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1. What is the title of your research?

➔ The title of our research study is “The Impact of Virtual Reality Simulation as a Game-Based
Learning and Knowledge Retention among 3rd Year Nursing Students on Selected Higher
Education in Manila.”
2. What is the name of the theory used in the study?
➔ Bloom’s Taxonomy
3. What are those stages?
➔ There are six levels of cognitive learning according to the revised version of Bloom's Taxonomy.
Each level is conceptually different. The six levels are remembering, understanding, applying,
analyzing, evaluating, and creating.
4. How does the theory correlate with your research study?
➔ In using virtual simulation, we used these thinking strategies as a guide to learn clinical skills
related to the nursing field.
5. What are the variables discussed in the study?
● Virtual Reality Simulation
● Clinical Skills
● Internet
● Knowledge Retention
● Game Laboratory
● Proper Etiquette
6. In your study, how does a certain variable establish a relationship?

7. What are your research methods and the research design used?

8. How many are in your research population?
➔ The study will include 150 third year nursing students as respondents.
9. What criteria are included in your research sampling?

10. What are the excluded criteria in your research sampling?

11. What sampling technique did you use in your study?
➔ The research sample will be randomly chosen using a simple random sampling technique in
which the researcher randomly selects a subset of participants from a population.
12. How do you establish your research ethics?
➔ By following ethical considerations from the Nuremberg code which (1) the respondents will sign
an informed consent first. The informed consent covers the purpose of the study, potential risks
and benefits of the study, and how the study will be conducted, in order to ensure that they have a
thorough understanding of the study before it begins. . (2) The researchers will ensure that all
respondents benefit from the study; (3) personal information of participants will be kept
confidential and anonymous; (4) respondents have the right to refuse to participate or withdraw
from the study; and (5) the researchers will utilize all known and legitimate resources to ensure
quality content that provides satisfactory information in the research.
13. How will you collect the data needed for your research?
➔ We are going to collect the data through messenger application or email to communicate with the
respondents and will use a Google form to answer the survey questions.
14. What data-gathering procedures will you use?

15. How will you protect the data of the respondents?
➔ By making sure that the personal information of the participants will remain confidential and
anonymous. All the data gathered throughout the research process will be stored in a protected
device and those data will be deleted after the research is done
16. What is the Philippines' Republic Act 10173 (Data Privacy Act of 2012)?
➔ It is a law that protects the privacy of individuals while ensuring free flow of information to
promote innovation and growth. It also regulates the collection, recording, organization, storage,
updating or modification, retrieval, consultation, use, consolidation, blocking, erasure or
destruction of personal data and ensures that the Philippines complies with international standards
set for data protection through National Privacy Commission (NPC). In summary it is a law that
aims to protect the data of individuals personal information in information and communication
systems in both government and private sectors.
17. How will you recruit the participants for the study?

18. What research instrument did you use in your study?

19. How will you analyze the study's data?
➔ To analyze demographic characteristics, frequency and percentage will be used. It simply counts
the number of times each variable occurs in the sample, such as the number of males and females,
divides by the total number of participants, and multiplies by 100%. While the weighted mean is
calculated by multiplying the number of respondents taken by the student on each item by the
scale value and then dividing the result by the total number of participants.
20. What is your research question?

1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age;
1.2 gender;
1.3 citizenship; and
1.4 year level
2. What is the impact of virtual reality simulations on respondents in terms of:
2.1 Academic performance;
2.2 Level of satisfaction;
2.3 Clinical practice;
2.4 Engagement; and
2.5 Problem solving skills
3. How virtual reality simulation helps students retain knowledge about:
3.1 Anatomy;
3.2 Medication administration; and
3.3 Clinical procedure
21. Why is your research significant?
➔ Because this will be repetitive, hands-on training to develop cognitive and skill mastery among
nursing students, which will measure the participants' understanding of concepts and the ability of
a participant to demonstrate a procedure or technique. This study can help students improve their
concentration, engagement, confidence, motivation, and creativity while also allowing them to
put theory into practice and learn at their own pace. It can also help them understand the
significance of virtual reality as a technology suitable for education and training purposes, such as
how preparing nursing students beforehand can improve patient outcomes, quality, and overall
client satisfaction. For instance, the following individuals will benefit from this particular study:

Nursing Educators - They may be able to consider using virtual reality simulation as game-based
learning. The results, hopefully, will be useful in promoting nursing students' practice of cognitive,
psychomotor, and social skills across multiple scenarios, providing them with immediate feedback on
their decisions, and mimicking what learners will encounter in the real workplace.
Nurses - The study will encourage them to improve communication among nurses, patients, nursing care
providers, and multidisciplinary teams. They can also prevent medical errors that harm patients in virtual
reality simulation scenarios before exposing them to clinical settings.

Clients - Through this study, it improves patient safety and the nurse-client relationship. Clients have
become aware of the changes in the way care is delivered to them.

Educative Process - The findings may serve as a guide for the use of new approaches in the teaching-
learning process in terms of taking education in new directions, which may help to improve the quality of
learning for all students.

22. What are the dependent and independent variables in your research?
➔ The independent variable in this study is virtual reality simulation as game-based learning, and
the dependent variable is knowledge retention among third-year nursing students.
23. What is the weakest part of your work? (Scope and Limitation of the Study)
➔ The study will focus on the Impact of Virtual Reality Simulation. It will be initiated at Far
Eastern University in Manila and will utilize non-experimental descriptive research. The
investigator limited the research to one hundred fifty (150) third-year nursing students currently
enrolled in the program who will serve as the population. Its main purpose is to determine the
impact and effectiveness of virtual reality simulation as game-based learning for third-year
nursing students. It does not seek to include the other year level because they did not previously
experience the virtual reality simulation. The results of this study will only be applicable to those
who participated and will not be used to assess the impact of virtual reality simulation on nursing
students who were not included in the study.

What is the weakest part of your work?

➔ One of the issues we've been dealing with is a review of related literature. We haven't been able
to locate a local RRL. Because, during the pandemic, only a few universities had an alternative
method of delivering knowledge that nursing students would value even at home. However, only
one relevant study was discovered.
24. What makes your research ethically permitted to be conducted?
➔ Because throughout the research process we follow the ethical considerations from Nuremberg
code and we make sure that the risks do not outweigh the benefits for our participants and that
our research will do no harm to them and we also follow the data privacy act of 2012.
25. Why did you choose this particular study?

26. Is there any other research like yours? If so, what are the outcomes?
➔ Based on our research, there are few related studies and articles about game-based learning as an
alternative learning method in nursing education. The research conducted by Emine Ozdemir
entitled “Game-based learning in undergraduate nursing education” reveals that this mode of
learning is a useful method to achieve learning outcomes in cognitive domain but further research
should investigate the effects of games on affective and behavioral learning outcomes.
27. What makes your study different from other studies that you’ve read?

28. What are the implications of this study?
● It will increase nursing students' involvement in their academic performance.
● It will expose learners to clinical situations such as invasive operations, providing care to a
COPD patient, properly administering medications and avoiding errors, and many more
beforehand because the more similar the simulation is to the real clinical setting, the more
motivated and skilled the students are at developing skills.
● It will allow them to practice whenever and however often they want in safe and realistic
environments without fear of making mistakes and harming patients.

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