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2005 3rd IEEE International Conference on Industral Informatics (INDIN)

Optimization of Wireless Local Area Network in IC Factory using a

Jumping-Gene Paradigm

T. M. Chan K. F. Mani, K. S. Tang', and S.

, Kwong2
'T. M. Chan, K. F. Man, and K. S. Tang, Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, e-mail: tmchan(,, eekstann'cit
2S. Kwong, Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
e-mail: cssamk

codes, its speed is still acceptable. In addition, unauthorized

Abstract-An this paper, a jumping gene paradigm is people can tap the radio signal of a WLAN from anywhere
proposed to optimize the base station placement for the within the coverage area and then easily obtain any data
wireless local area network (WLAN) of an IC factory. transmitting in the network. Hence, its security becomes a
In order to offer adequate radio coverage quality for the problem. However, several security measures can be
terminals, the locations of base stations should be utilized to avoid unauthorized access of data transmitted
correctly determined. Since there is a tradeoff between over the network.
the signal quality of terminals and the number of Despite its few disadvantages, the merits mentioned are
allowable base stations, this problem is formulated as a attractions that bring an idea of setting up a WLAN in the
multiobjective optimization problem. Several well- factory [6]. While a WLAN is being established in the
known multiobjective evolutionary algorithms are factory, the locations of its base stations should be correctly
adopted to compare with our suggested method. determined so as to provide adequate radio coverage quality
Simulation results from this study indicate that the for the terminals. Since there is a tradeoff between the
jumping-gene scheme outperforms others for this signal quality of terminals and the number of allowable
optimization problem. base stations, this placement problem is fornulated as a
multiobjective optimization problem.
Inde-x Terms--wireless local area network (WLAN), There are several schemes, enumerative, classical
multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, optimization, optimization, and stochastic method that can be used to
genetic algorithms, jumping genes solve this type of problems. The enumerative method is
guaranteed to provide a set of true Pareto-optimal solutions,
I. INTRODUCTION but it is computationally inefficient or even infeasible due
to the huge search space [7]. Because the search space is
A wireless local area network (WLAN) is one of the arbitrarily limited by using the classical optimization
most deployed wireless networks in the world and methods, it is not easy for the required solutions to fall into
becoming increasingly popular because of their flexibility the vicinity of the Pareto-optimal front [7]. Also, the
and convenience [1, 2]. Today, WLANs are being widely classical methods use the point-by-point approach that a
implemented in many venues such as homes, enterprises, solution obtained per iteration can be modified to a
hospitals, airports, retail, manufacturers, corporate different solution, so that a better solution could be found
environments and hotspot environments [1, 2, 3]. Also, they hopefully [8]. However, this yields only one particular
are beginning to be available in schools, hotels, restaurants, Pareto-optimal solution at a time.
malls, shops, warehouse inventory taking, co-operative On the other hand, the advantage of using multiobjective
learning in the classroom, notepad-based computing evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) is multi-facet. It is
systems, etc [2, 4]. There are several reasons why we prefer possible that, within a single simulation run, multiple
to use WLANs at those places as referred to [4, 5]. Pareto-optimal solutions can be obtained with fewer
Same as the above places, it is proposed to install a overheads and without limiting the search space [7].
WLAN in an IC factory based on the following reasons. In this paper, a new MOEA, known as Jumping-Gene
First, it is difficult to wire on the factory floor for a wired Genetic Algorithm (JGGA) [9], is proposed to solve this
LAN. Second, a WLAN can provide flexible network problem. This algorithm emulates a jumping gene
topologies. Third, a WLAN allows greater mobility for phenomenon that was discovered by Nobel laureate,
users who do not want to or even cannot access the network Barbara McClintock, from her work on com plant. The
at a fixed location. Last, the installation and maintenance main feature of JGGA is that it comprises a simple
costs of a WLAN are less expensive as compared to that operation that a transposition of the gene(s) is induced
incurred by traditional additions, deletions and changes of a within the same or another chromosome in the framework
wired LAN. of Genetic Algorithm.
However, shortcomings of a WLAN are speed and This paper is organized as follows. The mathematical
security. Although the speed of a WLAN is normally model for optimizing a WLAN will be given in Section II.
slower than that of a wired LAN as limited by certain types The new suggested method, Jumping-Gene Genetic
of interference and additional overheads for error correcting Algorithm, will be presented in Section III. In Section IV,

0-7803-9094-6/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE 773

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the results and discussions will be provided and conclusions Constraint Cl requires that each terminal i must be
will be given in Section V. allocated to only one installed base station k. Constraint C2
requires that any installed base station k must be located
II. MATHEMATICAL MODEL inside the floor plan of IC factory.
In this multiobjective base station placement problem, Ill. JUMPING-GENE GENETIC ALGORITHM
the mathematical model used in [6] is applied. The adopted
notations are given in the following. The phenomenon of jumping genes (also called
transposons) was first discovered by Barbara McClintock
Notation Descriptions [10, 11]. Because one chromosome (number 9) tended to be
O Set of coordinates inside the floor plan of the broken from generation to generation and the breaking
IC factory. place is always the same as she observed, she performed
M Set of the maximum allowable base stations. experiments to study the chromosome breakage. From the
B Set of installed base stations. experiments, she discovered that there are non-autonomous
T Set of terminals. transposable elements called Dissociation (Ds) elements,
Rk Set of terminals allocated to the installed base which can transpose (jump) from one position to another
station k, k E B. position within the same chromosome or to a different
bj Thejth bit value in the control genesJ E M. chromosome under the presence of autonomous
s The maximum allowed power loss threshold. transposable elements called Activator (Ac) elements.
Pli By assigning the terminal i to an installed base Autonomous transposable elements are transposons which
station with the minimum average total path can jump by themselves, while non-autonomous
loss, this minimum average total path loss is transposable elements are those which can jump only under
equal topli, i E T. the activation of autonomous transposable elements. As a
result, the discovery of these two different forms of
Ok The coordinates of the installed base station k, transposons, Ds and Ac, implies that the genes can jump in
k E B. the genome to cause the breakage.
ai a, is equal to 1 if pli is greater than s and 0 Besides, from the experimental observation, there are
otherwise, i E T. two ways in which jumping genes can move around the
Cik Cik is equal to 1 if the terminal i is assigned to genome. The first one is cut andpaste, which means a piece
the installed base station k and 0 otherwise, i E of DNA is cut and pasted somewhere else. The second one
T, k E B. is copy and paste. It means that the genes remain at the
same location while the message in the DNA is copied into
The four objectives that govern the process of optimization RNA and then copied back into DNA at another place in
are (i) the minimization of number of terminals whose path the genome. Based on these phenomena, a jumping-gene
loss is greater than the maximum allowed power loss transposition is proposed for the JGGA and discussed
threshold (fi), (ii) the minimization of the required number below.
of base stations (15), (iii) the minimization of the mean of
the path loss predictions of the terminals (f3), and (iv) the A. Computational Jumping-gene Paradigm
minimization of the mean of the maximum path loss The main idea of JGGA is that a new operation,
predictions of the terminals in the set of allocated terminals jumping-gene transposition, is introduced into the
of each base station (4). The mathematical expression is Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm 2 (NSGA2) [121.
formulated as: That is, the only difference between JGGA and NSGA2 is
Minimize the addition of jumping-gene transposition. The sorting
strategy, crowding mechanism and elitism strategy used in
f1 = E a, (1) JGGA are exactly the same as used in NSGA2.
iET As mentioned before, there exist two types of
f2 = Ybj
(2) transposons, (i) cut-and-paste transposon and (ii) copy-and-
paste (replicate) transposon, located at chromosomes in
Biology. In order to emulate the jumping behavior
f3 EPl
Z (3) (transposition process), the following two issues must be
addressed in the design and implementation of the JGGA:
f4 =
e Max(pij
(4) (a) Each chromosome has some consecutive genes, which
are selected as a transposon. The number of transposons
subject to the following constraints in a chromosome can be greater than one and the length
of each transposon can be more than one unit (e.g. one
bit for binary code, one integer for integer code, etc).
I C ikik = 19 Vi ET (C1) Also, the locations of the transposons are randomly
k - assigned, but their contents can be transferred within
(C2) the same chromosome or even to a different
o~Okr , VkEB
chromosome in the pool through transposition.

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(b) Cut-and-paste and copy-and-paste operations, as The procedures for the transposition operation are
depicted in Fig. I and Fig. 2 respectively, are devised. implemented between the selection process and the
The actual manipulation of the former operation is that crossover mechanism. As it is tended to be opportunistic,
the element is cut from an original site and pasted into a not foresighted, the jumping process is not streamlined, nor
new site. For the later operation, the element replicates is planned in advance. Thus, the transposition operation is
itself, with one copy of it inserted into a new site, while similar to other genetic operations (i.e. crossover and
the original one remains unchanged at the same site. mutation) that are operating on the basis of opportunity.
Furthermore, in the transposition operation, the cut-and-
transposon paste and copy-and-paste operations are chosen randomly.
The transpositions made within the same chromosome or to

I I h rI
U I a Iu I r ' as>' f 1L9LI Before a different chromosome are also chosen randomly and there
new insertion positon/ is no restriction to the chromosome choice.
The flowchart of a complete evolutionary cycle of JGGA
is shown in Fig. 3. Moreover, the flowchart of transposition
Er- E~ ~ P operation is shown in Fig. 4.
t^ 4 a
D) II Ct II t I 9 I I

pasted transposon
(a) Cut-and-paste transposition - same chromosome

tarusposon new insertion positon pasbd tansposon

Cl la d I e I f |g9 Ci
C Ia I d I e _ f I g I

C2 I,t Iu I.. x yy I z I
ts IL
bansposon new inserbon; pasfbd tansposon

efore After

(b) Cut-and-paste transposition - different chromosome Fig.3 Flowchart ofjumping-gene paradigm

Fig. 1 Cut-and-paste transposition

C1 Ia I b I c I d Ie Before

C1 [-a d e After

pasted ebment
(a) Copy-and-paste transposition - same chromosome


C1 a d Ie I f g I C1 I a dd e |f g9 Fig.4 Flowchart of transposition

B. The Effect ofJumping Genes on Multiobjective

I f__ In the context of evolutionary computing, mimicking the
C2 It I U I v IwI xl y lz I C2 I t I u I v I W z jumping gene phenomenon requires some thoughts. Now,
pasd eLenert
we define a gene as one real floating-point number for real-
coded representation. Usually, the optimal values of genes
in a chromosome cannot be easily found by using crossover
Before I After and mutation for a large number of generations. However,
(b) Copy-and-paste transposition different chromosome
they may present in other genes of the same chromosome or
a different chromosome. If these optimal values in other

Fig.2 Copy-and-paste transposition genes are located in a less fit chromosome, this

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chromosome will not survive in subsequent generations and length adopted is 24 (8 control genes plus 16 parameter
they will eventually be lost. Once they are lost, it will be genes). Moreover, the allowed values of control genes are
very difficult to be reproduced. Hence, if the useful either 0 or 1. If th control gene's value is 1, the location
contents from some genes can shift to others by using some with x-coordinate in (i + 8)th gene and y-coordinate in (i +
kinds of new operations, the content can be preserved and I6)th gene is chosen for base station installation and 0
this makes the search much more effective. otherwise where i = 1, 2, ..., 8. For examples shown in the
In Biology, it is now known that the jumping-genes can figure, the locations represented by x-y coordinates,
move in the horizontal direction from one position to a (8.457125, 9.179531) and (31.583469, 19.247854), are
different position of the same or a different chromosome, selected for base station installation because the values of
instead of only vertical direction between two corresponding control genes are 1. However, the location
chromosomes through crossover. By emulating the (20.371952, 17.671589) is not chosen because the value of
biological jumping-gene behavior, the jumping-gene corresponding control gene is 0.
transposition operations are designed for evolutionary
computing in order to solve the aforesaid problem. In the r ~~~T
following, the effectiveness of applying these operations in
single and multiobjective optimization is discussed.
Conceming the single-objective optimization, a 111!
G- 15r2
T 18A57125
0G a

G-16 Gme17
chromosome is weighted by the only one objective (fitness)
function so that a chromosome can evolve from generation
Control genes: Parameter genes: Parameter genes:
to generation dependent upon the fitness value. Generally, 8 binary numbers 8 real floating-point numbers 8 real floating-point numbers
the unique series of optimal gene values produces the fittest (x coordinates) (v coordinates)
chromosome with the best fitness value in this type of Fig.5 Encoding method of a hierarchical chromosome
optimization. When jumping-gene transposition operations
are used to deal with this optimization, it may help find a IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
better chromosome by matching parts of the unique series.
However, the successful rate is not high due to the Without complicating the calculation and obscuring the
uniqueness of the series of optimal gene values. essence of the proposed design approach, the WLAN
On the other hand, the jumping-gene paradigm for design is based on a two-dimensional floor plan of the IC
multiobjective functions is a rather unusual proposition. factory as shown in Fig. 6 [6]. Also, every 3 m x 3 m
The jumping-gene transposition is advantageous in section of the IC factory contains a possible terminal
multiobjective optimization which requires diverse non- location. In order to evaluate the total path loss and satisfy
dominated solutions rather than the single-objective the coverage performance, a path loss model, log-distance
optimization which requires only one best solution. Besides, path loss model, is employed [6, 14]. Various MOEAs
each of multiple functions may contribute to only certain (NSGA2 [12], SPEA2 [15], PAES [16], MICROGA [17])
part of the multiobjective evaluations. Jumping-gene are adopted to compare the performance with our proposed
transposition creates more chances for genes to jump to a JGGA. The programs of MOEAs are written in C language.
new position to fulfill the trade-off between two or more The parameters of WLAN and that of MOEAs used in the
objective functions, and this offers a better way of survival simulation are shown in Table 1 and 2 respectively.
for the chromosomes. That is, since there are a great Moreover, two WLAN scenarios for the maximum allowed
number of Pareto-optimal solutions for most of power loss threshold, scenario (a): 90 dB and scenario (b):
multiobjective optimization problems, jumping-gene 80 dB, are considered.
transposition can help find more non-dominated trade-off
solutions, which can survive in the subsequent generations,
by moving genes horizontally. This equips with a higher
tendency to avoid a pseudo equilibrium point and hence
improves both convergence and diversity of non-dominated
solutions reaching the Pareto-optimal front.
C. Chromosome Representation
The total number of base stations to be installed can be
different for each solution obtained in multiobjective
approach. Therefore, hierarchical chromosome encoding
method, which was firstly proposed in [13], is employed. A
hierarchical chromosome consists of two types of genes,
control genes and parameter genes. Each control gene is a
binary number while each parameter gene is a real floating-
point number. In each chromosome, multiple sets of two Fig.6 The floor plan of the IC factory
parameter genes (real floating-point numbers) represent the
x-y coordinates at which the base stations will be installed. To realize the performance of a non-dominated solution
This encoding scheme is illustrated in Fig. 5. Since the set S found by each MOEA, there are two performance
total number of base stations to be installed varies from 0 to metrics, IN and DIR, adopted in the analysis. A total of 50
8 as used in the simulation, the hierarchical chromosome simulation runs is performed for each MOEA in each of

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two WLAN scenarios. The mean and standard deviation of got larger mean value of 51 (i.e. larger average total number
the two performance metrics are then obtained. of non-dominated solutions) than other MOEAs for both
two scenarios. Also, JGGA generally obtained small
Table 1 Parameters of WLAN standard deviations as compared with other MOEAs for
both two scenarios.
Parameter Value
Frequency 1.9 GHz Table 3 Means and standard deviations of the performance metric, 51, for
different MOEAs
allowable base 8 Algorithm NSGA2 SPEA2 PAES MICROGA JGGA
stations ._. _ Scenario 76.82 53.98 52.50 23.24 76.92
Total terminals 238 (a): 90db (4.083) (26.418) (15.105) (3.973) (3.959)
Scenario 78.66 59.22 50.64 18.48 80.60
Maximum Scenario (a): 90 dB, (b): 80db (3.766) (20.338) (18.510) (4.314) (4.833)
allowed power Scenario (b): 80 dB
loss threshold __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The value in bracket represents the standard deviation

Penetration Type 1 - thin partition: 2.0 dB B. Performance Metric DiRfor Measuring the Convergence
LP Type 2 - cement wall: 3.3 dB
oss_________ ,Type 3 - thickened cement wall: 6.5 dB
loss and Diversity ofNon-dominated Solutions
The second metric used is DIR, which evaluates both
Table 2 Parameters of MOEAs the closeness of S to a reference solution set R and
distribution of S [18]. DIR aims to measure the average
Parameter Value/Type distance between each solution in R and its nearest solution
Population size 100 in S. Its mathematical representation is
Population size (MICROGA) 4
Maximum generations (NSGA2, 500 generations DIR II miin {dj (5)
= -
Maximum iterations (PAES) 50000 iterations
Maximum iterations (MICROGA) 12500 iterations where dy is the distance between a solution i in S and a
Crossover type Uniform crossover solution j in R. The smaller value of the DIR indicates a
Crossover rate 0.8 better set S.
Mutation rate 0.04 The means and standard deviations of the performance
Jumping rate (JGGA) 0.01 metric, DIR, are tabulated in Table 4. JGGA acquired
Number of transposons (JGGA) 3 smaller mean value of DIR (i.e. better convergence and
Length of transposons (JGGA) 1 diversity) than other MOEAs for both two scenarios. In
Depth (PAES) 4 addition, even though JGGA did not obtain the smallest
Archive size (SPEA2, PAES) 100 standard deviations for both two scenarios, the differences
Size of external memory between its scores and that ofthe winners were tiny.
(MICROGA) Table 4 Means and standard deviations of the performance metric, DIR,
Size of population memory 80 for different MOEAs
Percentage of non-replaceable 0.25 Scenario
(a): 90db
memory (MICROGA) Scenario 3.651 4.415 6.370 7.900 3.356
Replacement cycle (MICROGA) Every 25 iterations (b): 80db (1.264) _(1.489)_ (0.664) (0.866) (1.293)
Number of subdivisions of the 25 The value in bracket represents the standard deviation
adaptive grid (MICROGA)2
Number of iterations of the micro- Fig. 7 shows a landscape of a typical performnance of
GA to achieve nominal 4 JGGA in terms of the non-dominated solutions for scenario
convergence (MICROGA) (a) and (b). From the figure, it is observed that JGGA is
able to find many non-dominated tradeoff solutions with
A. Performance Metric ISI for Measuring the Total Number wide distribution. This widely distributed set of non-
ofNon-dominated Solutions dominated solutions facilitates the decision makers to select
The first metric used is 51, which is a measure of the a compromising solution on the basis of their preferences.
total number of non-dominated solutions obtained in the To summarize the results reflected by the performance
non-dominated solution set S found by one particular of metrics, JGGA outperforms other MOEAs. With the
MOEA [18]. Its value can be simply obtained by counting addition ofjumping-gene transposition operations, the good
the total number of non-dominated solutions found after a performance is obtained. It is because both cut-and-paste
simulation run. In practice, a larger value of I1 means more and copy-and-paste transpositions use their own strategies
non-dominated solutions are obtained and hence a better set to improve the performance as discussed below.
The means and standard deviations of the performance (i) Cut-and-paste transposition
metric 51 are tabulated in Table 3. From the table, JGGA

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It allows greater horizontal change of locations of assessing the quality of the obtained non-dominated
genes so as to create more diverse solutions. In the case solution sets. The simulation results revealed that JGGA is
that most of genes in a chromosome do not have effective to find more non-dominated tradeoff solutions
valuable contents, it may help to explore more useful with better convergence and diversity than other MOEAs in
contents to increase the fitness of a solution. Moreover, this multiobjective optimization problem.
when most of chromosomes in the pool are similar, it
will help to escape from local optima. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
(ii) Copy-and-paste transposition This work is supported by research grant no: Cityu
11 14/03E, City University of Hong Kong.
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