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ae Answer Booklet AUTHENTIC EXAMINATION PAPERS FROM CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT Contents Introduction Test 1 Answers Test 2 Answers Test 3 Answers Starters Thematic Vocabulary List Introduction ‘The Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offer an elementary-level testing system (up to CEFR level A2) for learners of English between the ages of 7 and 12. The tests include three key levels of assessment: Starters, Movers and Flyers. Starters is the lowest level in the system. Test instructions are very simple and consist only of words and structures specified in the syllabus. ‘The complete test lasts about 45 minutes and has the following components: Listening, Reading and Writing, and Speaking. length number of parts number of questions Listening ‘approx. 20 minutes 4 20 Reading and Writing 20 minutes 5 25 ‘Speaking ‘approx. 8-5 minutes 5 = Candidates need a pen or pencil for the Reading and Writing paper, and coloured pens or pencils for the Listening paper. All answers are written on the question papers. Listening In general, the aim is to focus on the “here and now’ and to use language in meaningful contexts. In addition to multiple-choice and short-answer questions, candidates are asked to use coloured pencils, to mark their responses to one task. There are four parts. Each part begins with a clear example. part | _ main skill focus input expected response _| number of questions 1 [listening for words | picture and dialogue ‘cary out instructions and 5 and prepositions postion things correctly on a picture 2 | listening for numbers | ilustrated comprehension | write numbers and names: 5 and speling Questions and dialogue ‘3 | listening for specific | S-option multiple-choice | tick correct box under picture 6 Information of various | pictures and dialogues kinds 4 | listening for words, | picture and dialogue cary out instructions; locate 5 colours and ‘objects and colour correctly prepositions (range of colours is: black, blue, brown, green, grey, orange, pink, purple, re, yellow) Introduction Reading and Writing ‘Again, the focus is on the ‘here and now’ and the use of language in meaningful contexts where possible. To complete the test, candidates need a single pen or pencil of any colour. There are five parts, each starting with a clear example. part main skill focus input expected number of questions response 1 | reading short sentences words, pictures and tick oF ross 0 show 5 and recognising words and | sentences if sentence is tue or sentences false 2 | reading sentences about a | picture and sentences | write "yas'/"no" 5 picture and writing one-word answers 3. | speling of single words pictures and sets of write words 3 jumbled letters 4 | reading atext end copying | cloze text, words and | choose and copy 5 words pictures missing words 5 | reading questions about a | story presented trough | write one-word 5 Dieture story and wring one- | tives pitures and answers to questions word answers uestions Speaking In the Speaking test, the candidate speaks with one examiner for about four minutes. The format of the test is explained in advance to the child in their native language, by a teacher or person familiar to them. This person then takes the child into the exam room and introduces them to the examiner. Speaking ability is assessed according to various criteria, including comprehension, the ability to produce an appropriate response and pronunciation. part main skill focus input expected response 1 | understanding and folowing | scene picture Point tothe correct part ofthe picture spoken instructions » 2 | understanding and foiowing | scene picture and eight | place the object cards on the soene pletwe as spoken instructions small object cards Sirected 3 | understanding and answering | scene picture ‘answer questions with short answers ‘spoken questions 4 | understanding and answering | three object cards “answer questions with short answers spoken questions 5 | understanding and responding | no visual prompt ‘answer questions with short answers 40 personal questions Further information Further information about Cambridge English: Young Learners can be obtained from: Cambridge English Language Assessment 1 Hills Road Cambridge CB1 2EU United Kingdom Test 1 Answers istening Part 1 (5 marks) Lines should be drawn between: 1 the shoe and under the dog 2 the coconut and between the woman and the duck 3 the doll and in the window 4 the mango and on the floor next to the boy 5 the glasses and the chicken’s face Part 2 (5 marks) 1 Lucy (correct spelling) 3 Ben (correct spelling) 5 3ythree 2 18/eighteen 4-19 /nineteen Part 3 (5 marks) 1A 2C 3B 4€C 5C€ Part 4 (5 marks) 1 Colour the bird with the baby - pink 2 Colour the bird flying between the boxes ~ red 3 Colour the bird behind the bike ~ orange 4 Colour the bird in the car - blue 5 Colour the bird next to the apples ~ yellow TRANSCRIPT Hello, This is the Cambridge English Starters Listening Test. Part 1 Look at Part 1. Now look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. (pause) Look a the family inthe garden Yes. lke ther animals, Gan | pu the hat onthe horse? usc OK: Pat te hat on the horse's head [panse} Can you see the line? This is an example, Now you listen and draw lines. [pause] 1 Wowan: What now? Max: Can you put the shoe under the dog? Wowan: Put the shoe where? Max: Under the dog, please, pause] Wowax: Where can | put the coconut? Max: Put it between the woman and the duck. Wowax: The coconut between the woman and the duck? Max: Yes, that's right. pause] 3 Max: Can you ses the doll? Wouss: Pardon? Max: The doll, Put itn the window. Wousx: OK. I's in the window now. [pause] 4 Look. There's a mango. Wowa: Oh, yes. Can | put it next to the boy? Max: Yes. On the floor next to the boy, please. Wouax: OK. The mango’s there now. [pause] 5 Wowax: Those are big glasses. Max: Yes, they are. Put them on the chicken’s, face. Woman: Sorry, put the glasses where? Max: On the chicken's face. They look very nice! [pause] Now listen to Part 1 again. [The recording is repeated.] pause] That is the end of Part 1. [pause] Part 2. Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples. [pause] Mase Halo. What's your name, please? Gris Kim. Misc Do you spell Kim K-+M? Gm Yes, thats right. [pause] Man: And how old are you, Kim? Gru: I'mnine. Today's my birthday! Man: Nine today? Happy birthday! Gi: Thank you, [pause] Can you see the answers? Now you listen and write a name or a number. [pause] 1 Is this your house? No, it isn’. I's my friend Lucy's house. Lucy? How do you spell that? Its LUCY. Right. [pause] 2 Max: Where's your house? Ga: t's in this street. I's number eighteen. Max. What number? Giz Eighteen! I's there, look! Max: Oh, yes. [pause] 3 ‘And is that your cat? Yes, itis. His name's Ben. Is that B-E-N? Yes, Ben's a nice name for a cat. Thanks. [pause] Max Gra: Gru: Part 3 Wouan: Wowax: Gi: Wouas: Gin: Bor: Wouan: Test 1 Answers 4 Is your cat old? Yes, very old. He's nineteen, How old is he? Nineteen. “That is old for a cat. [pause] 5 Have you got lots of animals? Not fots, but I've got some lizards. How many? ve got three. ‘Taree lizards? ‘Yes. But they haven't got names. [pause] Now listen to Part 2 again. (The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Part 2. {pause} Look at the pictures. Now listen and look. There is one example. [pause] What's in Bill's bedroom? Have you got a mirror in your bedroom, Bil? Yes, on my desk. That's nice. Yes, but I haven't got a lamp. [pause] Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box. [pause] 1 Where are the onions? Peat, | can't find the onions for dinner. ‘Are they in the bag from the shop? No, and they're not in the cupboard. Here they are, Mum. They're on the table! [pause] 2. What's Tom doing? ‘Tom's not playing soccer today. | know. He's at his computer. Is he writing a story? No. He's looking at a picture [pause] 3. Which is Tony's mum? Look. There's my mum. Is she wearing a T-shirt, Tony? Test 1 Answers Boy: Yes, she is. And a hat. Wouas: Oh, yes. | like her handbag. [pause] 4 What does Anna like doing on the beach? Boy: Do you like fishing, Anna? There are lots of fish in the sea here. Girt: No. Look at the shells on the beach. love picking them up. Boy: I don't! Can we run? iru: No. I don't like doing that, pause] 5. Where's the goat? Max: Sam, where's the goat? Bov: In the garden, Dad. Max: Is it under the tree? Boy: No... and its not in front of the house. ‘Oh no, it’s in the flowers again! [pause] Now listen to Part 3 again. [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Part 3. [pause] Part 4 Look at the picture. Listen and look. ‘There is one example. [pause] Boy: There are a lot of birds in this picture Wouan: Yes, there are, Look at the bird on the boat. Bor: Oh, yes. Can | colour it green? Wowan: OK. A green bird on the beat. [pause] Can you see the green bird on the boat? This is an example. Now you listen and colour. [pause] 1 Box: Oh, look! There's a bird withthe baby! Wouns Where? ov: Thee ts sting wih the baby Wout Oh ys. Colour that bird pink. Boy: Right. I’m colouring it pink now. {pause] 2 Bor: And... there's a bird in the car, Wowax: Is there? Bov: Yes. Can I colour the bird in the car blue? Wowan: Yes, that’s good. Colour it blue. [pause] 3 One bird's flying between the boxes. What colour for that bird? ed. Have you got a red pencil? Yes, Ihave. I'm colouring the bird between the boxes now. That's nice. Wowan: [pause] 4 Boy: Can I colour the bird behind the bike? Wouax: OK. What colour is that one? Orange? ‘Boy: Yes. That's a good colour. Wouax: Right. An orange bird behind the bike. [pause] 5 Bor Can you see the apples? Wouax: Yes. There's a bird next to them, too. Bor. I'm colouring that bird yellow. Is that OK? Wouns: Yes. | ke yellow. Bor: And I ike apples! [pause] Now listen to Part 4 again. [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of the Starters 1 Listening Test. Reading and Writing Part 1 (5 marks) 1X 24 3K 44 sv Part 2 (5 marks) lye 2n0 3yes 4n0 510 Part 3 (5 marks) 1 sofa 2 bath 3 radio 4 mirror 3 window Part 4 (5 marks) 1 people 2 night 3 water 4 trees 5 playground Part 5 (5 marks) 1 kite 2 kitchen 3 mum(my)/mother 4 painting 5 gran(d)dad/grandfather Speaking Test 1 Answers Part Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response expected from child: Back-up questions: Usher brings candidate in. Usher to examiner: Hello. This is (chle's name"). Examiner Hello, My name's Jano/its Smith. Hello 1 | Points to Scene picture. | Look at this. This is a playroom. The children are playing table tennis, Hore’s the gir Paints to the git in Scene | *, where's the window? | Points toitems inthe | ts this the window? picture. Where are the toys? | picture, Are these the toys? 2 | Points to Object cards. | Now look at these. Which is the clock? | Points to Object car (Pointing to clock) ‘Tm putting the clock next to the ball Now you put the clock | Puts Object card in place. | Where's the table? under the table, Under the table. Which isthe ruler? | Points to Object card. | Is this the ruler? (Pointing to ner) Put the ruler behind the | Puts Object card in place. | Where's the giratte? giraffe. Behind the giratfe. ‘Which is the camera/ | Points to Object card. _| Is this the camera/boat? boat? (Pointing to carera/boat) Put the camera/boat | Puts Object card in place. | Where are the plane and between the plane and the horse? the horse. ‘Between the plane and the horse. 3 | Removes Object cards | Now, whats this? | flower {sta flower? and points toa flower in| What colour is it? purple Is it orange? Purple’ ‘Scene picture. How many flowers ere | five ‘ro there four? Five? there? Points to the cat What's the cat doing? | sleeping Is the cat sleeping? * Remember to use the child's name throughout the test. Test 1 Answers Part | Examiner does this: | Examiner says this: Back-up questions: 4 | Puts Scene picture away ‘and picks cut three Object cards. 4.1 | Shows jacket car. What's this? jacket Is ita jacket? ‘Are you wearing a yes/no jacket? What clothes do you | jeans Do you wear jeans at wear at school? school? 42 | Shows mouse card. What's this? ‘mouse Is ita mouse? Do you like mice? yes/no What's your favourite | elephant Do you like elephants? animal? 43 | Shows eggs/bananas | What are these? ‘eggs/bananas Are they eggs/bananas? card. Do you eat eggs/ yes/no bananas? What do you eat for | chips/fries Do you eat chips/tries? lunch? S| Puts away al cars. ‘Now, *, how old are you? | 70 ‘Are you 102 How many people are | 3 ‘Are there 3 people in there in your family? your family? Where do you watch | siving room Do you watch television television? in the fiving room? ‘OK. Thank you, * Goodbye. Goodbye. * Remember to use the child’s name throughout the test. 10 Test 2 Answers Listening Part 1 (5 marks) Lines should be drawn between: 1 the lamp and in front of the window, on the floor 2 the painting and between the guitar and the board, on the wall 3 the eraser and in the box 4 the camera and between the computer and the book, on the table 5 the ruler and under the teacher's desk Part 2 (5 marks) 1 Lucy (correct spelling) 2 12/twelve 3 Kim (correct spelling) 4 8/eight 5 Love (correct spelling) Part 3 (5 marks) 1A 2C 3A 4B SA Part 4 (5 marks) 1 Colour the hat of the boy in the tree ~ orange 2 Colour the hat of the girl playing in the water - blue 3 Colour the hat of the giel carrying fruit ~ yellow 4 Colour the hat of the giel drinking juice ~ pink 5 Colour the hat of the boy with the ice cream ~ brown: TRANSCRIPT Hello. This is the Cambridge English , (pavse] Starters Listening Test. 2 Part 1 Look at Part 1. Now look at the Max: That's a nice painting. picture. Wouan: Yes, its. Put it between the guitar and fi the board. eee Max: OK. I'm putting the painting between the {pause] guitar and the Board now. Max: Look atthe children in the classroom. Wows Wel done. Wows: Yes. Can you see the coli? [pause] ‘Max: Yes. Can | put it on the bookcase? ‘Wowax: OK. Put the doll on the bookease. 3 [pause] «Now the eraser. Put itn the box. In the box? Can you see the line? This is an Yes. wane Right. I'm putting the eraser there now. Now you listen and draw lines. pause] [pause] a 5 Max: Can I put the camera between the computer and the book? Max: Where can | put the lamp? Wovax: Sorry? Put the camera where? Wows: Let's see... Putit on the floor in front of ‘Max: Between the computer and the book. the window. Wovax: Yes. That's good. Max: On the floor infront of the window? Wows: Yes. I's very big lamp. {pause} W Test 2 Answers 12 Wore: Maw: Wow: Part 2 Woman: Ga: Woua: Gir: Wowan: Ga: Gin: Wouan: Wowean: Ga: Wows: Gru: 5 Look! There's a ruler. Can | put it under the teacher's desk? ut it under the teacher's desk? Yes. The children can see the ruler, but ‘the teacher can't see it Ha ha. OK. Now listen to Part 1 again. [The recording is repeated.] ‘That is the end of Part 1. [pause] Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples. [pause] Hello. What's that? I's photo for my frend. t's her birthday today. ‘That's good. What's her name? Its Anna. ‘Anna. Is that A-N-N-A? Yes. [pause] ‘And how old is your friend today? ‘She's fourteen, Fourteen? ‘That's right. {pause] Can you see the answers? Now you listen and write a name or a number. [pause] 1 Who's in the photo? Anna and her sister, Lucy. (Oh, yes. How do you spell Lucy? Lucy, [pause] 2 ‘And how old is Anna's sister? She's twelve Sony? She's twelve, Oh. OK. [pause] 3 Have Anna and her sister got an animal in thelr house? ‘Yes. Anna's got a funny mouse. Has she? Yes. Its name's Kim, Woman: Gin: Woman: Gin: Woman: Part 3 Wore: Bor: Won: Bor: Bor: Wowa: Bor: Wona: Gin: Max: Gia: Do you spell Kim K-I-M? Yes. It's black and white. [pause] 4 ‘The mouse has got some babies. ‘Oh, great. How many? Eight. Eight baby mice? That's a lot of babies! I know. pause] 5 ‘And does Anna's family ive in your street? No. Where does her family ive? In Love Street. That's L-O-V-E. Love Street Right. Now listen to Part 2 again. [The recording is repeated.] That is the end of Part 2. [pause] Look at the pictures. Now listen and look. There is one example. [pause] What are Bill and his dad playing? ‘Where's Bill? Is he playing tennis at school? No. He's in the park with his dad, Right. Are they playing baseball? No, basketoall. That's their favourite sport. [pause] Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box. [pause] 1 Where's Mrs White's phone? Can | phone my mu ‘Yes, Sam. The phor I can't find it Is it on the cupboard? Oh no, look’ It’s on ‘the chair please, Mrs White? 'son the sofa. [pause] 2 What are Pat and her dad getting for lunch? Let's get some chicken from this shop for func, Pat \ don lke that, Dad. Can we have fish? ‘They don't sellit here. Let's have eggs. OK. [pause] Gau: Boy: Ga: Bor: Gu: Boy: Part 4 Bor: Wouan: Wows: Boy: Worn: Bor: Woman: Bor: 3. Which is Alex's toy? Is that your robot, Alex? No. it's my brother's. That's my toy. Which one? The truck? No. The train. [pause] 4 What does Grandma like in May's picture? ‘Are you drawing a face, May? ‘Yes, but I'm not very good. | can't draw eyes and noses. ‘Well, her mouth's very good. | ike that a lot. Thanks, Grandma, [pause] 5. What's bebind the door? Look! What's that behind the door? I can see a tal What ist? A cat? No. It's a lizard Oh, grat. It can say hello to my frog! Now listen to Part 3 again. [The recording is repeated.] ‘That is the end of Part 3. [pause] Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. [pause] Look at that big sun, Yes. The children are wearing hats today. (One boy's got his hat on his face! ‘Oh, yes. He's siting next to the bike. Colour his hat green. OK. A green hat for that boy. [pause] Can you see the boy with a green hat? This is an example. Now you listen and colour, [pause] 1 Can you see that boy? He's getting an apple trom the tree, Oh. | ike apples. Me too. Colour hs hat orange. Where's my orange pencil? Here. Oh, thanks. [pause] 2 One gir’s playing in the water. Where? “There. Look! (Oh, yes. Can | colour her hat blue? Test 2 Answers Wows: OK. A blue hat forthe git in the water. [pause] 3 ‘There's a ot of food. ‘Yes. And that git's carrying a lot of fruit too. Sorry? Look, that gil there with fruit. Colour her hat yellow. OK. I'm giving her a yellow hat now. [pause] 4 Now look at that Which one? ‘That one. She's got a drink. Colour her hat pink. Right. A pink hat for the girl with the drink, Good. [pause] 5 Who's your favourite person in the picture? ‘The boy with the ice cream. | love Ice cream. Me too. Colour his hat brown, OK. I'm giving him a brown hat. ke this picture now! Now listen to Part 4 again. Wovan: Wowa: Boy: [The recording is repeated.] pause] That isthe ond of the Starters Listening Test. Reading and Writing Part 1 (5 marks) 1X 2v 3Y 4k Sv Part 2 (5 marks) 1no 2yes 3no 4 yes 5 no Part 3 (5 marks) 1 dress 2 jeans 3 skirt 4 jacket 5 trousers Part 4 (5 marks) 1 family 2 bags 3 food 4 television/TV 5 books Part 5 (5 marks) 1 yellow 2 monkey 3 elephant 4 boy/brother/kid/child 3 (small) (yellow) (tennis) ball 1 Test 2 Answers 4 Speaking Part ] Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response expected from child: Back-up questions: Usher brings candidate in. Usher to examiner: Hel This is (child's name"). Examiner: Hello, ‘My name's Jane/Ms Smith. Hello. 1 | Points to Scene picture. Points to the hat in Scene Look at this. This is a ‘street. The woman's in {front of the shop. Here's the hat. Points to the man. ‘there? What's the man doing? riding (a bike) picture, *, where's the bird? Points to tens inthe | 1s this the bird? Where are the oranges? | picture. Are these the oranges? 2 | Points to Object cards. | Now look at these. Points to Object card. Which is the chair? ''m putting the chair under the bags. Now you put the chair | Puts Object card in ‘Where are the eggs? ‘on the eggs. place. ‘On the eggs. Which are the glasses/ | Points to Object card. _| Are these the glasses/ trousers? trousers? (pointing to glasses! ‘rousers) Put the glasses/trousers | Puts Object card in Where's the cat? behind the cat. place. Behind the cat. Which is the handbag’ | Points to Object card. | Is this the handbag/ ‘sock? ‘sock? (pointing to handbag/ sock) Put the handbag/sock | Puts Object card in Where are the flowers between the flowers | place. ‘and the mouse? ‘and the mouse. ' ‘Between the flowers and ‘the mouse. 3 | Removes Object Now, *,whats this? | banana Isita banana? cards and points to a What colour is it? yellow Is it pink? Yellow? ‘banana in Scene picture. | How many bananas are | four ‘Are there four? Five? Is the man riding a bike? * Remember to use the child's name throughout the test. Test 2 Answers Part | Examiner does | Examiner says this: Minimum response | Back-up questions: this: expected from chi 4 | Puts Scene picture ‘away and picks out three Object cards. 4.1 | shows mitk card. | What's this? mille te it mk? Do you drink milk? yes/no What do you eat for breakfast? | bread Do you eat bread for breakfast? 42 | shows house card. | What's this? house Isita house? Where do you live? {name of town or city) | Do you tive in (name of town or city)? Do you have a big bedroom? | yes/no Is your bedroom big? 43 | Shows piano card. | What's this? piano Is ita piano? Can you play the piano? yes/no What colour is your/this piano? | white 's your/this piano white? 5 | Puts away all Now, *, how many people are | 4 ‘Are there four people in cards, there in your family? your family? Is your teacher a man or a man Is your teacher a man? ‘woman? Where do you go with your | park Do you go to the park friends? with your friends? ‘OK. Thank you, * Goodbye. Goodbye. * Remember to use the child’s name throughout the test. 15 16 Test 3 Answers Listening Part 1 (5 marks) Lines should be drawn between: 1 the lamp and under the fish 2 the snake and on the chair 3 the glasses and between the shoe and the box 4 the lizard and in the bath 5 the hat and on the man’s head Part 2 (5 marks) 1 Sun (correct spelling) 2 3/three 3 Page (correct spelling) 4 12/twelve 5 Tom (correct spelling) Part 3 (5 marks) 1A 2B 3C 4B SC Part 4 (5 marks) 1 Colour the duck next to the kite ~ blue 2. Colour the duck on the horse ~ purple 3 Colour the duck in the gie’s hand — orange 4 Colour the duck in the box - green 5 Colour the duck behind the ball - red TRANSCRIPT Hello. This is the Cambridge English Starters Listening Test. Part 1 Look at Part 1. Now look at the picture, Listen and look. There is one exansple, [pause] Like the small frog. Yes. Can you put it on the flower? OK. I'm putting the frog on the flower. Wonan: ‘Max: Thank you! [pause] Can you see the line? This is an example. Now you listen and draw lines. {pause] 1 Can you see the lamp? Yes. | can see it Put it under the fish. ‘The lamp under the fish? OK. [pause] ona: Woman: Max: Woua: Wouan: Maw: Wow: Now, put the snake on the chair Put the snake on the chair? ‘Yes. That's right, 1m doing that now. [pause] 3 ‘What can | do now? Can you see the glasses? Yes, Can I put them between the shoe and the box? Yes, Put the glasses between the shoe and the box. [pause] 4 Now find the lizard, Can | put it in the bath? Yes, Very good. Put the lizard in the bath. OK, [pause] Man: Wow: Maw: Wowan: Part 2 Wonan: Bor: Wonan: Bor: Wonaw: Woua: Woua: Bor: Wonan: 5 ‘And can you see the hat? Ye Put it on the man's head. Right. 'm putting the hat on the man's head now, [pause] Now listen to Part 1 again, [The recording is repeated.] [pause] ‘That is the end of Part 1. [pause] Look at the picture, Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples, [pause] What's your name? It's Alex Wall Can you spell Wall for me? Yes, I's WeACL-L. ‘Thank you. pause] How old are you, Alex? I'm eight. Eight? Yes. pause] Can you see the answers? Now you listen and write a name or a number. [pause] 1 Where do you live, Alex? |live at number 15, Sun Street. Can you spell Sun for me? Yes. it's S-U-N. Thank you, {pause} 2 Which class are you in at schoo? I'm in class three. Which class? Class three. [pause 3 What's your teacher's name? Her name's Mrs Page. How do you spell Page? You spell it PHAGE, ‘Thank you. [pause] Test 3 Answers 4 Do you like reading? Yes. | read a lot of books. How many books have you got today? Twalve. ‘Twelve books? That is a lot. {pause} 5 Do you have a favourite book? Yes, | do. t's Cousin Tom. | don’t know that story. Do you spell Tom, TOM? ‘That's right. (OK. Thank you, Alex. [panse} Now listen to Part 2 again. [The recording is repeated.] [pause] ‘That is the end of Part 2. [pause] Look at the pictures. Now listen and look. There is one example. [pause] What's Nick's favourite food? ‘Are you eating your favourite food, Nick? No, that's fish. But like chicken too, ‘What about burgers? They're OK. [pause] Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box. [pause] 1 What's on the table? | can't find my schoo! bag. Er, I's on your bed. Your watch is there too. What about my pencils? ‘They're on the kitchen table. [pause] 2 Which ice cream is Lucy eating? Are you eating banana ice cream, Lucy? No, I don't like that. This Is mango. | like pineapple ice cream. Me, too. [pause] 3 Where is Anna’s grandma? Where's Grandma? Is she watching TV in the living room, Anna? No, she isn’t 7 Test 3 Answers 18 Woman: Gir: Woua: Bor: Wouax: Bor: Part 4 Max Gea: Max: Gua: Max: Max Ga: Max: Gun: Max: Max Gan: Max: Gan: Is she making lunch in the kitchen? No, she isn't. She's sleeping on her bed. [pause] 4 What can Sam's brother do? Can your baby brother talk, Sam? No, he’s too young, Gan he walk? Yes, but he can't run {pause} 5. What's Kim drawing? ike your picture, Kim. Is that an elephant? No. It hasn't got big ears Its got a very big mouth. Is ita hippo? No, it's @ cow. Look! [pause] Now listen to Part 3 again. [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Part 3. [pause] Look at the picture. Listen and look. ‘There is one example. [pause] Gan you see the duck on the water? Yes. Can you colour it yellow? Colour the duck on the water yellow? Yes, please. [pause] Can you see the yellow duck on the water? This is an example. Now you listen and colour. [pause] 1 Now find the duck next to the kite. Which duck? ‘The duck next to the kite, Please colour it blue. Blue. OK. | can do that Good. [pause] 2 Thore’s a duck on the horse. Yes, | can see the duck on the horse. Can you colour it purple, please? A purple duck! OK. [pause] 3 Max: Now can you colour the duck in the gir’s hand? Gir: What colour do you want? Maxi Orange, please. Gre Colour the duck in the girs hand orange. Right [pause] 4 Max: What about the duck in the box? Gir: Can colour it green? 0K. Max: OK. Gir: Right. I'm colouring the duck in the box ‘green. [pause] 5 Max: Can you see the dick behind the dog's ball? Yes. Can you colour the duck behind the dog's, ball red? Giz Colour it red. O Max. That's a nice picture now. [pause] Now listen to Part 4 again, [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of the Starters Listening Test. Read ing and Wi Part 1 (5 marks) 1x af a2 4¢ &¥ Part 2 (5 marks) Ino 2yes 3yes 4yes Sno Part 3 (5 marks) 1 desk 2 ruler 5 computer Part 4 (S marks) J family 2 school 5 milk Beraser 4 bookcase 3 arms 4 toys Part 5 (5 marks) 1 (large/big) (grandfather) clock 2 cat 3 flying/singing 4 (top of the) (living room) door 5 girlichild/kid/daughter/sister Speaking Test 3 Answers Part Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response expected from child: Usher brings candidate in Usher to examiner: Hello. ‘This is (child's name"). Examiner: Hello, *, My name's Jane/Ms Smith. Hello. Points to Scene picture. Points to the dog in Scene picture. Points to items inthe | Is this the bird? picture. ‘Are these the bikes? 2 | Points to Object cards. Points to Object card. | ts this the car? (@ointing to car) Puts Object card in Where's the bag? place, Next to the bag. Points to Object card. | Is this the robot/shell? | (Pointing to robot/shel) Put the robot/shell in| Puts Object card in Where's the water? ‘the water. place. In the water. Which is the phone/ _| Points to Object card. _| Is this the phone/radio? radio? (Gointing to phone/radio) Put the phone/radio on | Puts Object card in Where's the boy? the boy. place. On the boy. 3 | Removes Object cards | Now, *, what's this? | flower Isita flower? and points tothe biue | What colour is it? blue I it orange? Blue? flower in Scene picture. | How many flowers are | five ‘Are there four? Five? there? Point to the fish. What are the fish doing? | switnming ‘Are the fish swimming? 4 | Puts Scene picture away ‘and picks out three Object cards. 4.1 | Shows watermelon card. | What's this? watermelon Is ita watermelon? Do you like yes/no watermelon? ‘grapes Do you like grapes? What's your favourite fruit?) 42 | Shows shoes cara, What are these? shoes ‘Are they shoes? ‘Are your shoes clean or | clean ‘Are your shoos clean? sirty? What colour are your | red Are they red? shoes? 43 | Shows television card. | What's this? TWitelevision Is it a TVitelevision? Doyoulike watching | yes/no television? Where is the television | fiving room Is there a television in in your house? your living room? * Remember to use the child’s name throughout the test. 19 Test 20 3 Answers Part | Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response expected from child: Back-up questions: 8 | Puts away al cards, Now, *,is your school | smaif 1s your school small? big or small? What's your ftiend's | (friend's name) Is your friend's name ...? name? What sport do you play | basketball Do you play basketball at at school? your schoo!? ‘OK. Thank you, * Goodbye. Goodbye, * Remember to use the child’s name throughout the test. STARTERS THEMATIC VOCABULARY LIST For ease of reference, vocabulary is arranged in semantic groups or themes. Some words appear under more than one heading, In addition to the topics, notions and concepts listed for the syllabus, the following categories appear: ‘© useful words and expressions * adjectives . © determiners . adverbs . * prepositions . © conjunctions ANIMALS: animal bird cat chicken cow crocodile dog duck elephant fish (s & pO 5g ‘giraffe goct hippo horse (ard monkey mouselmice sheep (5 & pO snake spider tail tiger 200 THE BODY & FACE body cr eye face foot/feet hair hand head leg mouth smile pronouns verbs modals question words CLOTHES be clothes dress glasses handbag hat Jacket Jeans shirt shoe skirt sock trousers Tshirt watch COLOURS black blue brown green grey (or gray) orange pink purple red white yellow FAMILY & FRIENDS: baby boy brother child/children cousin daddy) family father friend girt grandfather grandma grandmother grandpa ive manimen Miss mother Mr Mrs mum(my) (US momimy)) old Y person/people sister their them they us we woman/women you young Your FOOD & DRINK apple banana bean bread breakfast burger cake carrot chicken cchips (US fries) coconut dinner 24 Thematic Vocabulary List drink (n & radio name eat room number °39 sleep open fish sofa page food rable part fries (UK chips) television/TV pen fruit toy pencil grape tree picture ice cream wall playground juice watch ‘question lemon window read lemonade right (as in correct) lime NUMBERS rubber luneh ruler mango Cardinals: 1-20 oe meat sentence teh PLACES & DIRECTIONS spall onion behind stand (up) orange between story pea here teacher pear in tell pineapple in front of test (n & potato next 0 tick (x & v) rice on understand sausage park wall supper shop (US store) window tomato store (UK shop) word water street write watermelon there under SPORTS & LEISURE THE HOME. 200 i THEHOME adminton apartment ball armchair SCHOOL ____asebait bath alphabet basketball bathroom answer beach bed sk bike bedroom board boat bookcase book : book box bookcase bounce camera dlass camera chair classroom catch clock dlose dell computer colour draw(ing) cupboard computer rive () desk correct enjoy dining room cross favourite doll cupboard Jfshting) door desk flat door {football (US soccer) floor drawing) game flower English guibar garden eraser hit hall example hobby house find hockey kitchen floor jump lamp now kick living room learn kite mat lesson listen (to) rieror letter (as in alphabet) painting) painting line photo phone listen (to) plano picture look picture 22 play (with) radio read ride sing soccer (UK football) song sport story table tennis television/TV tennis throw toy TVitelevision watch TIME afternoon birthday clock day end evening morning night today watch year TOYS alien ball balloon baseball basketball bike boat doll football game helicopter kite torry (US truck) monster plane robot toy train truck (UK lorry) TRANSPORT. bike boat bus drive () fyo 9° helicopter lorry (US truck) motorbike plane ride (w) train truck (UK lorry) WEATHER work teacher ‘THE WORLD AROUND US beach sand shell street ree water USEFUL WORDS & EXPRESSIONS bye (oye) goodbye hello don't know no oh oh dear ok pardon please right 30 sorry thank you thanks then well well done wow! yes ADJECTIVES angry beautiful big lean closed correct dirty double English favourite Thematic Vocabulary List funny good great happy her his its long my old open right (correct) sad short small sorry their ugly young Your DETERMINERS alan a lot of lots of many my no some that the these this those ADVERBS alot again here lots ot really then there today 00 very yes PREPOSITIONS. about at (prep of place) behind between for 23 Thematic Vocabulary List from in (prep of place) in front of tke next to Ff to under with CONJUNCTIONS and but PRONOUNS he her hers him his I i its me one she that theirs ‘them these they this those you yours VERBS. Irregular: be catch (a ball) choose come do draw drink 24 rive eat find dy get give 30 have have (got) hit hold know learn lets make put read ride run say see sin sit own) step spel stand (up) swim take (a photo) tell throw understand wear write Regular: ad answer ask bounce lean close colour complete enjoy Jump kick lean Uke listen (to) live look look at love open paint phone pick up play (with) point show smile start sto ‘a test tick tr wa want, watch wave MODALS can/cannot/can't QUESTION WORDS how how many how old what where which who whose NAMES Alex Ann Anna Ben Bill Dan Grace Si Kim Lue. a Nici Pat Sam Sue Tom Tony

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