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Lecturer : Ly Dan Thanh

Group 1
Le Nguyen Hong Nga
To Thuy Ngoc
Nguyen Vu Ngoc Tuan
Pham Duc Huy
Nguyen Thi My Ngan
Nguyen Ngoc Binh An
I. Vision & Mission ........................................................................................... 3

1. Vision ............................................................................................................. 3

2. Mission ........................................................................................................... 3

II. SWOT .......................................................................................................... 4

2.1. Strength ........................................................................................................ 4

2.2. Weak ............................................................................................................ 5

2.3. Oppotunity ................................................................................................... 6

2.4. Threat ........................................................................................................... 8

III. Brand Elements .......................................................................................... 9

3.1. Brand Name ................................................................................................. 9

3.2. Logo ........................................................................................................... 10

3.3. Tagline ....................................................................................................... 11

IV. Six Brand Criteria ................................................................................... 12

4.1. Brand Name ............................................................................................... 12

4.2. Logo ......................................... Lỗi! Thẻ đánh dấu không được xác định.

4.3. Tagline ....................................................................................................... 14

IV. STRENGTH ............................................................................................. 15

V. FAVORABILITY ...................................................................................... 16

VI. UNIQUENESS .......................................................................................... 18

VII. POD & POP ............................................................................................ 19

7.1. Pop (Point Of Parity) ................................................................................. 19

7.2. Pod (Point Of Difference) .......................................................................... 21

VIII. Brand Mantra ........................................................................................ 22

IX. Six Block Building Brand ........................................................................ 22

9.1. Identity ....................................................................................................... 22

9.2. Meaning: .................................................................................................... 23

9.2.1. Performance: ....................................................................................... 23

9.2.2. Imagery: ............................................................................................... 24

9.3. Response: ................................................................................................... 24

9.3.1. Judgement ............................................................................................ 24

9.3.2. Feelings ................................................................................................ 24

X. IMC (Attachment) ..................................................................................... 25

I. Vision & Mission

1. Vision
"Changing public perception through creative communication projects of the
younger generation".


- Ultimate goal: The desire to promote public understanding and awareness of

environmental issues and climate change through innovative
communication projects created by younger generations.

2. Mission
"Train a young generation capable of leading and using media methodically in
the field of environment and climate change."


- Specific mission: The program recognizes that the young generation

possesses the ability to access and use innovative communication
technologies to bring their messages to a large number of people. Therefore,
the program focuses on training and developing the creative and
communication abilities of young generations, in order to create media
projects that have an impact on the community and society.
- Motivation: the younger generation will become future leaders in
promoting awareness and action, thereby creating a better future
- Purpose (what we want to see in the future after the goals have been
achieved, what problems will be solved): (calling on the community to act
for) a green life, without harming the environment and the Earth

2.1. Strength:
1. Theprogram receives material funding from the U.S. Consulate General and
is operated by ForGood Vietnam
2. The program is the first course inVietnam on innovative communication on
the field of environment and environmental climate change.
3. Youth leaders and studentscan participate in the course completely free of
4. Youth leaders, studentswere trained and connected with experienced
creative communicators from leading organizations in Vietnam: 1 number
of sessions will be implemented in the future such as:
• How has creative communication challenged social norms and
created new value? - Huynh Le Khanh, - Founder of ForGood
Vietnam, Development Director of Golden Communication Group
• Climate change issues facing Vietnam: Progress and prospects - Dr.
Tanh Nguyen, Director of Climate Change Institute, An Giang
• Leading the social process with passion and mission - Hong Hoang,
Founder and CEO of CHANGE
• How to frame creative communication - Hoang Trang, Managing
Director of Golden PR
• The nature, format of communication channels & how to integrate -
Lan Anh, Managing Director of Golden Digital
• Creating mass discourse - Luong The Huy, Director of iSEE Institute
• The Art of Storytelling - Hoang Vu, Former Deputy Creative
Director, Ogilvy Vietnam
• Creative brainstorming process - Sang Phan, Creative Director of
Pencil Group

• Types of climate change content in media - Ha Trang, Senior Planner
- Golden Digital
• Media Project Management Skills - Quynh Nhu, Founding Member,
Deputy CEO Golden Stella
5. Youth leaders, studentshave the opportunity to connect with businesses
wishing to implement community communication projects related to
sustainable development in the goal
6. Youth leaders, students andpioneers enjoy the first creative media training
program for future young leaders in the field of environment and climate
7. Youth leaders, studentscan expand their network with communication
experts, a community of young people with the same thinking, enthusiasm,
related businesses
8. Youth leaders and studentsreceived certificates of completion from the U.S.
Consulate and ForGood Vietnam
9. ForGood Vietnam youth leaders and studentswrite letters of confirmation
and introduction when they need to participate in youth programs and
networks in Vietnam and around the world.
10.Youth leaders and studentswere given initial funding to implement the
11.Youth leaders and students are recruitedto mentor the next students of the

2.2. Weak:
1. Lack of resources: only 10 people + $1500 budget. This can make the
organization's activities limited and difficult to meet its goals. In
particular, propaganda communication is very expensive in terms of
finance and manpower. It is necessary to invest a significant amount of

money to create and distribute media content, invite speakers, especially
in large or long-term campaigns.
2. Green Move is a program designed specifically for young people and
students living and working in Ho Chi Minh City and the southern
provinces of Vietnam. Therefore, you in provinces/cities cannot register
to participate
3. The current program only offers courses to 50 suitable students, which
is too small to make an impact on the community
4. There are not many suitable development strategies: A strategic plan
can help communication orient and develop environmental protection
activities. However, the program does not have many specific strategic
plans to deliver messages and create awareness about environmental
5. Lack of collaboration among stakeholders: Environmental protection is
an issue that needs the cooperation of all stakeholders. But currently it
is not possible to connect with many other organizations in the same
6. Lack of brand recognition: Because the program is still young, has not
really connected many participants and has not promoted media to
promote the image, it is not known to many people

2.3. Oppotunity

Vietnam has been one of the fastest growing economies in Asia in recent years.
However, along with that development comes an increase in emissions, garbage,
wastewater and other negative impacts on the environment because the
environmental protection awareness of the community has not been fully
strengthened. Therefore, it is necessary for the program to expand its propaganda
to other regions outside the South

Develop and promote its activities.
1. Use digital technology for communication: Environmental protection
programs can use digital technologies such as social media, email
marketing and online advertising to reach a wider audience because it will
be a cost-effective way and increase access to potential customers.
2. Marketing Communication Trend 4.0: will help increase interpersonal
interaction in the community with the program because with the
development of the internet and technology now, people are more
connected to each other and the concept of "flat world" becomes clearer.
These 1 trends are:
• Chatbots (If the open rate of emails is high at about 22%, the
reach rate of fanpages, profiles is less than 10%, the open rate of
chatbots is up to 90%) -> stimulate people's concern about the state
of the environment
• SEO optimized content writing: is a popular trend for the
content of the program to be found on search engines like Google
• "Personify" the brand: The term H2H or Human to Human
indicates that behind every non-profit organization, people always
play a decisive role. The H2H (Human to Human) marketing model
is a marketing strategy that focuses on establishing relationships
between individuals or groups of people in the process. Instead of
focusing solely on advertising a product or service, H2H marketing
focuses on creating trusting relationships between individuals and
3. Enhanced social responsibility: Businesses are shifting towards sustainable
development and promoting social responsibility, thus creating
opportunities for GreenMove to work sustainably with those businesses

4. Population growth: it is forecasted that Vietnam's population in 2023 will
increase to about 99.3 million people, equivalent to an annual population
growth of about 1.1-1.2%, so expanding the scope of the program can also
increase the number of participants

2.4. Threat
1. Number and distribution of population: The number of inhabitants and
uneven distribution can affect the size and location of environmental
protection projects. If the population is concentrated in urban areas, then
organizations need to focus on solving environmental problems in urban
areas, and if the population is concentrated in rural areas, organizations
need to focus on solutions to protect the environment in rural areas.
However, at present, the Greenmove program is lacking resources because
it is too young, to meet this demand, it is necessary to come up with a
suitable project implementation strategy for each region
2. Age and population structure: The age and population structure can affect
the demand for environmental resources, as well as affect people's
awareness and behavior in environmental protection. In particular, if the
proportion of young population increases, education, propaganda and
awareness raising about environmental protection will be very important to
create young generations with better environmental awareness and actions.
To meet this demand, it takes a lot of money to spread the influence of the
program to call on kindergartens to participate in the program
3. Heterogeneity in views and values: Each person has their own perspective
and values, which can lead to differences in approaches and perceptions of
education. Facing this difference is a challenge for GreenMove when it
comes to reaching out to all 1 large community.

4. Difficulty in reaching the audience: Some people such as the poor, people
with disabilities, children and the elderly may find it difficult to access
education due to the lack of appropriate means of reaching this audience
5. If the program wants to reach out and connect with international friends,
the diversity of languages and cultures will be a significant barrier, forcing
the program to spend time doing more research to find the right approach.
6. The challenge of technology: The development of technology has changed
the way we access information and learning. Therefore, the program will
face the selection of platforms that are suitable for existing resources and
future development directions

III. Brand Elements

3.1. Brand Name

In this day and age, building a successful brand is an important factor for any
business or organization. Brand name is the first step in building a brand,
bringing a lot of value to customers, consumers and the whole society. In this
article, we will analyze in detail the brand name "Green Move", which is used
by a non-profit organization with the project "Creative Media Training
Program for Vietnamese Youth and Student Leaders".

· The meaning of the brand name "Green Move"

The word "Green" in the brand name "Green Move" is understood as green or
has the meaning of environmental protection. With the first meaning, green
gives us tranquility, a sense of relaxation and a connection with nature. In
addition, blue can also be understood as freshness, progress and development.
With the second meaning, "Green" is related to environmental protection,
focusing on the maintenance and protection of natural resources, sustainable
development and building a better living environment.

o "Move" The word "Move" in the brand name "Green Move" means action,
movement, impact on the environment. It expresses the significance of
promoting environmental action, but can also refer to the launch of a new
movement on environmental protection.

· The suitability of the brand name "Green Move" with the project
"Creative communication training program for youth leaders and
students of Vietnam"

o The project "Creative Media Training Program for Vietnamese Youth

Leaders and Students" aims to help young Vietnamese leaders equip
themselves with the necessary communication and creative skills to
contribute more actively to environmental protection.

o Project suitability: The brand name "Green Move" fits perfectly with
the project "Creative media training program for Vietnamese youth
leaders and students" of the non-profit organization Green Move. In
this project, the target audience is young leaders and students, who
will become key players in making decisions and driving
environmental action in the future.

"Green Move" helps to create a strong impression of celebrating the value of

environmental protection, while arousing interest and promoting action of young
leaders and students in protecting the environment. This will help Green Move's
"Creative Media Training Program for Vietnamese Youth and Student Leaders"
become effective and bring positive results in environmental protection.

3.2. Logo

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Preschool image: Centered and most prominent in the logo, preschool images
represent freshness, new beginnings, and the younger generation. It's also GM's
message of commitment to progress and the future.

Green: Green is a commonly used color in brands related to the environment and
nature protection. It has a sense of freshness, vitality and sustainability. Green
also represents balance, harmony and harmony with nature.

The change from dark green to brighter green: represents the change of perception
of the younger generation in environmental protection.

M: Shows two people holding hands to show community, joining hands in

solidarity to protect the environment.

3.3. Tagline
Empowering Young Actions for the Change

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Green Move's "Empowering Young Actions for Change" has a clear and inspiring
message. It highlights the importance of empowering young people to take action
to address environmental challenges and create a more sustainable future.

The word "Empowering" suggests that the project aims to give young people the
tools, resources and support they need to take action and make a positive impact.
This may involve providing education and training, providing opportunities for
participation and leadership, and giving youth a voice in decision-making.

"Young" emphasizes the importance of attracting the next generation to take

environmental action, recognizing that they will inherit the planet and have an
important role to play in shaping its future. It also suggests that young people
have fresh perspectives, creative ideas and a passion for creating positive change.

"Actions for the Change" emphasizes the importance of taking concrete steps to
achieve environmental goals. It highlights the need for action rather than mere
talk, and highlights the potential for individuals to make a difference through their

Overall, the slogan "Empowering young people to take action for the change" is
a powerful message highlighting the importance of engaging and empowering
young people to take action to create a more sustainable future. It suggests a focus
on education, leadership, and participation, while emphasizing the important role
individuals can play in creating positive change.

IV. Six Brand Criteria

4.1. Brand Name

Memorability: The name "Green Move" remains short and memorable, which
is important for a nonprofit looking to raise awareness and build a brand.

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o Meaningfulness: The word "Green" has positive meanings related to
sustainability and environmentalism, the word "Move" is action, the impact
that needs to be taken on the environment. This brand name can be relevant to
the target audience of young leaders and students who may be interested in
these issues.

o Likeability: The name "Green Move" is beloved in this context because it

is positioned as an innovative and forward-thinking organization that is
making positive moves towards a better future.

Transferability: The name "Green Move" can be transferable in this context,

as it may be more closely related to the environment.
Adaptability: The name "Green Move" can still adapt to changing needs and
trends, as the organization can evolve its focus over time while maintaining its
core values and identity.

4.2. Logo
o Protectability: The name "Green Move" can still be legally and
economically protected for a nonprofit, as it can be trademarked to prevent
others from using the same name in the same industry or field

o Memorability: The Green Move logo is memorable, as the image of a

preschool in the center of the logo is distinctive and easily recognizable

o Meaningfulness: The logo is meaningful, as it effectively communicates

the brand's commitment to progress and the future, as well as its focus on
youth and new beginnings.

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o Likeability: The logo is likeable, as the use of green colors is associated
with nature, sustainability, and harmony, which resonate well with
customers who care about the environment.

o Transferability: The logo is transferable, as it can be easily adapted to

different contexts and situations while still maintaining its core identity and

o Adaptability: The logo is adaptable, as it can evolve and change over time
while still representing the brand's commitment to progress and the future.

o Protectability: The logo is protectable, as it has a unique design and a

distinctive use of color that is not easily confused with other brands.

4.3. Tagline

o Memorability: The Green Move tagline is memorable, as it uses alliteration

and a concise message that is easy to remember.

o Meaningfulness: The tagline is meaningful, as it communicates the brand's

commitment to empowering young people to take action towards positive
environmental change.

o Likeability: The tagline is likeable, as it emphasizes the idea of

empowering young people, which can evoke positive emotions and

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o Transferability: The tagline is transferable, as it can be easily adapted to
different contexts and situations while still maintaining its core message
and values.

o Adaptability: The tagline is adaptable, as it can evolve and change over

time while still representing the brand's commitment to empowering young
people and promoting positive environmental change.

o Protectability: The tagline is protectable, as it is a unique combination of

words that is not easily confused with other brands or taglines.

IV. Strength
• Brand attributes:
+Non-Product related o Leading: training and nurturing a future generation
of leaders with the understanding and ability to use creative media to promote
social awareness of environmental issues and climate change;
o Community: the bond between individuals, creating a community to
achieve the purpose of calling the community to act together for a green
life, without harming the environment and the earth.
o Development: develop to raise awareness of each person in the community,
develop sustainably and build a better living environment.
o Nature: upholds the value of the environment, so respecting and protecting
the environment is one of the core values of the program.

+ Product related o Training course: creative communication for

Vietnamese youth leaders and students in the field of environment and climate

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o <Future development hints> Actual events: Physical events, such as
exhibitions, fairs, performances, and other events, are an effective way to
reach customers directly and enhance interactions between customers and
o <hints for future development> Podcast: A podcast is an audio product
produced and distributed online. These products can be used to inform,
entertain, or discuss brand-related topics.
• Brand benefits:
o Confidence : When trained and nurtured, students have the opportunity to
access and learn new skills and knowledge, hone existing ones, and receive
support and help to improve and develop themselves. This helps to boost
students' confidence, give them the ability to put what they've learned into
practice and make positive contributions to the community.
o Connecting: a humane, environmentally loving community and joining
hands to protect the planet

Creativity: creating new, unique and breakthrough ideas that have an impact on
the community during training

V. Favorability

• Desirability

- Professional working environment: When participating in Green Move,

learners will experience a professional learning and working environment. More
specifically, Green Move not only provides media knowledge, but also gives
participants the opportunity to practice what they learn, thereby helping to
consolidate knowledge as well as develop soft skills and learn from experience.
At the same time, when encountering any problem that cannot be solved, the team

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of advisors will guide and give advice to help everyone easily find solutions and
aim for success. In addition, participants can also practice "critical thinking" in
debates as well as when conducting research, which helps everyone to edit each
other's opinions and find the best direction for the team.

- Connection: When joining Green Move, learners have the opportunity to

get to know and chat with like-minded people, thereby making it easier to
understand each other in discussions and work, thereby helping the team avoid
timeconsuming and useless discussions. At the same time, Green Move also
provides opportunities to connect with creative communicators from leading
organizations in Vietnam, through which learners can learn from their
experiences as well as ask them questions to understand more about how, process,
experience as well as what to avoid in implementing creative media campaigns.

- Creative: Creativity is what Green Move wants students to achieve after

the course. By using open-ended questions during the learning process, Green
Move's instructors encourage students to reason in different directions, thereby
creating diversity and newness in terms of how to do and solve. Thereby, students
will learn how to be creative in thinking, in how to solve,...
- For community: Serving the community is the ultimate goal that Green
Move wants to aim for when training students, especially in the environmental
field. Therefore, during their participation at Green Move, besides implementing
creative communication projects, students will also be trained in how to change
public perception through creative communication projects of the young
generation. Thereby helping the awareness of society about environmental
protection is enhanced.

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• Deliverability

Value lessons: With the noble mission of raising public awareness of

environmental protection through creative communication projects, Green Move
always tries to invest and improve the training program to be able to train the best
students. Ignoring rigid and theoretical learning methods, Green Move wants
students to learn practical knowledge and accompany practical sessions, thereby
helping students not only equip knowledge, but also practical skills to help them
carry out creative communication projects in raising awareness by themselves
community on environmental protection.

- Professional mentors: During the training process at Green Move, students will
be guided by experienced and enthusiastic lecturers. Most lecturers are leading
experts in the media industry, so students will not need to worry about their
knowledge and experience. At the same time, when students encounter
difficulties in the learning process, they will always be guided by the lecturer as
well as given advice to be able to solve problems quickly. Above all, students
also have the opportunity to learn from experience, as well as receive advice from
lecturers, thereby avoiding making unnecessary mistakes during the
implementation of creative communication projects.
VI. Uniqueness

Skilled speakers: Coming to Green Move, students will have the opportunity to
meet and dialogue with experienced speakers in the field of environment and
creative media. Through that, learning practical experiences as well as valuable
lessons in the process of implementing communication projects will be very
useful in students' future creative communication projects. From there,
participants will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills in building
their own communication projects, Green Move will be more successful in
changing public perception through creative communication projects of the

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young generation, and train a young generation to be able to lead and use media
in a methodical way in the field of environment and climate change.

Provided funds to implement projects: At the beginning of the creative media

project, students will be given an appropriate amount of money. This makes it
possible for the project scale to be expanded, as well as the quality of the project
to be improved. Through this, more people will know about the project, and the
impact of raising awareness about environmental protection will be amazingly
large. As well as showing that Green Move is always interested in environmental
communication projects, especially for the products of Green Move students, so
the organization will try its best to make students' projects successful and increase
the number of people receiving information, contribute to raising public
awareness in environmental protection and climate change.

Free course: Coming to Green Move's creative media training course, students
will not need to pay tuition fees, this course is completely free. Thereby, students
can focus on the learning process and practice communication projects without
having to worry about costs. However, it must be noted that Green Move will
have certain requirements in the recruitment process to avoid wasting time and
effort in vain.
7.1. Pop (Point Of Parity)
Mostorganizations in this field have the same goal and motto, which is to protect
and improve the living environment.

o Provide knowledge about communication, awareness raising (educational

goals, raising awareness of each individual in a large community)
o Online courses o Community sustainability o the same non-profit
organization o is a bridge connecting young Vietnamese people with
international conferences

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o links with public, private, and local community organizations (which may
already cooperate, or are expected to cooperate in the future)

Objectives: Environmental protection organizations have a common goal of

protecting and improving the habitat for humans and other species. These
organizations often focus on activities such as nature conservation, environmental
education and awareness, and come up with solutions to minimize negative
impacts on the environment.

Activism: Environmental protection organizations often work by organizing

campaigns, events, and volunteer activities to increase public awareness of the
environment. In addition, these organizations often participate in the process of
developing and making policies and laws related to the environment.

Professionalism: Environmental protection organizations often have a team of

experts and experienced people in the field of environment. The members of this
organization are often trained to be able to come up with scientific and effective
solutions in protecting the environment.
Globality: Environmental protection organizations often have a global vision and
focus on environmental issues that affect the globe. Issues such as climate change,
air and water pollution, and waste reduction are being addressed by these

Like all media training organizations, Green Move will provide participants with
the knowledge and skills needed in the field of communication. From there,
learners can apply it in life effectively, bringing the most effective
communication methods and campaigns, helping people know about the
information being transmitted as much as possible.

Since this is a newly established organization, the necessary information as well

as all other activities will be posted on social networking sites such as Facebook,

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Website ,... Due to limited funding, it is not possible to implement promotional
campaigns widely.

And most importantly, Green Move always has an important goal to implement,
which is to develop sustainable values for the community, thereby helping society
develop strongly and sustainably, similar to other competitors.

7.2. Pod (Point Of Difference)

In the field of environmental protection, organizations can compete with each
other for resources, funding, and community interest. Or there may be some
inconsistencies or differences between organizations on how to approach and
address specific environmental issues.

Scope: Environmental protection organizations can operate at the local, national,

or global level. Smaller organizations often focus on local environmental issues,
while larger organizations often focus on global issues such as climate change,
poverty, and inequalities in development.

Methods of operation: Environmental protection organizations may have

different methods of operation. For example, some organizations focus on
offering technical solutions to minimize the impact of industrial activities on the
environment, while others focus on educating and increasing public awareness of
the environment.

Vision and strategy: Environmental protection organizations may have different

visions and strategies on how to achieve their goals. For example, some
organizations strategically offer solutions that focus on consumer needs, while
others focus on providing environmental protection solutions by training creative

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The first plagiarism program in creative communication in Vietnam.

VIII. Brand Mantra

Emotional modifier: confidence, creative, nature love

Descriptive modifier: community

Function modifier: training

It can be seen that Green Move's brand mantra is "Nature love, community,
and training", and it will connect and influence a wide range of decisions, policies,
and products of the organization. And Green Move has succeeded in creating
valuable results for the community and brand image based on this brand mantra
platform. More specifically, the main function of Green Move is to provide
knowledge about communication as well as the environment through
communication skills training, which will help participants know what they will
do as well as have extensive knowledge about the state of the environment. Next,
the main object that Green Move wishes to help and contribute to sustainable
development is the community, more specifically, Green Move wants students
who complete the course to be able to apply knowledge and skills to create good
values for the community, especially in building and strengthening
environmental protection awareness. Finally, participants in Green Move's
training will feel more confident to be able to speak their minds and actions for
the environment, as well as feel that their love for nature will be strengthened.

IX. Six Block Building Brand

9.1. Identity

The recognition level of the project is not high, this is evidenced by the data on
the project's fanpage, specifically Green Move has 297 likes and 384 followers.
To increase awareness, the project needs:

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● Owning logos and slogans that meet criteria such as: Memorability,
Meaningfulness, Likeability, Transferability, Adaptability, Protectability.
● Use communication tools such as TikTok, Facebook,... To reach young
people more easily, at the same time, it is necessary to create content (text
or video content) that provides useful, in-depth information that brings
value to readers. Through these contents, it is necessary to emphasize the
benefits and values that students will get after participating in the project.
● Direct communication: Contact and work directly at universities and
colleges in the southern provinces/ cities.

9.2. Meaning:
9.2.1. Performance:

M ang to aquality creative communication training program for Vietnamese youth

leaders and students in the field of environment and climate change, thereby
helping to raise public awareness about the need to protect the environment and
join hands to respond to climate change. After participating in this program,
trainees will benefit from many projects, such as:

○ Knowledge of Creative Communication in the field of environment

and climate change
○ Ability to lead the community, make persuasive presentations
○ Have specific plans/ideas to carry out activities to create social
awareness related to issues of climate change and environmental
○ Create impressive projects, help raise public awareness about the need
to protect the environment and join hands to respond to climate

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9.2.2. Imagery:
Create a sense of well-being for participants as they contribute to changing public
perceptions of issues related to environmental protection and climate change.

9.3. Response:
9.3.1. Judgement

Because the project's product has not yet been released to the market, it is not
possible to conclude the participants' perception of the project. However, there
have been a number of people who have tried the project's product and they all
said that "this is a very new program that attracts pioneering and meets the needs
of current youth as well as creates a means and tools to enable people to carry out
processes related to protection better environment and climate action action."
And in order for all participants to have such a positive assessment of the project,
the project needs to continue to maintain the quality of the content of the
communication training program. Besides, actively collect participants' opinions
to improve the project more and more.
9.3.2. Feelings

When the project brings useful values to participants, they will have a sympathetic
and positive view of the project. In addition to the values received, participants
will feel happy and proud of themselves when contributing to protecting the
greener and more beautiful earth.

9.4. Brand Relationship

After satisfying the criteria of "Identity, Meaning, Response", the project has the
opportunity to receive the continued companionship of participants and these
people can become mentors for the next course members.

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X. IMC (Attachment)

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