Adobe Scan 17 Mar 2022

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Leoqraphs 13814

Cental Business Dshidt CCB) Cental

Ctntral Busines Distic (CBD) Cental Bunes District (CBD
Buoiness DiStrictCC
enthal Business Distic(LBD) Centhal Business Drstit CCB9)
Central BuS+mess Distit CCBB)Centval bustness Vistrit (LBO)
Lerthal Buness DstitCCBD) Certal Pus+nes
Tah Older gpods_kigh_oxder acods hh ader qsods high_order
AOods igharder goodb hiuh _ohderqotds hghosdes gpod
hiah Arder goods hrah _order caoods hian oIdec docds

2Lonienientlonenient Lenpenner lanen+ent lonenTent

Lonuen+enf Conventent Conventent Conver+ent lonyenient

tresidetial_Subyb resldential subybs tes+dentialsuburbs

resTdatialSubutb res+aental subarbs tes+dential subarbs
reSTdentol GAMAbs reSTdet ial Subtrb TesTdentio spuub
esTdestia suburbs
5headauarters hetdqukers headquortes heudquartes
Oeadateshesdquertérs heduantesheudyuartes hècdquarte
Land use COtlt_land use l+t land ue
and se ContlTt anduse_contA land USe
and use comt lcuvd s t c o l t lald Se_ft
and seCotlc
ivira enN+ironmem ingenvioNment i nq_eninmEnt
RineTohment ur ehuinment g enNigmeat
Uin ehNionmeht lia enuipennent l+u en ioniment
6ivate housina private feera prvote housng
ptuate ousndpiuate nioelq plvote auaing
PIvate housingpriuale heusinq pt+vafe hausing
priMate bous+ng

ow-Tnuome tesidential aes iow-TKome e-Identlal oe

ou nDme esidenta Neas low-none resident alCAS
OuD-OOMe tesidential artbs low inpme Testdentea areos esTdental aeus louw lame
resrdential ases b
TesTdential areas lo) ntonme eSTdentalk _aes

6Watariat lWatermnt luatertrant Wateteni atf

Uaterpont lutertrot Watertrant Aatemont uTer

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