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Today is a bright summer day. It is also bright because my grandchildren,

Oliver and Olivia visited me. It is almost dinner time and I made steak for
them. They will be starving after they come from horse riding.

Here they come, fighting and yelling at each other. Olivia started grumbling
“Granny, Oliver is saying that I am weak and not strong enough to ride a
horse because I am a girl.” Oliver immediately censored her argument and
said “so, what’s wrong with that?” I knew that I had to intervene. “Let’s go
and eat dinner which will be followed up by an interesting story. Then you
both can decide whether gender matters when it comes to strength of
character and purpose.”

Both of them impatiently ate dinner and then we went to their bedroom.
Oliver asked me, “Granny, is this story about a superhero?” I smiled and said,
“Yes, it is about a SuperHero who is a woman so it’s a Superwoman. Have you
ever heard of Queen Elizabeth II?” Olivia immediately replied, “I have seen
her on currency notes and coins.” I affirmably said, “Yes, you are right, Olivia.
Her photograph is on currency notes and coins''

I began “Queen Elizabeth was born to her father, King George VI and mother
Queen Elizabeth in 1926. Princess Elizabeth began studying constitutional
history and law. Her Majesty also studied French, German and music when
she was educated at home. Do you know that the Queen can speak fluent
French?? When she visits France, she makes it a point to always speak the

Her Majesty joined the Women’s Royal Auxiliary Territorial Service, where she
worked as a driver and mechanic. During World War-II, she pleaded with her
father to let her go and fight the war but was initially disallowed as she was a
girl. She eventually became the first female in her family to serve in the
military. She broadcasted on the radio to raise the optimism of British children.
She got a chance to go to South Africa when she was barely 20 and
announced that her whole life shall be devoted to the people and the great
imperial family.

Even though being a queen, her Majesty used ration coupons to pay for her
wedding dress. Such was the severity during war time. She married Prince
Philip of Greece & Denmark and they have been happily married for over 70

When her father passed away, she was crowned Queen overnight. Her
coronation broke all TV records and you shall be surprised that the historical
announcement of Edmund Hilary reaching the peak of Mt Everest was
delayed since it was the same time her coronation commenced.

Do you know that Her Majesty has over 30 Corgis, a dog breed that has
become famous due to her? Also, you shall be surprised that she doesn’t
need a driver's licence to drive on public roads.

Her Majesty is extremely painstaking and has the distinction of more than
21,000 engagements over her 70 year supremacy, a mammoth 200 official
portraits and has sent over 50,000 Christmas cards over her lifetime. She has
travelled to more than 100 countries and yes remarkably she doesn't even
own a passport, since she doesn’t need one.

She has the honour of being served by 14 UK Prime Ministers including

stalwarts like Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher

Her actual birthday is on 21 April while her official birthday, which is held on a
Saturday in June – when the weather’s better! Isn’t this an amazing fact?

She owns an elephant, two giant turtles, and sloths, which are presents from
other countries, all of which live in London Zoo. She owns all of the country's
dolphins and whales, too. She is so compassionate about animals.

When she was crowned, the Commonwealth had 8 members while today
there are 54. She has altered with the modern times of technology and
embraced change. She has appeared on television regularly to make her
people feel comfortable that she can be approached anytime. She has
been one of the greatest supporters of charity with a special focus to help
reduce poverty.

If you are not surprised of what all a person can do in his/her lifetime, let me
tell you that she also horse rides, pigeon races and even plays football.

Tell me my dear Olivier & Olivia, does it matter whether you are a boy or a girl
when it comes to being great?”

- Devina Chawla

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