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Questioning for Young Researcher: About Good Research

Questions and Questionnaires
By Dr. Sandra Schon
12 May 2023
Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jawa –Timur.

Time Agenda PIC
12.45-12.55 Registeration for Attendance Committee
12.55-13.05 Dr. Edy Hidayat, S.Pd,
Opening Remarks
M.Hum (Vice Dean 2)
13.05-13.15 Ice Breaking MC: Tanti NK
13.15-14.00 Workshop and Presentation:
Questioning for Young
Researcher: About Good
Dr. Sandra Schon
Research Questions and

14.00-14.20 Questions and Answers Session MC: Tanti NK

14.20-14.30 Quizzes MC: Tanti NK
14.30-14.45 Wrap-up MC: Tanti NK
14.45-15.00 Closing Remarks MC: Tanti NK

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