ChatGPT To Improve How I Write

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In December, my friend told me ChatGPT

would replace my writing. You're crazy, I told

him, it's too basic.
Boy, was I wrong...
After spending hundreds of hours playing with
it and taking courses, here's:

01 Define You
You want ChatGPT to sound like you.
You don't want it to sound like a robot,
which is why I tell it my:
Writing Style
Writing Tone

The more we teach ChatGPT how we

write, the more it will sound like us, And,
be easier for us to edit.
01 Define You
02 Constraint It
Now that it knows your background,
writing style and tone, let's constrain it:
Grade 5 Vocab
Reduce adverbs
Feynman Technique
Contractions & conjunctions

Define the rules that will help ChatGPT

write exactly how you want it to write.
02 Constraint It
03 Use Specific Asks
Be as specific as possible.
What are you writing
Who will it be delivered to
What do you want them to do
Are there any formats it should use
Should it use a copywriting technique
If you put Garbage In, you get Garbage Out.
04 Use it to Dig
Once ChatGPT has given you the outline,
Refine what you're looking for.
Ask it to give you more information on
what you are searching for.
Here's an example of what I ask
ChatGPT at this stage:
05 Ask it to
Expand Further
That's a great start, but you may want
There may be two or three areas that you
want it to expand on.
Pick those spots and ask it to get back to
work for you and away it goes:
06 Use it to Research
the Topic
Alright, things are starting to cook, but
we don't want to only use bulleted lists
and paragraphs from ChatGPT.
Any Average Joe can do that, but we
want you to stand out from the pack.
Here's how we're going to get ChatGPT
to up your game!
07 Use it to Summarize
the Research
Now that you have a list of articles, it's
time to make magic.
We're going to ask ChatGPT to
summarize the articles that sound
We want it to do it in an easy-to-read way
we can incorporate into our newsletter or
08 Expand, Explore and
Have Fun With It
At the end of the day, ChatGPT is a tool.
How YOU use it is going to determine how
successful you are.
Have fun. Push yourself and the tool to do
more and help you become the best writer
you can be.
If you want to read the newsletter article
ChatGPT gave me with these prompts,
unedited on the Growth Guide Website -
link in comments.
Also, let me know your tricks in the
And receive my free guides to help you
Be Better, Achieve More and Be
Financially Free
Link in Bio

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