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School MORENO INTEGRATED Grade Grade 8

DAILY LESSON PLAN Teaching Date April 14, 2023 Quarter 4th
Grade 8 and Time 2:30PM-5:30PM
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the
digestive system and its interaction with the
circulatory, respiratory, and excretory systems in
providing the body with nutrients for energy
B. Performance Present an analysis of the data gathered on
Standards diseases resulting from nutrient deficiency
C. Learning The learners should be able to explain ingestion,
Competencies/ absorption, assimilation, and excretion. S8LT-IVa-
Objectives 13

At the end of the lesson, students should be able

a. Identify the organs involved in the digestive
b. Explain the functions of the organs
involved in the digestive system; and
c. Describe how digestive system functions.

II. CONTENT Structures and Functions of the Digestive System

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Science Learner’s Materials pp. 291-295
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials Digestive system. (n.d.). Cleveland Clinic.
from LR Retrieved March 29, 2023, from

Digestive System - Structure and Function. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2023,

Human Digestive System. (2018, January 28).


Tambayan, D. (2022a, May 15). Grade 8 science

module: Structures and functions of the digestive
system. DepEd Tambayan.

B. Other Learning Laptop, projector/ monitor, speaker, cellphone,

Resources Digestive System Model
C. Learning Inquiry Based Instruction, Paper and Pencil Test,
Routinary activity Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Customary greetings
“Good afternoon class. So it is nice to meet
you all. For today I will be your teacher, and “Good afternoon, Ma’am
we will be spending the rest of the month Ellaii.”

2. Seating arrangement
“Before we start, please go back to your
proper and assigned seats.

3. Attendance “Good afternoon, Ma’am, I

“Okay, so may I ask representatives of each am glad to report to you
group to report to me who are the absents that there is no absent
today?” today.”

“Okay, thank you.”

A. ELICIT “Before we start, have you ever attended a party “Yes Ma’am!”
with lots of foods?”

“Have you ever wondered how all the foods you

ate were absorbed and digested in our body? Any “I think Ma’am it’s because
idea from the class?” after chewing the food it
then gets passed down
into our other organs and
digested and dissolved in
our stomach.”

“Yes, very good. And if you have prior knowledge,

what are the organs involved in the digestion of
food?” “The mouth, tongue, and
the stomach, intestine,

“Very good. Those are just some of the few organs

involved in the digestive system. Later on we will
learn more about the digestion of food.”
“Now I have here an image of the digestive
system, what I want you to do is to label the parts
of the digestive system. This activity is entitled
“If you want to try and label the parts of the
digestive system, kindly raise your hand.”

(students actively

“I see that there are some that is labelled

incorrectly, but we will correct that later throughout
our discussion.”
C. EXPLORE “Now, let us learn more about the digestive system
by watching a short video clip. I want you to jot
down notes, and then later I will call some of you
to share your learnings or gathered information.
Are you ready class?” “AYE! AYE! CAPTAIN!”
“Okay, so Mr._______ what have you learned
from the video?” “Ma’am I have learned that
by chewing food we eat,
we are able to break it into
smaller pieces for our
stomach to easily digest.”

“Very good. Other answers?” (students raised their


“There is an enzyme called

pepsin that helps
“That’s right. In our stomach there are enzymes breakdown proteins.”
and acids that helps in dissolving and digesting
the food we eat.”

“Anyone who wants to share more idea?” “Our intestines have

different function; the small
intestine is where food is
broken down into nutrients
which then is absorbed by
our body through blood.
While on the other hand,
the foods that are not
absorbed in our body are
then sent to the large
intestine and being pushed
out of our body.”
“Very good. Thank you for that comprehensive
idea. It is said in the video that our organs involved
in the digestive system have different functions.
And the process of digestion starts with chewing
the food we eat and ends with pushing it out of our

E. ELABORATE “Now without further a do, let us learn about the

digestive system. So, the human digestive system
is a collection of organs which work together to
transform food into energy and other fundamental
nutrients to fuel the body. Our bodies digest and
utilize the food we consume, and the unused
portions of the meal are defecated.”

“The digestive system comprises of organs that

helps in the digestion of food namely the; mouth,
pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large
intestine, liver, pancreas, rectum, and anus.”

“Again, what does the digestive system do “The digestive system is

Ms.____?” responsible for
transforming foods into
energy that can be used by
our body to be able to grow
“Very good. Now, let us learn about the specific
functions of our organs involved in the digestive
system. Let us start with the mouth.”

“Mouth is where we take in food and chop it down

into smaller particles. And inside our mouth we
have our teeth that grinds the food, tongue that
pushes the food into the esophagus, and the
salivary glands that produces saliva of course.
Saliva helps in moistening meals to facilitate
easier swallowing. Moreover, it contains an
enzyme called amylase that facilitates the
stomach's breakdown of food's carbohydrates.”

“Next, we have the pharynx which is typically

referred to as the throat. The passageway where it
transports both food and drink to the digestive
system as well as air to the respiratory system.”

“Okay I have a question; how can we eat and

breath at the same time?” “It’s because we have 2
different tubes, the one is
for respiratory while the
other one is for the
swallowing of food.”
“That’s right. We have 2 tubes in our body one for
the windpipe and one as a food pipe, and in that
tube, there is what we called epiglottis. The
throat's epiglottis, which resembles a leaf, serves
to keep food and liquids out of the lungs and

“Then, we have the esophagus, it connects the

pharynx into the stomach. Your esophagus' main
function is to transport food and liquids from your
mouth to your stomach.”

“Can you still follow class?” “Yes Ma’am!”

“Okay, if you understand my discussion. What is
the organ that enables us to breath and eat at the
same time?”

“And what is the function of the mouth, aside from “The mouth has the tongue
chitchatting with your seatmates?” that pushes food into our
throat and the salivary
glands produces enzymes
and saliva that moistens
the food for us to easily
swallow the food we eat.”


“So after chewing food, swallowing it, it then goes

down to the stomach. The J-shaped organ that
digests food is the stomach. It generates acids
and enzymes, which are substances that cause
chemical reactions. Food is broken down by this
mixture of enzymes and digestive juices so that it
may move to your small intestine.”

“Next, after being digested in the stomach, it goes

down to the small intestine. Food is converted into
liquid and the majority of its nutrients are absorbed
in the small intestine. The large intestine receives
the waste.”

“Then as said the waste after the food has been

processed into nutrients in the small intestine. It
then transports the waste in the large intestine.
The colon, rectum, and anus are all parts of the
large intestine. As food approaches the end of its
journey through your digestive system, it continues
in one continuous, lengthy tube from the small
intestine. As you defecate, the large intestine
removes food waste from the body by converting it
into stool.”

“Rectum’s major task is to store and hold your

feces until it's time to expel them. While the anus
is the exit point for feces from the body at the very
end of the digestive system.”

“We also have the liver, bile, a clear yellow or

orange fluid, is secreted by it. In order to be
digested and absorbed more easily, fats must first
be broken down by bile. The liver is the final stop
for all blood traveling out of the intestines and
stomach. This blood is processed by the liver,
which also balances, breaks down, and produces
nutrients that the body can use.”

“Moreover, the pancreas is also involved,

enzymes are produced in the pancreas. These
enzymes breakdown carbohydrates, lipids, and

Application: “Digestion is important for

breaking down food into
“What are the applications of digestive system in nutrients, which the body
daily life?” uses for energy, growth,
and cell repair. Food and
drink must be changed into
smaller molecules of
nutrients before the blood
absorbs them and carries
them to cells throughout
the body.”

Valuing: “Because digestion is vital

for our survival. If we
“Why do we need to learn about digestion?” cannot digest food, we will
not be able to get the
nutrients we need.”

“We must eat proper food

that will not harm our
“So what should you do to make your digestive digestive system. Follow a
system healthy?” healthy diet and drink
plenty of water.”

“Very well said. Thank you.”

Generalization: “The organs involved are

stomach, pharynx,
esophagus, liver, rectum,
“What are the organs involved in the digestive anus, small and large
system?” intestine.”

“The difference between

“What is the difference between the function of the the 2 is that in the small
small intestine and large intestine?” intestine, foods are
absorbed and converted
into nutrients. While, in the
small intestine it is where
the waste from the food
are converted into a stool
that is needed to be
pushed outside the body.”

“Digestion starts from

chewing food, swallowing it
“How does digestion happen?” and travels down the
stomach, digested and
absorbed in the small
intestine. The waste will
then be moved to the large
intestine and be pushed
out into the anus after
being stored in the
“So, to assess your learnings, I will be giving you a
short quiz wherein you have to match the organ in
column B in the given function in column A. Are
you ready class?””

“Okay, you may start answering now.”

G. EXTEND “For your assignment, search for the following:

ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion.”

“Goodbye class, see you tomorrow.” “Goodbye Ma’am Ellaii.”


Prepared by:

Pre-Service Teacher

Checked and approved by:

Teacher III

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