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General Biology 2


 Geologic Time Scale

 Basic Mechanism of  MASS EXTINCTION
Evolution  Long-term stress compounded by
 short-term shock.
 Sea level falls, Impact events
(asteroid/comet), Plate Tectonics
CHAPTER 3: History of Life on Earth & Global warming are some cause
of the said phenomenon.
 The Earth is 4.5 billion years old
 Life on Earth arose around 3.5 billion  Weedy species- these are species
years ago. that can quickly adapt to the
 The gap between the creation of the environment; becomes dominate.
world and the life on Earth is long  Reproduce quickly
because there is an existence of  Disperse widely
primordial Earth wherein it has  Love in a variety of habitats
primordial atmosphere that cannot  Establish populations in
sustain life. strange places
 The temperature can exceed in 200  Resist eradication once
degrees celcius back then. establish.
 The plates of Earth back then were
unstable, in result, frequent volcanic
eruptions and earthquakes occurred.
 Humans and Dinosaurs existed on the
Earth at the same time.
 Plants and animals have always existed.


 Developed in 1800’s from relative ERAs
dating of rock
 Radiocarbon dating was used to  Precambrian Era: Vast and Puzzling
determine the absolute division in the  3.4 bya: microscopic bacteria
time scale.  Organisms lived are microscopic
 Radiocarbon dating subordinates bacteria mostly the remnants of
relative dating cyanobacteria
 Paleontologists use division of the  Atmosphere: Water vapor, CO2,
geologic time scale to represent Nitrogen, NO OXYGEN.
evolutionary time.  The atmosphere composed of
 A tabular presentation of the history of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and
life based on the geologist’s study of nitrogen and without oxygen.
rocks and the fossils they contain  Ozone layer protects from UV: water
 Ozone layer protects the limited
water resources back then.
General Biology 2

 Later, primary plants evolved, used

photosynthesis which created
 Carbon dioxide is utilized by
photosynthetic organisms.
 Oxygen accumulates 2.5 bya.  Divided into 6 time periods:
 FOSSILS:  Cambrian Period
 Stromatolites: also known as stromalites, are  Age of the Invertebrates
layered mounds and columns of calcium o Golden age of marine
carbonate (material deposited by algae) invertebrates like jellyfish and
 600 mya, 1st multi-celled animals alike.
 These are stromatolites are fossils of  Ordovician Period
cyanobacteria. Ancestors of multi-  First vertebrates
celled organisms.  Silurian Period
 Plant life first appeared on land
o Land has now plants.
 Age of fishes
o The life was gradually leaving
outside the water.
 Devonian Period
 Spread of vertebrates to land
 Carboniferous Period
 There is now interaction of plants
 Paleozoic Era: Life Changes and animals in land.
 Early life began in the sea shells, trilobites.  Permian Period
 Oceans are first formed so marine  Disappearance of invertebrates.
organisms are the ones which first lived.  Increase variety of reptiles.
 Trilobites are the ancestors of marines o Much stronger version of

 Mesozoic Era: Age of Reptiles

 350 mya
 Dinosaurs were land-dwelling reptiles
that were dominate during
Mesozoic Era
 Golden age of marine
invertebrates like jellyfish and
 Major event: Breakup of Pangaea
 Mesozoic Era is divided into 3
 Land Masses:
 Triassic
o Gondwana
 Jurassic
o Laurasia  Cretaceous
o Pangaea  Mass Extinction: Earth struct by 6-
mile wide asteroid, resulting in
mass extinction:
General Biology 2

 Species were static and unchanging.

 Many believed that creator made all
species in their present form.
 In other word, Plato doesn’t believe in
 Cenozoic Era: Age of Mammals  Today’s scientist:
 65 mya  Accept evolution as the
 Age of mammals explanation for life’s diversity.
 Major event: The world’s great  The key factor why there's
mountain ranges were built during biodiversity is evolution.
this era. (Himalayas & Mt. Everest)
 Division of GTS:  Gene pool
 Entire collection of genes
 Allele frequency
 The number of copies of an
allele divided by the number
of the total number of alleles.
 There's biodiversity because of
gene pool and allele frequency.
 Natural Selection
 Occurs when individuals with
certain genotypes (those that
 BASIC MECHANISM OF EVOLUTION are best suit suited to the
 Evolution- is defined as change in species environment).
over time. Evolution plays an important  “Eliminates poorly adapted
role in History of the Earth. phenotypes”
 Adaptive Mechanism- which  An advantage of natural
develop through time allowed selection is it doesn’t
organisms to withstand the tolerate weak phenotypes,
extreme changes in the which leads for the
environment. environment to have strong
 “Does not have a goal to
 Dandelions produce many produce a superorganism”.
offspring but few survives.  They can't produce
Their adaptive mechanism is superorganism which is fit to
having light seeds in order for anywhere. The strong ones
them to reproduce faster and just survived the
this could increase their environment.
survival rate.  “Survival of the Fittest”.
 Camouflage- this is the  Fitness is not limited to
adaptive mechanism of some strength or capabilities of an
insects and species, this let organism but also the ability
them blend with the of an organism to survive
environment they live in. just long enough to
 Plato reproduce.
General Biology 2

pwede mahaluan o nahaluan ng bagong

 Example: Giraffes have long necks. Before,  Example: Amish people, noong
giraffes had short necks but nowadays, nasa original country or place
there are no giraffes with short necks. sila, walang problema sa kanila
Natural selection occurred. The reason but as time passes, may nagd-
why short-neck giraffes lead to drift and so result nun is
extinction because they cannot longer pagkakaroon ng genetic
survive its environment. One reason is condition called Ellis-Van
they cannot reach long trees. creveld syndrome. (may extra
 In result:
 Sexual Selection o Biodiversity
 Is a type of natural selection resulting in
variation in ability to obtain mates.  Bottleneck Effect- when the
a) Fighting to mate- some organisms population drop rapidly in a short
basically fights just to obtain or to get period of time, so the surviving
mates, and also to show to other men of population will try to restore the
their species their power. loss of lives or the biodiversity,
b) Attracting females- mostly birds ang pero yung characteristic na present
mga examples. Example: Peacocks, lang sa kanila ang iikot sa lineage,
Vogelklop, etc. and so as time pass by, there will be
a time na mamamatay at titigil din
 Mutation ang reproduction since, limited
 A change in an organism’s DNA lang ang characteristics na naa-
 This could occur due to human interventions acquire nila.
 Mutation are the raw material for evolution  In result:
because genes contribute to phenotypes o Loss of genetic variety
(Physical appearance). o Pwede din biodiversity
 Example is atomic bomb in Hiroshima. The
(Low percentage)
aftermath is still experiencing in the local
 Both could change the original
areas that can result in mutation of organisms
population and could result to
 Genetic drift
biodiversity but if you think about
 Genetic drift is a change in allele frequencies
it, they are both bad.
that occurs purely by chance.
 When the population drifted by half or even
 Gene flow (migration)
one-fourth, that group would might find a
 Migration is the movement of
new ecosystem and will result for new
individuals in or out of a
 Under genetic drift, there is founder and the
 Can counteract the effects of both
bottleneck effect.
natural selection and genetic drift.
 Founder- few individual leave their
 Ito yung pang-balance sa
original population and begin a new
bottleneck and founder effect.
colony, and a part of the population
 Example: When may colony of
drifts from their original population due
species ng bugs, tapos nagmigrate
to nature/natural processes, and also
yung ¼ sa ibang population, this
because of human interventions, this
could lead into biodiversity
will result for a more diverse population,
 Another example is yung sa
means new alleles are formed, and
Hiroshima bombing, yung nagging
General Biology 2

solution nila sa genetic mutation is DRAWBACKS:

pag migrate ng ibang nationalities
You cannot apply this with extinct
papuntang japan, or vice-versa, in
this way, magkakaroon ng organisms/species.
introduction sa mga bagong o Cannot be used with exclusively
characteristics and traits, asexual organisms (such as
preventing the genetic mutation to bacterias):
occur  Prokaryotes
 These four can act up to produce  Amoeba and other protists
change.  And example is mga Liger and
Zebronky, they could occur
SPECIATION AND EXTINCTION but they couldn’t reproduce,
o Billions of years many species appeared on they don’t have that capability
Earth and overtime, became extinct. to reproduce so sa katagalan,
o This explains how small evolutionary mamatay din sila at magiging
changes the whole population or the possible lang ulit na
environment. magkaganon na species, by
 Species doing the same process again.
 Distinct type of organism.  SPECIATION
 You should have distinct or unique The formation of new species, occurs
character in order for you to be called a when some members of a
species. population can no longer
 Carolus Linnaeus successfully interbreed with the rest
 He is the reason why we have of the group. One possible cause is
classification system, or scientific names because they or a group of one
(Ex. Humans- Homo Sapiens) species have their preference na or
 He defined species as “all examples of they are not compatible with each
creatures that were alike in minute details other.
of body structure.  Reproductive Isolation
Pero hindi ito na-accept since hindi  Pwede gamitin or tawagin
lahat ng magkakamukha, ay below reproductive barrier, This cause
one species, or hindi lahat nakikita species in different forms to
sa physical appearance, but sa choose and to mate with another
genetic makeup din. organism in the same species
that will cause biodiversity. In
BIOLOGICAL SPECIES CONCEPT other words, this prevent viable
fertile offspring, which will affect
 A group of organisms, that can
yung pagtutuloy ng lineage.
interbreed and produce viable, fertile
o Viable- fertile,
continuation. The ability
 When you mean species they should
for an organism to
have the capability to integrate which
continue the
means they have to reproduce in order
for them to be called as species.
 Reproductive Barriers Cause
ASSUMES: Species to Diverge:
 Interruption to courtship
o Common characteristics  Fertilization (Hindi na
o Genetically compatible mature yung gametes kaya
o Interbreed under natural condition ‘di nabuo into zygote)
General Biology 2

 Embryo (Yung zygote hindi  Prevents hybrids zygotes from developing

nabuo and nagkaproblem into viable fertile adults.
para maging embryo)  Example: Zebronkey (hybrid of Donkey &
 Offspring development Zebra) reduced fitness for next
 PREZYGOTIC MECHANISMS generation, they cannot mate to other, in
 Occurs before fertilization order to produce ganon sa kanila is you
 Prevents: (Most common way para sa have to do the same process over again,
gene pool ay ma-isolate) since hindi viable.
 Prevent mating from occurring  REDUCED HYBRID VIABILITY/ HYBRID
 Prevent gametes from becoming INVIABILITY (B4 zygote, dedz na)
zygotes  If sheep and goats’ mate, they will
 TEMPORAL ISOLATION (Isolate by time) produce a hybrid zygote, which
 May breed: (Kapag patuloy nangyari will die before birth.
to sa couples, mapipilitan yung isa na  REDUCED HYBRID FERTILITY/
maghanap ng iba in order to HYBRID STERILITY
reproduce and this will result to a new  If male donkey mates with a
species with new characteristics etc.) female horse, they will produce a
 Different times of day healthy but sterile offspring or
 Different seasons what they call a mule (Creds: lex)
 Different years  HYBRID BREAKDOWN
 HABITAT ISOLATION (mostly  Habang nagc-continue ang
amphibians) generation or linage, mas
 Variables: (basically prefer habitat) humihina ang traits naa-acquire
 Same geographic area ng future gen
 Different habitat  Offspring of hybrids are freeable
 Different courting rituals (prolly
nag iba na yung preferences)  Physical separation (most obv way
 ISOLATION BY SONG of looking kung pano nag arise
 Example here is yung lahat ng ‘to)
Eastern and Wester  Process of species formation.
Meadowlarks, nagka Three Modes:
genetic drift, in result,  Allopatric Speciation (Allo= other,
nagka iba iba na ng Patric= place)
preferences, and kaya  Geographic sepration
nagkaroon ng dalawang  Occurs when some numbers
klase ng meadowlarks. of a population is
 MECHANICAL ISOLATION geographically isolated,
 Variables: preventing gene flow.
 Structural difference prevents  Pwedeng because of human
mating. Example: intervention or natural
 Genital openings, kapag di occurrence.
aligned, no mating, therefore  Sympatric Speciation (Sym= same,
maghahanap ng ka match Patric= place)
that will result sa  Occurs when some members
biodiversity. of a population that occupy
 POSTZYGOTIC MECHANISM same habitat within the same
General Biology 2

 Pwedeng be due to rapid

genetic changes.
 Parapatric (Beside each other)
 When the groups that
evolved to separate species
are geographically

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