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Příjmení, jméno: _______________________________

Ročník, zkratka oboru: _________________________ Body %

Datum: _______________________________

Vzorový vstupní test AJ

1) S použitím všech výrazů v zadání utvořte věty oznamovací kladné (+), záporné (-) nebo
otázky (?) v daném čase:

a) Přítomný prostý – Present simple – (+) he/often/get up/before 6 am


b) Přítomný prostý – Present simple – (?) they/have/enough money


c) Přítomný prostý – Present simple – (-) journalists/often/speak with/politicians


d) Přítomný průběhový – Present continuous – (?) what/you/study/at the moment


e) Minulý prostý – Past simple – (?) what/you/do/last weekend


f) Předpřítomný – Present perfect – (-) I/visit/the castle/yet


g) Budoucí prostý – Future simple – (+) we/discuss/grammar/later


2) Opravte chyby:

a) Some students speak very well English.

b) I didn´t can answer the question.

c) I reading an interesting book.

d) My mother maybe is still at work.

e) The children was be hungry after the trip.

f) This is the best solution of the problem.

g) We should drink many water in hot weather.

3) Doplňte věty pomocí vhodných výrazů z článku (v závorce odkaz na příslušný řádek):

a) The semester starts the last ____________ of September. (2)

b) Some people ____________ more money than they should. (4)

c) Rachel was sleeping when she got Avery´s____________ . (6)

d) The ____________ helicopter couldn´t set off because of the wind. (9)

e) Two days ____________ untill they got into safety. (13)

f) I am _________ _________ _________ winter holidays. (15)

Mountain climbers rescued by text message

Rachel Kelsey, 34, and her partner, Jeremy Colenso, 33, who are both experienced climbers, were on
a climbing holiday last week in Switzerland. But on Saturday night, when they were 3,000 metres up
3 in the mountains, there was a terrible storm. The wind was incredibly strong and the snow was two
metres deep. They couldn´t move and they had to spend the night on the mountain. Rachel had her
mobile phone with her, so she sent a text message to five friends in the UK asking for help.

6 About four hours later, one of her friends, Avery Cunliffe in London, replied with a text message,
found the number of the police in Switzerland and phoned them. They contacted the mountain
rescue team.

9 But the weather was so bad that the helicopter couldn´t get to the two climbers. The rescue team
sent a text message to Rachel and Jeremy telling them that they had to spend a second night on the
mountain. Rachel later said, “I thought we were going to die. It was freezing, -15°C, and really windy
12 on the mountain. We spent the night talking and planning a holiday in the sun!”

Next morning the storm passed and the helicopter arrived to take them off the mountain. Avery said,
“When I heard that Rachel and Jeremy were safe, I was dancing around my flat.” Rachel said that she
15 and Jeremy were now looking forward to a hot bath and a good meal. But first they were going to
buy the rescue team a bottle of whisky!

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