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Part 6
Commit your way to the LORD;
trust also in him; and he shall
bring it to pass.
Psalm 37:5


CRISIS is a period of disorganization, period of upset during which people

attempts at arriving at solution of problems. It is a crucial or decisive
point or situation; a turning point; an unstable condition, as in political,
social, or economic. It is a state provokes when a person faces obstacles
or hazards to an important life goal. The term Crisis is derived from the
Greek word “krisis” which means to separate; a turning point decision in a
process of an affair or a series of events.
EMERGENCY – is derived from the Latin word
“emergencia” which means dipping/plugging. A sudden
condition or a state of affairs calling for an immediate

MAN-MADE CRISIS - civil disturbances - strike, riot,

demonstration - revolt such as mutiny and insurrection -
revolution, border incident - war: conventional or nuclear
– crimes: kidnapping, hijacking, hostage-taking, etc
NATURAL CRISIS - fire, floods, earthquake, tidal waves -
marine/air disaster, hazardous spills, power failure,
nuclear accidents - water/food shortage/scarcity, drought
- volcanic eruption, epidemic, etc.

INDIVIDUAL CRISIS – It refers to the feeling that arises

when a person faces unpleasant situation such as
frustrations and conflicts. This includes:
1. Physical Crisis – those that are related to health problems or
bodily sickness/sufferings.
2. Economics Crisis – the deprivation of the basic necessities of
life like food and material things.
3. Emotional Crisis – when an individual is affected by negative
feelings like emotional disturbances, fear, etc.
4. Social Crisis – the experiencing lack of interest, confidence
and social skills to relate meaningful, harmonious relationship
with others.
5. Moral Crisis – the person has an irrational or distorted
concepts of what is right or wrong, lack of moral values
and integrity of the person.
6. Psychosexual Crisis – failure of the person to assume
ones sex role and identity as a man or woman. The
person has an inappropriate sex objective, inadequate
and distorted expression of affection.

Crisis management is the proper utilization of all

available resources and the formulation of policies and
procedures to effectively deal with progressive sequence
of events (crisis) and sudden or unforeseen state

1. It sets concepts, policies and general procedures of

handling crisis situation.
2. It guides and assist law enforcers in the formulation
of crisis management contingency plans and SOP’s to
address crisis situations.

This doctrine specifically addresses crisis situations arising

out of the action of mentally deranged individuals, criminals or
terrorist elements that use violence or threat to pursue their
needs. Crisis envisioned to be covered under this doctrine
include among others, hostage taking, sea jacking, hijacking,
occupation of vital installation, ambush and arson, with the use
of violence or threat followed by blackmail, demands for
ransom, safe-control, publicity and the like.
The crisis may start as basically police or special unit matter,
but could develop in proportion and dimension requiring further
military operations. This doctrine also will not address crisis when
the purview and jurisdiction of the National Disaster Coordinating
Council (NDCC), Peace and order council, the Cabinet Crisis
Committee or the National Security Council (NSC) and other national
committee which could be military, economic, political, social or
combination thereof, in nature. The general idea is to prevent the
occurrence of a crisis, ensure a probability of success in minimizing
or neutralizing the perpetrator or to return the situation into

The Philippines subscribed to all international

conventions and initiatives against terrorism and will
participate in all endeavors designed to strengthen
international cooperation in order to prevent and
neutralize terrorist acts.

The PNP/AFP shall be guided by the national policy on

terrorism and will strictly implement it. The use of peaceful
means shall always be employed. The AFP will not compromise
nor make concessions to terrorist even if involves the personnel
or property. The AFP will act promptly, decisively and effectively,
choosing from the whole range of military actions appropriate to
the circumstances.

PRO-ACTIVE PHASES – is the stage of advance planning,

organization and coordination and control in response to
an anticipated future crisis occurrence. This phase is
designed to predict or prevent probability or occurrence
of the crisis while at the same time prepares to handle
them when they occur.
1. PREDICTION - The first stage of anticipating future
crisis occurrences through the following;
• Update- Intelligence – involves the collection of
information from variety of sources as basis of
actions and plan; those that are related to crisis
management contingency planning.
• Events – are those incidents that are already passed which
can facilitate analysis necessary for identification of
probable threat groups, targets and necessary for advance
• Threat Analysis of Threat Groups
a. Political Terrorist – ideologically inspire individuals
who grouped together for a common purpose usually for
change of government or political power. Ex. CPP/NPA,
SPT’s, etc.
b. Criminals – these are people who commit terrorist
acts for personal rather than ideological gains. Some
of the terrorist acts such as kidnapping are well
planned, other are not planned, but happens as a
result of the fast response time by LEAs to an on
going crime. For instance, a number of bank
robberies have evolved into unplanned hostage
situation when policemen arrive in response to an
alarm robbery is in progress.
c. Mentally Deranged Individuals – people commit
terroristic acts during a period of psychiatric
disturbance. This type is the most difficult terrorist
to deal with. Many of them are impulsive and
2. PREVENTION - This pro-active phase considers
counter measures as part of the total system of
operation. Such counter measures involves the following;
• Operation Security – a counter intelligence
measure where all aspect of awareness and training
must be considered to prevent threat groups from
learning the units plans methods of operations. It
also refers to measures taken in conducting
operations or activities in secure and effective
• Personal Security – it considers that all
personnel are susceptible to terrorist attack so the
is a need for securing them. All security measures
designed to prevent unsuitable individuals of
DOUGHTFUL LOYALTY from gaining access to
classified matters or security facilities.
Considerations of Personnel Threat Assessment

1. Rank and Risk – higher ranking personnel have great

risk level. In high-risk areas, secure high ranking officers
because they may be selected as terrorist targets by
special knowledge they possess.
2. Threat Level (Potential Threats)
a. Primary targets are high-ranking military or police
officers, government officials, foreign ministries, other VIPs
and persons possessing sensitive information.
b. Secondary targets – those selected as alternative
terrorist targets to gain publicity.
c. Randomly selected targets – Military or police personnel
who are not off duty or engage in private activities and
become targets of opportunity.
Stages in preparation of Personnel Security Program
1. Planning – threat analysis and assessment of available personnel
security resources.
2. Personal security education procedures are adopted.
3. Awareness – periodic briefing, public info drive, printed materials.
4. Education – education on terrorist tactics, sparrow opens and the
5. Physical Security – encompasses protection of info, material and
people including perimeter installation. A system of barrier placed
between the potential intruder and the material to be protected.
3. PREPARATION - this pro-active phase involves
organizing training and equipment personnel of the
organization. In general, military commanders and
officers of the PNP must organize, train and equip special
reaction, security and negotiation elements and provide
their immediate activation when the need arises.
National Level Organization

NCCM – National Committee on Crisis Management -

Serves as the umbrella organization for crisis
management. The primary concern is the formulation of
crisis management policies, integration of mil/pol to
public efforts towards the prevention and control of
crisis. It is composed by:
1. PAFSECOM – Philippine Air Force Security Command
2. PNSWG – Philippine Navy Special Welfare Group
3. PASAG – Philippine Army Special Action Group
4. PNPSAG – Philippine National Police Special Action
RCAG – Regional Crisis Action Group
RCMOC – Regional Crisis Management Operation Center -
the point of all communications from the OSCP
OSCP – On-Scene Command Post
The OSCP shall establish with in the crisis incident site. It
is a post or unit with in a probable target to be headed by
an on-scene commander (OSC) whose responsibility is to
take charge of every happening of a crisis incident scene.
Composition of the OSCP
TACTICAL UNIT – composed of regular military or police placed
under the operational command of the OSC.
1. Reaction Element – Special action unit which are specially
organized, equipped and deployed in the region to hold special
operation in cases of crisis incident.
2. Security Element – military or police personnel task to
protect the area of perimeter security to prevent occurrence of
unnecessary incidents.
SUPPORT UNIT – It is a unit that provides the necessary
administrative, operational and logistic support of the
1. Intelligence Team – responsible for the collection
and processing of all information needed by the OSC.
2. Communication Team – responsible for insuring
effective communication between OSC and other units or
3. Logistic Team – responsible for ensuring mess
services, supplies (clothing, equipment, transportation)
and other logistic services.
4. Medical Team – responsible for all medical supplies
and services in cases of crisis incidents.
5. Fire Fighting Team – responsible for all services
related to extinguishing fires intentionally set by
perpetrators or during the result of operations.
6. Administrative Personnel – personnel assigned to
OSC to keep written records of events, in coming or
outgoing communications.
7. Legal/Investigation Team – services of investigation,
preservation of evidence, documents and legal advice to
the OSC.
NEGOTIATION UNIT – It is headed by a chief negotiator
and composed of two or more members. Their primary
concern is to serve first life, prevent destruction and pave
the way for a peaceful resolution of crisis situations.
When a crisis occur despite the pro-active effort,
the organization concerned must be prepare to perform
the crisis management in accordance with their plan.

PERFORMANCE - It is the action stage, the

implementation of the crisis management contingency
1. The Initial Action – the stage taken by the Initial Action Unit, which is
composed of police and military personnel immediately organized into team
to initially respond to take incident and begin the containment effort. They
are responsible for:
•maintain control of the situation
•report the matter to the RCAG through channels
•secure the scene by establishing perimeter security
•evacuate by standers if possible
•prevent escape of perpetrator
•take maximum control
2. The Action Stage - The action stage starts as soon as the tactical,
support unit and the negotiation unit arrived and are deployed. The
OSC discusses the incident with his commander and staff and
decides on the plans and actions to be taken.
•Negotiation – chief negotiator undertakes negotiation as soon
as he has been properly briefed and received appropriate
instruction from the OSC. He shall keep the OSCP informed of
the progress of negotiations and shall take instructions only
from the OSC. No further negotiation shall be under take when
the tactical unit commander initiates tactical operations.
•Tactical Action – the tactical commander makes a
complete estimate of the crisis situation and plans
his courses of action upon arrival at the scene while
negotiation is in progress. He shall maintain and
continuous contact with the OSCP. He shall take over
authority on reaction element through out the
tactical operations. He shall take instructions only
from the OSC and coordinate all support
requirements with the OSCP.
3. The Post Action Stage - This stage begin as soon as the perpetrator surrendered,
captured or neutralized. OSC shall ensure that the following are accomplished:
•Protection of the incident scene
•Investigation of the incident preservation of evidence
•SS – witnesses, hostage, perpetrators and other key participants of the
•Recovered, documented, preserve evidences
•Pictorials, written reports
•Filing and prosecution of cases
•Damage Compensation and rehabilitation
He also initiates recommendation for the
compensation and provide assistance to civilian killed
and injured during tactical operations. He initiates
recommendation for the rehabilitation, construction of
damage or essential infrastructures.

Training and re-training of unit personnel special

units and negotiators shall continue with their training to
improve their proficiency and enhance their readiness.

Terrorism is …
•a threat or actual use of force or violence for
political or other purpose, to foster fear, insecurity,
distrust, and unrest among a specific group or the
general population.
• “Violence for effect… not primarily, and sometimes
not all for the physical effect on the actual target, but
rather for its dramatic impact on an audience.”
• “The calculated use of violence or the threat of
violence t attain goals, often political or ideological in
• “ Is violent criminal behavior designed to generate
fear in the community, or a substantial segment of it,
for political purposes.
Classification of Terrorist
1. National Terrorist - A terrorist who operates and aspires to
political power primarily within a single nation.
2. Transnational Terrorist - This is a terrorist who operates across
national boarders, whose actions and political aspirations may
affect individual of more than one nationality.
3. International Terrorists - A terrorists who is controlled by, and
whose actions represent the national interest of a sovereign
I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
Part 6

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