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Michelle Karla D.

Capili, RPm, MAGC, CHRA

Nature and Purpose
• It is usually understood as the action
taken by persons within the institution
who see that a particular person needs
counselor assistance.
• In school setting, teachers,
administrators, parents and other
students may refer a specific student for
Nature and Purpose
• It refers to the assistance rendered to clients
or their significant others in obtaining
services from other people or agencies that
might be more effective in helping them.
• Referrals are made to other people,
particularly specialists, who might be in a
better position to respond to the peculiar
needs of the client.
External Consultants
• Medical-dental assistance is needed,
the counselor can coordinate with the
medical-dental staff of the institution.
• Identify doctors or dentists for help –
for urgent medical assistance
• If spiritual-moral issues are in question,
it would be best to course the client to
priests, pastors or nuns, Campus
External Consultants
• Children with special needs, like LD or
pervasive developmental disorders, are best
referred to developmental pediatricians or to
respective associations and societies for
autism, hyperactivity, dyslexia, DS or the like.
• If legal attention is needed – as in the case of
the physically and sexually abused – the
counselor can identify lawyers who
specialized in the legal issues or psychologists
as expert witness.
Circumstances under which Referral may
take place
• The Counselor believes that he/she cannot be
objective with the client.
• The Client believes he/she cannot work with the
• Non-professional relationship has developed
between Client and Counselor
• The needed attention/service is beyond the
competency of the Counselor.
Circumstances under which Referral may
take place
• The Counselor is no longer available.
• Specialized attention is needed by the Client.
Ethical Considerations
• The Counselor has a valid reason for deciding on
a referral.
• The Counselor knows the specific area of concern
requiring the referral.
• The Counselor is familiar with
 Where and what the services are available
 Who renders them
 How much the services would cost
 The credentials of the external consultant
Ethical Considerations
• The Client has agreed to the referral and its terms.
• The external consultant knows what the referral is
for and has accepted the referral.
• The Counselor and the Client have agreed about
the information that can be revealed to the
external consultant.
• The Counselor introduces the referred party to
the external consultant.
Ethical Considerations
• The Counselor follows up to ensure that the
referred party gets the assistance needed.
• The Counselor gives feedback to and receives
feedback from the external consultant
regarding the progress of the client so that
intervention can target what needs attention.
• The Counselor does not interfere with the work
of the external consultant.
• The Counselor does not charge for referral.
Nature and Purpose
• Placement is ensuring that people are in
the right place at the right time.
• It considers goals, values, needs,
interests, and capabilities in helping
clients find a niche for themselves.
• It provides clients with options, enables
them to act on their choices, and helps
them adjust to the chosen environment.
Types of
Personal-Social Placement
• In this type of guidance placement
service renders assistance to pupils to
find themselves rightly placed at home,
in the school and in the society as a
• They find themselves to the places from
where they can perform to the best of
their ability and capacity.
Educational/Academic Placement
• This occurs when a person is placed in the
appropriate educational setting.
• Such placement is necessary for students
1. Are going to school for the first time
2. Are transferring from one locality to another –
domestic or foreign
3. Are being dismissed from a school or who
need to relocate midyear
Educational/Academic Placement
• Such placement is necessary for students
4. Want/need to transfer to another school
5. Are not allowed to re-enroll for the following
school year
6. Have to be grouped homogeneously
7. Are in a regular school but are beginning to
manifest some learning disability or special
Educational/Academic Placement
• Such placement is necessary for students
8. Are gifted
9. Had been out of school from some time and
are planning to study again
10. Have been delisted from their major field of
study and need to shift
11. Want to shift to another course
12. Refuse to go to a regular school
Educational/Academic Placement
• Within an educational setting, there can
1. Course Placement
2. Level Placement
3. Section Placement
4. Group Placement
5. Co-curricular Placement
6. Extracurricular Placement
Educational/Academic Placement
• In Educational Placement, the Information
Service comes in handy. No placement can
be made without the appropriate
information. The counselor must have an
extensive knowledge of the institution
he/she is serving as the needed placement
may be found within that very setting. But
he/she has look beyond.
Educational/Academic Placement
• In Educational Placement, the Information
Service comes in handy. No placement can
be made without the appropriate
information. The counselor must have an
extensive knowledge of the institution
he/she is serving as the needed placement
may be found within that very setting. But
he/she has look beyond.
Educational/Academic Placement
• Some information needed for appropriate
educational placement are:
1. Requirements of the institution
2. Courses offered
3. Scholarships and financial grants
4. Unit requirements/years required to finish
5. Co-curricular/extracurricular offerings
6. Rules/regulations/policies
7. Procedure for applying and enrolling
Occupational/Career Placement
• Career Placement/Orientation
Seminars – it takes place as early as high
school. It includes getting to know more
about different occupations to help
students decide what occupation they
would like and pursue.
• Job Placement – it focuses on matching
students seeking part-time or regular
employment with available jobs.
Occupational/Career Placement
• Career Placement Activities (for
graduating students)
1. Training Sessions (Resume writing, writing letters of
application, filling out of application forms, interview behavior and
attire, test-taking behavior, job-hunting skills, decision-making
components, work attitudes and behavior & expected work
2. Publication and distribution of graduates
3. Coordinating with reputable corporations and
Occupational/Career Placement
• Career Placement Activities (for
graduating students)
4. Job fairs
5. Job matching
6. Facilitating entry into world of work
7. Posting and dissemination job openings
8. Determining progress of graduates in the work
setting as a basis for improving educational
system and services or placement activities.
Occupational/Career Placement
• Career Placement Activities (for
currently enrolled students)
1. Part-time work – for students in financial need
or wanting experience
2. Practicum settings – for those who need on-
the-job training

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