Đề dự đoán Task 2 quý 3 (t9-12 - 2022) PDF

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Đề dự đoán 1

The most important function of music is that it helps people reduce stress.

To what extent do you agree or disagree? (Đề 8/10/2022)


Nowadays the music industry has grown dramatically and becomes one of the most

popular hobbies of many people. It is believed by many that one of the most

characteristics of melody is to help people to get calm and reduce stress. I

completely agree with this opinion and think that music is the nutrition of the spirits,

that’s why people can benefit from listening to the melody.

First of all, there is no second doubt that music is needed and everyone listening to

music at least once a day, and it helps individuals to reduce their stress after a

stressful long day. Music has a magical power of reducing stress and keep people

calm who work under pressure. Moreover, it is known that music has been used as a

healing method to treat some mental health issues. For example, in mental health

facilities use music as a method of treatment to heal the clients who have mental

tiredness such as depression and anxiety, and the result shows that people who

listened to music are thinking more positive and feeling much better than before.

Secondly, and the most significant advantage of the music is that help people who

need focusing and concentration such as doctors, pilots and engineers. in other

words, these jobs need high precession calculations and if not it can cause losing

money, wasting time and even can cause kill the patients. For instance, a surgery

doctor has to concentrate when he does the operation, if he is not enough to calm,

might not focus while he does surgery operation and it can cause the patients life.
Thus, music is an essential need for people who have to pay more attention to their


In conclusion, people could benefit from listening to music to relax, and music can be

used to heal some mental health problems, and also can help people who need high

focusing and concentration in their job. (band 8.0)

Đề dự đoán 2

Demand for food is increasing worldwide. What are the cause of this?

What measures can be international community take to to make sure the supply of
food is enough?

Meeting the food needs of billions of people is going to be a big challenge in the
years to come. In this essay I will discuss the reasons for this growing demand of
food and also suggest some steps, which can be taken at the global level to meet
this requirement.

There are many reasons for the rising demand for food. The most prominent reason
is the unprecedented growth in global population. Over the last century, the
population has quadrupled. It was less than 2 billion in 1915, whereas today it is 7
billion plus, and is expected to rise even further. The second major cause is the
rising income of people in developing countries, which causes dietary changes such
as eating more protein and meat

To address this global food shortage, businesses and governments will have to work
together. Firstly, farmers will have to be given assistance to produce more food on
the land they currently operate, through intensive farming. The dairy demands of the
consumers can also be met with GM technology. For example, in India millions of
animals are needed to meet the consumer dairy demand, whereas in American
fewer animals produce more milk because of the latest technology

Another step, which can go a long way is to reduce food waste. This can be done by
information campaigns to make people aware of the magnitude of food waste and
the ways in which their food preparation and consumption habits can be changes.
Finally, new technologies could be used to minimize food waste from storage and
transportation. It has been estimated that if food waste could be cut to half over the
next 40 years, the agricultural production would need to be increased by only 45
instead of 70%. This would be a much easier food production goal to achieve

To sum up, there are many reasons of the increase in the demand of food all over
the world, but many steps can be taken to meet the food needs of world, but many
steps can be taken to meet the food needs of the world’s population.

Đề dự đoán 3 - đề 3/9/2022

Some people believe that children that commit crimes should be punished.
Others think the parents should be punished instead. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion.

Sample Answer:

No doubt, parents play a crucial role in shaping the character of their children. Since
children are too young to understand what is right or wrong, it is the responsibility of
parents to guide them in the right direction. Hence, I agree with the argument that
parents should be held responsible for the actions of their minor children.

Children have impressionable minds. They acquire their values and morals from their
parents. For instance, kids born in a good family often listen to good words and
moral stories from the elderly family members. Therefore, when they find themselves
in a difficult or unfavourable situation, they know how to keep their emotions in check
and behave politely. This restraint that they learn from their family will prevent them
from acting aggressively and getting into trouble.

By contrast, a child coming from a bad family may assimilate the bad qualities of
their parents. Since they often get exposed to verbal and physical abuse they will
assume that violence and aggression are normal and acceptable. It is only a matter
of time before they commit crimes outside the home. For example, in India, the
mother of a 14 year old boy was penalized for allowing her son to drive a four
wheeler. The boy caused an accident and the judge who heard the case held his
mother responsible because in his opinion, it was her duty to prevent her underage
son from driving. Thus, obviously, parents are responsible for the actions of their

To conclude, after analysing the situation, it is not hard to see that the role of parents
in raising law abiding citizens with social commitment is of utmost importance.
Hence, I believe that parents should be held accountable for the wrong acts of their
children. (Band 8.0)

Đề dự đoán 4

In the modern world, it is possible to shop, work, and communicate with people via
the Internet and live without any face-to-face contact with others.

Is it a positive or negative development?

Sample: Nowadays, virtual relations has become a trend in contemporary society

and personal contacts have been reduced in comparison to the past. This essay will
examine why online lifestyle is beneficial to the world and give some examples of
why it is revolutionized the way that people interact.

Firstly, the online connection had incredibly turned people lives swiftly. Nowadays,
individuals are able to take any action online at any time, which means that they can
save time by avoiding going out to attend meetings or tackling traffic congestion.
Therefore,these simple actions have become more convenient nowadays. To
illustrate, in most cases, consumers who order goods online, generally receive their
purchases in a few minutes, whereas, when they had to go to the supermarket
before the internet was invented it used to take at least one hour to complete this

In addition, it is also proved that online relations are considered safer. With a
shortage of physical contact, people tend to be safer especially when it comes to a
pandemic situation as the society is encountered today or even due to the rise of
criminality in most of the Countries. For example, by ordering goods online consumer
avoids going to supermarkets; therefore, they are able to receive their purchases at
home safely. Also, staying at home can reduce contact with people who are infected,
as a consequence, this attitude helps the combat against coronavirus.

In conclusion, despite the lack of contact between individuals, it has been proved
that that internet had revolutionized people lives by turning connections faster and
Đề dự đoán 5

People aim to achieve a balance between their work and lives, but few people

What are the causes of this problem? How to overcome it?


It is axiomatic that nowadays, there is an imbalance between the career and

personal interests of individuals. However, some masses able to attain the
equilibrium between these things. In this essay an effort is made not only to find out
the real reasons of the disturbing trend and also suggest some practical remedies to
resolve it.

Of course the first step is to understand why the majority of people cannot make
stability between their job and lives. There are two main reasons behind this issue.
The conspicuous one is the busy schedule of everyone. In brief, in today's
competition era, the masses want to live a luxury life. Therefore, to accomplish their
dreams and desires, they do overtime jobs. As a result, they become workaholics
and disable to maintain their personal life. Another contributing fact is that,
technology is advanced day by day and people completely depend on it. For
instance, if a person is free for a while during that time instead of pursuing his
hobbies that person uses social networking websites to know what is happening in
the other's life.

However, the complication is not insurmountable; certain steps can help to tackle this
obstacle. Firstly, everyone must see what makes them happy and then set priorities
in life. When they come from work they must learn to switch the office button off in
order to get some free moment for their personal growth. Secondly, individuals
should organize a timetable in which they must divide moment for themselves and
for their job. It also seems a promising solution of this trouble.

In conclusion, Although, several factors are responsible for this issue, but
aforementioned steps should be taken to deal with it.

Đề dự đoán 6

Some people think that schools should teach students according to their
academic abilities, while others believe that it is better to have students. With
different abilities study together.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Some people contend that mixed ability classes are more beneficial for children’s
development than streaming them on the basis of judgement about their academic
abilities. However, from my perspective, I disagree with this contention.

Admittedly, mixed ability classes provide a better environment for children’s all-round
development. In such classes, children with different abilities study together and in
turn they can learn from one another. From example, a student, who is good at
academic study but weak in dancing or painting, can learn how to dance or paint
form his peers. In this sense, mixed ability classes allow students to develop their
abilities in different subjects instead of only academic abilities.

Despite the argument above, I believe streaming students brings more benefits to
teachers and students. As for teachers, separating children with better academic
abilities from others facilitates effective teaching. This practice helps teachers to
control their students more conveniently and easily. Compared with mixed ability in
which teacher should consider students’ differences when they are using teaching
methodologies, streaming makes this situation simpler. To be more specific, students
are at the same level of academic ability in a class, and in turn teachers can use the
same methodologies for them all. In this way, the narrower the spread of ability in the
class, the more convenient the teaching can be.

On top of this, steaming enables students to learn in an effective way. According to

students’ different abilities, they are taught in different ways that are more suitable for
them. In the top streams, students use more difficult materials, therefore, they can
learn more. In sharp contrast, teachers can explain the material more slowly to those
in bottom streams. Under this circumstance, students with different academic
abilities can study effectively and efficiently.
In the final analysis, mixed ability classes are beneficial for students’ versatile
development, but in my opinion, segregating students based on different academic
ability is better for both teachers and students.

Band 8.0

Đề dự đoán 7

Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets have the responsibility
to reduce the amount of packaging of goods. While others argue that
customers should avoid buying goods with a lot of packing.

Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include
any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience


In the highly competitive era of today, a lot of packaging is done to attract customers,
who are often, lured by such products. This excessive packaging is detrimental to
the environment and so has to be reduced. Some people say that onus is on
supermarkets and manufactures to cut off excess packaging, whereas others say
that customers should say, no to products with excess packing. I shall discuss both
perspectives. I personally believe that a join effort is needed by all.

The main reasons why some people say that manufactures and supermarket should
not do much packaging is that it would be a win- win situation for both- the
manufacturer and the customer. For example, if the multinational company ‘Colgate’
gives up expensive packaging of its toothpastes, it could reduce its cost and pass on
that profit margin to the customer, which would in turn increase its sales also

On the other hand, those who say that customers should show greater interest
towards items in simple packing give the following reason. They say that companies
would not

take the risk of reducing packaging for fear of losing their market share. So,
customers have to step forward. If customers start giving preference to materials
with little or no packing, then this would motivate producers to pack their using the
minimum packing and that too of biodegradable materials.
I believe that, both manufactures and customers should take a step forward and
save the environment. As it is the excessive packaging only adds to the trash
generated in the homes. Only the barest minimum packaging should be there to
ensure the durability, safety and freshness of products. For instance, most instant
foods have to be packed in several layers using aluminum foil and superior plastic,
with the purpose of longer shelf life, in such cases, the packaging could be allowed
To summarise, manufactures, supermarkets and customers have a collective role in
reducing the amount of packaging of products

Đề dự đoán 8

In many countries, mainly tourists, but not local people, visit museums and
historical sites.

Why does this happen, and what can be done to attract more local people to visit
these places?


Museums and other historical sites seem to be less attractive to local people than to
tourists. This essay intends to delve into some reasons why this is occurring, and put
forward some solutions to kindle the interest of local people in visiting these places.

The first reason is due to the fact that the local people take these places for granted.
They think that these places are not running away anywhere, and so they will see
them sooner or later. What happens is, that the time seldom comes, when they take
the time out of their hectic schedule to see these places. On the other hand, tourist
who come there are on a holiday, and their main motive is visiting these historic
places and museums. For instance recently, I visited Hyderabad as a tourist and
went to see Ramoj film city, which is the biggest film city in the whole world, spread
over 5000 acres of land. My relatives who are staying in Hyderabad have never been
there once, when I told them that it is must- see place, they decided to visit it with
their children

Secondly, nothing new is added to these places over the years and so local people
who have been there once do not wish frequent these places again and again.
These places
do not intrigue the local so they do not feel motivated to visit regularly, in other
words, the renewals of existing exhibits, or the organization of new programs and
events are few and far between. Furthermore, museums and historical sites are not
cheap to visit. In fact, to get admission to these places, visitors are often required to
by expensive tickets.

In order to spur up more interest of local people in coming to museum, a number of

ways can be employed. School trips could be organized for children to enjoy these
places with their friend. Passes for entry to these museums and historical sites could
be arranged for local people so that it doesn’t cut a hole in their pocket every time
they visit them. A day could be fixed every month when the entry to the museum is
made free. For example, on every first Tuesday of the month, the entry to the
Houston Museum of Natural Science is free, so there is a great rush of local people
on that day

To conclude, many reasons can be given as to why local people lose their
enthusiasm for museums and places of historical importance. However, the revival of
these places is within our grasp should proper actions be taken.

429 words

Đề dự đoán 9

Some people believe the range of technology available to individuals today is

increasing the gap between poor people and rich people.

Others think it is having an opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your

Some people argue that in the modern society, technological advancements are
increasing the gap between the wealthy and the poor while others believe that
technology is decreasing the gap between them. In my opinion, certain technologies
are available to all people in the society and help reduce the gap between the rich
and the poor. However, certain innovations are inaccessible to the poor because of
their high cost.

Certain inventions and discoveries decreased the gap between people of different
income levels. This is because they are accessible to all people due to their
availability at cheaper rates. For example, the internet technology is available to
almost all sections of the society. It is affordable to all people and certain places such
as railway stations, bus stations and airport are WiFi hotspots where internet is freely
available. Online shopping facilities, e-learning opportunities and social networking
sites are available to both affluent and poor people in the society and they decrease
the gap between the rich and the poor.

However, certain advancements in technology are not affordable for the poorer
sections of the society. Modern medicine, for example, is expensive. Certain new
drugs and diagnostic procedures are very costly. Certain affluent people who
developed cancer took treatment with a special kind of protein which was very
expensive but had fewer side effects compared to conventional chemotherapy. Rich
people can access these treatments by spending only a small portion of their income
and improve their health. Poor people, on the other hand, have to spend all of their
money for conventional treatments and yet there is no guarantee that they condition
will improve.

In conclusion, certain innovations in technology decrease the gap between the rich
and the poor while certain developments make society more polarized. It is hoped
that in the near future all technologies will be available to all people regardless of
their economic status.

Đề dự đoán 10

Experts say if the old people spend time and get along with others and
exercise every day, they will be healthier and happier. However, many elderly
are suffering from loneliness and lack of fitness.

Discuss the causes and solutions?


it is indubitable that we are heading toward a graying society. The life spans have
increased, but along with it the problems of elderly related to health and social
isolation have also seen a surge. This essay intends to analyse the reasons of this
phenomenon and also suggest ways to mitigate the problem.

The main reason of social isolation of the elderly is that they find it difficult to let go.
The elderly have held the reins of the household for a long time, and they want to
keep that authoritative power. But, their children and them, which leads them to be
secluded. If they spend time with youngsters, be flexible and adopt the newer ways
of life, they would be more accepted in society

Secondly, the health of aging population is a major concern. Our body is just a
machine and just like any machine needs lubrication from time to time to function
well, the body machine also needs that oil. Exercise acts as the lubricant, which can
keep the problems of the elderly away. The common problems faced by the elderly
are hypertension, arthritis and diabetes. At a young age, this exercise is not much

but as the body machine grows older, it needs daily exercise. The elderly who do not
exercise daily, suffer from these problems, which are further worsened because of
the financial contrasts of the elderly, who are no longer working and earning

Simple steps, can help to ameliorate the problem. One thing that we have to accept
gracefully is that we cannot run away from the problems of the elderly. We have to
face them, and that too one war footing, otherwise the situation is going to worsen
and would be a big burden on the government. The elderly themselves have to plan
for their retired life well in advance. They should try to catch up with the latest
happenings and learn the use of latest technology, which can help them to be better
accepted by the young people. Daily exercise should be a mandatory part of their
day. The government should set up highly subsidized gyms for the elderly, along with
free computer classes

To conclude, the elderly, themselves can alleviate the problems of the elderly, such
as loneliness and failing health, to a large extent, but the government can also take
some steps.

Đề dự đoán 11

If a product is good or it meets people needs, people will buy it so advertising

is unnecessary and no more then and entertainment.

To what extent do you agree or disagree


Advertising in modern society is ubiquitous- on the radio, TV, the internet and in our
letterboxes. While it is true that a good product will sell even without any
advertisement, I disagree that advertisements are unnecessary and just a form of

It is irrefutable that advertising provides US with information on new products. If it

were not for electronic and print advertising, many products would not be bought.
This is because, there is a flood a consumer goods in the market and consumers ask
for those products which they have heard of or seen in the market therefore in the
initial stages, adverts are necessary but later on only those products will sustain in
he market which are really good. In this way advertising provides an important
service to manufactures and some consumers.

Additionally, the advertising industry creates jobs for thousands for people. In this
respect it has become the backbone of many economies of the world. Jobs are also
created in the manufacturing industries because of adverts. As demand increases,
mass production has to be done and therefore more and more people are employed

Furthermore, advertisements touch social issues. For example, when Amitabh

Bachchan tells people to bring their children for pulse polio immunization, people
listen. Then there are ads against female foeticide which are very informative.
Advertisements also teach a lot of about the country from where the ads come. This
is because through satellite TV we can dee ads from all over the world. When we
see a Japanese advert of a lady in a kimono, we come to know about the clothes of

Summing up, adverts are not just a form of entertainment but they serve many other
purpose as well. Even the good products need to propaganda in today’s competitive

298 words

Đề dự đoán 12

More and more measures to improve the security in large urban areas have
been introduced in many countries because of the increased crime.

Do the benefits of these measure outweigh the drawbacks

Crime and the fear of crime are very big concerns in big cities and so many security
measures have been introduced to tackle crime. In this essay I intent to advantages
and disadvantages of these methods. The advantages definitely outweigh the

One such measure is the security cameras, which have become ubiquitous in many
countries. Earlier they appeared only in banks and at high- security areas but now
they are seen public places such as malls, streets stadiums and transport.
Surveillance cameras have several benefits. An obvious benefits is that the police
can catch criminals in the act, thus reducing crime. This has made the streets safer
for ordinary people. A more important points is that criminals, particularly young
offenders or petty criminals are deterred. They will not be tempted to carry out
crimes, and thus society will be a lot safer. Cameras are also cost- effective and
unobtrusive. Authorities do not need to spend large amount of money on police

Another security measure is the computerized date collection of individuals. This

also helps the police force to operate more effectively. The data can be updated
regularly and data retrieval is very easy and quick. These methods are also cost
effective. Other methods like police patrolling on the roads has also been intensified.
These methods bring a sense of security in the minds of people

However, some people object to these measures. The biggest objection concerns
privacy. Many people feel that they should be free to travel or move around a shop,
mall, street or country without being photographed or recorded. They feel that being
watched constantly is like being in a jail, and that ordinary people are losing their
freedom because of these device. Even the computerized data collection of
individuals can go in wrong hands

Summing up, there are definite advantages to using such measure, but we need to
balance the need for security with respect for the individual’s privacy and freedom. If
this is done then definitely the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

337 words
Band: 8.0

Đề dự đoán 13 - Đề 5/9/2022

In many countries, more and more young people are leaving school but unable to
find jobs. What problems do you think youth unemployment causes for individuals
and the society? What measures should be taken to reduce the level of
unemployment among youngsters?
Nowadays, the number of out-of-school youth who are jobless is increasing. Many
people see this as a root cause for individuals’ health problems and the societal
issues in general. There are ways, however, to help decrease the volume of
teenagers with no jobs.
Youth unemployment has caused the country and the population
disadvantages. Firstly, it has lead younger people into depression due to the low
self-esteem they acquire when dealing with joblessness. This is due to the fact of
their lack in having appropriate education that companies refuse to hire them.
Second is that it affects the society through older employment demographics. This
means that elders need to work more due to lack of youngsters who obtain jobs. If
this trend continues, the time will come that old experts will have no younger people
to train; hence, leaving the country with lesser professionals.
On the bright side, individuals and government should exert effort in finding
ways to mitigate this issue. One solution is parental guidance for the youth. Parents
should encourage their children to finish school to be properly trained for the
professions of their choice. Governments should also help in lowering the teenage
unemployment rate by opening more jobs. For instance, local units should employ
these young people not only during summer breaks, but throughout the year. This
could not only help in increasing their motivation, but also opens more alternative
work per youngster.
To conclude, unemployment among the minors could be a challenge that
could affect people’s well being and the society’s performance. Strategies, both by
parents and government, are worth to try to help eliminate this problem.
Nevertheless, the goal is to help individuals and the nation to overcome this
widespread dilemma. (band 7.0)

Đề dự đoán 14

Some people think that violent films and video games have negative effects
on people and should be banned, others think that they are Just relaxation

Discuss both sides and give opinion

Some individuals would like to see censorship of films full of violence and a ban on
video games as they have detrimental effects on people whereas others opine that
they are just meant to entertain and calm you and nothing else. This essay intends to
anslyze both perspectives, I personally side with the latter view.

Those opposed to violence in movies and video games say that there is lots of
evidence supporting the fact that violent video games are bad. Brains of children
were scanned after playing these kinds of games and the results show that there is
an increase in the activity in some parts of brain cells, which stimulates emotions and
decreases self­control and concentration. As a result, people are not able to take
control and might act out, hurting others or themselves. Violent video games have
been linked to school shootings, increases in bullying, and raised aggression in
children. What is more, children who are exposed to too much violence in films at a
young age become immune to violence.

Those who view violent movies and video games as just relaxation sources, say that
video games can reduce stress by distracting adult gamers from the pressures of

everyday life. College students attempting to juggle school, part- time work, finances
and household chores, for example, might find button- mashing violence to be a safe
and enjoyable way to release pent- up frustrations. According to a 2010 study
conducted by a Texas University professor, violent video games can be used as
therapeutic outlets for combat depression and anger.

I believe that humans have been engaging in violence since there have been
humans, but movies and video games are recent inventions. As such, exposure to
them cannot be a necessary cause of violence. These violent video games have also
become some of the best socialization tools. These games are successful because
they share an emphasis on multiplayer features and foster competitive, fun

To sum up, violent movies and video games might have a bad reputation, but we
cannot deny the possible benefits reaped from playing them. After all, violence is
everywhere these days- in the news and on television- so video games targeted at
having fun and relieving stress should not be held responsible for violence and
should definitely not be banned.

384 words

Đề dự đoán 15

Human activities have negative effects on plant and animals species. Some
people think it is too late to do a anything about this problem, others believe
that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation.

Discuss both views and give our opinion

Human activities, such as deforestation and urbanization, have narrowed the space
for other species on the Earth or even threatened their existence. Some believe that
the damage is irreversible and so we can do nothing, whereas others persist in
carrying out effective measures to alleviate the current situation. This essay intends
to examine both perspectives. However, I personally side with the latter view.

Those who say that nothing can be done to address the loss of animal and plant
species give their as follows. Firstly, they give examples of the species which have
already been lost and cannot be bought back. For example, the south Andean toad
became extinct in 1968, and the Sri Lanka legume tree died out completely in the
1980s. they even point out that if these species are brought back, there is no room
for them to survive today. The dinosaurs are a good example in this context. If, by
some miracle, these comeback, there is no room for them to grow and proliferate.
Finally, they claim that it is futile to save the weak species, unless these species
themselves are able to continue their life.

On the other hand, the main reason why some people say that steps can be taken to
conserve the endangered animal and plant species is that if humans took simple
steps, then the species on the verge of extinction could still breed and multiply. For
example, if overexploitation of natural resources is reduced, hunting and smuggling
of wild animals is banned, overgrazing and over cultivation is stopped and
afforestation is encouraged, then many animal and plant species would not go into

I believe that we should not give up hope and try to do something for saving these
species. For example, there are many successful steps taken by the government
and the NGOs to prove that if we try, we can achieve. For instance, the “ royal
Bengal Tiger” our national animal, was once on the verge of extinction, but with the
efforts of our government and some NGOs we have succeeded in bring up their
numbers. People also donated a lot for the “ save the tiger” project, which was
advertised through the media. Many other steps, such as using pre- fabricated
materials for doors and windows, has reduced the cutting of trees for wood

To sum up, although human activities have done a lot of harm to the animal and
plant species, it is still not late to make a beginning. Although we cannot reverse the
damage, we can stop a lot of further damage, which is otherwise imminent.

Đề dự đoán 16
In many countries traditional foods are being replaces by international fast
food. This is having a negative effect on both families and societies.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words

In this era of technology and globalization, all spheres of life have changed
dramatically and food is also no exception. I agree that international fast foods and
restaurants have eaten up traditional foods and cuisines and this has had a
detrimental effect on families and societies. A number of arguments surround my

There are a lot of damaging effects of international fast food on families. Firstly, in
this torrid pace of life, people are working till their death. They have no time to
prepare ans enjoy traditional home cooked food. Ultimately, they switch to an easy
option of restaurants. McDonalds have become a ubiquitous term in every home.
Secondly, there is the influence of occidental culture over the oriental one. People
are forgetting their roots. For example, in earlier times all family members used to sit
together and eat, and over the dining table they shared their happenings of the day.
These fast foods are eaten alone mostly because they do not appeal to the palate of
the older members. As a result, family bonds and relationships are getting blurred
Moreover, the art of home cooking is suffering a lot

Admittedly, this trend has harmful effects on individuals. Undoubtedly, people are
affected by healthy hazards like obesity and other diseases. Obesity is the root
cause of many other disease. Fast food are rich in fats and salts which are not good
for health. An obese person is more likely to suffer from disease like hypertension
and diables

There are tangible consequences on society too. Broadly speaking as people get
inclined towards fast food and restaurants, local culture dies out. It is because
traditional food is inextricably linked with culture. Undoubtedly, the identity of the
society and nation will disappear. It will be monopolized by western societies. Also, if
people are not healthy, the productivity of the nation will come to standstill. Last but
not least, fast foods promote use- and- throw culture, which adds to the problem of
garbage dumps, contamination pollution and eventually many diseases

To summarise, it can be reiterated that international fast foods have carved their
niche and traditional foods has taken the backseat. Certainly, this has adverse
effects on individuals, families and societies

Đề dự đoán 17
Some people believe that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams
always succeed in sports. Others think that success in sports depends on
mental attitudes.

Discuss both views and give your opinions.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words

People are divided on the reasons for success in sports. Some individuals opine that
only those who are physically fit succeed in sports. However. Other believe that a
positive mental attitude is required for succeeding in sports. In this essay I shall
discuss both views. I believe that both- physical fitness and mental attitude are
needed for success in sports

The main reason why some people say that fitness are strength is very important for
success is that a player who is not physically fit cannot excel in sports such as rugby,
soccer, wrestling, volley ball and many more. That is why the coaches and trainers
make the players work out for hours every day so that players can build both
strength and stamina and succeed in their respective sports

On the other hand, those who say that players can succeed with positive mental
attitude and good game plan give the examples of players who have succeeded
because of these virtues. For example, Sachin Tendukar is very short, yet he can do
wonder with his bat. Anil Kumble is one of the best bowler in the game of cricket. He
can read the

mind of batsman oppsite him and that’s why in one match he managed to take 10
wickets. In hockey too, winning depends on teamwork, attitude and co- operation

Furthermore, there are many examples where players have reached pinnacles of
sports career despite severe physical limitation. Swimmer Amy Dyken suffered from
asthma but went on to win 4 gold medals in Olympics Jeff Blatnick suffered from
cancer, but won gold medal in Roman wrestling in 1984. Simon K Seith had a heart
transplant but still he plays soccer. Yuvraj Singh, the famous Indian cricket player
fought with lung cancer and is back in his team only because of his positive mental

To sum up, no doubt physical fitness and strength have a role, but mental attitude is
also very important. A successful sportsman needs a combination of physical and
mental power.

Đề dự đoán 18

Team activities can teach more skills for life than those activities, which are
played alone.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Both teamwork and individual work require different skills and teach different things.
The given statement says that group activities are better teachers of the skills
needed in life than solo activities While, I do believe that individual activities are
important, team activities certainly hold more relevance

There are many significant skills learn by working in a group such as communication
skills, cooperation and conflict management skills. All these are only learnt through
teamwork. In solo activities, people do not need to communicate, and so people do
not learn these skills. However, when people step into daily lie, they realise that
communication skills are the most needed skills. They also have to co- operate with
their family members colleagues, friends and neighbor in daily life. When they do
team activities, they learn cooperation also. Conflict management skills are also
learnt when they do team activities. People have differences of opinion and people
learn to manage tough situations very diplomatically

Furthermore, team activities also broaden people’s horizons, as they get to interact
with people from diverse backgrounds. Individuals learn how make their voice heard,
and also learn how to accept the suggestions of others Finally, people learn
sportman- spirit,

which is a very good trait. They learn to accept victory with modesty and defeat with
grace. This is an important life skill.

On the other hand, people learn many skills of life through solo activities also.
People learn a sense of competition and perserverance through individual activities.
All life kills are important. However, people cannot forget that man is a social animal,
and cannot live alone. Especially today due to segregation of work people are more
dependent on each other than ever before. Success in life today depends upon how
people deal with others and how they adapt to working in different situations, which
is learnt only by working with others

To conclude, I would reiterate that team activities- both teach important skills of life,
but the skills learn by working with others have a lot more importance.

Tỉ lệ hit đề là 60%.
1 The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world costs numerous
government’s expenditure. This money should be used in new housing and road
development. Do you agree or disagree? (BUILDING/HOUSING)

2 More and more people move into cities so some governments replace
farmland and parks near cities with more houses. Is it justified? Is this a positive or
negative development? (HOUSING/CITY)

3 People living in the twenty-first century have a better quality of life than people
who live in previous centuries. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (HEALTH/

4 Some people think that climate change has a negative impact on business,
while others think it provides more business opportunities. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion. (ENVIRONMENT/JOB)

5 Some people believe that university students should pay for their tuition fees
because university education only benefits students themselves, not society as a
whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (EDUCATION)

6 Many people like to eat unhealthy food even though they know that it is bad
for them. Why is this the case? What measures can effectively improve people's
unhealthy eating habits? (HEALTH / FOOD)

7 Many people use social media every day to get in touch with other people and
obtain the news. Do you think the advantages of this way outweigh the
disadvantages? (MEDIA)

8. In the past, people used to travel abroad to look for many differences from their
home country. Nowadays, cities throughout the world are becoming more and more
similar. What are the reasons ? Is this a positive or negative development ? ( tourism

It is undeniable that people are quite passionate to experience the different nations
around the globe. Therefore, previously folks travelled to the different countries in
order to see the different things rather than their own place, but these days
everything looks the same in the whole world. This essay will discuss the reasons
behind this similarities and to my perspective, this trend possesses some drawbacks
which are outweighed to its positive aspects.

To begin with, there are several factors which bring similar things in all the countries
. Firstly, the advancement in modern technology makes it possible to share the ideas
all over, as the globe has become a global village, even the world of internet is so
gigantic due to which individuals can exchange their viewpoints with each other and
all this happened due to the modernization. Secondly, one nation could easily follow
the sculptures, sight-seeing and, public buildings, so this is the main reason, why
countries have a similar scenic view. For instance, in Auckland city of Newzealand
and Toronto city of Canada has a similarly constructed building which is named as
CN Tower in Toronto and Sky Tower in Auckland, the only difference in their names.
Overall, globalization has made it possible to construct the same monuments.

Moreover, the main disadvantages of the similarity are the lack of people's interest
and economic growth. If there will be the same construction of renowned places all
around the nations , then people will certainly lose their interest to visit these places
and ultimately the economic growth will be affected immensely. Because these days
tourists is a booming industry which boosts the economy of the territory, so the idea
of similarity will leads towards the negative implications. For instances, there have
been some recorded instances of people who only choose unique places to travel
instead of similar ones. Thus, the demerits are higher which could not be ignored.

To conclude, it is true that there are no big differences among the nations around the
world in terms of scenic beauty these days. This essay discussed the pivotal reasons
for the change and also its enormous disadvantages.

9. The professional workers such as doctors, nurses and teachers should be paid
more than the sports and entertainments or personalities. Do you agree or disagree?

10. In education and employment, some people work harder than others. Why do
some people work harder? Is it always a good thing to work hard? [WORK]

11. Nowadays, more people are becoming overweight. Some people think that the
solution is to increase the price of fattening foods. To what extent do you agree?

12. People should look after their health as a duty for a society, rather than for
personal benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree? [HEALTH]
13. Some people believe more actions can be done to crime prevent, while others
think that little can be done. What is your opinion? ( crime )

In recent years, a large number of people are scared of going out of their homes for
the reason of becoming victims of crime. Some people content that number of ways
can be used to prevent crime while other people argue that nothing can be done to
prevent it. From my point of view, although crime nowadays can become harder to
deal with, some measures could be taken to reduce the crime rate.

Firstly, it is obvious that although a variety of solutions were tried/applied/ the

percentage of crime did not change. To be more precise, the crimes are becoming
more organized and well-planned. As a consequence, it is impossible for authority
and government officials to take any actions against these criminal cases. As an
illustration, in Vietnam, numerous people do not want to help anybody in public
places such as bus stations, parks etc because there were many cases where the
drug trafficking offender asked them for helping to hold or transport something that
had heroin inside. In these cases, accidentally they became the offenders

Despite the aforementioned ideas, I strongly support the argument that there are a
great figure of feasible solutions that can decrease the proportion of crime. As an
illustration, in any countries, there are several young police willing to pretend to be a
law-breaker to penetrate into the criminal organization so that they can have deep
knowledge of the structure of crime’s activities. In this way, they cannot only prevent
particular crimes but are also able to make people’s life become safer. In fact, a lot
of case studies proved that this is one of the most effective solutions that reduced a
huge number of serious crimes .Besides, the government should take laws stricter
and punishments. This could increase fines and penalties for people who commit
illegal acts.
In conclusion, although crime is a major problem in some cities, I think, that crime
can be prevented through appropriate action by the government and individuals.
(Band 7.0)

14. It is difficult for some people living in cities to get enough physical exercise. What
are the cases? What could be done to solve this problem? [HEALTH]

15. Today, food travels thousands of miles from farm to the consumers. Why does
this happen? Is it a positive or a negative trend? [FOOD]

16. More and more people want to buy famous brands of clothes, cars and other
items. Why is it? Do you think it is a positive or negative development? [FASHION]

17. Some people are born to be leaders, others believe leadership can be learnt.
Discuss both views and give your opinion. [GENDER]

18. It is a natural process that some annual species, such as Dinosaurs, come to
their extinction. There is no reason for people to prevent this from happening. To
what extent do you agree or disagree? [ENVIRONMENT]

19. Some parents give children everything that their children ask for or what they
want to do. Is this good for children? What are the consequences of this when they

20. Nowadays, some employers think that formal academic qualifications are more
important than life experience or personal qualities when they look for new
employees. Why is it the case? To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
view? [WORK]

21. Organized tours to remote communities and other countries are increasingly
popular. Is it a positive or negative development for the local people and
environment? [CULTURE]

22. Traffic and housing problems could be solved by moving large companies,
factories and their employees to the countryside. Do you agree or disagree?
23. Some universities are offering online courses as an alternative to classes
delivered on campus. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

24. Some people think that people who choose a job early and keep doing it are
more likely to get a satisfying career life than those who frequently change jobs. To
what extent do you agree or disagree? [WORK]

25. Some people say that economic growth is the only way to end world poverty and
hunger. Others say that economic growth is damaging the_enviropment and should
stop. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. [SOCIAL ISSUE]

26. In many countries today, people buy a range of household goods (television,
micro oven and rice cookers). Is it a positive or negative development? [SOCIAL

27. Some people think that the government should provide free public libraries in
every town, while others think this is a waste of money because people can get
access to information on the Internet. Discuss both these views and give your
opinion. [TECHNOLOGY]

28. Nowadays most people learn academic study in university, but others think we
should encourage to learn vocational skills more, do you agree or disagree?

29. The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming
richer, and the poor are getting even poorer. What problems can the situation cause?
What can be done to reduce this gap? [SOCIAL ISSUE]

30. The media should include more stories which report good news. To what extent
do you agree or disagree? [MEDIA]

31. Some people believe that employers should not be concerned about the way
their employees dress, but they should be concerned about the quality at work. To
what extent do you agree or disagree? [WORK]
32. People living in large cities today face many problems in their everyday life. What
are these problems? Should governments encourage people to move to smaller
regional towns? [CITY/SOCIAL ISSUES]

33. Some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of population who are aged
15 and younger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects it may have in
those countries? [SOCIAL ISSUE]

34. Some people believe that one of the best ways to solve environmental problem is
to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree
or disagree? [ENVIRONMENT] - Đề 22/10/2022

In recent decade, one of the major problems which our environment as well as the
people suffers is the pollution. The reason is the increased use of fuel consuming
vehicles such as cars, two-wheelers, etc. Even though a lot of steps taken in
controlling the pollution, its influence is not considerably seen. Some of them think
that increasing the charges of Petrol/Diesel has a chance to reduce the usage of
cars. I totally disagree with the statement. Let me figure out the reasons in the
remaining part of the essay.

Firstly, In this mechanical life, where people are put under mental pressure are less
likely to accept the physical stress caused due to travelling by government vehicles.
Also, it takes a bit longer duration to reach their work sites. The condition of the fares
in public vehicles is such that people don't feel any difference using their own vehicle
or the common transportation.

Secondly, the new generation people have a general mindset that going to a place in
car will be a symbol of their pride and status. Having a private vehicle wherever we
go, reduces the time we wait for a bus or booking a cab. For an instance, if the time
taken to reach a place of 10km distance by bus is 1 hour, the duration to reach the
same place by a car will be not more than 30 minutes. This will ultimately change
people's preference in choosing their mode of transport irrespective of the cost.
Also, fuel is used by all other vehicles such as trucks, lorries, which carry goods from
one location to another. So appreciating the charges of petrol or diesel can have a
severe effect resulting in the cost of goods. This can have a serious economic
issues, wherein the demand for a product produced by the countryside people goes

So, I would like to conclude by saying that increasing the charges of fuel will have
only a less or no influence on the usage of a car or other modes of private
transportation. So the government can implement some other rules to restrict or limit
the usage of private vehicles instead of increasing the cost of fuel. (Band 7.0)

35. In the modern world it is possible to shop, work and communicate with people via
the internet and live without any face-to-face contact with others. Is it a positive or
negative development in your opinion? [TECHNOLOGY]

36. The damage to the environment is increasing at an alarming rate due to human
activities. What are some of the ways in which humans are damaging the
environment? [ENVIRONMENT]

37. Advertising encourages customers to buy in quantity not in quality. To what

extent do you agree or disagree? [MEDIA]

38. Some education systems make students focus on certain subjects at the age of
15, while others require students to study a wide range of subjects until they leave
school. What are the benefits of each system? [EDUCATION]

39. The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it
serves no useful purpose, and can even be damaging. Do you agree or disagree?

40. Many people use written language in a less formal way and in a relaxed way
than in the past. Why is that so? Does this development have more advantages or
disadvantages? (Đề 13/10/2022)
The differences between modern lifestyle and the way which people lived in the past
are inevitable. One of which forms of written language that it is assumed to be
transformed more informal method due to a hectic schedule and the development of
social networks. Despite the observation of some merits in this situation, the
drawbacks outweigh its benefits.

The enhancement of life acceleration is one of the reasons for the tendency of
implementation less formal written language instead of previous sumptuous style
since this new method is clearly close to speaking language, therefore take less time
to think for selecting vocabularies and exerting advanced grammars, thus increasing
in writing speed especially when it comes to social networks is one of most crucially
significant profit of this condition.

In the other hand, this substitution not only does eliminate the fascinating signs of
classic literature, but also will result in the art of correct writing is forgotten which will
cause permanent damage to language that the compensation will be impossible.
Each language requires both formal and informal characteristics and without one of
them the language is not complete all aspects of language must be attended.
Moreover, the use of formal written language is necessary for some situation, for
instance, if you wrote an informal letter to the chancellor, your letter may remain
without response.

In conclusion, although replacement two kinds of language formats may raise writing
speed which helps individuals to transfer their aim faster, sometimes ruins the beauty
of language features and one of the important aspects of writing may die out. (band

41. Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) are the main sources in many countries, but in
some countries the use of alternative sources of energy (wind energy and solar
energy) are encouraged. To what extent do you think it is a positive or negative
development? [ENVIRONMENT]
42. Some people believe that technology causes more problems for modern society
than it solves. Do agree or disagree.? [TECHNOLOGY] - Đề 10/9/2022

It is argued that more problems are created by modern automation than solutions. I
genuinely disagree with this assertion as I believe that technology is the way

Some people might argue that machinery can be used to harm people, thus it should
be described in a negative light. It is their belief that some countries today have the
potential to use advanced technology to aid in warfare, not just in the physical world,
but also on the Internet. Developed nations of the world, such as the USA and
China, possess the power to devastate the less advanced sovereign countries by
shutting down their power grids, hospitals and even their entire communications
systems if push comes to shove. This daunting prospect, some argue, can never
outweigh the advantages computerization has to offer.

Having said that, I am of the opinion that machinery has largely been a positive
influence in our lives. The main positive impact it has had has been on the general
quality of life through better healthcare, food, transportation, and communication. It is
modern computerization that has enabled us to treat illnesses that were once
thought to be incurable. Furthermore, the adoption of machinery in agriculture and
factories is what has facilitated better yields and food processing, without which food
shortage would be a more concerning problem than it is now. Finally, transportation
and communication are two other aspects of our lives that have greatly been
improved thanks to advances in automation. No longer do we have to waste time
biking or sending letters when there are technologies that help us do these within a
fraction of the time they would take.

In conclusion, despite some downsides to accepting automation with open arms, I

generally consider that were it not for technology we could not enjoy the privileges
we have now. (band 7.5)]
43. Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every
subject. Do you agree or disagree? [GENDER]

44. Children are experiencing increasing educational, social and commercial

pressures. What are the causes? What measures do you think can be taken to

45. Parents should be required to attend parenting courses every year to bring up
their children well and give them a better environment for growth? To what extent do
you agree or disagree? [PARENTS/ CHILDREN]

46. Some people believe that to become a vegetarian is the only way to keep
healthy. Do you agree or disagree? [HEALTH]

47. Some people think that the best way: to make road transport safer is to make
vehicle drivers take a driving test every year. To what extent do you agree or
disagree ?

48. Some people think that it is effective for students to study in a group at school,
while others think it is better to study alone. Discuss both these two views and give
your own opinion. [EDUCATION]

49. Some people think that robots are very important for humans' future
development. Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that
could have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

50. Nowadays, children spend more time playing computer games and less time
playing sports. Why? Is this a positive or negative development?

51. More and more plastic is polluting cities, countrywide and oceans in the world.
What are the problems caused by plastic wastes? What measures should be taken
to solve it ? [ENVIRONMENT]

52. Some people say that modern technology has made shopping today easier,
while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion [TECHNOLOGY]
53. Some people think that developing countries need financial help from
international organizations, others think that it is practical aid and advice that is
needed. Discuss these views and give your own opinion. [GLOBALIZATION/AID]

54. It is better for college students to live far away from home than live at home with
their parents. Do you agree or disagree? [STUDY/HOUSING]

55. Some people believe that the government should pay money for looking after old

people, but others believe that the government should pay money for the education
of the young people. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

56. Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are
played in teams, like football. While other people think that taking part in individual
sports is better, like tennis or swimming. Discuss both views and give your own

57. Some people claim that many things that children were taught at school are a
waste of time, while others argue that everything learned at school is useful at some
time. Discuss both these views and give own opinion. [EDUCATION, SUBJECTS]

58. Some people say we do not need printed paper newspaper anymore. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (Đề 24/9/2022)

The development of technology has introduced a plethora of digital platforms.

Therefore, the majority of the masses advise that we do not require daily
newspapers today. In my opinion, as a result, an up-to-date broadcast is available on
electronic gadgets. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain my point of view.
Many reasons support this idea.
These days, accessing news on the internet has various benefits in some ways.
Firstly, online papers keep readers up-to-minute in a much faster way than traditional
magazines do. For instance, worldwide updates we can get immediately on the
internet whereas it will take a few days for publishers to research and publish the
data officially. Secondly, the internet provides the free of charge to access the
content, latest info at home without having to buy the printed newspapers at stores.,
which allows individuals to save money and a great amount of time.

On the other hand, I am in favour of the idea that physical journals still are
irreplaceable due to a couple of reasons. The first one is that they are one of the
most credible sources of the message. Since everyone can write and post stories on
the web, it can include unreliable information which has not been supervised
carefully before releasing. Additionally, online journals often negatively affect
people’s health. For example, if we spend several hours reading online news every
day by using our mobile phone or computer, this could lead to a harmful impact,
especially on our eyes. Finally, reading news in paper traditionally enables people to
concentrate on what we are concerning, rather than the online one which can
distract them with tons of advertisements.

In conclusion, indeed, people nowadays are increasingly utilizing many other

mediums to get international updates, it does not mean the significant need for
physical press no longer exists. (Band 8.5)

59. Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled
by governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or
disagree? (Đề 15/9/2022)

People assume that scientific research is supposed to be supervised by the

government instead of the private organization. I personally, share a similar view with
this statement with the reasons stated below.
Many reasons can clarify the essential part of the government role to control
scientific studies. First of all, various research activities are carried out by private
companies such as pharmaceutical companies to produce a new remedy for a
certain illness. This leads to exclusive claim for the medication by a sole company
merely for the sake of economic commodity without offering an advantage to the
public health. Therefore, in this case, the government should implement policies
such as granting a limited time for the company to produce and sell the medication
as well as adjusting the medication price in the market. Thus, this remedy is
affordable for people.

Moreover, many scientific research projects are funded by the government grant
which is derived from public money such as taxes. The government ought to make
sure that this study is not wasting money and can bring about the beneficial effects
on society. Furthermore, many scientific studies involve human as objects. For this,
the government should employ a strict regulation to protect and to ensure that there
is no violation of human rights as well as no negative consequences resulting from
this process.

To sum up, I believe that the role of government to control scientific studies is
essential to ensure that all the research purpose is purely to bring benefit to
community. (Band 7.5)

60. Some people think advertising may have positive economic effects, others think
it has social effects because individuals are not satisfied with who they are and what
they have. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (ADVERTISING)

61. When a new town is planned, it is more important to develop public parks and
sports facilities than shopping centers for people to spend their free time in. To what
extent do agree or disagree? (HEALTH RECREATION)
62. We have three important parts of education: reading, writing and math. Some
people think every child will benefit from a fourth skill added to the list: computer
skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ( Education )

In the last couple of decades, our education system has changed a lot, both in terms
of the way of teaching and curriculum, but three integral parts always have been the
ability to read, write and do calculations. However, there are some people who
believe that an extra ability should be taught to every kid at school, which is
computer skills. I completely agree with this, and in this essay, I will give relevant
examples to support my view.

Firstly, the use of technology is becoming a very important part of our life. For
instance, almost all workspaces around the world use the latest digital gear to make
their work easy. And the use of a computer is a requirement of using this equipment.
If students are familiarized with this machine at a very young age, they will have a
better understanding of how these things work. Which would result in better job
prospects in future.

Not only that, if pupils are taught about this at the elementary level, they will have a
better understanding of how this world works. This is to say that, almost every
gadget around us works primarily on the principles which can be learned after
acquiring that skill. They will therefore be more motivated to investigate every piece
of technology surrounding them which will implant research abilities in them, and this
would help them in the later years of their education.

Now looking at the other side of the argument, there are some people, who argue
that introducing an additional skill would result in an extra burden on young people.
They believe that their routine is already very rigid and hectic, they will get frustrated
if another thing is introduced into their normal routine. Additionally, they won't have
enough time to play, which will affect their physical health.
To sum up, although there are some downsides of an additional capability such as
limited time for sports, and extra burden, I think the opportunities such as better
employment, and better understanding outweigh the drawbacks. I personally believe
that it is absolutely necessary for every student to develop this expertise in their
primary years. (Band 7.5)

63. People have different job expectations for jobs. Some people prefer to do the
same job for the same company, whereas others prefer to change jobs frequently.
Write about the advantages and disadvantages of each viewpoint? (EMPLOYMENT)

64. The world’s natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being
consumed at an ever-increasing rate. What are the dangers of the situation? What
can be done to solve the problem? (ENVIRONMENT)

65. In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes.
What are the causes? How should these young criminals to be punished? (CRIME)

66. More and more companies are allowing employees to work from home. Do you
think this is a positive or negative development? ( Technology )

Nowadays, with the advent of the computer and the widespread use of the internet,
working at home become ubiquitous among workers around the world. This could
bring both benefits and drawbacks for people’s development.
On the one hand, employees who work at their accomodation would have more
hours to complete the task, especially those whose house are quite far from their
offices, they can distance themselves from unexpected factors such as traffic
congestion which can cause them to be late. Because they spend more time on
working painstakingly, their performances get better. Besides, due to working in the
house, workers would have a private atmosphere and feel comfortable and free, thus
they pay all their attention to duties. Furthermore, in modern society, almost staffs
are lack of break to eat breakfast which is the most important meal of the day, so
been working at home is a feasible solution to help employees enhance their health.
For example, many big companies such as Google or Facebook, they incentivize
their staffs to run programs at home for saving time, so the quality of the worker's life

Despite the advantages aforementioned, working at home also takes a heavy toll on
employments and the company for some reasons. Firstly, many staffs becomes
lazier because they have more hours at home and they often get up late. Secondly,
they would miss desirable opportunities to learn experiences from their colleagues,
boost their soft skills such as communication and teamwork, which is really important
for the development of people. Thirdly, due to lacking of communication with people,
they become unsociable and shying to contact with others and they gradually would
be autistic.

In conclusion, I believe that work-from-home jobs brings both advantages and

disadvantages for employees as well as employers depending on each specific
situation. (band 7.0)

67. In many countries, more and more men are staying at home to look after their
children when women work full-time. What are the reasons? Is it a positive or
negative development? (GENDER EQUALITY)

68. With the increasing use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people are
writing letters. Some people think that the traditional skill of writing letters will
disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What do you think
of the importance of letter-writing? ( Technology)

It is an undeniable fact that with the advancement in telecommunication people

tends to write and emails and text rather than letters. Several people believe that
writing letters will be vanished in the future. This essay will discuss and provide
some example to explain why writing letters will not completely eradicated.

Undoubtedly, these days more and more people used mobile phones and computers
for communication with friends and family members because it is an easiest and
fastest way to commute. Many people believe that the traditional skills of writing
letters disappear because of mobile phones and computers. However, it will not
completely eradicated because writing letters used in many government offices. For
example, in India the electricity department used writing letters to complain, for
requesting of electricity metre and so on. The officers also saved these letters as a
proof. Moreover, in business writing letters is used for many important documents.
Therefore, writing letters are not vanishing.

Furthermore, writing letters to friends and family members as a show gesture of love.
Also writing letters as an emotion from writer to reader and this is not replaced by
text message and images. For instance, on the person's birthday, writing letters
makes a person happier rather than sending text message and images. In such
case, our handwriting has special meaning for the recipient of our letters. Hence,
writing letters still used in future also.

In conclusion, although mobile phones and computers will continue to be the main
means of communication because of their convenience and efficiency. However, I
believe traditional skills of writing letters is Steel important as this are preferable in
some special occasion. (band 8.0)

Đề ngày 2/11/2022 (thi máy)

Intelligence is most important component for leadership. Do you agree or disagree?

A leader is a person who leads by example and gets the job done. While
intelligent is an important virtue for a person to lead, there are other many
equally omnipotent traits he must possess. In this essay I will elaborate my
view with the help of examples.

To begin with, a leader must be able to motivate his juniors. This is because
a motivated staff is a good breeding ground of innovative ideas. For
example, few encouraging words from a boss can help relieve employee
from stress and meet his deadline. As a result, the organisation prospers,
which augurs well for everyone concerned. If a superior fails to motivate his
juniors, it will result in low work efficiency.

Moreover, the person in command should keep the lines of communication

open between him and his team. This is very important because it
encourages staff to come up with and discuss their problems at workplace
openly and frankly with him. For instance, I was on the verge of resigning
from my job due to a problem with a co-worker, but when I discussed the
matter with my boss, the whole matter was resolved amicably. This not
only gave me immense job satisfaction, but also helped foster good
relationship with my co-worker later on.

In conclusion, I would reiterate my opinion that a leader should possess

range of personality traits such as honesty, leading by example,
problem-resolving skills, credibility etc. to lead his team effectively. (band

Đề ngày 3/11/2022 (thi máy)

Full-time university students spend a lot of time studying. Some say they should do
other activities too. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Sample 7.0: It is often seen in many societies that university students only
focus on academic studies. However, some feel that they ought to do
extracurricular activities like singing or social activities and I believe the
same for two reasons.

It is understandable why some people claim that students should focus

only on their studies for the academic period plays a vital role for any
student. They feel like this because as for the tertiary level, students have
lots of pressure for their studies so it is tough for them to concentrate to
other activities. Even most of the science students, they have lab and other
academic requirement which often deters them to do something else.

Although some might claim that students should not concentrate to

extracurricular activities, I feel the opposite for credible reasons. Firstly,
extracurricular activities such as singing or dancing might relax people,
which will refresh students and can have a fresh start. While some might
also say that students have busy schedules and hence cannot have spare
time. I would counter this by saying that it is often better for students to
have some relaxation in their life otherwise they will bored soon and can
not concentrate anymore. Secondly, in real life, students not only need the
theory, but also the practical application. What do I mean by that is, the
various activities, students often involved, such as social work as a
volunteer might give them a real feeling of helping people. Even after
completing their graduation, pupils can add some more values in their
curriculum vitae, which might be a plus than the ordinary applicant for a
job. It is, therefore, not surprising to convince why students should have
some other activities in their academic life.

In conclusion, not only is extracurricular activities give students relaxation,

but also it gives them a chance to add extra value to their future career.
Therefore, despite others feel that students should only focus on their
studies, I think it offers invaluable opportunities to them.

Đề ngày 4/11/2022 (thi máy)

In many countries, people buy a range of household goods, is it a positive or negative
Band 7.5: There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the
remarkable impacts of purchasing a wave of household products. From my
personal point of view, I am well convinced that this phenomenon has both
pros and cons.

It is irrefutable to note that domestic goods bring a wealth of redeeming

features to people’s daily life. Obviously, these goods effectively facilitate
people in terms of saving a myriad of time in a day. In other words, due to the
undeniable fact that people currently have a tendency to suffer from hectic
schedules, top-notch goods may probably lend them a hand in terms of
doing tedious and time-consuming chores. The rice cookers which can
immediately cook hot rice in a short period of time or the microwaves which
can heat the foods up in order to provide people a decent meal can be cited
as several viable instances. Therefore, people may have more free time with
a view to finding a tranquil frame of mind after a hard-working day.

While the tremendous benefits are widely acknowledged, it is unfair not to

mention the undesirable downsides. It is a common norm to state that some
products such as smart televisions may wreak havoc on people’s health
conditions to some extent. In specific, despite being regarded as an
acclaimed tool of entertainment, cutting-edge televisions may
unsatisfactorily release a type of rays through their screen that may act as a
disturbance to humans’ eyes. As a result, watching TV on a regular basis as
well as overusing it may contribute to the short-sighted symptom, which
causes difficulties in operating daily work.

To sum up, I am of the opinion that while household equipment brings

numerous conveniences to people, some of them should not be overused.

Đề ngày 5/11/2022 (thi giấy)

In many countries large amounts of foods are wasted. Why do you think people waste food
in this way? What can be done to reduce the amount of food thrown away?
Band 8.5:
It is undeniable that some people in certain countries throw away a huge
amount of food from shops and restaurants. This essay will highlight my
reasons from such an approach and will present some of the solutions to
minimize such waste.
One of the most crucial reasons behind such behaviour is that some meals
or food lose their quality after a very short period of time when reserved.
This is because such meals usually have genetically modified ingredients
to improve their taste. These ingredients are presented in some meals of
McDonald’s, for instance, that makes them impossible for refrigerating or
warming up. It has been shown that many people have claimed about the
French fries served by McDonald’s, as it often loses its crunchiness and
taste and cannot be even eaten the second day. To reduce the danger of
this problem and food being wasted, governments should act more by
implementing rules and regulations on shops by forcing them to reduce the
harmful ingredients in these meals.

Furthermore, another significant reason is the culture of a society. To

illustrate, the vast majority of people of the Gulf countries order much more
food as a kind of generosity and kindness. These people usually attending
many events on a daily basis such as lunch invitations or dinners, and to
show how they do care about their friends and therefore, they request these
high amounts of food. Consequently, immense amounts are thrown away.
To tackle this issue, people should take into consideration that there are
many people are suffering from starvation and it might be better to help
people who are in danger from poverty by feeding them the extra amounts.

In conclusion, I believe that the consequences of a society in some places

should be maintained and the government should also have a vital role in
minimizing the amounts of useless contents in meals.

Đề ngày 8/11/2022 (thi máy)

Đề 1: Some people believe that they should be able to keep all the money they earn and
should not have to pay tax to the state. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample 7.0: People work tirelessly throughout their lives to earn money.
However, a major portion of their income is lost in the form of taxes. It is
argued by some that the hard-earned money should be retained by the
people, rather than paying a portion to the government in the form of taxes.
I completely disagree with the above-mentioned statement and believe that
it is entirely necessary to contribute to the government in the form of taxes.
To begin with, some people are wary of contributing a part of their salary.
Instead, they prefer to use the money for their own needs. Money is
everything in today’s world and is used to buy most of the amenities
including food, clothing and shelter. People need money for the good
upbringing of their children and to have a healthy lifestyle. In addition,
people also need money to invest and secure for their future. Also, certain
rich or developed nation doesn’t tax their people. For instance, people
working in certain Gulf countries are not obliged to pay taxes. Thus, people
from certain sections of the society have apprehensions about paying

However, the idea that people should not pay taxes is completely
preposterous. Nevertheless, there are several reasons which states why
citizens should oblige to pay. For the state to function efficiently and
effectively it needs funds at its disposal, which is usually collected by the
government in the form of taxes. Administration, defence and infrastructure
development are all responsibilities of the government. These services are
of utmost importance and would eventually prove to be advantageous for
the people of the country, as this money would return to them in some form
of service. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the individual to contribute to
the social and economic progress of the country.

To conclude, people advocating to the prospect that they should not be

taxed have a flawed understanding about the topic. The ramifications of
not paying taxes will have adverse impacts on the economy and the
services which the government provides to the people.

Đề 2: Nowadays young people are admiring media and sports stars, even though they
do not set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
Band 8.0: The adolescents have a great amount of admiration towards the
Public figures. Although, some people believe that the public figures do not
set a right example for the teenagers and many believe otherwise. In my
view, there are positive as well as negative aspects.

There are various positive aspects of the public figures being a role model
for today's youth, they could inspire the teenagers physically and mentally.
To begin with, most of the actors and sports stars are extremely healthy
and fit. This could influence the adolescents, and they could start working
towards attaining a healthy lifestyle. Secondly, we have also seen the
dedication and the hard work put into their day to day lives of these
celebrities. These personal traits could also alter the minds of the
adolescents positively. For example, Sachin Tendular with his dedication
and hard work has inspired a number of adolescents to acquire the same
amount of dedication and hard work, Virat Kolhi as a teenager was inspired
by Sachin Tendular, and see can see he reached towards being a
successful player. Hence, it can be concluded that celebrities can influence
the youth to a great extent, in most cases positively.

However, there are also some downsides to this. Not all the media and the
sports personnel are responsible for their acts in public. Most of these
stars are always in the news, so certain behaviours such as smoking in
public, drinking of excessive alcohol could lead in setting a bad example for
the youth. Hence, if the celebrities do not take responsibility for their
actions in public, it could lead to detrimental effects.

To conclude, role models play a more positive role in inspiring and

motivating the adolescents. However, the celebrities should take full
responsibility of their actions to avoid any detrimental effects.

PS: em nào thi máy thì cần ôn lại cả đề thi thật nhé, còn thi giấy thì bỏ qua.

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