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A. GIVEN: 752 +3 ( 286 ÷ 99 )−4 ∙ 3
Student A’s Solution:
75 +3 ( 286 ÷ 99 )−4 ∙ 3
¿ 4925+ 3 ( 8 ÷ 2 )−4 ∙ 3→ 1
¿ 492 8(286 ÷ 99)−4 ∙ 3 →2
¿ 4928 (2.88)−4 ∙ 3→ 3
¿ 4928 ( 2 .88 )−4 ∙ 3→ 4
¿ 14,188.64 ∙ 3→ 5
¿ 42565.92 →6

Which part of the solution did student A commit a mistake

 In 1, the mistake made was 752 ≠ 4925
752= (75 )( 75 ) =5625
 In 2, the mistake made was adding 3 to 4925, when it should be multiplied
to (286 ÷ 99) following the Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication,
Division, Addition, Subtraction (PEMDAS) rule.
 In 5, the mistake made was subtracting 4 to the product of 4928(2.88)
when it should be multiplied to 3 following PEMDAS rule.
Correct and complete solution:
75 +3 ( 286 ÷ 99 )−4 ∙ 3
¿(75)(75)+3 ( 286 ÷ 99 )−4 ∙ 3
¿ 5625+3 ( 2.88 )−4 ∙ 3
¿ 5625+8.64−4 ∙3
¿ 5625+8.64−12
¿ 5625+8.64−12
¿ 5621.64

B. Given: = −2+7 ( 14−7 )2 + (−3−1 )

Student B’s solution:
−2+7 ( 14−7 ) + (−3−1 )

¿ 5 ( 14−7 ) + (−3−1 ) → 1
¿ 5 ( 7 ) + (−4 ) →2
¿ ( 35 ) + (−4 ) →3
¿(1225)+ (−4 ) → 4
¿ 1221→ 5
Which part of the solution did student B commit a mistake?
 In 1, −2 should not be added to 7 ¿, following PEMDAS Rule.
2 2
 In 3, 5 ( 7 ) isnot equal¿ (35) , PEMDAS rule should be considered such
that 5 ( 7 )2=5 ( 7 )( 7 ) =245
 4 is the result of not considering PEMDAS rule in 3.
Correct and complete solution:

−2+7 ( 14−7 )2 + (−3−1 )

¿−2+7 ¿
¿ 341+(−3−1)
¿ 341+(−4)
¿ 337
C. Given:
Student C’s solution:

¿ 27−13∙ 2+15 ÷ 5→ 2
¿ 14 ∙ 2+ 15÷ 5 → 3
¿ 28+15 ÷ 5→ 4
¿ 28+3 →5
¿ 31→ 6

Which part of the solution did student B commit a mistake?

 In 2, ¿ making the final answer incorrect. Moreover, if the number inside
the parenthesis is negative and the exponent is odd, the product will be
negative, on the other hand if the exponent is even, the product will be
 In 3 and 4, did not follow PEMDAS
 Did not divide the statement to 4.
Correct and complete solution:
(−27)−13 ∙ 2+15 ÷5
(−27)−26+15 ÷5

D. Given: [ ( 4+ 5 )−( 2+ 4 ) ]3 + 4−3∙ 2

Student D’s solution:
[ ( 4 +5 )− ( 2+ 4 ) ] + 4−3 ∙2
¿ [9−6] + 4−3 ∙2 →1
¿ [3]3+ 4−3 ∙2 → 2
¿ 9+ 4−3 ∙2 →3
¿ 9+ 4−6 → 4
¿ 13−6 →5
Which part of the solution did student B commit a mistake?
 In 3, [3]3=( 3 )( 3 ) ( 3 )=27 .
Correct and complete solution:
[ ( 4 +5 )− ( 2+ 4 ) ] + 4−3 ∙2
¿ [9−6] + 4−3 ∙2
¿ [3] + 4−3 ∙2
¿ [ ( 3 ) (3)(3)]+ 4−3∙ 2
¿ 27+ 4−3 ∙2
¿ 31−3 ∙ 2
¿ 31−6
¿ 25


i. Given: 43°C →Dagupan City,Pangasinan(May 14,5:00 PM)
6°C →Baguio City (February 12,5:00 AM)
What is being asked: difference between the two temperatures
ii. Operations to be performed: Subtraction (Highest – Lowest)
iii. Solution
43 ° C−6 ° C=37 ° C

iv. Final Answer

37 ° C is the difference between the two temperatures


i. Given: an elevator on 34th Floor, goes down 16 floors, then goes up 8

What is being asked: On what floor is the elevator now
ii. Operations to be performed: Addition and Subtraction
iii. Solution
Assume elevation going up to be additional to present floor and going
down subtracted.
iv. Final Answer
The elevator is now on the 26th floor

i. Given: A scuba diver swam 128 feet beneath the surface of the lake, then
swam 46 feet up.
What is being asked: what is the depth of the scuba diver
ii. Operations to be performed: Addition and Subtraction
iii. Solution
Since the scuba diver swam 128 beneath the surface. With 0 feet being the
surface of the lake. He then swam 46 feet up meaning it should be added.
0−128 ft + 46 ft=−82 ft
iv. Final Answer
The scuba diver is 82 ft beneath the surface

i. Given: First temperature ¿−9 ° C

Last temperature ¿−3 °C
What is being asked: change in temperature
ii. Operations to be performed: Subtraction (Last temperature – First
iii. Solution
¿−3 °C−(−9 ° C ) =6 °C
iv. Final Answer
The change in temperature in United States is 6 ° C

i. Given: Losses = Php 168,000 for three weeks

What is being asked: total loss for each day
ii. Operations to be performed: Conversion, Multiplication and Division
iii. Solution
1 week = 7 days
3 weeks = 7 days × 3=21 days
Total loss each day:
Php 168,000
21 days
¿ Php 8,000 per day
iv. Final Answer
The total loss for three weeks last May of 2022 was Php 8,000 per day

i. Given: No. of students = 199

No. of teachers = 7
No. of buses filled = 8
No. of students traveled using family car = 7
What is being asked: No. of students in each bus
ii. Operations to be performed: Subtraction and division
iii. Solution
No . of students∈each bu s=
No . of students – No . of student traveled using family car
No .of buses filled
No . of students∈each bus=
19 2
No . of students∈each bus=
No . of students∈each bus=24

iv. Final Answer

In each bus, the total number of students was 24.

i. Given: 3 pairs of jeans at 870 each

Paid cash = Php 3000
What is being asked: Change for the Php 3000
ii. Operations to be performed: Multiplication and Subtraction

iii. Solution
Total cost=3 ∙ Php 870=Php 2610
Paid Cash−Total cost =Change
Change=Php 3000−Php 2610
Change=Php 390
iv. Final Answer
The change for the Php 3000 paid will be Php 390.

i. Given: Electrons = -1 ; Protons = +1

Total charge of an atom = Protons + Electrons
28 protons and 44 electrons
What is being asked: Total charge of an atom
ii. Operations to be performed: Multiplication and Addition
iii. Solution
Total charge of an atom=28 protons+ 44 electrons
Total charge of an atom=28 ( 1 ) +44 (−1 )
Total charge of an atom=2 8+ (−44 )
Total charge of an atom=−16
iv. Final Answer
The total charge of the atom is -16.


i. Given: Mount Apo = 2,954 meters above sea level

Taal Volcano = 311 meters above sea level
What is being asked: Difference between the two elevations
ii. Operations to be performed: Subtraction ( Highest elevation – Lowest
iii. Solution
Difference between the two elevations
¿ Highest elevation−lowest elevation
¿ 2954 meters−311meters
¿ 2 6 43 meters
iv. Final Answer
The difference between the two elevation is 2643 meters.

i. Given: Melting Points:
Mercury=−39° C
Nitrogen=−210 °C
Lithium=181 ° C
Sulfur=113 °C

What is being asked: Difference between melting point of sulfur and

ii. Operations to be performed: Subtraction ( Higher melting point – Lower
melting point)
iii. Solution
Difference between melting point of sulfur∧nitrogen
¿ Higher melting point −lower melting point
Since, Sulfur has positive melting point therefore, it has a higher melting
¿ Melting point of Sulfur −Melting point of Nitrogen
¿ 113 ° C−(−210 ° C )
¿ 323 °C
iv. Final Answer
The difference between the melting point of Sulfur and Nitrogen is 323 °C

i. Given: temperature fell 18 ℉ over 3 hour period.

What is being asked: Change in temperature in an hour
ii. Operations to be performed: Division
iii. Solution
Change∈temp .∈an hour
¿ Change∈ hours ÷ 3 hours
18 ℉
3 hours
iv. Final Answer
The change in temperature in an hour is 6 ℉ .

i. Given:
Grocery List Price/Kg
3 kg. Beef Php 348
1 kg. pork cubes Php 254
2 kg. chicken fillet Php 143
1 kg. red onions Php 90
1 kg. garlic Php 170
1 kg. rice Php 48
1 dozen egg Php 180/dozen
Budget of Php 2100 for his weekly grocery
What is being asked: Will his budget be enough to buy what’s on his list
ii. Operations to be performed: Multiplication and Subtraction
iii. Solution
Total cost for each grocery list=Grocery list ∙
Php 348
Beef =3 kg ∙ =3 ∙ Php 348=Php 1044
1 kg
Php 254
Pork cubes=1 kg ∙ =1 ∙ Php 254=Php254
1 kg
Php 143
Chicken fillet=2 kg ∙ =2 ∙ Php 143=Php 286
1 kg
Php 90
Red onions=1 kg ∙ =1∙ Php 90=Php 90
1 kg
Garlic=1 kg ∙ =1 ∙ Php 170=Php 170
1 kg
Php 48
Rice=1 kg ∙ =1 ∙ Php 90=Php 48
1 kg
Php 180
Egg=1 dozen ∙ =1 ∙ Php 180=Php 180
1 dozen
Total cost for the grocery=Total price for Beef +Total price for Pork cubes+ Total price for C
Total cost for the grocery=Php 1044+ Php 254+ Php 286+ Php 90+ Php 170+ Php 48+ Php180
¿ Php2072
Budget >Total cost for the grocery
Php 2100> Php2072

iv. Final Answer

The Php 2100 is enough to buy the grocery list since the total cost for the
grocery is Php 2072.

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