Tugas Narative Teks

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Name : Michael B.P. Manurung

Class : VI-B
Absend : 22





Once there was a little girl with her stepmother lived in the little village. Her father dead after he
married with her stepmother. She was sad because her stepmother was rude with her. Her
stepmother always ordered her to do what she wanted like wiped off, washed clothes, etc.


One day her stepmother was angry with her. She said, “You always make me annoy, and never
help me!”. Then the little girl went to the forest and she met a grandma who brought the
firewoods. Then, she asked a question, “Where will you go?”. Then the grandma said, “I’ll go to
my hut”. The little girl wanted to help her, and said,”May I help you?”. The grandma nodded and
said, “Of course, can you accompany me to my hut?”. She answered, “With pleasure”.

They arrived at the hut, the grandma asked a question, “What do you want to come here? It is too
dangerous for you”. The little girl say, “Ehm..well, everything is okay. I just bored stay at
home”. Then the grandma went to the kitchen, and brought a big fruit, and say,”Bring this, and
plant it. This fruit can make your life easier”.

Firstly she was confused then she nodded. The grandma said, “You must go now, or your mother
will get worry”. The little girl look was sad and she said, “Thank you. I will go to my house
soon. Thank you so much”. The little girl arrived at home and she ate the fruit and planted it
beside her house. The tree grew faster than other plants. A month later, her mom got sick. Her
mother got skin disease.

The little girl took care of her. When she slept, the grandma who gave a big fruit came and told
something, “You must mix some leaves from the tree. Then your mother should drink it”.
Suddenly the grandma disappeared, then she woke up, and drank water.


She mixed some leaves and give it to her stepmother, “Drink this water mom, you will be better
after drink this”. Her stepmother said, “No, I will not drink it, you will make me die soon if I
drink it”.

The little girl said, “No mom, I make it because I’m care of you. I will not make a poison, I’m
care of you”. The stepmother cried and drank it.

After that, she said, “Thank you so much, you help me every time. I am always angry with you
after your father died”. The little girl said, “You’re welcome, I’ll respect you as a person who
take care of me and my father”. The both of them cried, and her stepmother recovered at the
time. The both of them live together.
The little girl and her stepmother lived happily together, and there were many people came only
for bringing some leaves from the magic tree. The both of them never asked money to another
people, because they believed the power of giving.


Forgiveness is the best way to achieve a happy life.



Suatu ketika ada seorang gadis kecil dengan ibu tirinya tinggal di desa kecil. Ayahnya meninggal
setelah beliau menikah dengan ibu tirinya. Dia sedih karena ibu tirinya bersikap kasar
kepadanya. Ibu tirinya selalu menyuruhnya untuk melakukan apa yang diinginkan ibu tirinya
seperti menyapu, mencuci pakaian, dll.


Suatu hari ibu tirinya marah padanya. Dia berkata, "Kamu selalu membuatku kesal, dan tidak
pernah membantuku!". Kemudian gadis kecil itu pergi ke hutan dan dia bertemu dengan seorang
nenek yang membawakan kayu bakar. Kemudian, gadis kecil itu bertanya kepada nenek,
"Kemana nenek akan pergi?". Lalu nenek itu berkata, “Aku akan pergi ke gubukku”. Gadis kecil
itu ingin membantunya, dan berkata, "Ada yang bisa saya bantu?". Nenek mengangguk dan
berkata, "Tentu saja, bisakah kamu menemaniku ke gubukku?". Gadis kecil menjawab, “Dengan
senang hati”.

Mereka sampai di gubuk, sang nenek bertanya, “Kamu mau apa kesini? Itu terlalu berbahaya
untukmu”. Gadis kecil itu berkata, “Ehm.. jadi, semuanya baik-baik saja. Aku hanya bosan
tinggal di rumah”. Lalu nenek itu pergi ke dapur, dan membawa buah yang besar, dan berkata,
“Bawa ini, dan tanamlah. Buah ini bisa membuat hidupmu lebih mudah”.

Pertama-tama dia bingung lalu dia mengangguk. Nenek berkata, “Kamu harus pergi sekarang,
atau ibumu akan khawatir”. Gadis kecil itu terlihat sedih dan dia berkata, “Terima kasih. Aku
akan segera pergi ke rumahku. Terima kasih banyak". Gadis kecil itu tiba di rumah dan dia
memakan buah itu dan menanamnya di samping rumahnya. Pohon itu tumbuh lebih cepat dari
tanaman lain. Sebulan kemudian, ibunya jatuh sakit. Ibunya terkena penyakit kulit.

Gadis kecil itu merawatnya. Ketika dia tidur, nenek yang memberi buah besar datang dan
mengatakan sesuatu, “Kamu harus mencampur beberapa daun dari pohon itu. Maka ibumu harus
meminumnya”. Tiba-tiba nenek itu menghilang, lalu dia bangun, dan minum air.


Dia mencampur beberapa daun dan memberikannya kepada ibu tirinya, “Minumlah air ini ibu,
ibu akan lebih baik setelah meminum ini”. Ibu tirinya berkata, “Tidak, saya tidak akan
meminumnya, kamu akan membuat saya mati segera jika saya meminumnya”.

Gadis kecil itu berkata, “Tidak ibu, aku membuatnya karena aku peduli padamu. Aku tidak akan
membuat racun, aku peduli padamu”. Ibu tiri menangis dan meminumnya.

Setelah itu, dia berkata, “Terima kasih banyak, kamu selalu membantuku. Aku selalu marah
padamu setelah ayahmu meninggal”. Gadis kecil itu berkata, “Sama-sama, saya akan
menghormati Anda sebagai orang yang merawat saya dan ayah saya”. Keduanya menangis, dan
ibu tirinya pulih saat itu. Keduanya hidup bersama.

Gadis kecil dan ibu tirinya hidup bahagia bersama, dan banyak orang datang hanya untuk
membawa beberapa daun dari pohon ajaib. Keduanya tidak pernah meminta uang kepada orang
lain, karena mereka percaya pada kekuatan memberi.


Memaafkan adalah cara terbaik untuk mencapai kehidupan yang bahagia.

Narrative text is a the type of text that tells a chronological story in the past tense. The aim of
narrative text is to entertain the readers through the amusing story.

Generic Structure of Narrative Text:

1. Orientation: It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are
introduced. (person, time, and place)
2. Complication: where the problems in the story developed.
3. Resolution: where the problems in the story is solved.
4. Reorientation : contains the conclusion of the end story

Language Features:

1. Using part action verb: Married, Ordered, Brought, etc.

2. Using specific noun as pronoun of person, animal in the story : The girl, Stepmother,
3. Using adjectives which are for noun phrase.
4. Using time connectives and Conjunctions to arrange the events : Then, before, after,
soon, etc.
5. Using adverbs and adverbial phrase to show the location of events : Here, in the little
village, ever after, etc.
6. Using dialogue to elicit an emotional response from the reader.
7. Using Past Tense
8. Using of variety of simple, compound and complex sentences.

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