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The graph below shows the demand for electricity in England during typical days in winter and

summer. The pie chart shows how electricity is used in an average English home.

There are two different data related with electricity. One of them is a pie chart, while illustrates the
purpose for which electricity is used (consumed) , the other given line graph gives an analysis of how
much people consume at what time by considering a random day in two specific seasons (winter and
summer) in England. (56)

Overall, ,it can be clearly seen that the electricity demand in winter is much higher than the demand
in summer in England and prime time is different for summer and winter. Also people consumed
Heating rooms and heating water made up just above half of the electricity consumed. (48)
First of all, in a typical day, the electricity demand in winter season is around 35,000 units and it is
approximately 18,000 units in the summer season. In both season the lowest electricity usage is
between 6 and 9 hours. In winter season, the demand reached the highest point between 22:00 and
23:00 hours ( just under 5000 units ). However, in summer time there is a peak between 13:00 and
14:00 hours (just above 2000 units). (77)

Secondly, there are four different usage areas which are heating, kitchen equioments, entertainment
and electric tools. The most energy consumption is heating at 52.5%. Electricity consumption in
kitchen equipments include washing machines follow it second at 17.5%. The latest two other
categories consume 15% electricity each. These are light, TV, Radio, vacuum cleaner, food mixer and
other electric devices. (59)

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