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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Kelompok: Farrel Depari

Aditya Ginting

Calvin Lukas

Students suicide number soared, online classes to blame!

Students from all over the world are currently stressed because of online classes. These online classes
were made as a response to the rapidly spreading Covid-19. Most become stressed because of the
assigments given by their teachers
At the end of 2019, a new virus emerges, it is called Corona Virus (Covid-19). It has spread to nearly
everywhere in just around 6 months and put the world under quarantine. Under these circumstances, the
education department must come up with new ways to make classes viable while still obeying
regulations. Their solution is online classes
Even though all regulations have been carried out by everyone, the corona virus continues to spread.
Some scientists believe that the virus continues to spread because many people don’t know exactly how it
spreads. The corona virus is actually a virus that can infect the respiratory tract which usually enters
through the nose and mouth.This virus can also survive in a person’s body for 10 days and also this virus
can stay alive for a while even though it has no host and sticks to objects

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