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Lesson plan for soundscape:

• Present students with some short film footage of an aquarium or

under the sea
• Ask them to create a soundscape in groups using instruments
and technology (e.g. GarageBand) to support the film in the same
way a film composer might be given the assignment
• Set a time limit – decide how this is to be done over a several
• Students divided into groups, develop their film score and
rehearse for performance
• Groups perform – as they are listening to each performance, ask
the class to think about the similarities and differences between
the groups. Make a note of these similarities and differences and
the end of the performances – How was the sense of water moving
• Listen to Aquarium – Describe how Saint Saëns has created the
sense of an aquarium (fish, water, etc). Are there any similarities
with the class compositions? (Worksheet B)

Mars, the Bringer of War

Venus, the Bringer of Peace
Mercury, the Winged Messenger
Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity
Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age
Uranus, the Magician
Neptune, the Mystic

Specific learning outcomes

The students will:
 identify, describe, and respond to contrasts within musical elements
 describe how musical elements are used to create particular moods and
effects (PK, UC);
 explore sounds and musical ideas and improvise with them to create
moods and effects (PK, DI);
 interpret graphic symbols using voice and mouth sounds (PK, CI);
 respond to a source of motivation to create a soundscape, which reflects
contrasts in the musical elements using body percussion, percussion
instruments and found sounds (DI, UC);
 represent soundscapes as simple graphic scores (PK, DI);
 present and discuss their compositions, using appropriate vocabulary
(PK, CI);
 reflect critically on their own and other's performances (PK, CI).

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