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1. Juvenile justice system act 2018
Types of offences
● Minor offences
● Major offences
● Heinous offences
2. Juvenile court
3. Juvenile rehabilitation center
4. Special provisions for females
5. JJS challenges
Juvenile delinquency refers to antisocial and criminal behavior
committed by persons under the age of 18. Juvenile
delinquency is also simply called delinquency, and the two terms
are used interchangeably in popular discourse.
A Juvenile is a person, who at the time of commission of an offence has not
attained the age of eighteen years and who may be dealt with for an offence
in a manner which is different from an adult as per Juvenile Justice System
Act 2018.
Juvenile Offender
Juvenile offender means a child who is alleged to have committed or who
has been found to have committed an offence.
Youthful Offender
Under Rule 280 of Chapter 12 of the Pakistan Prison Rules 1978, ‘Youthful
Offender’ means a Juvenile who, when convicted, was 18 years of age.
What is Juvenile Justice System?

JJS is the area of criminal law applicable to persons, who have not
attained a specific age and they become held responsible for criminal
JJS provides specialized procedures for arrest, investigation, bail, trial,
sentence, detention and the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders to avoid
producing criminals.
Instead of conviction and sentence, JJS encourages use of probation
law, for social re-integration, rehabilitation of juveniles and disposal of
cases through ‘Diversion’.
Juvenile Justice System in Pakistan
Juvenile Justice System Act, 2018
Types of offences
● Minor offences: Maximum punishment is imprisonment up to 3
years with or without fine [Bail-able]
● Major offences: Punishment is more than 3 years and up to 7
years imprisonment with or without fine. [Bail-able]
● Heinous offences: Punishment is death sentence or
imprisonment for life or imprisonment for more than 7 years
with or without fine. [Bail is on discretion of court if child is more
than 16 Years old]
Juvenile Court

● Juvenile court shall be established for one or more sessions

● The judge of a juvenile court can be Sessions Judge or
Additional Sessions Judge or a Judicial Magistrate or a
practicing advocate who has at least 10 years standing at Bar.
● Juvenile court shall decide the case within six months after
taking cognizance of an offence.
Juvenile Rehabilitation Centre

● Juvenile Rehabilitation Centre is a place, where a

convicted juvenile shall be kept to complete the period of
his/her sentence until he attains the age of 18 years or till
the completion of period of imprisonment, whichever
comes earlier.
● In Juvenile Rehabilitation Centre, Juveniles will be given
education, vocational or technical training for his mental,
moral and psychological development.
Special Provision for Female Juvenile

● No female juvenile shall in any circumstances be apprehended

or investigated by a male police officer or released on probation
under supervision of a male officer.
● A female juvenile shall only be kept in a Juvenile Rehabilitation
Center established or certified exclusively for female inmates.
Juvenile Justice Challenges

● Allocation of Sufficient Budget and Resources

● Establishment of Separate Juvenile Courts
● Strengthening the Probation & Parole System
● Increase the Child Birth Registration Rate
● Establishment of Juvenile Justice Committees
● Establishment and Certification of Observation Homes & Juvenile
Rehabilitation Centers
Causes of Juvenile Delinquency
1. Customary Causes; First of all the cause which attracts the juvenile to
commit crimes are the customary or traditional causes. By custom or tradition,
we mean those causes which are customarily or traditionally inherent in our
2. Sociological Causes; The social structure of our society also provides
grounds for juveniles to commit crimes or lures them to such life where they
act offensively.
3. Defective education: Lack of proper education results in poor judgement and
the children will fail to distinguish between right and wrong. Ethical and
religious education has no place in the modern education system.
Upbringing of the children: Too much strictness causes heavy influence on
minds of the children. Scolding and abusing children causes humiliation
and irritation in children and they become delinquents
Family disorganization: Family plays the most important role in an
child’s life. In olden days, there were joint families and there was always a
family control on the children. In urban families, children who are a part of
nuclear families and broken families resort to crimes due to lack of love,
affection and proper attention.
Mental diseases: The person who suffers from mental disorders
tends to do illegal and violent activities. Such individuals become
unsocialized, irritable, cruel, etc.
Basic Educational Programs. The Government is under an obligation to
make public education accessible to all young persons. The education
programs must inform parents on how to raise healthy children and also
teach children about the effects of drugs, gangs, sex, and weapons.
Family Counseling. Society should place a high priority on the needs
and well-being of the family and all its members. Society has a
responsibility to assist the family in providing care and protection and in
ensuring the physical and mental well-being of children.
Youth Mentoring. Youth mentoring must be promoted in society. many
juveniles lack mentors in their daily life, and because of this, they
involve themselves in a situation that leads them towards an unlawful
Education Support. Many young people engage themselves in crime
due to the nonavailability of educational Tenacity. This is because their
parents are not in a wealthy position to support them. Here the
Government and local bodies must launch educational programs
which support such juveniles, which will keep them away from
becoming the offenders of tomorrow.
Parent-Child Interaction Training Program.
Nowadays parent-child interaction programs are launched in western
countries which helps in developing a strong relationship between parents
and children.

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