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1.In my childhood,elementary and high school physical growth was my height its
increasing and im getting taller,on the other hand development was not completely
developed because im not matured enough that day.
2.The factors that affect my physical growth and development this are nutrition,parent’s
behaviours,social and cultural practices and environment.
3.As a future teacher I’ve suggest that ICT tools in your lesson makes them more
relevant and fun,differentiate between students and provide a range of
activities,encourage cooperate learning,speak to more experienced colleagues,ensure
to communicate with student’s parents.

1.Based on the findings of the research,brain development is a complex series of
dynamic and adaptive processes that are driven by interactions between the events in
the cells in our body because of gene expression and from the circumstances in the
2.As a future educator,I can help to contribute to their success learnings at school
through a healthy start for the brain because healthy brain growth in infancy continues
to depends on the right care and nutrition.Children’s brain are still growing they are
vulnerable.Ensuring that parents and caregivers have access to healthy foods and
places to live and play that are healthy and safe for their child can help them provide
more nurturing care.

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