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Investment cost
=15000000/ (1+0.06)10
=$8,379,888per year
Benefit = $1,500,000 per year
Disbenefit = $200,000 per year
M&O cost = $500,000 per year

Net Benefits= 1,500,000-200,000=1300000

Net Cost=8,379,888+500,000=8,879,888
As B/C <1
The project is not economically justified
Alternate Solution
B – C = (1,500,000 – 200,000) – (8,379,888+500,000) = $ -7.5 million as (B-C)<0
The project is not economically justified


Investment cost
=15000000/ (1+0.05)10

Benefit = $1,500,000 per year

Disbenefit = $200,000 per year
M&O cost = $500,000 per year

Net Benefits= 1,500,000-200,000=1300000

Net Cost=9,259,259+500,000=9,759,259
B/C=1300000/9,875,000 =0.13
As B/C <1
The project is not economically justified
Alternate Solution
B – C = (1,500,000 – 200,000) – (9,875,000+ 500,000) = $ -8.5 million as (B-C)<0
The project is not economically justified

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