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NAMA : Ni Wayan Rika Muliani

NPM : 202232121483
PRODI : Manajemen

Practice 1
Write questions and answer about the wardrobe dimensions.
How long is the cupboard?
It is 80 centimeters long
What is the width of the cupboard?
Its width is 52 centimeters
How high are the cupboard?
they are all 185 centimeters high

Practice 4
Write about current condition of below topics by using adjectives
1. The weather :
The weather is currently in the rainy season but sometimes it is also hot
2. The national currency :
The national currency in Indonesia is rupiah currency
3. The education system
The education system in Indonesia is all citizens must undertake twelve years of compulsory
education which consis
Practice 7
Write your own review of a product that you recently consumed or purchased, include all the
points outlined in the above guideline.
Product review : Clean & Shiny

Clean & Shiny offers a mild, natural formula thanks to the natural ingredients used in
this product. The combination of orange extract and aloe vera is key to its powerful effects. It
leaves my skin smooth, oil free and radiant.This product is suitable for all skin types. Even if
you have sensitive skin, Clean & Shiny is the perfect treatment as it contains a natural formula
that is free of harmful chemicals. Apply a small amount of Clean & Shiny to your face before
going out. It works both as a moisturizer and as a sunscreen.Overall, I love Clean & Shiny. It
suits me very well, so I will purchase this product again. It uses natural ingredients that are free
of harmful chemicals, so it is safe for long-term use.

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