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Submitted to the Faculty of the Institute of Criminal Justice Education

Romblon State University, Odiongan, Romblon

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements For the Degree of













prepared and submitted by, KATE ANN M. FAJUTAG, LOUIE MAR M. MAQUINTO,


HERNANDEZ, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of

Science in Criminology is hereby accepted.

Member, Panel of Examiners Member, Panel examiners

_______________________ _______________________
Date Signed Date Signed


Panel of Examiners Thesis Adviser
_______________________ _______________________
Date Signed Date Signed

Accepted as partial of fulfillment of the requirements for the degree




Date Signed


The Researchers would like to acknowledge and give our warmest thanks to

our adviser MA’AM ANN GALLOS for the continuous guidance which made this

research possible. Her guidance and advice carried us through all the stages of

writing our research.

Special thanks to our Statistician, MS. DORELYN CLAUD DALISAY for

sparing her precious time to help us, and give guidance, suggestions, and provisions

in our research. She shared her knowledge and helped in the analysis of data and its

statistical computations

TO THE PANEL OF THE EXAMINERS, for their constructive suggestions

and recommendations to enrich our study.

TO THE PARENTS, for their unconditional love and support throughout the

research journey.

The researchers would like to extend their gratitude to the ICJE Faculty,


BANAGAN for expressing and sharing their insights and knowledge, for their words

of encouragement and carefully monitoring the researcher throughout their,



VALIDATOR of San Agustin, Romblon, and Odiongan, Romblon for their


cooperation and enthusiastic participation during the interview, for the time of

validation and administering the questionnaires.

Finally, the researchers would like to thank God, for letting them through all

the difficulties. We have faced so many hurdles during our research but God gave us

His graces and blessings to make this research study possible.








This to our LOVED ones

For their unconditional love, prayers, support, and spiritual guidance.


To our mentor, and advisor who inspired and encouraged us to pursue this research.

Praise is humbly offered to the faculty of the Institute of Criminal Justice Education,

who provided personal understanding, direction, and guidance, as well as to our

ever-faithful God, who provides us with wisdom, knowledge, and abundant blessings

bestowed on the researchers.








AGE: 22


The researcher was born in Brgy. Cagbo-aya, San Agustin, Romblon on

September 26, 2000. She is the youngest among the five children of Beverly M.

Fajutag and Edwin M. Fajutag. She finished her elementary education in San


Agustin Central School S.Y 2012-2013. She pursued her secondary education in

Holy Rosary Academy and graduated on 2019. To fulfil her dreams, she enrolled at

Romblon State University and took up Bachelor of Science in Criminology. She is

one among the candidates for graduation for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in

Criminology. She believes that whatever you do today shapes your future.



AGE: 22




AGE: 22



The researcher was born on February 5, 2001 in Poblacion, San Agustin,

Romblon. He is the second among the four sons of Andres G. Maquinto Jr. and

Mary Jane M. Maquinto. He finished his Elementary Education in San Agustin

Central School S.Y 2012-2013. He pursued his secondary education in Holy Rosary

Academy and graduated on 2019. To fulfill his dreams he enrolled at Romblon State

University and took up Bachelor of Science in Criminology. He is one among the

candidates for graduation for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology. He

believes that Dreams don't work unless you take action.



AGE: 22


The researcher was born in Brgy. Liwayway, Odiongan, Romblon on

September 02, 2000. She is the youngest among the four children of Diony M.

Moncawe, and Anelie M. Moncawe. She finished her elementary education in

Alfredo P. Navarrete Memorial School S.Y 2012-2013. She pursued her secondary

education in Holy Rosary Academy and graduated on 2019. To fulfil her dreams, she

enrolled at Romblon State University and took up Bachelor of Science in

Criminology. She is one among the candidates for graduation for the Degree of


Bachelor of Science in Criminology. She believes in a saying that live in the present

for tomorrow is not yet to come.



AGE: 22


The researcher was born on July 10, 2000 in Cabolutan, San Agustin,

Romblon, where he currently resides. He is the eldest among the three children of

Mr. Manuelito Mame and Mrs. Vivian M. Mame. He finished his elementary

education in Cabolutan Elementary School in the year of 2012-2013. He pursued his

secondary education at Romblon State University Main Campus, science high

school in the year of 2018-2019. To achieve his goal in life, which is to become

successful, he enrolled in Romblon State University and took Bachelor of Science in

Criminology. He is one among the candidates for graduation for the Degree of


Bachelor of Science in Criminology. He believe in a saying that "When you have a

dream, you've got to grab it and never let go."



AGE: 21


The researcher was born on April 7, 2001 in Bongabong Oriental Mindoro,

and grew up and lived in San Agustin Romblon. He is the eldest among the two

children of Mrs. Mary Jane Hernandez and Mr. Reymundo Hernandez. He finished

his elementary education in Cabolutan Elementary School in the year of 2012-2013.

He pursued his secondary education at Romblon State University Main Campus,

science high school in the year of 2018-2019. To achieve his goal in life, which is to

become successful, he enrolled in Romblon State University and took Bachelor of

Science in Criminology. He is one among the candidates for graduation for the


Degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology. He believe in a saying that, "one day

you will be just a memory to someone, do your best to be a good one".





Introduction 1

Background of the Study 2

Statement of the Problem 5

Significance of the study 6

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 7


Related Literature 9

Related Studies 14

Relevance of Reviewed Literature and Studies 21


Manual and Legal Basis (Summary) 23

Theoretical Framework 24

Conceptual Framework 26

Conceptual Paradigm 28

Definition of terms 29

Hypothesis 34


Research Design 35

Research Method 35

Research Locale and Time of the Study 36

The population and Samples of the Study 38

Sampling Procedure 38

Research Instrument 39

Method of Data Analysis 41

Scoring Instrument 44


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data 46


Summary 63

Findings 64

Conclusions 65

Recommendations 66












1 Theoretical Framework 26

2 Conceptual Paradigm of the Study 28

3 Based Map of Odiongan, Romblon 37




1 Demographic Profile of the respondent 46

2 Level of awareness in the Prevention of 49

natural disaster

3 Level of awareness in the Mitigation of natural 51


4 Level of awareness in the Preparation of 53

natural disaster

5 Problem Encountered in the Prevention 55

toward natural disaster

6 Problem Encountered in the Mitigation toward 57

natural disaster

7 Problem Encountered in the Preparation 59


toward natural disaster

8 Analysis of variance on the assessment of the 61

respondents towards the implementation of
preparation of natural disasters


TITLE: “The Implementation on Ecological Solid Waste Management in The

Municipality of San Agustin: Basis on Developing Strategies for Environmental


AUTHORS: Kate Ann M Fajutag, Louie Mar M Maquinto, Diana M Moncawe,

Wilmer John M Mame, Kevin Kayle M Hernandez

Adviser: Mary Ann M Gallos

SCHOOL YEAR: 2022-2023

DEGREE: Bachelor of Science in Criminology


NAME OF INSTITUTION: Romblon State University, Main Campus/ Institute of

Criminal Justice Education


This study assessed the respondent in selected barangay in the Municipality

of San Agustin, Romblon in Implementation on ecological Solid Waste Management:
Basis on Developing Strategies for environmental Program.
Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:
1.) What is the level of Implementation on Ecological Solid Waste Management in

terms of?

1.1 Collection

1.2 Segregation

1.3 Disposal

2.) What is the problem encountered by the 2 groups of respondents in the

above-mentioned variables?

3.) Is there a significant difference in the effectiveness of the different variables in

the selected barangays namely; Cagbo-aya, Cawayan, Buli, Camantaya,


4.) Developing Strategies for the future environmental program that can be used

by the LGU to be adapted by the Barangays base from the findings of the



The present study tackled the implementation on ecological waste in the

municipality of San Agustin, Romblon. The descriptive survey method was used with

the questionnaire as the main technique in gathering data in order to obtain first-

hand data/information from the groups of respondents. The use of this method aims


to formulate rational and sound conclusions and recommendations for the study. The

Populations of this study were the LGU and Barangay Officials from five barangays

namely: Barangay Camantaya, Barangay Cawayan, Barangay Buli, Barangay

Cagbo-aya and Barangay Lusong. The samples of the study where the groups of

respondents were divided into two (2). LGU, and Barangay Officials, of San Agustin

Romblon. The researchers used the Percentage formula the method of determining

the ranks of the 2 group of respondents, the LGU and Barangay officials. The

Statistical tools used to analyze the results of data were the weighted mean and

Spearman’s rho.

A descriptive study provides a concise account of what was observed, what

relationships were discovered, and what forces contributed to the problem. A

descriptive study is passive because it may include simple interpretations and

generalizations. Inductive reasoning based on observation, personal experience, and

survey data was also used by the researcher.


Based from the results of analysis, interpretation and presentation of data the

following findings were revealed:

1. Among the 2 groups of respondents, LGU and Barangay officials got number 1

with a percent of 80% or 100 then LGU with 20% or 25. Therefore majority of the

respondents are the barangay officials.

2. The assessment of the respondents towards the level of Implementation on

ecological solid waste management in terms of collection with composite mean of

2.96 found implemented was observed in the highest mean that solid Waste

collectors prepare and publish schedules for collection, route, books, and maps for


each collection module (3.02) and the least response was the accessible containers

for solid wastes are collected regularly in the given schedule. In terms of the level of

implementation on ecological solid waste management in terms of segregation the

overall mean of 2.86 was due to every Barangay’s residents demonstrated a level of

solid waste segregation awareness (3.01) and the lowest mean observed on

Improper segregation is fined according to the Barangay ordinance (2.73). In the

the level of Implementation on ecological solid waste management in terms of

disposal with an overall mean of 3.02 was influenced by highest mean of the site is

large enough to accommodate the community’s wastes for sustainable solid waste

disposal (3.13) and the least indicator availability of waste recycling machine for the

disposal of recyclable waste (2.93)

3. The problems encountered by the 2 groups of respondents in the above-

mentioned variables, base from the interview from the 2 groups of respondents, in

terms of collection the selected barangays wastes were not collected in the given

time due to factors like distance. Segregation is not properly accomplished and.

MRF is not a good condition due to lack of monitoring from the implementors. In

terms of disposal, incineration of biodegradable waste is not avoided.

4. In assessing the significant difference in the effectiveness of the different

variables in the selected barangays; Cagbo-aya, Cawayan, Buli, Camantaya and

Lusong, the three (3) statement (c1-c4, c1-d2, and c1-d5) had a significant

difference with other variables and between each variables. Therefore, and it is

significant and accepted null hypothesis.



Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn by the


1. Majority of the respondents are Barangay officials

2. The the level of Implementation on ecological solid waste management in

terms of collection, segregation , and disposal are implemented in the municipality

on San Agustin

3. The problems encountered by the 2 groups of respondents base from the

interview can be solved through continuous supervision and enhanced

environmental strategy created by the LGU and Barangay Officials.

4. In the different variables in the selected barangays; Cagbo-aya, Cawayan,

Buli, Camantaya and Lusong their significant differences proves that despite the

implementation of Solid waste Management to the Municipality of San agustin how

the commuty take it varies and the result of the implementation is not the same to

other barangays.


Based on the stated findings and conclusions, presented below are some of the

recommendations the researcher proposes in order to determine the community

awareness on the preparation towards natural disaster

1. The Local Government Unit and Barangay official can collaborate with other

agency and with the community in developing strategies and guidelines for

environmental program.


2. The Local Government Unit could create community-related environmental

activity for the community to adapt the knowledge and educate them about the

importance of Collection, segregation, and disposal of waste

5. Future researchers, educators, law makers and private and public institutions

might perform further research connected to the topic.


This chapter presents the background of the study, the statement of the

problem, the significance of the study, and the scope and delimitation of the study.

The assortment, treatment, and removal of strong waste are known as strong

waste administration. This trash is regularly disposed of in light of the fact that it has

arrived at its helpful life or is not generally required. Unsanitary conditions welcomed

by ill-advised civil strong garbage removal can bring about natural tainting and

plagues of vector-borne infections, which are ailments spread by rodents and bugs.

The treatment of strong waste includes unpredictable specialized issues. They

likewise present an extensive variety of executives and arrangement challenges in

the space of organization, economy, and society. Trash assortment, on location the

board, handling, and capacity, squander the administrators move and transport,

decrease, and last removal are the essential parts of strong waste treatment.

Due to the fact that not all garbage can be reduced, reused, or repurposed,

the fourth approach, effective disposal, is necessary. By properly disposing of such

wastes and treating them if required, we can stop the dangerous pollution that these


wastes cause. As burning waste produces air pollution and greenhouse gases,

improper garbage disposal has a huge negative impact on the well-known

phenomenon of global warming. As these issues contributed to the present climate

change and global warming, which might be harmful for people in the future, they

need to be addressed. The research focuses on problems that develop in San

Agustin, Romblon, as a result of RA 9003, commonly known as the Ecological Solid

Waste Management Act of 2000, and the guidance provided by DILG in accordance

with Memorandum.

The ultimate objective of waste management was to prevent or lessen the

harmful effects that rubbish has on human health and social amenities. There is no

denying that the management of solid waste disposal has outgrown its capacity,

necessitating the adoption of efficient and long-term disposal management

strategies. Preventing and reducing the production of solid waste is the most

effective solution to this problem. As a result, the waste management process is

designed using the 3Rs Principle: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Waste elimination,

reuse, and recycling assist minimize landfill space by keeping useable materials out

of them. The production of the goods and the acquisition of the raw materials both

used less energy and natural resources. Transporting the goods closer to the point

of sale results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

Background of the Study

Solid waste management is still a major issue in the Philippines. Without

addressing these, the wastes produced by diverse sources would continue to pose

health risks and negatively affect the environment, such as flooding, air pollution,

and spreading infection.


Deep Learning Applications in Solid Waste Management (SWM) has recently

received more attention, especially in developing countries, for smart and

sustainable development. The SWM system consists of several interrelated

processes that perform multiple complicated activities. Deep learning (DL) has

recently gained traction in giving alternative computational strategies for determining

the solution of many SWM issues. Researchers have concentrated on this subject,

and as a result, considerable research has been published, particularly in the recent

decade. According to the literature, no study has evaluated the ability of DL to tackle

the numerous SWM difficulties. The study conducts a systematic literature review

(SLR), compiling 40 articles published in reputable journals and conferences

between 2019 and 2021.

Throughout the past few decades, there have been noticeable environmental

changes. An international catastrophe has resulted from environmental concerns.

Every country has worked to preserve the environment. In compliance with RA 9003,

the LGU of the Municipality of San Agustin held discussions and informed all

barangay officials prior to formally executing the Ordinance in 2018. Essentially, LGU

representatives and barangay officials collaborate closely to execute the ordinance.

On September 13, 2022, the researchers conducted interviews in the

Municipality of San Agustin with barangay officials in the 15 barangays of the

Municipality about the implementation of solid waste management. We look into

them about the usual and present Development and Strategy Management for

Proper Waste Disposal and the problems they ran into when putting the Solid-Waste

Ordinance in San Agustin into effect, especially, in terms of collecting, segregation

and disposal.


In collecting and disposing of garbage. Every Barangay has to have their own

transportation vehicle. At least three to four personnel are needed to collect the

garbage including the segregator but the practice of segregation must already done

at home so that the garbage are ready to be picked up when the collector arrives.

Base on the interview conducted, the researchers identified the Barangays

that least perform and had low performances, unsystematic procedures and

techniques in implementing the ordinance, explicitly; Cagbo-aya, Cawayan, Buli,

Camantaya, Lusong.

Pleaded Hon. Jess Montesa, Barangay Captain of Cagbo-aya, they gave

different approaches but sought the same outcome in implementing the policies and

procedures of the ordinance. However, the issue is still evident as the MRF that was

designated in different areas were not in proper conditions, incinerations are still

practiced in households and segregation was still not practiced. This is the same in

Lusong, Buli and Camantaya and Cawayan. Kagawad Mangoba, committee of SWM

in Poblacion, stated that even before the Pandemic the residents, In spite of the

proper dissemination of information being conducted in a form of seminars and

assembly meetings of barangay officials with the community, it was still difficult for

them to understand the schedules in collecting the garbage. Another concern was in

these particular Barangays, the schedules for collecting the garbage was not

followed. There were times where the MRF as congested before it is being pick up

so there was no room for the new garbage. Cherry Ann Mercurio, Committee head in

Brgy Buli, appealed that there were instances when MRF reeked with odor and upon

close examination, there were fish scales, other internal organs and left over foods

that were not segregated and properly disposed. It was bothersome that people are

very irresponsible with their own trash. She wanted to give fines and punished the


violators but it appears that they place their garbage at night so that no one would

know exactly who these people are. Also, they cannot implement a door to door

collection because they have not yet provide a vehicle for it. Brgy. Sec. Rita Manal of

Camantaya had similar concern.

Our study's main goal is straightforward: to determine how well the

Municipality of San Agustin has implemented ecological solid waste management.

The primary focus of this study is on the ways in which community members' habits

have a significant impact on improving environmental issues the Municipality faces.

The project's specific goals are to make the barangay clean and orderly, to raise

residents' awareness of ecological solid waste management, to instil the notion that

segregation is the solution to the problem of where to put their waste, and to

encourage collaboration among the selected barangay residents in order to advance

the community.


5.) What is the level of Implementation on Ecological Solid Waste Management in

terms of?

1.4 Collection

1.5 Segregation

1.6 Disposal

6.) What is the problem encountered by the 2 groups of respondents in the

above-mentioned variables?

7.) Is there a significant difference in the effectiveness of the different variables in

the selected barangays namely; Cagbo-aya, Cawayan, Buli, Camantaya,



8.) Developing Strategies for the future environmental program that can be used

by the LGU to be adapted by the Barangays base from the findings of the


Research Hypothesis
In line with the statement of the problem, the researchers hypothesized that

there is no significant difference in the two groups of respondents in the

implementation on ecological solid waste management in the municipality of San

Agustin in terms of Collection, Segregation and Disposal.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be deemed significant and beneficial to the


Community. This study will be effective in the community of San Agustin in

knowing the importance of disposing of waste properly and be primarily responsible

for effective and efficient solid waste management, particularly garbage collection,

segregation and disposal.

Barangay Officials. The result of this study will help them conduct a

comprehensive approach which the residents will comply in dealing with waste

disposal and managing wastes in line with the mandated ordinance.

Local Government Unit. The government can conceptualize and enhance

their ways of implementing the rules and regulations with regards to SWM and can

help achieve lifetime goals in preserving the environment in terms of waste reduction

through establishing integrated solid waste management plans.


this study will benefit them in conducting continuing studies, researches, and


programs necessary to evolve plans and programs for the effective implementation

of Solid Waste Management.

Law Enforcement Agency. The result of this study will help them realize

their importance in terms of environmental engagement.

Healthcare Practitioners. The result of this study will help them to ensure the

safe and environmentally sound management of health care wastes can prevent

adverse health and environmental impacts from such waste including the

unintended release of chemical or biological hazards, including drug-resistant

microorganisms, into the environment thus protecting the health of patients, health

workers, and the general public.

Future Researchers. The result of the study will serve as basis for future

researchers as a reference material and guide in the conduct of the similar study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the implementation on ecological solid waste

management in the municipality of San Agustin. Our respondents will be the

Barangay Officials and who are the main Implementer of the program of Solid Waste

Management. It was limited to the areas of investigation, namely: the level of

Implementation of Ecological Solid Waste Management in terms of Collection,

Segregation, and Disposal, the problem encountered by the 2 groups of respondents

in the above-mentioned variables, the significant difference in the effectiveness of

the different variables in the selected barangays; Cagbo-aya, Cawayan, Buli,

Camantaya and Lusong and Developing Strategies for the environmental program

from the findings of the study.


The methods that the researchers will use will be interview and survey

questionnaires. Likewise, interview and survey questionnaires were administered,

and documentation was followed to substantiate the data needed in the study. It was

further limited to the use of descriptive and methods to gather and treat the data for

the above problem areas investigated. This study was conducted school year 2022-



Costa, A. M., Mancini, S. D., Paes, M. X., Ugaya, C. M. L., de Medeiros, G.

A., & de Souza, R. G. (2022). Social evaluation of municipal solid waste

management systems from a life cycle perspective: a systematic literature

review. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 1-21.

Shahab, S., Anjum, M., & Umar, M. S. (2022). Deep Learning Applications in

Solid Waste Management: A Deep Literature Review. International Journal of

Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 13(3).

Lamina, O. G. (2022). The Use of Decomposers and Detritivores in Solid

Waste Management: A Review Paper. Available at SSRN 4014235.




This chapter presents the related literatures, related studies, theoretical framework,

and legal basis, definition of terms and hypothesis of the study.

Selected literatures and studies included hereunder by the foreign and local

authors and research personalities were found with direct similarity and significant

bearing to the present study. Their reading served as guide for the present

researchers to attack with deeper insight and with more complete knowledge on how

their own problem areas investigated were received with lesser difficulty and finality.


Based from Molina, R. A. et al. (2021), the globe is struggling with a trash

problem that is endangering public health, polluting the environment, and posing a

threat of drowning certain developing nations in toxins. As a result, there is a clear


need for an effective solution. It was crucial for this study to characterize resident

habits regarding garbage collection and recycling in Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, as

well as to identify the various wastes that were recycled and collected there.

Additionally, biodegradable trash makes up a sizable portion of the municipality's

overall rubbish. Regrettably, not enough things were recycled effectively. Also, the

barangay somewhat used waste segregation collection.

Searches for articles published through December 2018 were conducted on

Web of Science, PubMed, and Scopus, in agreement with Emmaty & Panicker

(2019). The search turned up 70 papers on the evaluation of occupational health as

well as 10 publications on ergonomic solutions for garbage collection workers. Based

on the review, this study recommends a tiered framework for the use of ergonomic

treatments in waste-related activities. As the problems encountered by formal and

informal garbage collectors are so substantial, especially in developing countries,

there is an urgent need for affordable solutions. It is suggested that the potential

remedies be implemented based on the kind of occupational hazard and taking into

consideration social, cultural, and economic elements.


I-MISS claims that in Madhya Pradesh, India, in 2021, better education and

volunteer support had improved household-level solid waste segregation. Home

trash segregation at the source is a long-term and efficient strategy to handle

municipal rubbish. Protocol for a cluster randomized controlled experiment. As a

result of the bulk of waste management plans being top-down and lacking local

support, household segregation levels continue to be insufficient. It may be simpler

to maintain the environment and enhance health and wellbeing if people realize and


appreciate effective, enhanced, and adequate waste management. Existence of a

local motivation may promote household waste separation and, eventually,

ecologically responsible behavior. The purpose of the current cluster randomized

control trial is to determine whether volunteer-based waste segregation information

(I-MISS) can effectively encourage households to separate their waste.

A report from Gozum (2020) that several LGUs, through their resolutions sent

to NSWMC have reiterated the need to include single-use plastic in the NEAPP list

and stop the waste problem at its source.

As per Nolasco et al. (2019), in the Philippines, the attitude toward tidiness,

the awareness of others' expectations towards appropriately overseeing waste, as

well as open worries like not isolating waste for reusing, are basically deficient. To be

sure, its maintainability for public mindfulness should be tended to. A few nearby

specialists will generally dispense their restricted monetary assets to SWM projects

and undertakings since neighborhood government has restricted monetary limit;

regardless of city statutes, still, a few families consume their waste and dump or toss

it in riverways. This demonstrates that regardless of the presence of RA 9003 about

making the vital institutional systems and appropriating assets for SWM programs,

some SWM drives showed negligible effects in certain urban communities and

territories in the Philippines.


Jabbarzadeh and Yazdanparast, R. (2019) pointed out that enhancing

sustainability in municipal solid waste (MSW) management necessitates finding

answers to environmental issues while also providing benefits to the economy and

society. Also, because public engagement in waste management procedures in


developing countries is unsuccessful, this study suggests using garbage separation

after collection in the waste management approaches to assist improve social

sustainability. Another element of the proposed model is uncertainty, which must be

taken into account to ensure the correctness of the decision-making process. To

deal with the confusing model coefficients and requirements, they employ the

resilient possibility programming method. In terms of sustainability indicators,

anaerobic digestion and incineration outperform composting, the least favoured

waste management method, according to the statistics.

According to Butt (2019), the Solid Waste Management (SWM) Department in

Lahore has been replaced with a public-private partnership. In addition to technical

and administrative interventions in the labor process, this partnership has also

brought in a group of professionals whose expertise is considered as being vital to

improving solid waste management for the city. Yet, a labor force of sanitation

workers and supervisors from the municipal SWM Department continues to be the

primary means by which garbage is actually removed from the urban environment. It

examines the ways in which productivity and technology frameworks were used,

especially when professionals applied their skills to the time-consuming and labor-

intensive process of disposing of trash in the city.

In Wang and Jiang (2020), Metropolitan strong waste (MSW) age has

fundamentally extended in China because of urbanization, populace advancement,

and industry. Garbage removal in the country expanded from 67.67 to 228.02 million

tons somewhere in the range of 1990 and 2018, claims Wong (2019). It is referenced

that in Walk 2017, China distributed a more aggressive public intend to deal with the

developing heaps of family trash, requiring 46 pilot urban communities, including


Shanghai, to carry out neighborhood pronouncements or nearby principles on

embracing compulsory waste characterization toward the finish of 2020.

Diaz-Lopez, et al. (2020), featured that as the natural part makes up most of

civil strong waste, reusing it very well may be a practical option in contrast to

removal in landfills and add to meeting the objectives set out in the European

Roundabout Economy Bundle. With numerous LGUs actually attempting to support

their 10-year strong waste administration plans, simple isolation won't be enough for

nearby legislatures to deal with the loss during the pandemic. More should in any

case be possible to address the Philippines' trash issue.

Related Studies

The study conducted by Lema, et al in Asella Town, Ethiopia states that the

reported incorrect solid waste practice may have been influenced by inadequate

solid waste management expertise and a lack of access to door-to-door solid trash

pickup. Participants who lacked access to door-to-door solid waste collection

services were around three times more likely to engage in incorrect solid waste

management than those who did.


Tallentire (2020) agreed that an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) model was

created to analyze the environmental consequences connected with raising

collection rates. This model accounts for the decreasing necessity for raw materials

as the system's loops are closed. It is possible that an additional 18 million tonnes of

garbage might be collected annually in Europe if best practice collection techniques

were put into place. This would lead to a 13% decrease in greenhouse gas

emissions associated with packaging and packaging waste. Even though improved


source separation waste collecting systems are crucial for efficient resource

utilization, these improvements won't be enough to achieve recycling goals on their

own; instead, material losses must be decreased throughout the value chain,

specifically at the sorting and recycling phases. The system's location can be

identified. Risk Analysis of Garbage Collection Tasks in the Philippines' major

findings showed that workers were frequently exposed to wounds and cuts, bug

bites, eye irritation, sprains, and rashes. This is due to the fact that garbage

collectors lack necessary personal protection equipment, such as gloves,

facemasks, goggles, safety shoes, and coveralls, when doing their duties. Workers

also reported feeling overly worn out and experiencing discomfort in their lower

backs, shoulders, hips, thighs, and other WMSD as a result of the heavy manual

handling required for garbage collection duties.


Lunag Jr. et, al (2019) guaranteed that to control and address the worldwide

trash issue, squander examination and portrayal research is required; this is an

essential move toward the improvement of a functional and harmless to the

ecosystem arrangement. In the Philippines, Baguio City is a famous summer place

to get-away. Initially arranged as a slope station for 25,000 individuals, it as of now

has a populace of 345,400, which duplicates or even triples during top seasons. To

prevent the town from further debasing towards unreasonable urbanization, this

study was finished to determine the measures of rubbish age and assess the

ongoing strategy of redirection of its civil strong waste. The discoveries showed that

402,776.38 kg of waste were created day to day altogether, with 0.4193 kg of junk

being delivered per individual on normal from home sources. Strong rubbish has a


typical dampness content of 57.462% and is comprised of biodegradables (41.67%),

recyclables (33.78%), residuals (24.15%), and exceptional squanders (0.40%). The

main recoverable squanders were biodegradables and recyclables, with a redirection

level of 23.28%, and vacationers represented 19.69% of those losses during top


Market women in Kumasi's Downtown were requested to take part in a

research to ascertain their motivation and readiness to segregate solid garbage. 156

respondents were sampled using a variety of non-probability sampling techniques.

The data was analyzed using SPSS. 81.4% of market women, according to the

survey, would sort their waste provided there was enough infrastructure, such as

distinct trash cans. In addition, 85.3% of the female survey participants stated that

training and information about the harmful impacts of garbage sorting would

significantly affect their desire to participate. Market women in Kumasi's Downtown

were requested to take part in a research to ascertain their motivation and readiness

to segregate solid garbage. 156 respondents were sampled using a variety of non-

probability sampling techniques. The data was analyzed using SPSS. 81.4% of

market women, according to the survey, would sort their waste provided there was

enough infrastructure, such as distinct trash cans. In addition, 85.3% of the female

survey participants stated that training and information about the harmful impacts of

garbage sorting would significantly affect their desire to participate.


Both waste products and natural source materials emit organic carbon. Yet

there is a huge distinction. In contrast to natural raw materials, which primarily emit

aliphatic chemicals at temperatures up to about 600 °C, waste-based raw material

components may contain hazardous pollutants like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)


and other persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which are removed in the preheater

and released into the environment. Instead of desorption in the preheater, waste raw

materials such as POP-contaminated soils or other semi-volatile hazardous

chemicals must be supplied into the kiln input. POPs and potentially dangerous

semi-volatile organics must be rigorously regulated and maybe constantly monitored

in cement kilns. 

The increasing usage of plastic bags raises a host of concerns for the

environment and public health. The objective of this study is to examine certain

variables that predict the usage of plastic bags in three municipalities in the north of

the Philippines that do not have plastic bag bans and have incredibly varied solid

waste management systems. They include Solsona, Sarrat, and Vintar in Ilocos

Norte. A similar number of people from each municipality responded to the survey.

The results suggest that factors such as age, municipality, dumping of solid trash in

public areas rather than specified sites, and composting of solid waste rather than

specialized locations are all indicators of weekly plastic bag use. 

Synthesis of the Art

In relation to this, studies and literature were gathered from both local and

foreign sources, as well as from observation. The researchers used an insightful

understanding of the literature to develop a collection of concepts that rendered this

study competent. The development and planning of Solid Waste Management in the

Municipality of San Agustin is differentiated by the researchers from the relevant

material that has been previously evaluated.

The works under survey include those that depend on Yazdanparast, R., and

Jabbarzadeh, A. (2019) noticed that further developing supportability in Metropolitan


Strong Waste Administration (MSW) calls for arrangements that address natural

issues while conveying financial and social benefits. Moreover, this study suggests

remembering junk division after assortment for the waste administration strategies to

assist with advancing social supportability since public cooperation in squander the

board processes in unfortunate countries is ineffectual.

Nolasco et al. (2019) guarantee that the Philippines seriously misses the mark

on mindset toward neatness, a feeling of obligation for accurately overseeing waste,

and public worries about things like not arranging refuse for reusing. Tending to its

supportability for public awareness is fundamental. Because of the restricted

monetary limit of nearby state run administrations, a few neighborhood specialists

decide to focus on SWM projects and ventures over other locally critical tasks like

framework and so forth. As per a nearby report, just a little level of families follow

reusing, fertilizing the soil, and reusing rules strictly. Most families depend on the

neighborhood government to gather their garbage.

The explanation strong waste administration locally is so pivotal is that it will

safeguard your home from the perils related with strong junk. You can safeguard

your family and the climate by appropriately discarding most of this waste. This infers

that both your kids and your grandchildren can partake in the advantages of nature.

A people group that perceives this importance can cooperate to safeguard the

climate in your place. Since this influences a person as well as the approaching age.

Legal Basis

This will be the legal basis of the researchers IMPLEMENTING RULES AND

REGULATIONS OF REPUBLIC ACT 9003 Pursuant to the provision of RA 9003,

Ecological Solid Waste Management Act 2002 and the directive from the DILG per


Memorandum Circular No. 38- 2001 which gives way for the creation of Ecological

Solid Waste Management Committee (ESWMC) to oversee the implementation of

Ecological Solid Waste Management program at the barangay level. With the

election of Barangay officials, there is a need to organize or reorganize the

BESWMC, and to update their duties and functions pursuant to R.A. 9003. Section

389 (b) (9) provides that, for efficient, effective and economical governance, the

purpose of which is the general welfare of the Barangay and its inhabitants pursuant

to Section 16. Section 10 of R.A No. 9003 stipulates that segregation and collection

of solid waste shall be conducted at the barangay level specifically for

biodegradable, compostable and reusable wastes. These regulations and rules of

implementation must be liberally construed in order to carry out the national objective

of implementing a systematic, comprehensive, and environmentally sound solid

waste management program in accordance with sustainable development. The

Rules also cover support actions such as research and studies on solid wastes,

providing technical standards and guidelines for effective waste management


Theoretical Framework

According to Hungerford and Volk's Environmental Citizenship Model Theory,

which Akintunde (2017) developed, there are three types of elements that influence

how responsible citizens behave. The three components are Entry Level, which

entails the general's environmental awareness and understanding, Ownership

Variables, which entails in-depth information, individual commitment, and resolve,

and Empowering Variables, which entails action-taking abilities, locus of control, and


purpose to act. This will impact how citizens behave in relation to the environment.

The researchers assumed that applying the theory of Environmental

Citizenship Behavior Model to the community will make them responsible in their

actions and behavior towards the environment which will greatly affect their

intentions in managing waste.

Regan (2022), then again, compared The Zero Waste hypothesis that was

presented by Paul Palmer, is a way of thinking and plan rule 21st century zero

waste. It consolidates "reusing," however goes further by tending to the monstrous

progression of assets and garbage through human culture from a "entire framework"

viewpoint. Materials are viewed as important assets as opposed to as the need

might arise to be discarded. The zero waste technique plans to increment reusing,

decline squander, decline utilization, and ensure that things might be fixed, reused,

or reused once more into the climate or the market.


Environmental Citizenship
Zero Waste Theory
Model Theory

on Ecological
Solid Waste


Collection Segregation

Sustainable Waste


Figure 1: Theoretical Paradigm

Figure 1 shows the paradigm of the study as guided by the different theories

as prescribed by the first column of boxes which are the Theory of Environmental

Citizenship Behavior Model and Zero Waste.

The hypothesis of Ecological Citizenship Conduct Model is urgently

fundamental since it might prompt the improvement of a populace that is impacted

by the way of behaving to the climate, who will bear its obligations to the degree that
they are sufficiently talented to act in light of a legitimate concern for the climate. As

far as Strong Waste, this hypothesis could become material to such an extent that

whether it acquisition of merchandise or the arrangement of administrations, one

thing will be on the psyche of the residents; supportability of the climate. Likewise,

residents will be generally worried about a supportable technique for squander age

and the board depended on evasion, decrease, reuse, and reusing.

The Zero Waste hypothesis is focused on the expansion of reusing,

minimization of waste, lessen the utilization of waste, and guarantees that items are


made to be reused, fixed, or reused. It will likewise save more energies and

diminishing the requirement for landfills and incinerators.

These speculations will significantly influence the Execution on Biological

Strong Waste Administration that will rehearse considerably more the standards of

decrease, reuse and reuse as shown in the second and third round shapes that will

prompt a capable and ideal waste assortment, isolation and removal which are

address by boxes. Then, the last section of box address the maintainable waste

administration which is the consequences of the economical waste administration

practices and better administration of strong waste. The above theoretical citations

were used to create a skeletal model in the form of a research paradigm, as

illustrated in Figure 1.

Conceptual Framework

In Frame 1, it includes the input such as the level of implementation on

Ecological Solid Waste Management in terms of (a) collection (b) segregation (c)

disposal and the problems encountered by the LGU and Barangay Officials in the

collection, segregation and disposal.

As reflected in Frame 2, it covers the processes of the research and the

process of gathering data wherein the researchers will conduct a key informant

interview, formulate the survey questionnaire and then validation, actual survey, and

data gathering and interpretation will be formulated after gathering all the data.

Towards this end, the output is capsulated in Frame 3, in order to classify the

programs and action plans proposed by the researchers in order to help the


Barangay Officials and community in the proper management of waste to have a

sustainable waste management.

And for the output in this research, will be benefited by the community and

barangays to have a proper handling of waste and to minimize the risk of pollution

from the improper disposal of waste. It will provide a vital network of support to the
1.) Level of Output
community and can play an important roleProcess
Implementation on
in the easing of pollutions and
Ecological Solid Waste 1) Key Informant Develop an Ecological
preservation of theinenvironment.
Management terms Interview Action Plan and
of: Program for the
2) Formulation of the
Ecological Solid Waste
1.1 Collection survey questionnaire
Management in the
1.2 Segregation 3) Validation of the Municipality of San
survey Agustin
1.3 Disposal
4) Actual Survey
2.) Problem
encountered by the LGU 5) Data gathering
and Barangay Officials in
6) Interpretation
the collection,
segregation and

Frame 1 Fra
F me 3
rame 2


Figure 2: Conceptual Paradigm

Conceptual Definition of Terms

Solid Waste Management. The term primarily refers to the entire process of

collecting, processing, and disposing of solid waste. Waste is collected from many

sources and disposed of during the waste management process. This procedure

comprises garbage collection, transportation, treatment, analysis, and disposal.


Collection.  The act of gathering; anything collected; a group of things or a

large volume of stuff gathered in one place. (

Segregation. The act or state of setting someone or something apart from

others. (Oxford Languages)

Disposal. The act or process of discarding or getting rid of something. (Oxford


Management. The act or art of managing; judicious use of means to

accomplish an end. (Meriam Webster)

Solid Waste. Useless and sometimes hazardous material with low liquid

content. (https//

Implementation. The process of putting a decision of plan into effect;

execution. (Oxford Languages)

Operational Definition of Terms


Municipality of San Agustin. This relates to what was known as Guintigui-an

during Spanish times due to the abundance of a fish called "tigue" in the area. The

initial residents were Negrito and Mangyan tribes from Panay and Mindoro, as well

as migrants from the island of Romblon and southern Tablas.In this study, the term

‘San Agustin Romblon’ referred to the specific location or venue where the study to

be conducted.


Heidari, R., Yazdanparast, R., & Jabbarzadeh, A. (2019). Sustainable design

of a municipal solid waste management system considering waste separators: A

real-world application. Sustainable Cities and Society, 47, 101457

Kalyanasundaram, M., Sabde, Y., Annerstedt, K. S., Singh, S., Sahoo, K. C.,

Parashar, V., ... & Diwan, V. (2021). Effects of improved information and volunteer

support on segregation of solid waste at the household level in urban settings in

Madhya Pradesh, India (I-MISS): protocol of a cluster randomized controlled

trial. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1-11.

Assef FM, Steiner MTA, Lima EP. A review of clustering techniques for waste

management. Heliyon. 2022 Jan 19;8(1):e08784. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.

2022.e08784. PMID: 35118205; PMCID: PMC8792088.


Limon, M. R., Vallente, J. P. C., & Corales, N. C. T. (2020). Solid waste

management beliefs and practices in rural households towards sustainable

development and pro-environmental citizenship. Global Journal of Environmental

Science and Management, 6(4), 441-456.

Kaza, S., Yao, L., Bhada-Tata, P., & Van Woerden, F. (2018). What a waste

2.0: a global snapshot of solid waste management to 2050. World Bank



Research Methodology

This chapter includes the research design, research locale and time of the

study, population and sample, sampling technique, data collection procedure scoring

the instrument, method of data processing and analysis. The purpose of this study is

to assess the Implementation on Ecological Solid Waste Management in the

Municipality of San Agustin. This study used both qualitative and quantitative method

in gathering data.

Research Design

The components of this section that explain the detail how the observations

were made, how they were done, and how the qualitative representations of those

observations were analysed to provide answers to the queries proposed in this

research, how this quantitative study was carried out, including a detailed account of


the methodology used to collect data. It includes the method of research, research

locale and time of the study, research instrument, formulation of instrument,

validating the instrument, data collection and data source and methods of data

processing analysis.

Research Method

The descriptive survey approach was used in this investigation. It collects

information on many issues through surveys. It was descriptive since it detailed the

ecological solid waste management implementation in terms of collection,

segregation, and disposal. This concept is important when researchers want to find

answers to problems that may occur in the ordinance and better implementation as a

foundation for building environmental program plans. It entails the description,

recording, analysis, and interpretation of existing conditions. It provides ways for

summarizing and presenting numerical data, as well as major variations in variables

that exist, strategy formulation, and sustainable development.

Research Locale and Time of the Study

This study was conducted in the selected barangay of San Agustin, Romblon.

San Agustin, which has a total land area of 14,048 hectares, is located in the north-

eastern section of Tablas Island (34,710 acres). It is flanked on the north by

Calatrava, on the south by Santa Maria, on the east by Romblon Pass, which faces

the Romblon capital town, and on the west by San Andres. Its municipal port serves

as the eastern entryway to Tablas' main island as well as the province's neighboring

islands.San Agustin is politically subdivided into 15 barangays, According to the

2020 census, San Agustin has a population of 24,115 people. Romblomanon or Ini is


the native language of the municipality's inhabitants. Tagalog is widely understood,

and English stands as the medium of communication in business and trade.


Figure 3. Base Map of Municipality of San Agustin

The Population and Sample of the Study

The researcher selects respondents using purposive sampling. The

researchers chose the respondents because their study focuses on the

implementation on ecological solid waste management in the municipality of San

Agustin. The LGU and Barangay Officials are the implementer and are the ones that

will help achieve a goal to formulate a solution on developing strategies for

environmental program in the selected barangays that is; Cagbo-aya, Cawayan, Buli,

Camantaya, and Lusong. The LGU and Barangay officials are the only ones who can

assist with the study's development. The study's population consisted of 100

Barangay Officials, and 25 LGU members for a total of 125 respondents.

Sample Procedure

The researchers employed the technique of purposive sampling because it is

the only method acceptable for the study. They have chosen a technique of

deliberate sampling to extract information and more accurate results from the LGU

member and Barangay Officials in order to meet the objectives of the study.

Research Instrument

Nature and Purpose. The instrument used in gathering data was a survey

questionnaire. Part I level of implementation on ecological solid waste management

in the Municipality of San Agustin in terms of Collection, Segregation and Disposal.

Part II problem encountered by the 2 groups of respondents in the effectiveness of

implementation on ecological solid waste management in the Municipality of San


Agustin in terms of Collection, Segregation and Disposal. Part III is the significant

difference in the effectiveness of the different variables in the selected barangays

namely; Cagbo-aya, Cawayan, Buli, Camantaya, and Lusong. Part IV is developing

strategies for the environment program from the finding of the study.

Regarding the validations of the instruments, the opinions and ideas of the

experts were obtained. Revisions were made to revalidate some data in accordance

with the effectiveness of implementation on ecological solid waste management in

the Municipality of San Agustin.

The data gathering instruments utilize in this study was the questionnaire. In

order to support the contents of the questionnaire, the researchers structured it

based on various pieces of literature, theories, informal interviews, and adviser

suggestions. This is composing of three parts. Opinions and suggestions of

knowledgeable research persons were gathered as to the validation of the


Validation and Reliability. The questionnaire will be validated to ensure the

validity and reliability of the instrument. Researchers approach knowledgeable

research persons to determine the validity of the instrument. The validity of the

questionnaire determined through content validation techniques of knowledgeable

research person. It will be validated first before distributing to the respondents in

order to ensure that the questions are simple, clear, concise and relevant. After the

validation of the questionnaire and the recommendation from the adviser.

Administration. For validation of questionnaire, it will be distributed to the

respondents who were identified incidentally. They are request to answer the

questionnaire to substantiate the needed data of the study. Before administering the


questionnaire to the respondents, the researchers sought authorization from the

Mayor of San Agustin and for the Barangay Chairman of selected barangay.

For the approval, the researchers personally distributed and retrieve the

questionnaire to minimize the loss of data. Likewise, personal interview as employed

to verify some important data not covered in the instruments.

The data collected will be tabulated, analysed and interpreted.

Validation and Reliability. The questionnaire was validated to ensure the

validity and reliability of the instrument by knowledgeable research persons.

They were chosen based on their field of specialization.

After the questionnaire will be validated with the recommendation from the

adviser, the instruments will formal administration to the respondents. The

validators of the study were the Hon. Jonathan Gaytano, SB Member of the

Municipality of Looc, who implemented the Single-used plastic in their

Municipality, OIC Odiongan PENR officer Mr. Arnoldo A. Blaza Jr and Mr.

Jemwel E. Soriano OIC MENR Officer of Looc, and Thesis Adviser Ms. Mary

Ann M Gallos. After validation, the instrument was pre-tested to ten (10)

persons who were not included as respondents of the study to determine the

reliability of the instrument. The result of data collected from pilot testing to 10

individuals was analyzed to determine the reliability and content validity.

Reliability Test

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation
c1 125 1.00 4.00 3.0240 .73467
c2 125 1.00 4.00 2.9920 .76723
c3 125 1.00 4.00 2.9760 .72361


c4 125 1.00 4.00 2.9600 .85572

c5 125 1.00 4.00 2.8560 .89536
Valid N

N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation
s1 125 1.00 4.00 3.0080 .86599
s2 125 1.00 4.00 2.7280 .76597
s3 125 1.00 4.00 2.9280 .72039
s4 125 1.00 4.00 2.7600 .78699
s5 125 1.00 4.00 2.8880 .69811
Valid N

N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation
d1 125 2.00 4.00 3.0560 .59978
d2 125 1.00 4.00 3.0000 .74053
d3 125 1.00 4.00 2.9600 .65254
d4 125 1.00 4.00 2.9280 .75323
d5 125 1.00 4.00 3.1280 .68363
Valid N

Data Gathering Procedure

The questionnaire was designed to gather information about the

implementation on ecological solid waste management in the municipality of San

Agustin as basis for developing strategies for environmental program. Before

administering the questionnaire to the respondents, the researchers sought

authorization from office of Municipal Mayor, MPDC Head of San Agustin and


Barangay Captain of selected barangay. Upon approval, the researchers personally

distributed and retrieved the questionnaire to minimize the loss of data. Likewise,

documentary analysis and personal interview was employed to verify some important

data not covered by the instrument. After the collection of data from the group of

respondents form the five (5) selected barangays, it was tabulated, analyzed and


Methods of Data Analysis

This study used the Special Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) to analyse

the data that will be gathered. As quantitative and qualitative data, interviews were

utilized to check for any useful information concerning the implementation on

ecological solid waste management in the municipality of San Agustin: basis on

developing strategies for environmental program.

Statistical Treatment

The data in this study was statistically analysed using the Special Program or

Special Science (SPSS). The following statistical tools were used in the study:

1. Percentage

It was used to identify the frequencies of the demographic profile of the

respondents. Percentage is defined as the ratio of the frequency of the responses of

the total number of responses multiplied by 100.

P= x 100


P = Percentage

F = Frequency


N = is the total number of respondents

100 = is constant

2. Weighted Mean

It was used to assess the respondents in what are the level of implementation

on Ecological Solid Waste Management in terms of Collection, Segregation, and


Also, to determine the proposed measure that may be used to address the

problem encountered.

Below in the Formula of Weighed Men

WM= ∑


WM- Weighed Mean

∑- Summation Sign

F- Frequency

x- Unit weight

n- Number of respondents


This statistical treatment was used to determine the difference in the

assessment towards are the level of implementation on Ecological Solid Waste

Management in terms of Collection, Segregation, and Disposal.

Depending on whether there are or there are no ties in the ranking (the same rank assigned

to two or more observations), the Spearman correlation coefficient can be calculated with

one of the following formulas.


If there are no tied ranks, a simpler formula will do:


 di is the difference between a pair of ranks

 n is the number of observations

Scoring Instrument

For the assessment on the level of implementation on Ecological Solid Waste

Management in terms of Collection, Segregation, and Disposal, the Four-point scale

used were as follows:

Level Mean Score Description

4 3.26-4.00 Fully Implemented

3 2.50-3.25 Implemented

2 1.75-2.49 Partially Implemented

1 1.00-1.74 Not Implemented

For the assessment in the significant difference in the effectiveness of the

different variables in the selected barangays namely; Cagbo-aya, Cawayan, Buli,

Camantaya, Lusong in terms of Collection, Segregation, and Disposal Correlation


**Correlation is not significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)

S- Significant

NS- Not significant

The concept quality assurance was use in the study. Any indicator with

a mean of 3.40 and 4- point scale means that the total quality assurance was


achieved. Indicators above were considered as strength, while below as


In view of the forgoing, strength was further enhanced while weakness was

improved so that the quality assurance in the assessment of implementation

on ecological solid waste management in terms of collection, segregation,

and disposal to be achieved.

Chapter IV


This chapter discusses the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

derived from the statement of the problem.

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

It presents the analysis of significant findings in consonance with the

statement of the problems in the study supported by related literature. The results

were presented in tables with corresponding textual discussions, analyses and



This chapter presents the data analysis and interpretations. Table discussions

are arrange chronologically based from the research problems such as the level of

implementation on Ecological Solid Waste Management in terms of Collection,

Segregation and Disposal, the problem encountered by the two (2) groups of

respondents the Barangay officials and LGU members, the significant difference in

the effectiveness of the different variables in the selected barangays which includes

Cagbo-aya, Cawayan, Buli, Camantaya, and Lusong, and develop Strategies for the

future environmental program that can be used by the LGU to be adapted by the

Barangays base from the findings of the study.

Table 1 is the presentation of the frequency distribution of the 2 groups of

respondents as Implementors

Table 1. Frequency distribution of the respondent as Implementors

Implementors Frequency Percentage Rank

LGU 25 20 2

Barangay Officials 100 80 1

Total 125 100

Table 1, presents that out of 125 respondents Barangay Officials got number

1 with a percent of 80% or 100 then LGU with 20% or 25. Therefore, majority of the

respondents are the barangay officials.

1. What is the level of Implementation on Ecological Solid Waste Management

in terms of Collection, Segregation, and Disposal?

Table A, describes the level of Implementation on Ecological solid waste

management in terms of collection.


Table A. The level of implementation on Ecological Solid Waste Management

in terms of Collection

Statement N Mean Level D

1. Solid Waste collectors prepare and

publish schedules for collection,
route, books, and maps for each 125 3.02 3 
collection module.
2. Accessible containers for solid
wastes are collected regularly in the 125 2.86 3 
given schedule.
3. Every barangay has a sufficient
number of vehicles with drivers for
each collected and disposed, 125 2.98 3 
garbage, rubbish, refuse, and solid
waste materials.
4. Collectors and personnel are
suitably trained to ensure that solid 125 2.96 3 
waste is handled properly.
5. Collectors shall have personal
protection equipment to protect
them from the hazards of handling 125 2.99 3 
solid wastes.

Total Mean 2.96 3 

Scale Numerical Ratings Descriptive Interpretation (D)
4 3.26-4.00 Fully implemented (F)
3 2.51-3.25 Implemented ()
2 1.76-2.50 Partially Implemented (P)
1 1.00-1.75 Not Implemented (N)
The result of analysis on Table A revealed that the level of Implementation on

Ecological Solid Waste Management in terms of collection. Solid Waste collectors

prepare and publish schedules for collection, route, books, and maps for each

collection module ranked the highest mean of 3.02 in the computed sample. It shows

that schedules for collection, route, books, and maps for each collection module are

charted; followed by collectors shall have personal protection equipment to protect

them from the hazards of handling solid wastes with 2.98 mean then, collectors and

personnel are suitably trained to ensure that solid waste is handled properly with

2.96 mean; Moreover with the lowest computed sample mean of 2.86, Accessible


containers for solid wastes are collected regularly in the given schedule ranked last.

Therefore, based on the indicators in collection it has a total mean of 2.96 which is


To conclude, the two groups of respondents agree that collection is

“implemented” in the selected barangays.

It is presented on Table B, the level of Implementation on Ecological solid waste

management in terms of Segregation.

Table B. The level of implementation on Ecological Solid Waste Management

in terms of Segregation

N Mean Level Description

1. Every Barangay’s residents
demonstrated a level of solid 125 3.01 3 
waste segregation awareness.
2. Improper segregation is fined
according to the Barangay 125 2.73 3 
3. In any collection vehicle or
container, recyclable materials are
125 2.93 3 
separated from non-recyclable
4. Proper segregation of Hazardous
wastes, poisonous, chemicals and 125 2.76 3 
5. Every residence and commercial
establishment in town has its 125 2.89 3 
residential service. infectious
Total Mean 2.86 3 
Scale Numerical Ratings Descriptive Interpretation (D) Total Mean: 2.86
4 3.26-4.00 Fully implemented (F) Description: Implemented
3 2.51-3.25 Implemented () Level: 3
2 1.76-2.50 Partially Implemented (P)
1 1.00-1.75 Not Implemented (N)

The result of analysis on Table B revealed that the level of Implementation on

Ecological Solid Waste Management in terms of segregation are implemented. Since

Every Barangay’s residents demonstrated a level of solid waste segregation

awareness it has the highest mean of 3.01 and is therefore implemented; followed by


in any collection vehicle or container, recyclable materials are separated from non-

recyclable materials with 2.93 computed mean; Then, every residence and

commercial establishment in town has its residential service with 2.888 and ranked

4th is Proper segregation of Hazardous wastes, poisonous, chemicals and infectious

waste with 2.76 mean. Moreover, with the lowest computed sample mean of 2.73,

improper segregation is fined according to the Barangay ordinance ranked last.

Therefore, based on the indicators in segregated with it has a total mean of

2.86 it is implemented.

It can be gleaned on Table C, the level of Implementation on Ecological solid waste

management in terms of Disposal.

Table C. The level of implementation on Ecological Solid Waste Management

in terms of Disposal

Statement N Mean Level Description

1. The quantity of solid waste from
125 3.06 3 
disposal is properly minimized.
2. Disposal of Solid Waste is permitted
wherein sanitary landfill, digester
125 3.00 3 
compactors, or transfer stations are
3. The near residents living in the
chosen site for disposal has 125 2.96 3 
concerns about their health.
4. Availability of waste Recycling
Machine for the disposal of 125 2.93 3 
recyclable waste.
5. The site is large enough to
accommodate the community’s
125 3.13 3 
wastes for sustainable solid waste
Total Mean 3.02 3 
Scale Numerical Ratings Descriptive Interpretation (D) Total Mean: 3.02
4 3.26-4.00 Fully implemented (F) Description: Implemented
3 2.51-3.25 Implemented () Level: 3
2 1.76-2.50 Partially Implemented (P)
1 1.00-1.75 Not Implemented (N)


The result of analysis on Table C revealed that the level of Implementation on

Ecological Solid Waste Management in terms of Disposal are implemented. Since

the site is large enough to accommodate the community’s wastes for sustainable

solid waste disposal it has the highest mean of 3.056 in the computed sample, the

implementors are able to provide a site for disposal of wastes for the community and

can accommodate the community’s wastes for sustainable Solid Waste disposal.

Consequently, by the statement on quantity of solid waste from disposal is properly

minimized came second with 3.056 computed mean; Then, Disposal of Solid Waste

is permitted wherein sanitary landfill, digester compactors, or transfer stations are

approved with 3.000 computed mean and followed by the near residents living in the

chosen site for disposal has concerns about their health with 2.960 mean. Moreover,

availability of waste recycling machine for the disposal of recyclable waste, ranked

last with the lowest sample mean of 2.928.

Therefore, based on the indicators in disposal it has a total mean of 3.02

which is implemented.

2. What is the problem encountered by the 2 groups of respondents in the

above-mentioned variables?

This is base from the interview from the 2 groups of respondents in the above

mentioned variables.

The five barangays of San Agustin that we chose to interview about solid

waste management are Buli, Cawayan, Cagboaya, Camantaya and Lusong. The

barangays mentioned above, have garbage collectors except for Cagboaya.

According to Kagawad Peding Royo, the residents are used to burning wastes

including plastics, and other biodegradable and non-biodegradable material


especially used inside the community residents. In the four barangays that were not

mentioned, there are garbage collectors of their own, and these collectors have

their budget from the barangay for their fees. They also have garbage collection

vehicles that also come from their barangay budget. In these different barangays,

not all waste is collected especially because every household are mandated to have

a compost pits in their backyards for biodegradable waste and only the non-

biodegradable waste will be collected by the garbage collectors. Concurred by Hon.

Joel G. Dixon, Brgy. Chairman of Cawayan, the garbage collector conducts a house

to house collection in this barangay and is taken to the MRF of their barangay

where it is further inspected by assigned segregator and a truck sent by the LGU go

to each barangay and dispose it the landfill area. Unfortunately, collection vehicle

do not collect waste on the scheduled time to barangay Cawayan. One factor is the

distance from the landfill area. So, the garbage piles up in the MRF in their

barangay. The LGU had strict compliances for the Brgy. Officials on implementing

Solid Waste Management within their jurisdiction. Each barangay has its rules and

regulations as per the municipal ordinance when it comes to solid waste

management, people who do not follow these rules must be penalized with fines.

However, imposing violations and penalties were not recorded but it does not

indicate good implementation. The barangay officials have no earnest attention on

penalizing the people.

Barangay Cawayan, Camantaya, Cagbo-aya, and Buli had issue on

segregation. According to Hon. Jess Montesa, Brgy. Captain of Cagbo-aya and

Kagawad Meriam F. Galigao of Cawayan, people put their garbage in the MRF

without segregating the garbage. Posters, calling for a meeting and sticking posters

that contain information and signs are part of spreading awareness of the ordinance


about proper waste disposal yet its effectivity had been challenge since the

implementation. The community are used to incineration

3. Is there a significant difference in the effectiveness of the different variables

in the selected barangays; Cagbo-aya, Cawayan, Buli, Camantaya and


Table 2, shows the significant difference in the effectiveness of the different

variables in the selected barangay; Cagbo-aya, Buli, Camantaya and Lusong in the

Municipality of San Agustin in terms of Collection, Segregation, and Disposal.

Table 2. Significant difference in the effectiveness of the different variables in

the selected barangays; Cagbo-aya, Cawayan, Buli, Camantaya and Lusong

Indicator Correlation Sig. (2 N Result Decision

Coefficient tailed)

C1 0.578 0.000 125 S Accept HO

Spearman’s rho C2

C1 0.341 0.000 125 S Accept HO


C1 0.140 0.119 125 NS Reject HO


C1 0.498 0.000 125 S Accept HO


C1 0.443 0.000 125 S Accept HO


0.392 0.000 125 S Accept HO
Accept HO
S3 0.354 0.000 125 S

C1 Accept HO
S4 0.386 0.000 125 S

C1 Accept HO
S5 0.243 0.006 125 S

S1 Accept HO
D1 0.436 0.000 125 S


S1 Accept HO
D2 0.336 0.000 125 S

S1 Accept HO
S3 0.205 0.022 125 S

S1 Accept HO
D4 0.334 0.000 125 S

S1 Accept HO
D5 0.233 0.009 125 S
C1 Accept HO
0.395 0.000 125 S

Reject HO
0.153 0.089 125 NS
D3 Accept HO
0.251 0.005 125 S
D4 Accept HO
0.220 0.014 125 S
D5 Reject HO
0.196 0.196 125 NS

** Correlation is not significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)

Legend S- Significant
NS- Not Significant

Shown on table 3, It is significant between collection 1 towards

collection 2 and collection 1 towards collection 3. Therefore, it does accept the

hypothesis. While in collection 1 towards collection 4, it shows that there is no

significant difference between the two statements. Therefore it does not accept the

null hypothesis. It is significant between collection 1 towards collection 5, collection 1

towards segregation 1, collection 1 towards segregation 2, collection 1 towards

segregation 3, collection 1 towards segregation 4, and collection 1 towards

segregation 5, therefore, it is an accepted hypothesis.


Segregation 1 towards disposal 1, segregation 1 towards disposal 2,

segregation 1 towards disposal 3, segregation 1 towards disposal 4, and segregation

1 towards disposal 5 are significant to each other therefore it is an accepted


It is significant between collection 1 and disposal 1, therefore it is an accepted

hypothesis. Collection 1 towards disposal 2 is not significant, therefore it does not

accept the null hypothesis. Collection 1 towards disposal 3, and collection towards

disposal 4 have significance in between. Therefore, it is an accepted hypothesis. The

last statement is collection towards disposal 5 which has no significance in between.

Thus, it does not accept the null hypothesis.

Therefore, the three (3) statement (c1-c4, c1-d2, and c1-d5) has no

significance to each other therefore it does not accept null hypothesis. While the

remaining statement is significant and is accepted hypothesis,

4. Developing Strategies for the future environmental program that can be

used by the LGU to be adapted by the Barangays base from the findings of the


Table 4.1 Proposed Environmental Programs for Effective Solid Waste


Environmental Program Persons

Involved Output


Implementation of Reward- Improve LGU, Everyone in the

community’s Barangay community will
Penalty Policy properly manage
awareness in Officials
managing their and their waste and
prevent improper
Reward will be given to the waste and community
effectively management in
barangay with the least waste enforce waste either collection,
generated and wastes that management segregation and
regulations. disposal
are properly managed. An
Individual who will report the
violation of waste
management regulations will
be given monetary reward.
Penalty will be issued to the
barangay and individual who
violates the waste
management regulations,
penalty will be either in a form
of community engagement
like sweeping the street or
clean-ups, or monetary

Household’s Waste Ensure the waste Barangay Everyone will be

management of Officials aware in the
Management Inspection proper
every household and folks
Operation and instill the management of
their wastes.
importance of
having a clean Garbage will be
Once a week barangay household and properly
personnel will inspect every environment managed.

household if their wastes are

managed properly in
accordance to the waste
management regulation.


Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary of findings of the study, as well as the

conclusions drawn from the findings and recommendations.


This study aimed to assess the Implementation on Ecological Solid Waste

Management: Basis on Developing Strategies for environmental program.

Specifically, it sought to identify the level of effectiveness level of Implementation of

Ecological Solid Waste Management in terms of collection, segregation, and


It is quantitative research in which the researchers used the descriptive method of

research. The survey questionnaire was the main instrument used in this study to

gathered data to 125 respondents such as the LGU and Barangay officials from

selected barangays namely Cagbo-aya, Cawayan, Buli, Camantaya and Lusong in

the Municipality of San Agustin during the first semester of academic year 2021-


The random sampling technique was used to determine the sample size. The survey

questionnaire was constructed and validated to determine the content validity. After

validation and revisions it was administered to the respondents. The instrument was


retrieved personally by the researchers to minimize the loss of data. The data

collected was statistically analyzed using frequency/percentage, mean and analysis

of variance.


Based from the results of analysis, interpretation and presentation of data the

following findings were revealed:

1. Among the 2 groups of respondents, LGU and Barangay officials got number 1

with a percent of 80% or 100 then LGU with 20% or 25. Therefore majority of the

respondents are the barangay officials.

2. The assessment of the respondents towards the level of Implementation on

ecological solid waste management in terms of collection with composite mean of

2.96 found implemented was observed in the highest mean that solid waste

management collectors prepare and publish schedules for collection, route, books,

and maps for each collection module (3.02) and the least response was the

accessible containers for solid wastes are collected regularly in the given schedule.

In terms of the level of implementation on ecological solid waste management in

terms of segregation the overall mean of 2.86 was due to every Barangay’s

residents demonstrated a level of solid waste segregation awareness (3.01) and the

lowest mean observed on Improper segregation is fined according to the Barangay

ordinance (2.73). In the the level of Implementation on ecological solid waste

management in terms of disposal with an overall mean of 3.02 was influenced by

highest mean of the site is large enough to accommodate the community’s wastes


for sustainable solid waste disposal (3.13) and the least indicator availability of

waste recycling machine for the disposal of recyclable waste (2.93)

5. The problems encountered by the 2 groups of respondents in the above-

mentioned variables, base from the interview from the 2 groups of respondents, in

terms of collection the selected barangays wastes were not collected in the given

time due to factors like distance. Segregation is not properly accomplished and.

MRF is not a good condition due to lack of monitoring from the implementors. In

terms of disposal, incineration of biodegradable waste is not avoided.

6. In assessing the significant difference in the effectiveness of the different

variables in the selected barangays; Cagbo-aya, Cawayan, Buli, Camantaya and

Lusong, the three (3) statement (c1-c4, c1-d2, and c1-d5) had a significant

difference with other variables and between each variables. Therefore, and it is

significant and accepted null hypothesis.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn by the


6. Majority of the respondents are Barangay officials

7. The the level of Implementation on ecological solid waste management in

terms of collection, segregation , and disposal are implemented in the municipality

on San Agusti

8. The problems encountered by the 2 groups of respondents base from the

interview can be solved through continuous supervision and enhanced

environmental strategy created by the LGU and Barangay Officials.


9. In the different variables in the selected barangays; Cagbo-aya, Cawayan,

Buli, Camantaya and Lusong their significant differences proves that despite the

implementation of Solid waste Management to the Municipality of San agustin how

the commuty take it varies and the result of the implementation is not the same to

other barangays.

10. The suggested program would both beneficial to the LGU and Barangay

Officials in the enhancement of the implementation on Ecological solid Waste

Management in the Municipality of San Agustin.


Based on the stated findings and conclusions, presented below are some of the

recommendations the researcher proposes in order to determine the community

awareness on the preparation towards natural disaster

1. The Local Government Unit and Barangay official can collaborate with other

agency and with the community in developing strategies and guidelines for

environmental program.

2. The Local Government Unit could create community-related environmental

activity for the community to adapt the knowledge and educate them about the

importance of Collection, segregation, and disposal of waste

3. The proposed Environmental Program could be used by the LGU and Barangay

Officials to improve the management of waste in terms of Collection, Segregation

and Disposal.

4. For the community, in order for them to have a clean and better environment.


5. Future researchers, educators, law makers and private and public institutions

might perform further research connected to the topic.


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The researcher conducted their study to determine the level of

Implementation on Ecological Solid Waste Management in terms of Collection,

Segregation, and disposal in four (5) selected Barangays in the Municipality of San

Agustin, namely: Cagbo-aya, Cawaya, Buli, Camantaya, and Lusong. It can help the

respondents, the residents of each barangays, and the community with the proper

handling of solid waste from collection, segregation, and to proper disposal, to be

able to know the problem that each Barangays encountered in terms of collection,

segregation, and disposal. This study can widely affect the environment in positive

ways, it will serve as an awareness to all the people who do have not enough

knowledge regarding the proper handling of solid waste.


a. General Objective

To increase the awareness of community in proper collection, segregation, and

disposal of solid waste, establish more efficient ways in terms of proper handling of solid

waste, especially those hazardous wastes, and provide sufficient equipment for recycling of


Solid Waste, and to fully equip the employees of personal protective equipment to avoid

health risks.

b. Specific Objectives

1. To strengthen each barangays with sufficient containers for different kinds of solid


2. To elevate the level of consciousness and awareness of each barangay in San

Agustin, Romblon become knowledgeable to proper handling of solid waste.

3. To continuously work on the safety of every family by choosing the best site for


4. To conduct different kinds of program regarding on ecological solid waste


5. To establish strong collaboration to the LGU in advancing the development in solid

waste management.










Appendix D
(Curriculum Vitae)



: Kevin Kayle M. Hernandez
: Cabolutan, San Agustin, Romblon
Contact Numbers : 09127738032

Date of Birth : April 7, 2001

Place of Birth : Bongabong, Oriental, Mindoro

Gender : Male
Age : 21 years old
Civil Status : Single
Father’s Name : Reymundo Anonuevo Hernandez
Mother’ Name : Mary Jane Galicha Mantes
Religion : Roman Catholic


Tertiary : Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Romblon State University

Secondary : Romblon State University

Liwayway, Odiongan, Romblon

: Cabolutan Elementary School


Cabolutan, San Agustin, Romblon



Name : Wilmer John M. Mame
: Cabolutan, San Agustin, Romblon
Contact Numbers
: 09708398875
Date of Birth
: July 10, 2000
Place of Birth
: Tablas Island District Hospital
: Male
: 22 years old
Civil Status
: Single
Father’s Name
: Manuelito Maga Mame
Mother’ Name
: Vivian Gado Manipol
: Roman Catholic


: Bachelor of Science in Criminology
Romblon State University

: Romblon State University
Liwayway, Odiongan, Romblon

Primary : Cabolutan Elementary School

Cabolutan, San Agustin, Romblon



Name : Kate Ann Fajutag
Address : Cagboaya San agustin Romblon
Contact Number : 09079241704
Date of Birth : September 26,2000
Place of Birth : Cagboaya, San Agustin Romblon
Gender : Female
Age : 22
Civil Status
: Single
Father’s Name
: Edwin Maganoy Fajutag
Mother’ Name
: Beverly Mangaya Magura
: Roman Catholic

: Bachelor of Science in Criminology
Romblon State University

: Holy Rosary Academy
Poblacion San agustin Romblon

: San Agustin Central Shool
Dubduban San Agustin Romblon



Name : Louie Mar Maquinto

Address : Cagboaya San Agustin Romblon

Contact Numbers
Date of Birth
: February 5, 2001
Place of Birth
Gender : Poblacion, San Agstin, Romblon

Age : 22
Civil Status : Single
Father’s Name
: Andress Gaspado Maquinto JR
Mother’ Name
: Mary Jane Mallen Madrona
: Roman Catholic


: Bachelor of Science in Criminology
Romblon State University

: Holy Rosary Aacademy
Poblacion San Agustin Romblon

: San agustin Central shool
Dubduban San Agstin Romblon



Name : Diana Melendres Moncawe
Address : Binonga-an, San Agustin, Romblon
Contact Number : 09612221114
Date of Birth : September 02, 2000
Place of Birth : Odiongan, Romblon
Gender : Female
Age : 22
Civil Status : Single
Father’s Name : Diony Magallanes Moncawe
Mother’ Name : Anelie Federico Melendres
Religion : Roman Catholic

: Bachelor of Science in Criminology
Tertiary Romblon State University

: Holy Rosary Academy

Secondary Poblacion San agustin Romblon

: Alfredo P. Navarrete Memorial School

Binongaan San Agustin Romblon







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34 Incorrect verb forms

18 Faulty subject-verb agreement


94 Punctuation in compound/complex sentences

53 Comma misuse within clauses

7 Incomplete sentences

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