FEB-MAY 2023 MARKETING CONSULTANCY Assignment Updated 17.1.17

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Programme : BA (Hons) Marketing

Module Title : Marketing Consultancy

Module Code : BA 1071

Semester : February – May 2023

Examiner : Dr Vincent Wee Eng Kim

No of Pages : 4 inclusive of cover page

Weighting : Marks obtained in this assignment will carry a 100% weighting in thee
assessment of your overall performance in this module.


1. The maximum word limit is 2500 words. Final marks obtained will be reduced by 10% if this
word limit is exceeded.

2. This is a group assignment for 2 – 4 students.

3. The assessment criteria are included for reference.

4. This assignment must be received no later than 11.30am on 22th April 2023.
It is your responsibility to know when the submission deadline is. Ignorance of the deadline
will not be accepted as a reason for late or non-submission.
Work submitted within 5 calendar days after the official deadline will be awarded a
maximum mark of 40%. Any submissions received after that time will be awarded a zero
mark and the assessors will only comment on the work for learning purposes.
BA (Hons) Marketing
Assignment: Marketing Consultancy (BA 1071)
Semester: February - May 2023

5. The work you produce is expected to be wholly your own work, except where you have been
asked to work as part of a group, when it should be the result of the group's discussions.
Where material is drawn from any other source, you should acknowledge this in the text.
Plagiarism is a disciplinary offence under the academic code of practice for students in
assessments. Penalties for plagiarism are potentially serious and may affect your eligibility
for an award.

6. The assignment should be word processed on A4 sized paper (single side only) and double-
spaced. Please include a title page indicating your name, student number, class, module title
and the name of the lecturer concerned. Please staple at the left hand corner of the

7. Save a soft copy of your assignment in a CD marked with your Student ID number(s) and
attach it securely to your assignment before submission. This assignment must be attached to
a completed Assignment Cover Sheet.

8. You are requested to keep a copy of your work.

BA (Hons) Marketing
Assignment: Marketing Consultancy (BA 1071)
Semester: February - May 2023

The assessment for this module consists of two elements. Final submission dates for elements
of assessment vary.
Elemen Type of assessment Word or % of Total Submission Final
t time limit Mark method Submission
10 Group Project Paper 2500 words 60% Soft Copy End of week 7
(2 – 4 students)

11 Group Project 12 slides, 40% Soft Copy End of week 13

Presentation Slides 1000 words
And Speaker’s Notes in speakers
(Note: distance notes
learning students
only may complete
this project

Element 010 – GROUP ASSIGNMENT: REPORT (2500 WORDS) (60%)

1. Introduction: to include an outline of the company; their current
position in the market; clearly identified client problem; 40
implications for the business if the problem is not addressed.
2. Situation analysis of the market: to include a review of the market
using suitable models (e.g. STEEPLE; SWOT McKinsey 7s, etc.)

The group report will outline the client problem and provide an audit of the market situation
for the company. The report will be handed in at the end of week seven of the module. The
report should be prepared and presented in a commercially credible way.
Please note that as this is a group report you should work together and produce one document.
You can, if you want to, divide the sections amongst the group and write them independently,
but the sections must be brought together cohesively into one final document. There will be
one mark provided for the whole group.
The group report will be worth 60% of the total mark for the assignment.
Students should address the following issues
I. Structure
Major areas should be clearly identified under relevant headings (e.g. external, internal,
competition, etc.)
II. Content

BA (Hons) Marketing
Assignment: Marketing Consultancy (BA 1071)
Semester: February - May 2023

In most circumstances there will be the need for a background audit to be undertaken
covering the internal and the external environment. The external environment will cover
both the macro and the microenvironment.
All relevant major areas should be identified including where relevant such concepts as:
Customers and markets, competition, suppliers, etc. There should be a balanced approach
with internal and external areas identified being those that relate most closely to the
question asked.
The major areas discussed should be clearly ‘major’ areas and all should be covered.
There should be analysis and evaluation as well as description.
The report should be the work of the group.

Part 2 – Presentation slides (x 12) and speaker’s notes (1000 words)
1. Presentation overall effect, commercial credibility and
2. Use of appropriate models and theory 20
3 Content given which will include:
a) Suitable set of objectives (should be SMART).
b) Production of appropriate strategy for the company which will
enable the company to achieve the objectives. The strategy 40
must use suitable models
c) Budget (forecast cash flow and profit and loss budgets to be
provided for the project)
4 Overall understanding of and solution to client’s marketing

The presentation will account for 40% of the final mark.

Please note that a maximum of 12 slides are allowed and the word count in the speaker’s notes
should be limited to 1000. While there is no limit to the words on the actual slides, it is
considered best practice to use more visual (images, tables, graphs etc.) than words on the
actual slides for effective audience communication. A set of slides and speaker’s notes should
be provided to the client as well as your tutor for assessment.
I. Structure of the presentation
The presentation should have a clear beginning, middle and end.
It should be presented in a commercially credible manner including room layout, slides and
personal presentation.
It should be presented logically and systematically moving through the process identifying
discussing and analysing the major issues in a balanced and realistic manner.

Major areas should be clearly identified under relevant headings (e.g. SMART objectives;
strategy; products target markets; marketing communication campaigns etc.).
BA (Hons) Marketing
Assignment: Marketing Consultancy (BA 1071)
Semester: February - May 2023

II. Content
The group will provide a set of objectives; strategy and tactical plan for the project they are
undertaking for the client.
All coursework assignments and other forms of assessment must be submitted by the published
deadline which is detailed above. It is your responsibility to know when work is due to be
submitted – ignorance of the deadline date will not be accepted as a reason for late or non-
Any late work will NOT be accepted and a mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment task
in question.
You are requested to keep a copy of your work.

BA (Hons) Marketing
Assignment: Marketing Consultancy (BA 1071)
Semester: February - May 2023

Marking Criteria for Element 010 & 011

A++ = 90-100 A+ = 80-89% A = 70-79% B = 60-69% C = 50-59% D = 40-49% F = 30-39% F- = 20-29% F— = 10 -19% F---- = 0-9%

Exceptional Outstanding Excellent Good management Satisfactory Basic use of Limited use of Little evidence of Inadequate use of No evidence of use
management of management of management of of learning management of learning resources learning resources. use of learning learning resources. of learning
Introduction: outline of company; current position in the

learning resources, learning resources, learning resources, resources, with learning resources. with little Unable to work resources. Unable Unable to work resources.
with a higher with a degree of with degree of consistent self- Some autonomy in autonomy. Some autonomously. to work autonomously. Completely unable
degree of autonomy/explora autonomy/researc directed research. research but difficulties with Little input to autonomously. Inadequate input to work
market; clearly identified client problem

autonomy/explora tion that clearly h that may exceed Structured and inconsistent. academic/intellect teams. Weak Little input to to teams. autonomously. No
tion that clearly exceeds the the assessment accurate Structured and ual skills. Some academic/ teams. Very weak Extremely weak evidence of input
exceeds the assessment brief. brief. Structured expression. Good mainly accurate difficulty with intellectual skills. academic/ academic/intellect to teams. No
assessment brief. An exemplar of and creative academic/intellect expression. structure/accuracy Still mainly intellectual skills. ual skills. Work evidence of
Exceptional structured/accurat expression. Very ual skills and Acceptable level of in expression, but descriptive. Work significantly significantly academic/intellect
structure/accurate e expression. good academic/ team/practical/ academic/ evidence of General difficulty descriptive. descriptive. Major ual skills. Work
expression. Demonstrates intellectual skills professional/probl intellectual skills developing with Significant difficulty difficulty with wholly descriptive.
Demonstrates intellectual and em solving skills going beyond team/practical/pro structure/accuracy with structure/accuracy Incoherent
intellectual originality and practical/team/pro description at fessional/problem- in expression. structure/accuracy in expression. structure/accuracy
originality and imagination. fessional/problem- times. Satisfactory solving skills Practical/professio in expression. Little Inadequate and expression. No
imagination. Outstanding solving skills team/practical/pro nal/ problem- evidence of practical/professio evidence of
Exceptional team/practical/pro fessional/problem- solving skills that practical/professio nal/ problem- practical/professio
team/practical/pro fessional skills solving skills are not yet secure nal/problem- solving skills nal/ problem-
fessional skills. solving skills solving skills
Work may be
considered for
publication within

Exceptional Outstanding Excellent Good knowledge Satisfactory Basic knowledge Limited knowledge Little evidence of Inadequate No evidence of
information base information base knowledge base base that supports knowledge base base with some base. Limited knowledge base. knowledge base. knowledge base;
Situation analysis of the

exploring and exploring and that supports analysis, evaluation that supports some omissions at the understanding of Little evidence of Inadequate no evidence of
analysing the analysing the analysis, evaluation and problem- analysis, evaluation level of theoretical theoretical and understanding of understanding of understanding of
market with market with clear and problem- solving in theory and problem- issues. Restricted practical issues. theoretical and theoretical and theoretical and

extraordinary originality and solving with and practice with solving in theory ability to or solve Difficulty with practical issues. practical issues. practical issues.
originality and autonomy considerable some originality and practice. problems in theory and problem Significant difficulty Major difficulty Total inability with
autonomy. Work originality discipline. solving. with theory and with theory and theory and problem
may be considered problem solving. problem solving. solving.
for publication
within University

BA (Hons) Marketing
Assignment: Marketing Consultancy (BA 1071)
Semester: February - May 2023

A++ = 90-100 A+ = 80-89% A = 70-79% B = 60-69% C = 50-59% D = 40-49% F = 30-39% F- = 20-29% F— = 10 -19% F---- = 0-9%

Exceptional Outstanding Excellent Good management Satisfactory Basic use of Limited use of Little evidence of Inadequate use of No evidence of use
management of management of management of of learning management of learning resources learning resources. use of learning learning resources. of learning
learning resources, learning resources, learning resources, resources, with learning resources. with little Unable to work resources. Unable Unable to work resources.
with a higher with a degree of with degree of consistent self- Some autonomy in autonomy. Some autonomously. to work autonomously. Completely unable
degree of autonomy/explora autonomy/researc directed research. research but difficulties with Little input to autonomously. Inadequate input to work
autonomy/explora tion that clearly h that may exceed Structured and inconsistent. academic/intellect teams. Weak Little input to to teams. autonomously. No
tion that clearly exceeds the the assessment accurate Structured and ual skills. Some academic/ teams. Very weak Extremely weak evidence of input
exceeds the assessment brief. brief. Structured expression. Good mainly accurate difficulty with intellectual skills. academic/ academic/intellect to teams. No
Presentation structure

assessment brief. An exemplar of and creative academic/intellect expression. structure/accuracy Still mainly intellectual skills. ual skills. Work evidence of
and overall affect

Exceptional structured/accurat expression. Very ual skills and Acceptable level of in expression, but descriptive. Work significantly significantly academic/intellect
structure/accurate e expression. good academic/ team/practical/ academic/ evidence of General difficulty descriptive. descriptive. Major ual skills. Work
expression. Demonstrates intellectual skills professional/probl intellectual skills developing with Significant difficulty difficulty with wholly descriptive.
Demonstrates intellectual and em solving skills going beyond team/practical/pro structure/accuracy with structure/accuracy Incoherent
intellectual originality and practical/team/pro description at fessional/problem- in expression. structure/accuracy in expression. structure/accuracy
originality and imagination. fessional/problem- times. Satisfactory solving skills Practical/professio in expression. Little Inadequate and expression. No
imagination. Outstanding solving skills team/practical/pro nal/ problem- evidence of practical/professio evidence of
Exceptional team/practical/pro fessional/problem- solving skills that practical/professio nal/ problem- practical/professio
team/practical/pro fessional skills solving skills are not yet secure nal/problem- solving skills nal/ problem-
fessional skills. solving skills solving skills
Work may be
considered for
publication within

BA (Hons) Marketing
Assignment: Marketing Consultancy (BA 1071)
Semester: February - May 2023

Exceptional Outstanding Excellent Good management Satisfactory Basic use of Limited use of Little evidence of Inadequate use of No evidence of use
management of management of management of of learning management of learning resources learning resources. use of learning learning resources. of learning
learning resources, learning resources, learning resources, resources, with learning resources. with little Unable to work resources. Unable Unable to work resources.
with a higher with a degree of with degree of consistent self- Some autonomy in autonomy. Some autonomously. to work autonomously. Completely unable
degree of autonomy/explora autonomy/researc directed research. research but difficulties with Little input to autonomously. Inadequate input to work
autonomy/explora tion that clearly h that may exceed Structured and inconsistent. academic/intellect teams. Weak Little input to to teams. autonomously. No
tion that clearly exceeds the the assessment accurate Structured and ual skills. Some academic/ teams. Very weak Extremely weak evidence of input
exceeds the assessment brief. brief. Structured expression. Good mainly accurate difficulty with intellectual skills. academic/ academic/intellect to teams. No
Individual presentation

assessment brief. An exemplar of and creative academic/intellect expression. structure/accuracy Still mainly intellectual skills. ual skills. Work evidence of
clarity and style

Exceptional structured/accurat expression. Very ual skills and Acceptable level of in expression, but descriptive. Work significantly significantly academic/intellect
structure/accurate e expression. good academic/ team/practical/ academic/ evidence of General difficulty descriptive. descriptive. Major ual skills. Work
expression. Demonstrates intellectual skills professional/probl intellectual skills developing with Significant difficulty difficulty with wholly descriptive.
Demonstrates intellectual and em solving skills going beyond team/practical/pro structure/accuracy with structure/accuracy Incoherent
intellectual originality and practical/team/pro description at fessional/problem- in expression. structure/accuracy in expression. structure/accuracy
originality and imagination. fessional/problem- times. Satisfactory solving skills Practical/professio in expression. Little Inadequate and expression. No
imagination. Outstanding solving skills team/practical/pro nal/ problem- evidence of practical/professio evidence of
Exceptional team/practical/pro fessional/problem- solving skills that practical/professio nal/ problem- practical/professio
team/practical/pro fessional skills solving skills are not yet secure nal/problem- solving skills nal/ problem-
fessional skills. solving skills solving skills
Work may be
considered for
publication within

Exceptional Outstanding Excellent Good knowledge Satisfactory Basic knowledge Limited knowledge Little evidence of Inadequate No evidence of
information base information base knowledge base base that supports knowledge base base with some base. Limited knowledge base. knowledge base. knowledge base;
Content of presentation - objectives, strategy,

exploring and exploring and that supports analysis, evaluation that supports some omissions at the understanding of Little evidence of Inadequate no evidence of
analysing the analysing the analysis, evaluation and problem- analysis, evaluation level of theoretical theoretical and understanding of understanding of understanding of
market with market with clear and problem- solving in theory and problem- issues. Restricted practical issues. theoretical and theoretical and theoretical and
extraordinary originality and solving with and practice with solving in theory ability to or solve Difficulty with practical issues. practical issues. practical issues.
originality and autonomy considerable some originality and practice. problems in theory and problem Significant difficulty Major difficulty Total inability with
tactical plan

autonomy. Work originality discipline solving. with theory and with theory and theory and problem
may be considered problem solving. problem solving. solving.
for publication
within University

BA (Hons) Marketing
Assignment: Marketing Consultancy (BA 1071)
Semester: February - May 2023

Exceptional Outstanding Excellent Good management Satisfactory Basic use of Limited use of Little evidence of Inadequate use of No evidence of use
management of management of management of of learning management of learning resources learning resources. use of learning learning resources. of learning
learning resources, learning resources, learning resources, resources, with learning resources. with little Unable to work resources. Unable Unable to work resources.
with a higher with a degree of with degree of consistent self- Some autonomy in autonomy. Some autonomously. to work autonomously. Completely unable
degree of autonomy/explora autonomy/researc directed research. research but difficulties with Little input to autonomously. Inadequate input to work
Understanding and explanation of content

autonomy/explora tion that clearly h that may exceed Structured and inconsistent. academic/intellect teams. Weak Little input to to teams. autonomously. No
tion that clearly exceeds the the assessment accurate Structured and ual skills. Some academic/ teams. Very weak Extremely weak evidence of input
exceeds the assessment brief. brief. Structured expression. Good mainly accurate difficulty with intellectual skills. academic/ academic/intellect to teams. No
assessment brief. An exemplar of and creative academic/intellect expression. structure/accuracy Still mainly intellectual skills. ual skills. Work evidence of
Exceptional structured/accurat expression. Very ual skills and Acceptable level of in expression, but descriptive. Work significantly significantly academic/intellect
structure/accurate e expression. good academic/ team/practical/ academic/ evidence of General difficulty descriptive. descriptive. Major ual skills. Work
expression. Demonstrates intellectual skills professional/probl intellectual skills developing with Significant difficulty difficulty with wholly descriptive.
Demonstrates intellectual and em solving skills going beyond team/practical/pro structure/accuracy with structure/accuracy Incoherent
intellectual originality and practical/team/pro description at fessional/problem- in expression. structure/accuracy in expression. structure/accuracy
originality and imagination. fessional/problem- times. Satisfactory solving skills Practical/professio in expression. Little Inadequate and expression. No
imagination. Outstanding solving skills team/practical/pro nal/ problem- evidence of practical/professio evidence of
Exceptional team/practical/pro fessional/problem- solving skills that practical/professio nal/ problem- practical/professio
team/practical/pro fessional skills solving skills are not yet secure nal/problem- solving skills nal/ problem-
fessional skills. solving skills solving skills
Work may be
considered for
publication within

BA (Hons) Marketing
Assignment: Marketing Consultancy (BA 1071)
Semester: February - May 2022



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