Stator
• p – pole pair (cift kutup sayisi) p=1
2p – number of poles (kutup sayisi) 2p=2

Pair Poles # f = 50 Hz f = 60 Hz f = 400 Hz

1 2 3000 r/min 3600 r/min 24000 r/min

2 4 1500 r/min 1800 r/min 12000 r/min
3 6 1000 r/min 1200 r/min 8000 r/min
4 8 750 r/min 900 r/min 6000 r/min
5 10 600 r/min 720 r/min 4800 r/min
6 12 500 r/min 600 r/min 4000 r/min
7 14 428.6 r/min 514.3 r/min 3429 r/min

Example: Speed of the rotating field for a 4 pole system

f 60Hz
n= = = 30 s −1 = 1800rpm
MA -37 p 2 MA -38

Slip - Modes of Operation Example-1

Speed of the rotating field : 1500 rpm A three-phase, 460 V, 100 hp, 60 Hz four-pole induction machine delivers rated
Rotor speed : 1470 rpm output power at a slip of 0.05.

1500 − 1470 a) synchronous speed and motor speed.

s= = %2
1500 f 60Hz n = 1800rpm
Note that if the motor speed n= = = 30 s −1
equals the synchronous speed, p 2
generator motor braking
s = 0. If the motor is stationary, n −n 1800 − n
s = 1.
s= 1 = 0.05 = 0.05 n = 1710rpm
s=0 s=1 n1 1800

n1 − n n1 − n n b) speed of the rotating air gap field.

s= =0 s= =1 s = 1−
n1 n1 n1 n = 1800rpm

n1 = n n=0 >0
c) frequency of the rotor circuit.
1000 − 990 Rotor circuit freq means the freq of rotor current and voltage
Exp: 990 rpm, 5.5kW, 380V, 50Hz...... s= = %1
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Example-1 Example-2

f2 = (n1 − n )p = sn1p = sf1 ERMS −1 = 2πN1f1φ max A three-phase, 460 V, 100 hp, 60 Hz four-pole induction machine delivers
ERMS −2 = 2πN 2f2φmax rated output power at a slip of 0.05. The stator windings are wye connected
f2 = sf1 = 0.05 x 60Hz = 3Hz and the machine turns ratio is 1:0.5. Determine the induced voltage in the
rotor windings.
d) slip rpm.
nslip = sns = 0.05 x1800rpm = 90rpm 460
V1 = For a Y-connected stator
e) speed of the rotor field relative to the rotor structure, stator structure and V2,slip = s V1
the stator rotating field.
0.5 460
V2 ,slip = 0.05 = 6.64 Volts
• relative to the rotor structure = 90 rpm 1 3
• relative to the stator structure = 1800 rpm
• relative to the stator rotating field = 0 rpm

MA -41 MA -42

Power in AC Machines Power in AC Machines

Input power in single or 3 phase machine; Reactive power; Q = VI sin θ

Apparent power; S = VI = P + jQ = P 2 + Q 2 = V I *
1 Phase 3 Phase
Pin Example: 1 phase motor is supplying a 4+6j load in Ohms. Find p(t), P, Q, S.
Motor Motor
Pout Pout v ( t ) = 220 2 cos (100 πt )
v( t )
v ( t ) = 2 V cos (ωt ) i( t ) = = 30 .5 cos (ωt + 56 .3 )
i ( t ) = 2 I cos (ωt − θ ) p(t)
p( t ) = VI cos θ + VI cos (2ωt − θ ) 12000

Instantaneous power; p( t ) = 220 x 30 .5 cos 56 .3 + 220 x 30 .5 cos (2ωt + 56 .3 ) 10000

RMS voltage
p( t ) = v ( t )i ( t ) = 2 V cos (ωt ) 2 I cos (ωt − θ) RMS current p( t ) = 3723 + 6710 cos (2ωt + 56 .3 ) W 6000

power [W]

p( t ) = 2VI cos (ωt )cos (ωt − θ) P 2000

p( t ) = VI cos θ + VI cos (2ωt − θ ) P = ∫ p( ωt )dωt = VI cos θ Q = VI sin θ = 220 x 30 .5 x sin 56 .3 = 5582 VAr 0


S = P + jQ = 6710 VA
Active power Pulsating power Power factor
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02

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Power in AC Machines AC Machine Power Flows and Losses

Input power in 3 phase machines;

Efficiency of AC machines:
3 Phase
Pout Pin − ∑ Ploss
AC η= =
Motor Pin Pin
Pout + ∑ Ploss
Pin = 3VφIφ cos θ
Active power drawn by the motor Losses in AC machines:
Pin = 3VLIL cos θ
• Copper losses (RI2)
Qin = 3VL IL sin θ Reactive power drawn by the motor • core losses (rotor and stator) (hysteresis and eddy current losses)
• Mechanical losses (friction (caused by bearing) and windage (caused by
S = P + jQ Apparent power moving parts-air))
• Stray load losses (other losses - 1% of full load)

MA -45 MA -46

AC Machine Power Flows and Losses Example-3

Pconv A 480V 60Hz, 50HP 3-phase induction machine draws 60A at 0.85 PF lagging.
PAG Stator Pcu=2000W and rotor Pcu-tot=700W, PFW=600W and core losses
Pcore=1800W. Ignore stray losses.
Pout = Pin − ∑ losses
• Given voltage is l-l and power is output power.
Pout = Tm ωm
Pin = 3 VLIL cos θ Pin = 3 VLIL cos θ = 3 x 480 x 60 x 0.85 = 42.4kW
PAG = Pin − Pcu −S − Pcore = 42.4 − 2 − 1.8 = 38.6kW
PFW losses
Rotor Power converted to mechanical form:
Core Pconv = PAG − Pcu −R = 38.6 − 0.7 = 37.9kW
Stator losses
losses Pout = Pconv − PFW = 37.9kW − 0.6 = 37.3kW 50HP

• Power flow for motoring. Pout 37.3

Machine efficiency: η= = = %88
Pin 42.4
• Pin and Pout reverses for generating operation. P Pout
Output torque can be found from: T = out =
ωm ωn (1 − s )
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