C8 - 483 - Ni Wyn Rika Muliani - B.ingris - Tugas 3

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Nama : Ni Wayan Rika Muliani

NPM : 483
Kelas : C8

Salary : In office A the monthly salary is 10 million more than in office B the monthly salary
is 8.5 million.
Working Hours : Office A working hours are 54 hours longer than Office B’s 45 hours.
Benefit : Office B allowance benefit is more profitable than Office A no allowance benefit.
Commuting distance : Office A has a distance of 6 km is closer than office b has a distance
of 15 km.
Overall : Office A has more salary than office B and longer working hours than office B but
office A does not have benefits like office B and office A's commuting distance is closer than
office b.

1. A enjoyable activity for me is when I listen to music because it makes me calm from all the
2. The best industrial sector in my opinion is the trading industry because the trading industry
is important for business
3. My most desired career is to become a successful entrepreneur so that I can provide jobs for

1. The oldest map in the world is more than 5.000 years old.
2. The commonest family name is Chang, there are at least 75 million people in China with
this name
3. A music CD is more expensive in Germany than in the USA.
4. Mexico is more close to the equator than Norway.
5. The loadest volcanic eruption was in 1883 when Krakatou erupted,People heard it 3.000
miles away!
6. Reykjavik is the warmest than New York in winter.
7. Which do you think is the most snowy place in the world? 8. Australia is the smallest
continent in the world.

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