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(The focus: speaking)

Nguyễn Anh Minh 2057010320

Trần Vũ Trân 2057010293

Bùi Ngọc Bích Uyên 2057010306

Ngô Thảo Vy 2057010317

Nguyễn Huy Vũ 20257010311

1. Students and Setting

● Level: Pre-intermediate
● Description of the students:
○ Age: 15-17
○ Previous experience: have studied English in secondary and primary
○ Characteristics: Passive and obedient students, some individuals are
more eccentric than others. Because the class starts at 7 in the morning,
most students are not completely awake and are not in the best shape
possible for studying. However, once they are engaged, they can get
noisy and enthusiastic.

● Type of institution: a public school

● Class size: 20

● Schedule: two mornings a week (from 7 AM to 7.45 AM on Monday and

● The classroom has a projector to display visual aids, a microphone and a
blackboard. The room is well-ventilated, well-lit and has multiple windows.
Students all have their textbook.

2. Lesson background

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Students already know how to speak grammatically correct sentences.
This week, students are expected to study part 7 of Unit 1A: MOOD FOOD,
including learning useful phrases for giving opinions and practicing speaking food-
related topics. In the previous lesson, they learned and practiced the use of present
tenses. In this lesson, students are allowed to revise what they have learned before
learning phrases for expressing opinions together with practicing speaking.

3. Aims and Objectives

● Aim:
- To practice using phrases for expressing opinions when debating a topic
● Subsidiary aims:
- To improve intonation
- To listen for details
- To enhance critical thinking ability
● Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
- Remember phrases for expressing opinions
- Pronounce phrases for expressing opinions correctly
- Use learnt phrases correctly when giving opinions
- Develop their ability of defending and opposing an opinion

4. Materials and sources

● Textbook: Latham-Koenig, C., Oxenden, C., Lambert, J., & Seligson, P.
(2021). American English file 3. Oxford University Press. p.7.
● Supplementary materials:
- Audio
- Class handout
- Powerpoint slides

5. Methodology
The teaching method adopted in this lesson is, to a certain extent, adapted from
the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). The main aim of this lesson is not
for the students to learn by heart the new vocabulary and grammatical structure of
present tenses including present simple and present continuous, but to develop
students’ speaking fluency and speaking accuracy by helping them utilize properly the
vocabulary (especially food-related vocabulary) and present tenses in their own
speech. Most of the activities in the lesson which are done with a communicative
intent provide opportunities for students to practice speaking skills, try out real
language and develop both accuracy and fluency in communication.
To teach speaking, the ESA (Engage, Study, Activate) technique is used.
Firstly, the teacher assures that in the Engage stage (Warm up) the students can be
entertained by playing a fun game and also be interested in the topic they will be

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learning. Secondly, in the Study stage (Pre-speaking) the teacher helps the students
prepare for the main speaking activity via different activities like answering questions,
listening to audio, discussing and learning useful languages for expressing opinions.
These activities are highly beneficial for the students since they activate students’
schema, help them brainstorm in order to generate as many ideas as possible and also
help them to comprehend what they will exactly do in the main speaking activity (in
this case, the students will know that they should use the learned opinionated phrases
in the main discussion part). It is noted that this stage is carefully guided by the
teacher; the rules are explicitly explained in order for students to have a better
understanding of the using phrases for expressing opinions, hence trying to use them
in speaking accurately and, more importantly, fluently. Lastly, the Activate stage
(while-speaking) is the stage where the students can use language as freely and
communicatively as they can in a debate which centers around food and cooking.
Moreover, the students will not be asked to use a particular grammatical structure or
the list of words the teacher gives them; they will be encouraged to use all and any
language that they think may be suitable for the given topic.
The whole lesson revolves around discussion. In every stage the teacher
stimulates discussion among the students by asking them questions related to the
given topic, or simply prompting them to organize a debate. The use of discussion is
very important since it gives the students a great chance to practice communicating or
more specifically, defending and opposing a dissenting opinion. Through this activity,
students will also receive feedback from peers or the teacher on whether or not they
have communicated effectively and appropriately.

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6. Procedures

Stages &
Stage aim(s) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities problems &
Warm up & ● To wake Ss Activity 1: (Warm-up) Hidden picture - 8
Objective up and help minutes - Some Ss might not
discussion them be - T shows the game and the rules of the understand the
(8 minutes) more game on the screen via Powerpoint. rules
comfortable → Solution: after
before explaining the
starting the - T explains in detail the rules of the rules, T checks Ss’
new lesson game:
● There is a big picture hidden behind 6 understanding by
● To prepare cloche images. asking them
Ss to learn ● T divides the class into 2 teams. questions related
by ● Each team will take turns and choose a to the rules of the
stimulating cloche. game.
their minds ● T will encourage Ss in a team to volunteer - The S stands up and
through or randomly call a S in that team to answers the question.
games answer a question in the chosen cloche.
● Once the answer is correct, T will ask the - The S can discuss
● To help Ss S to keep the cloche or give it to the other with his/her team to
review the team (The cloche can contain either bonus give T the final
previous or minus point(s)). decision.
lesson ● The team with the higher score will be the

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● To help Ss - After the S’s decision has been made,
get used to the chosen cloche image will
the new disappear. The game will continue
lesson until the 6 cloche images have
disappeared and the hidden picture is

- T then asks Ss to describe the - Ss look carefully at - No S volunteers.

revealed picture and predict the theme the images and tell → Solution: T
related to the picture. their feelings or ideas calls out Ss
about the given randomly.

Objective discussion
● To clarify
the objective - T tells Ss that they are going to learn
of the lesson how to use expressions for giving
opinions in a speaking activity where
the topic involves food and cooking.
At the end of the lesson, they will be
able to discuss statements openly by
using phrases for expressing opinions.

Activity 2: Listen and discuss - 5 minutes

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● To prepare - T asks Ss to open their course book on
Ss for the page 7.
context of
giving - T asks Ss to look at the box “What do
Pre- opinions you think?” (Appendix 1, page 7)
(15 minutes) - T calls on one S to read aloud - One S stands up and
sentence 1 (Appendix 1, page 7). reads aloud sentence
1; other Ss focus on
sentence 1.
- T asks questions to get Ss familiar - Ss answer
with sentence 1: immediately when
● Who cooks in your family? being called.
● Who cooks better?
● Do you think men/women are
better cooks?
● To
Ss with - T tells Ss that they are going to listen
examples of to two people discussing the
opinionated statement.
phrases in
context - T asks Ss to listen carefully and note - Ss listen to the audio
down who agrees, who disagrees, and and note down what
why they agree or disagree with the they listen.
statement (exercise 1 in the handout) - Some Ss may not
(Appendix 2, page 1). be able to keep up
with the audio,
- T plays the audio 1.13 once all the and thus can not

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way through. answer.
→ Solution: T
plays the audio
- T asks questions to help Ss finish the - Ss raise hands to
exercise 1 (Appendix 2, page 1): answers.
● Who agrees/ disagrees with the
● What are his/her reasons?

● To help Ss
- Some Ss do not
make use of - T listens and gives feedback.
discuss or speak in
learnt - T asks Ss to discuss in pairs who they - Ss have 1 minute to
phrases to agree with most. discuss in pairs.
express their → T walks
opinion around to check
Ss’ progress.

- No S volunteers.
- T calls on some Ss to give their - Ss raise their hand to → Solution: T
opinion. present encourages Ss
with bonus points
or calls out
- T gives some feedback and note down
bonus points for those who

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Activity 3: Teach useful language - 10

● To - T tells Ss that they are going to give
familiarize their opinion about various topics
Ss with related to cooking and eating in
some useful sentence 2-6 (Appendix 1, page 7) but
phrases to they need to know what to say when
express an they want to express their opinion
opinion first.

- T asks Ss to focus on the Useful

language: Giving your opinion (1)
box (Appendix 1, page 7) and listen to
the audio 1.14.

- T plays the audio 1.14 once all the - Ss listen to all the
way through. phrases in the audio.

- T asks Ss to listen to the audio 1.13 - Ss listen and do the

again and do the exercise 2 in the exercise.
handout (Appendix 2, page 1).

- T asks Ss to give answers and - Ss listen to teacher - Some Ss are not

explains what the phrases mean: and take note good at note-
● Man: I agree. … taking or listening

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→ The man wants to show his agreement skills and may
to the statement, so he says “I agree”. miss important
● Man: For example, ... information.
→ The man wants to give an example of → Soulution: T
his reason, so he says “For example,...” shows the
● Woman: I don’t agree. … meanings on the
→ The woman does not agree with the slides.
man’s opinion, so she says “I don’t agree”.
● Woman: In my opinion…
→ The woman shows that she is
contrasting her opinion with the man’s
and she would like to debate it, so she says
“In my opinion…”
● Man: I’m not sure. …
→ The man is not completely sure of the
woman's opinion because he knows there
are a lot of men who cook almost
everyday. Therefore, he does not agree
with the woman.
● Woman: I think it depends.
→ The woman thinks that some men cook
everyday but some don’t.
- Ss get ready to
● To check Ss’ answer the questions.
understandin - Ss do the exercise 2.
g of using - T uses Concept checking questions

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phrases for (CCQs):
expressing ● Which phrase would you use to
opinions express your agreement/
● Which phrase would you use
when you are not sure?
● Which phrase would you use to
express that you agree in some
cases but disagree in other
● Which phrase would you use to
give examples?
● Which phrase would you use to
show that you are contrasting
your opinion with another and
you would like to debate it?

● To improve - T tells Ss that they are going to listen

Ss’ to the audio 1.14 again and repeat - Ss listen to each
pronunciatio after each phrase. phrase and repeat.
n and
intonation - T plays the audio again, pausing each
phrase for Ss to listen and repeat,
getting them to copy the stress and - Ss who are called
intonation. stand up and read the
- T calls on some Ss to stand up and

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- T listens and gives feedback in terms
of pronunciation and intonation.

Activity 5: Speak - 20 minutes

- T divides Ss into groups of two.

● To activate - T asks Ss to look at the statements 2-6

learnt again and use the phrases they have
phrases. just learnt to give their opinion about
each sentence. The other S listen and
give feedback to their friend. T
encourages Ss to debate with their
While- partner if they don’t agree with his/her
speaking ideas, not just take turns and present
(20 minutes) their own ideas.
● Statements:
● To 2. Both boys, and girls should learn to
encourage cook at school.
Ss to think 3. Cheap restaurants usually serve bad
more deeply food.
about their 4. On a night out with friends, where and
opinion in what you eat isn’t important.
order to 5. Not all fast food is unhealthy.
defend it 6. Every country thinks that their cuisine
● To is the best in the world.
encourage ● T walks around the class and listens - Ss have 3 minutes to - Some Ss do not

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more Ss’ to Ss’ conversations in order to prepare the opinions. present or they
interaction draw conclusions about Ss’ speak in L1
● To help Ss common mistakes. - Each S takes turns and → T walks
to presents their ideas to around to check
understand each other. (6-8 mins). Ss’ progress.
mistakes and
- No S volunteers.
work to - After Ss have finished, T invites some - Ss present in front of
correct them Ss to present their opinions in front of the class. → Solution: T
the class. calls out
- T invites Ss who have the opposite
idea with the presenter and those Ss - All of the
can debate in 2 minutes. presenters have
similar opinions
→ Soulution: T
asks if any Ss have
an opposing
- T asks the rest of the Ss to give their - Ss take notes about opinion
friends feedback and any further their friends’ speech
recommendations. and then give

- T gives feedback on the speech of the - Ss listen and take note

2 Ss and T teaches the common of their mistakes, or
mistakes of Ss and suggests some where they can do - Ss not being able

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solutions for those mistakes. better. Ss can ask to recognize their
questions about any own shortcomings.
part. → Solution: T
some common

Activity 5: Wrap-up - 2 minutes

● To - T reads each objective aloud, asking - Ss use thumbs-up or - Some Ss show a
encourage Ss to show a thumbs-up or thumbs- thumbs-down signals: thumbs-up even
Ss to reflect down to demonstrate their evaluation + Thumbs-up: they when they do not
on what they of their understanding of the lesson are doing well really understand
have learned + Thumbs-down: because of peer
- T gives out the present to the Ss with they are not certain pressure.
the most bonus points. → T has everyone
Wrap-up close their eyes
2 minutes - T assigns homework. before reading
- T reminds Ss to review the lesson at the objectives
home and let T know if they have any aloud.
questions related to the lesson on the
next day.

- T says goodbye to Ss.

- Ss say goodbye to T

7. Extra activities
(1) Back-up activity: Video-watching:

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- Ss watch a video of a debate on fast food: Great Debate -- Fast Food At School
- Ss take notes of phrases for giving opinions used in the video and answer the question of which side of the argument
they choose and why.
(2) Wrap-up activity: The Minute Paper:
- T gives each student a note, have them write the answer for these two questions:
“What was the most interesting thing you learned today?”
“What question still remains in your mind?”
- These two simple questions require students to recall information they’ve learned during class and reflect on gaps in their
⇒ This activity is a way for the teacher to check students’ progress. Therefore, the teacher can support the students more.

8. Homework/ Assignments
- T assigns Ss with a topic: Is Vietnamese food better than Japanese food?
This should be a discussion which includes interaction of every member of the group. The discussion should have both sides of
the argument. S(s) from both sides should conduct research and support the reasons with evidence. Ss also are encouraged to
utilize phrases for giving opinions in the discussion.
- Ss choose their group of 2 or 3 and fill their group members’ name in a Google Sheet.
- Ss film their presentation on the topic given and upload it in their Google Drive, then add the link in the given Google sheet.
- T scores their performance and deducts points from any group that does not submit their homework.
9. Assessment
(1) Clarification questions, Concept checking questions (CCQs) in the Pre-speaking stage
(2) Asking Ss to use opinionated phrases when presenting their opinion about sentence 2-6 in the textbook
(3) Wrap-up activity: Thumbs-up/thumbs-down technique

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10. Appendices
Appendix 1: Extract from the textbook, Page 7 “American English File 3: Student Book With Online Practice”
Appendix 2: Audio files
Appendix 3: Class handout
Appendix 4: PPT Slide

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Appendix 1: Extract from the textbook, Page 7 “American English File 3: Student Book With Online Practice”

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Answer key:
Activity 2:
Listen to the audio and fill in the table.

Man Woman

Agrees/Disagrees Agrees Disagrees

- The chef is a man in most top - There are more women chefs now.
restaurants. - Men are more adventurous because
- Men are more adventurous. they only cook once a week.

Activity 3:
3.1. Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks
M = Man; W=Woman

M. I agree. In most top restaurants, the chef is a man. For example, Mario Batali, or Marcus Samuelsson.
W. I don’t agree. There are many more women chefs than before in restaurants. And at home women cook much more than
M. That’s true. But I still think men are better cooks. They are more adventurous in the kitchen.

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W. In my opinion, that’s only because they don’t cook every day. It’s easy to be adventurous if you only cook once a
M. I’m not sure. I know a lot of men who cook almost every day.
W. I think it depends.

Appendix 2: Audio files: link

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Appendix 3: Class handout

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Appendix 4: PowerPoint slides (warm-up)

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