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1) What is the weight in newtons of an object that has a mass of

a. 8kg
- F=m*g=8*9.8=78.4N
b. 0.04kg
- F=m*g=0.04*9.8=0.392N
c. 760 Mg=0.76kg
- F=m*g=0.76*9.8=7.4
2) Represent each of the following combinations of units in the correct SI form using an
appropriate prefix: (a) kN/ms, (b) Mg / m * N (c) MN /(kg. ms).
103 N 10 9 N
- kN/ms= = =GN /S
10−6 S S
6 9
10 g 10 g
- Mg / Mn= −3 = =¿ /N
10 N N
6 9
10 N 10 N
- Mg/(kg. ms)= −3 = =GN /( kg . s)
10 ∗kg∗s kg . s
3) The pascal (Pa) is a very small pressure unit. Given 1Pa = 1 N / (m ^ 2) and
atmospheric pressure at sea level is 101.325kN / (m ^ 2) How many pascals is this?
- 101.325kN / (m ^ 2) = 101.325pa

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