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District of Cavinti
Bukal National High School
Bukal, Cavinti, Laguna
School I.D: 301233

Name of Learner: ____________________________________________ SCORE: _________________________

Section: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________

Test I. Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided.

____________________1. The central, main character of a story.

____________________ 2. The opposition of forces, essential to the plot.
____________________ 3. The most exciting part of the story.
____________________ 4. What term means category or kind of story?
____________________ 5. The angle from which the story is told is called _________________.
____________________ 6. It refers to the written works that follow a basic grammatical structure.
____________________ 7. It is a written work that follow a metrical structure.
____________________ 8. This is when the author told straight out what the character is like.
____________________ 9. This is when the reader determines what the character is like.
____________________10. It is the unifying generalization about life stated or implied by the story.
____________________11. It means language that follows the natural pattern of everyday speech.
____________________12. It is an error in reasoning, a flawed statements that often sound true.
____________________13. It is a Latin word that means to deceive, to trip, to lead into error or trick”
____________________14. It is a Greek word that means deceitful.
____________________15. It is often used to strengthen an argument, but if the reader detects then the argument can
back backfire and damage the writer’s credibility.
Test II. Logical Fallacies. Identify what kind of fallacy are presented. Write your answer on the space provided.

________ 1. If I don’t take this A.P. class, then I won’t do well on the exam. If I don’t do well on the A.P. exam, then I
can’t get into a good college. If I can’t get into a good college, then I’ll never get a good job. If I can’t get a good job, then
I’m going to have to live in my parents’ basement forever. Guess I’ll sign up for the A.P. class.
a. Hasty Generalization
b. Slippery Slope
c. Appeal to Authority
d. Bandwagon
________ 2. "The mind is like a knife, cutting through difficult problems. But just as too much cutting dulls a knife, so too
much education dulls the mind."

a. False dilemma
b. False analogy
c. Equivocation
d. Circular reasoning

________ 3. "The two courses I took at UF were not very interesting. I don't think its a good university."

a. Circular Reasoning
b. False analogy
c. Hasty Generalization
d. Post Hoc

________ 4. A driver with a New York license plate cuts you off in traffic. You decide that all New York drivers are
terrible drivers.

a. Hasty Generalization
b. Post Hoc
c. Missing the Point
d. Slippery Slope

________ 5. You should never gamble. Once you start gambling you find it hard to stop. Soon you are spending all your
money on gambling, and eventually you will turn to crime to support your earnings.

a. Post Hoc
b. Slippery Slope
c. Appeal to Authority
d. Missing the point

________ 6. Which fallacy best fits the following passage? Since the United States has elected a black man as its
president, it is clear that racism in America is no longer a problem.

a. Hasty Generalization
b. Post Hoc
c. Missing the Point
d. Slippery Slope

________ 7. “God is subtle but He is not malicious.” “I am convinced that God does not play dice.” With these
quotations, Einstein clearly indicates a belief in God. And Einstein is indisputably the greatest mind of the last 100 years.
Likewise, his greatest predecessor, Newton, was a strongly committed believer in God. Even the pagan Aristotle, the
founder of science and logic, acknowledged and defended the necessity of a first Divine Mind as creator of all things.
Who are we to question the three greatest scientific minds of all time? God exists.

a. Hasty Generalization
b. Slippery Slope
c. Appeal to Authority
d. Missing the Point
________ 8. “Guns are like hammers—they’re both tools with metal parts that could be used to kill someone. And yet it
would be ridiculous to restrict the purchase of hammers—so restrictions on purchasing guns are equally ridiculous.”

a. False dilemma
b. False analogy
c. Weak Analogy
d. Circular reasoning

________ 9. “President Duterte raised taxes, and then the rate of violent crime went up. Duterte is responsible for the rise
in crime.”

a. Hasty Generalization
b. Post Hoc
c. Missing the Point
d. Slippery Slope

________ 10. "Every time that rooster crows, the sun comes up. That rooster must be very powerful and important!"

a. Circular Reasoning
b. False analogy
c. Hasty Generalization
d. Post Hoc

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