MacbethAct IV.i-iii

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Act IV.i-iii
Act IV.i
Wherein Macbeth seeks
advice from the
Weird Sisters
The Weird
What are they adding into this delicious stew
that Macbeth must consume?

Why, do you suppose, is

it so gross?
1.eye of newt
It looks nasty

2.toe of frog

3.wool of bat
First Apparition
“Macbeth! Macbeth!
Macbeth! Beware
MacDuff! Beware the
Thane of Fife. Dismiss
me. Enough”

Macbeth interprets as

Macduf can’t hurt me

Draw it HERE
Second Apparition
“”Be bloody, bold, and
resolute. Laugh to scorn
the power of man, for
none of woman born shall
harm Macbeth

Macbeth interprets as

He thinks no one can hurt


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Third Apparition
Be lion-mettled, proud, and
takeno care Who chafes, who
frets, or where conspirers are.
Macbeth shall never
vanquished be until Great
Birnham Wood to high
Dunsinane Hill Shall come
against him. “ (IV.i.103-106)
Macbeth interprets as

He will never be
Draw it HERE
Line of Apparitions
Show his eyes and grieve his
heart. Come like shadows; so
depart” (IV.i.125-126)

Macbeth interprets as

: spirits and ghosts

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“From this moment What is Macbeth’s commitment here?
The very firstlings of my heart
shall be He will act immediately when he feels
something now
The firstlings of my hand, and
even now,
To crown my thoughts with acts,
be it thought and done”
Act IV.ii
Wherein Lady Macduff
realizes that her
husband left the family
Lady Macduff and Young Fry
Lady Macduff is terribly angry when Macduff leaves her and goes to
England. She tells their son that his father is dead.

Sounds like the stuff of comedy?

This scene is supposed to be a light moment, preparing for the jump scare a
the end. WHAT HAPPENS that concludes this scene?
Act IV.iii
“Stands Scotland
where it did?”
Macduff wins Malcolm
but gets some bad
news in the process
Stands Scotland

What news does Macduff bring from Scotland?

What evidence is there that Edward of England is a good king?

“Be this the whetstone
of your sword. Let grief
convert to anger. Blunt
not the heart; enrage
it” (IV.iii.268-269)
This quote represents the moment that the nemesis is awakened. I like that Macduff is
vulnerable in this moment- he is stripped bare by his grief- and Malcolm advises him. What has
Malcolm experienced at the hands of Macbeth that qualifies him to say this quote?
But I
must also
feel it as
a man

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