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Vocal Music of Indonesia (MUSIC)

Vocal music is use as ornamentation to their famous musical group, the Gamelan. It is considered as
important as the gamelan itself.

The Indonesian melody is based on two musical scale patterns:

1. Slendro – five (5) equidistant tones in octave

2. Peloq – heptatonic (7) tone scale with semi-tone.

means of high, medium, and low scale. The Indonesian term for tempo is Irama. The functions of
Indonesian music are mostly events on their villages; about the happenings on their lives and typically
lively in mood, rhythmically enhancing and danceable.
1. Pesindhen – female soloist singer who sings with the gamelan. The sound of the singer is
compared to the sound of the instrument called Suling or ribbon flute.
2. Gerong – refers to the unison male chorus in the Gamelan.
3. Gerong Bandayan – refers to the mixed chorus in the Gamelan ensemble.

Elements and Principles of Art ( ARTS)

Elements of art are stylistic features that are included within an art piece to help the artist
communicate. The seven most common elements include line, shape, texture, form, space, color and
value, with the additions of mark making and materiality.
Southeast Asian Arts

The art of Indochina and the East Indies called Southeast Asian Art includes: Thailand, Cambodia,
Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia and Vietnam.
The Philippines is sometimes included as being on the far reaches of Eastern Southeast Asia.
The cultures of Southeast Asia are marked and influenced by several outside factors.
On the one hand they are historically overshadowed by the great empires of nearby India and China,
and on the other, they have been colonized and suppressed by a variety of different nations, all of
different cultures and languages. This gives Southeast Asia, on one hand, a background of shared
influences, and on another, entirely differing influences.
An example of how the elements of arts are used in Southeast Asian countries.
Scriptures of the Buddha have smooth oval faces expressing the spiritual nature of the Buddha. They
based the look of the Buddha on Pali texts that directed that he has “skin so smooth that dust cannot
stick to it”, “legs like a deer”, hands like lotuses about to bloom”, “head like an egg”, and many other
Dong Son drums cast in bronze with details of geometric patterns and narratives of the lives and
conquests of the culture.
Artisans in Laos are skilled metal smiths, sculpting in bronze, gold, and silver. Most castings are of small
sculptures and items.
Contemporary Indochina and the East Indies colourful and detailed designs in batik, a dye painted fabric.
Visual examples of some Southeast Asian Arts
Physical fitness is the ability of the body to do day-to-day activities without undue fatigue, and still has
time to do leisure activities and meet emergencies.
Physical fitness is divided into two components, health-related and skill-related components. (PE)

Physical Fitness Components

Health-Related Components Skill-Related Components

1. Body Composition 1. Speed

2. Cardio-Vascular 2. Agility
Endurance 3. Power

3. Flexibility 4. Coordination

4. Muscular Strength 5. Balance

5. Muscular Endurance 6. Reaction Time

Health-related components focus on factors that promote optimum health and prevent the onset of
disease and problems associated with inactivity.
Body Composition is the proportion of fat and non-fat mass in your body. A healthy body composition is
one that includes a lower percentage of body fat and a higher percentage of non-fat mass, which
includes muscle, bones, and organs.

Cardiovascular Endurance is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to your
body tissues without becoming overly tired.

Flexibility is the ability of the joints to move beyond their normal range of motion.

Muscular Strength refers to the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximal effort.

Muscular Endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions
against a resistance for long period of time.

Speed is the ability of the body to move fast from one point to another, in the shortest possible time.

Balance is the ability to maintain equilibrium even when moving.

Agility is the ability to move in a sudden change of direction and body position quickly.
Ex. Sudden change of direction during a Patintero game.

Coordination is the ability to use the senses and body parts to perform tasks smoothly, efficiently, and

Power is the ability to exert a maximal force in the shortest time possible, as in accelerating, jumping,
and throwing implements.
Reaction Time refers to the speed at which a person’s body responds to an external stimulus.

Physical Fitness Test is a standardized test which aims to give information and assess one’s overall
physical fitness. PFT shall be done twice per school year, one at the start of the school year and one at
the start of the 3rd quarter.


1. To determine the level of fitness of students.

2. To identify strength and weaknesses for development and improvement.

3. To provide baseline data for selection of physical activities for enhancement of health and skill

4. To gather data for the development of norms and standards.

5. To motivate, guide and counsel pupils/students in selecting sports for recreation, competition,
and lifetime participation.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a value derived from the mass (weight) and height of a person. The BMI is
defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height and is universally expressed in units
of kg/m2, resulting from mass in kilograms and height in meters.

Formula for computing BMI

weight (in kilograms)

height (in meters) ²

Example:30 = 30 = 20.83 (NORMAL)

(1.20) ² 1.44

(HEALTH) Basic terms in sexuality.

Sexuality is an integral part of what we do and who we are and a total expression of an individual’s self-

Sex is the biological basic of being a male or female. It is a major aspect of personality. It involves
physical, mental, social, emotional and ethical dimensions of one’s personality. It also refers to your
total self.

Gender is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel and act. It refers to femininity and
masculinity of a person’s role and behavior.

Gender equality permits man and woman equal enjoyment of human right
Gender role refers to set of roles, characteristics and expectations of how a man or woman should feel,
think and act as influenced by parents, peers and society.

Healthy sexuality takes a high sense of responsibility for all your actions since this can affect self-action,
decision making and behavior. It encompasses the following characteristics.



Involves the physical appearance especially the development of physical sexual characteristics, response
to stimulation; “It’s a boy” or “It’s a girl” the biological gender. It also involves the growth and
development in general.


It is the clearest example of learned aspects of sexuality. Our attitudes and feelings towards ourselves
and other people developed very early in life. From time you are born, you get signals from all around us
telling us how to think and act, neither positively or negatively, clean or dirty on certain part of your
body unmentionable.


It is the sum of the cultural and social influence that affects our thoughts and actions. On example of
sociocultural is knowing about the people around you and their family background.

All dimension work together to produce individual’s total sexuality which is turn in a part of the total

1. Health information are concept, step or advice that various sources give to help the individual’s
health status.
2. Health Products are food, drugs, cosmetics, devices, biologicals, vaccines, in-vitro diagnostic
reagents and household/urban hazardous substances and/or a combination of and/or a derivative
3. Health Services are programs aim to appraise the health conditions of individuals through
screening and examinations, cure and treat disorders, prevent and control the spread of diseases,
provide safety, emergency care and first aid and ensure a follow-up program for individuals who have
undergone treatment.
4. There two sources of Health Information: Reliable Sources or information given with scientific
basis. On the other hand, Unreliable Sources are acquired based on experience and not proven

Indonesian Gamelan Ensemble (MUSIC)

Gamelan is the traditional instrumental ensemble of Indonesia. It is also called as the gamelan orchestra.
It has two main styles: the Balinese (from Bali, Indonesia) and the Javanese (from Java, Indonesia).

Gamelan orchestras are used to accompany dances, songs, and even for the Wayang Kulit (a traditional
form of puppet-shadow play in Indonesia).

Javanese gamelan is used as court music for the royals while Balinese gamelan retained the raw energy
and fast rhythmic pacing as music to be performed outdoors for festive occasions.
Instruments of Gamelan
The gamelan is mostly made up of a variety of gongs, drums, and metallophones.
Some of these instruments are described as follows:

Bonang is a collection of small gongs (sometimes called "kettles" or "pots") placed horizontally onto
strings in a wooden frame (rancak). It usually plays the melody in gamelan music.

Gend`er consists of 10 to 14 tuned metal bars suspended over a tuned resonator of bamboo or metal.
Because the instrument has a strong sustain, the sound must be dampened with the wrists after striking
the next note.

Saron normally has seven bronze bars placed on top of a resonating frame. It has three types: the
demung (largest and lowest), barung (smaller and an octave higher than demung), and peking (small and
an octave higher than barung).
Kenong has six bronze pots suspended on three separate teakwood frames. It is usually played with one
mallet, but can be played with two if the music is very fast.

The Gong suwuk are large gongs with definite pitch.

Gong ageng is the largest gong in gamelan and usually used when ending most pieces.
Kempul is a set of pitched, hanging, knobbed gongs, often made of bronze, wood, and cords.
Kendang is a double-headed barrel drum in gamelan. It signals the tempo, style, and starting and
finishing points to the rest of the orchestra.
Ceng-ceng is the most important instrument in a set of Balinese gamelan. It is made from copper and
jackfruit wood. This copper creates crashing and shimmeringsound.
Stepping over these instruments is considered to be rude and disrespectful because the gamelan
instruments are considered sacred.

To give more vibrancy in the gamelan performance, vocal music is added into it. This serves as a special
ornamentation in the music.

1. Indonesian music has a wide range of musical style.

2. Gamelan is the Indonesian music ensemble that are played with varieties of instrument mostly
3. Gamelan is played with much respect for they believe that each instrument is sacred.
4. Javanese gamelan is used as court music for the royals.

5. Balinese gamelan is usually used during festive occasions and celebrations in temples.
6. Some of the gamelan instruments are: bonang, gender, saron, kenong, gong suwuk, gong ageng,
kempul, kendang, and ceng-ceng.

Textile or fabric design is the creative and technical process by which thread or yarn fibers are woven
together or interlaced to form a flexible, functional, and decorative cloth or fabric which is subsequently
printed upon or otherwise adorned.

The term ‘craft’ denotes a skill, usually employed in branches of the decorative arts (e.g. Ceramics), or in
an associated artistic practice (e.g. lace-making). A key feature of crafts is that they involve a high degree
of ‘hands-on’ craftsmanship (hence the colloquial term ‘handicrafts’) rather than just skill with a
Some crafts that are practiced by artists working alone are sometimes referred to by the vague term
‘studio craft’. Metal work, wood turning, glass blowing, and glass art are examples of ‘studio crafts’, as is
pottery-notably the studio pottery movement exemplified by Bernard Leach in Britain.

Characteristics of arts in Southeast Asia

The cultures of Southeast Asia are marked and influenced by several outside factors.
Buddhist culture has a lasting and significant impact in mainland Southeast Asia. Among the neighboring
countries of Southeast Asia, none seems more similar to Thailand and Cambodia.
Both nations share similar customs, traditions, beliefs, and ways of life. For the most part, many Laotians
and Khmer can understand Thai. Thus, the similarities even in arts is evident.



• The process is to produce a design on textiles through the use of a dye-resist. The resist, usually
wax, prevents the dye from penetrating the covered areas of the fabric, thus creating a pattern in

• Technique originated from Java Wayang kulit

• It is a unique form of theatre employing light and shadow. The puppets are crafted from buffalo
hide and mounted on bamboo sticks.

• It has its counterpart in Thailand which is called Nang puppetry and Sbaek in Cambodia.


Malaysian “batik”

• Popular motifs are leaves, flowers, and butterflies.

• Geometrical design is also used pattern is larger and simpler.

• Employs brush method.

• Colors are lighter and more vibrant than deep colored Javanese batik.

Wau bulan

• Intricately designed.

• Moon shaped kite that is traditionally flown in the Malaysian state of Kelantan and it is one of
Malaysia's national symbols.
Malaysian pewter crafts

• having the world’s largest reserves of tin, Malaysia also produces what is widely regarded as the
world’s finest pewter is malleable metal alloy
• the pewter objects are popular souvenirs in Malaysia.


Thai Silk

• Manufactured in Thailand by native Thai Silkworms.

• Thai silk has a unique luster, with a sheen that has two unique blends: one color for the warp
and another for the weft. Its color will change when viewed at varying angles to light.

• Thai silk smells like hair when burned

Loy Krathong and Yi Peng

• These are two of Thailand's most famous festivals (also known as the Thailand Lantern Festivals)
that both take place on the same day of full moon of the 12th Thai month.

Angkor Wat

• Enormous Buddhist temple complex located in northern Cambodia.

• Built in the first half of the 12th century as a Hindu temple.

• Made of massive sandstone bricks

Two Main Types of Cambodian Weaving Ikat Technique

• To create patterns, weaves tie and dye portions of weft yarn before weaving begins.

Uneven Twill

• It yields single or two-color fabrics, which are produced by weaving three threads.


Singapore Batik

• It has been existing since the 12th century.

• Featured in as the uniform of flight attendants for the official flag carrier airlines of Singapore,
Indonesia and Malaysia.

• A mythical creature with a lion's head and the body of a fish that is widely used as a mascot and
national personification of Singapore.

• Inlaid with Chinese porcelain plates and bowls as part of its design.


Shanting Taffeta

• Is a plain-woven fabric with a smooth, lustrous surface.

• Bengaline Weave

• It offered the impression of genuine silk.

Ebony Satin

• An all-natural lustrous silk hand-woven in southern Vietnam and naturally dyed using ebony
fruits pods.

• Golden Thread Silks

• Specialize in handwoven, handmade silk fabrics and ethnic textiles made in Vietnam, Cambodia
and Laos.
Vietnamese Silk Painting

• Is one of the most popular forms of art in Vietnam, favored for the mystical atmosphere that can
be achieved with the medium. In the 19th and 20th centuries, French influence was absorbed and the
liberal and modern use of color began to differentiate Vietnamese silk paintings from their Chinese or
Japanese counterparts. It typically showcases the country side, landscapes, pagodas, historical events, or
scenes of daily life.

• Stories of their history were woven in the cloth

• Strand by strand, Lao stories were weaved in the intricate dense patterns and motifs of textiles.

• Most diverse of these stories are the ones woven into a sihn


Handicrafts are part of their traditional culture and their livelihood as they produce textiles, baskets,
jars, pottery, and other tools for their daily use. In this country they make paper by hand in the wider
region for over 700 years using the saor mulberry tree. Traditionally, sapaper was used for calligraphy
and for making festive temple decorations, umbrellas, fans, and kites.

Sexual behavior standards are behaviors that have come to be acceptable by society. There are factors
that directly affect your attitudes and practices.

The social and cultural norms, Family and Peers are some of the factors which influence gender roles
and sexual behavior.

Family values after times determine your own value. It describes how your family affects your values
regarding human sexuality. Parental support and monitoring influence the behavior of children. It
relates to the quality of the parent-child relationship that includes involvement and encouragement in
their child life and activities.


Each society however interprets sexuality and sexual behavior in different ways. Your cultural
background can affect your values regarding sexuality and dictate what is considered to be acceptable
sexual behavior.

For example, your religion commitment is always associated with sexually restrictive behavior.


Your attitude can also have significant impact on your views on human sexuality. Your behavior can be
influence through peer support and peer monitoring.

• Help in decision-making

• Improvement

• Developing awareness

Peer monitoring occurs when there is observable and responded peer

behavior. It usually takes place between person who has lived through a specific experience. They show
interest and capacity to help others.


It plays significant role in our lives as we regularly watch televisions, listen to radio, search the internet,
read newspapers. Media sometimes allows you to create illusions that sometimes affecting your attitude
and practices. It also affects some of decisions related to sexuality as well as sexual behavior, be

Pi phat Ensemble (MUSIC)

Pi phat ensemble is an ensemble composed of woodwind and percussion instrument. It is usually

performed to interpret the most sacred and "high-class" compositions of the Thai classical repertoire. It
is also used to accompany khon (Thai masked dance-drama), lakhon (classical dance), and shadow
puppet theater. It also performs during funerals and cremation ceremonies for Mon ethnic group.

Instruments of Piphat Ensemble

Some of the significant traditional musical instruments in pi phat ensemble are described as follows:

Ranat ek is a Thai percussion family that consists of 21 wooden bars suspended by cords over a boat-
shaped trough resonator and struck by two mallets. It is used as a leading instrument in the piphat
Pi nai is sounded by an unusual quadruple reed of Bai tan, a form of palm. Its six holes produce a range
of twenty-two tones.

Khong Wong Yai, or The Circle of Gongs, is a percussion instrument in which the musician sits inside a
ring of different toned gongs attached to a rattan base. While the Khong Wong Lek with its 18 gongs is a
smaller version. It is played to provide the

Klong That are large barrel drums used in the classical music of Thailand. They are usually
played in a pair and provides the rhythm in the pi phat ensemble.

(ARTS)Artifacts are physical objects, such as clothing, homes, and cars, that indicate to others a person's
personal and social beliefs and habits. Messages are thus conveyed in a nonverbal manner (DeVito,


Stone carving has been both a passion and a livelihood for many a Cambodian sculptor and has, in
recent decades, survived war, genocide (in which many of the country's artists were murdered by the
Khmer Rouge), and tyranny to be passed on to a whole new generation of artists.

The Reclining Buddha is an image that represents Buddha lying down and is a major iconographic theme
in Buddhist art. It represents the historical Buddha during his last illness, about to enter the parinirvana.
After the Buddha's death, his followers decided to build a statue of him lying down.


Vietnamese sculpture has been heavily influenced by the three traditional religions: Taoism,
Confucianism, and Buddhism, which come from neighboring countries, China and India.


The native Indonesian tribes usually create sculptures that depict ancestors, deities, and animals.


Porta de Santiago is among the oldest surviving European architectural remains in Southeast Asia and
the Far East.
The use of design attributes in the carving panels are based on the social classification status: kings,
aristocrats, and norm people, symbolize respect and eminence.
We all encounter people in our lives. Health attitudes refer to a person’s beliefs and actions regarding
their health and well-being and sometimes influence their sexual behavior.

(HEALTH)Here are some personality traits or attitudes that really influence sexual behaviors, be it
positive or negative.

1. Show-off-People who would like to be the center of attraction whenever possible.

2. Worries-People who worry about everything.

3. Gossipmongers- People who spread rumors and often exaggerate information.

4. Bullies-People who use threats, fear and cruelty to control others.

5. Whiners People who grumble and complain about everything.

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