(ENVI10.02) Group 4 Written Report

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CORTEZ, Mark M. ENVI 10.

02 – CC-BC
GEMINO, Althea Marie G. Date submitted: May 8, 2023
MAURICIO, Antonio Francisco III B.
ODOÑO, Michel Lorenzo J.
PANGILINAN, Aaliyah Francesca M.
SIOCO, Alexandra Megan L.

A Comparative Research on the Effects of Different Pollutants on the Growth of Mung Bean Plant
(Vigna radiata)

I. Introduction
The ecosystem cannot exist without plants as they are crucial for various essential roles such as producing
food, fiber, and other necessities. The quality of the soil, availability of nutrients, and environmental
conditions have an impact on the growth and development of plants. For this study, mung beans (Vigna
radiata) were investigated, which are a warm-season crop that lasts 90–120 days to mature (Grant, 2021).
Mung bean plants should use 3-5 inches of well-drained sandy loam soil with 50% solid soil content and 50%
pore spaces and with a pH level ranging from 6.2 - 7.2 to fully maximize their growth. Moreover, they require
at least six hours of direct light each day and should receive 2–3 inches of water per week (Brillon, 2022).

Although ideal conditions of the plant are followed, they still remain susceptible to contamination from an
array of sources such as pesticide residue, contaminated soil, and air and water pollution. The release of
hazardous pollutants is mostly caused by urbanization, mining, industry, specific agricultural activities, and
incorrect waste disposal. These pollutants can adversely affect the growth and physiology of plants, especially
those used for agriculture, resulting in detrimental ecological and economic effects (Gomes et. al., 2021). With
that, the research aims to investigate the growth of plants exposed to three contaminants: cooking oil,
dishwashing liquid, and white vinegar. Therefore, the objectives of this research are: (1) to test the effect of
adding pollutants on the height, width, and survivability of the mung bean plant and (2) to compare which
among the pollutants is the most detrimental to the overall growth of the plants. With this, the main research
question is: How does the presence of contaminants affect the growth of the Vigna radiata plant? The
sub-research question is: How does the type of pollutant affect the growth of the mung bean plant?

The presence of oil negatively affects the biomass and changes in the leaves and roots of plants (da Silva
Correa et al., 2022). Singh and more (2019) found in their study that vinegar reduced the yield of leafy greens.
Additionally, Trapti and more (2019) found that higher concentrations of dishwashing detergent/liquid
suppress plant growth. Due to these data, the group hypothesized that exposure to contaminants has negative
effects on the height and width of the Vigna radiata plant.

II. Materials and Method

The group required the following materials for each researcher: five plant pots from recycled containers, mung
beans seeds, garden soil, water, two tablespoons of used motor or cooking oil, two tablespoons of white
vinegar, and two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid or powdered detergent dissolved in 2 cups of water.


The methodology consisted of two main phases. The first phase was held from the start of planting the seeds
on February 13 until the plant reached germination to a seedling. First, they placed enough garden soil in one
container such that it covered more than half of the pot. Next, they placed the mung bean seeds on the soil
surface about 30x10cm apart. It is important to note that the number of seeds depended on the size of the pot
provided by each member. Then, they poured 1-2 inches of soil on top of the seeds. In addition, the group
placed their pots in a location where the seeds could receive direct sunlight, either at home or school. The
seeds were watered daily for a week until they showed signs of germination. All of these steps were repeated
for the other four pots. The researchers ensured that each pot received the same amount of seeds, soil, and

The second phase after germination involved the addition of pollutants. The researchers counted how many
seedlings appeared in each pot. The pot with the most number of germinated seeds was labeled as Pot 1A, and
the one with the least number of germinated seeds was labeled as Pot 1B. These served as the controlled
setups in case one plant died. The remaining pots were named Pot 2, Pot 3, and Pot 4 and served as the
experimental setups. The researchers then poured the motor or cooking oil to Pot 2, white vinegar to Pot 3,
and dishwashing liquid or powdered detergent to Pot 4. Nothing was added to Pot 1A and Pot 1B. Afterwards,
the group continued to water the plants daily. They examined any changes in the growth of the mung bean
plants for the next five weeks until March 27. Aside from taking weekly pictures, the members used a ruler to
record the average height and width (cm) of all plants in each pot every week. The height was measured from
the top of the soil to the highest stem, while the width was the diameter that corresponded to the largest width
from the tip of one leaf to the tip of another leaf. All of these values were documented in a table and displayed
visually through a line graph. Moreover, to aid in drawing the analysis, the group noted the physical
appearance of the plants, signs of wilting, pest infestation, other outside interventions, and corrective measures

III. Results
The results of the study present the data gathered from five plant setups, two of which were control and three
experimental, each with six different pots, totaling to 18 pots for observation. Each of the six pots per type of
setup was labeled under Cortez, Gemino, Sioco, Pangilinan, Odono, or Mauricio. Plant measurements, stress
symptoms, and mortality were the primary factors considered in the presentation of results.
3.1. Growth in the Control Setup
The control setups of the study were two uncontaminated setups, which were pots 1A and pots 1B. Pots 1A
had the highest number of germinated seeds, while pots 1B had the lowest. For both pots 1A and 1B, height
and width records for Pangilinan and Mauricio’s plants ended at weeks 3 and 4, respectively, due to an
intervention by a pet animal and storm damages. Plant measurements for all 12 pots under the control setup
were observed.

Figure 1. Plant heights in centimeters of control setup 1 (Pots 1A).

The heights of each of the six pots considered as pots 1A were recorded over a five-week period. The growth
of all plants in pot 1A was steadily increasing by week 2, with Pangilinan’s having the highest growth in terms
of height in a span of 2 weeks. On the other hand, the height of Sioco’s plant decreased by week 3 until it
reached zero by week 4 as the plant died. The plants in the remaining pots increased in height over 5 weeks,
with Cortez’s being the tallest (Figure 1).
Figure 2. Plant widths in centimeters of control setup 1 (Pots 1A).

Widths of the plants from six pots 1A were also observed. Width for Sioco’s plants decreased by week 3 until
it reached zero by week 4 due to plant death. Odono and Gemino’s plant widths also decreased by week 5
while only Cortez’s continually increased and had the largest width by week 5 (Figure 2).

Table 1. Stress symptoms undergone by plants from six Pots 1A per week.

Pots 1A

Cortez Gemino Sioco Pangilinan Odono Mauricio

Week 1 None None None None None None

Week 2 None - Curling of None None - Slow - Wilting

leaves growth
compared to
other setups

Week 3 None - Wilting - Shriveling N/A None - Wilting

- Loss of
green color

Week 4 None None - Wilting None None - Wilting

- Browning
- Death
Week 5 None - Curling of N/A - Drooping None N/A
leaves - Wilting
- Drooping

Figure 3. Plant from Pot 1A in week 6 with signs of browning stems.

Out of six uncontaminated plants from pots 1A, five had undergone stress symptoms, while one had no
significant changes. These stress symptoms include wilting, drooping, paling of green color, curling of leaves,
and plant death (Table 1 and Figure 3). One plant died while five remained alive.

Figure 4. Plant heights in centimeters of control setup 2 (Pots 1B).

For the heights recorded from pots 1B, Pangilinan’s plant had the highest growth in two weeks, but it hit a
plateau by week 3. On the other hand, the height for Gemino’s did not have any changes until it increased by
weeks 4 to 5. Cortez’ had the highest growth and became the tallest plant by week 5. All other plants
increased until week 5, except for Mauricio’s and Pangilinan’s (Figure 4).

Figure 5. Plant widths in centimeters of control setup 2 (Pots 1B).

In terms of width, all plants have increased by week 2 except for Gemino’s and Cortez’s which decreased.
However, the width of Gemino’s plants increased by week 4 and decreased again by week 5, while that of
Cortez’s increased consistently until week 5, having the largest final width. All remaining plants increased
until week 5 (Figure 5).

Table 2. Stress symptoms undergone by plants from six Pots 1B per week.

Pots 1B

Cortez Gemino Sioco Pangilinan Odono Mauricio

Week 1 None None None None None None

Week 2 None - Wilting None - Drooping - Drooping - Wilting

- Curling of

Week 3 None - Death of None N/A - Wilting - Wilting


Week 4 None - Wilting - Yellowing None - Curling of - Wilting

- Curling of of leaves leaves

Week 5 None - Formation - Drooping None - Yellowing - Wilting

of brown - Death of of leaves
spots on some
leaves seedlings

Figure 6. Plant from Pot 1B in week 6 with slight drooping.

Out of 6 uncontaminated plants for pots 1B, five had undergone stress symptoms, while one had no significant
changes. These stress symptoms include wilting, drooping, yellowing, and curling of leaves, formation of
brown spots on leaves, and plant death (Table 2 and Figure 6). One plant died while five remained alive.

3.2 Growth in the Experimental Setup

The three experimental setups of the study, which include the ones contaminated with motor oil or cooking
oil, white vinegar, and dishwashing liquid or powdered detergent, were Pots 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Plant
measurements for all 18 pots under the experimental setup were observed.
Figure 7. Plant heights in centimeters of experimental setup 1 (Pots 2) contaminated with motor oil or
cooking oil.

The height of the plants in pots 2, which were contaminated with motor oil or cooking oil, all increased by
week 2 except for Gemino’s with a minimal decrease. Cortez’s had a drastic decrease in height by week 5 but
is still the tallest among the remaining plants that steadily increased (Figure 7).

Figure 8. Plant widths in centimeters of experimental setup 1 (Pots 2) contaminated with motor oil or cooking

The widths of plants in all six pots 2 also increased by week 2 except for Gemino’s plants, which only
increased by week 3 to 4 and slightly decreased again by week 5. Cortez’s plants also had the largest growth
in terms of width, especially by week 4, and continually increased until week 5, being the widest (Figure 8).
Table 3. Stress symptoms undergone by plants from six Pots 2 per week.

Pots 2

Cortez Gemino Sioco Pangilinan Odono Mauricio

Week 1 None None None None None None

Week 2 None - Wilting - Drooping - Wilting None - Wilting

- Curling of - Shriveling - Plant death

Week 3 None - Drooping - Death of N/A None - Wilting

- Death of some
some seedlings

Week 4 None - Drooping None None - Curving of - Wilting

- Formation leaves
of brown or inwards
white spots
on leaves

Week 5 None - Curling of None - Wilting - Drooping - Wilting

leaves - Plant death

Figure 9. Withered plant from Pot 2 in week 5.

Out of six plants whose soil is contaminated with motor or cooking oil, five had undergone stress symptoms
while one had no significant changes upon the addition of the pollutant. These stress symptoms include
wilting, drooping, appearance of brown, white, and yellow spots on leaves, wrinkling of leaves, and plant
death (Table 3 and Figure 9). One plant died while five remained alive despite soil contamination.

Figure 10. Plant heights in centimeters of experimental setup 2 (Pots 3) contaminated with white vinegar.

The heights of the plants from pots 3 that were contaminated with white vinegar were also observed. All
plants steadily increased in height until week 4, except for Pangilinan and Odono’s which decreased by week
2. Cortez’s plants had the largest growth in height by week 4 but also drastically decreased by week 5 while
still being the tallest among the remaining setups (Figure 10).

Figure 11. Plant widths in centimeters of experimental setup 2 (Pots 3) contaminated with white vinegar.
In terms of width, Pangilinan, Cortez, Gemino, and Odono’s plants decreased as early as week 2 while the rest
steadily increased throughout the five-week period. Records for Pangilinan’s stopped at week 2 as the plant
had already died. On the other hand, the width of Odono’s plants continually increased after week 2 while
Gemino’s experienced another decrease by week 5. Sioco’s remained the same for five weeks. Cortez’s had
significantly increased after its week 2 decrease until it reached its maximum width by week 5 (Figure 11).

Table 4. Stress symptoms undergone by plants from six Pots 3 per week.

Pots 3

Cortez Gemino Sioco Pangilinan Odono Mauricio

Week 1 None None None - Wilting None None

Week 2 None - Death of - Wilting - Wilting None - Wilting

some - Plant death
- Wilting

Week 3 None - Death of None N/A - Death of - Wilting

some some
seedlings seedlings
- Drooping

Week 4 None None None None None - Wilting

Week 5 None - Curling of - Browning - Browning None - Wilting

leaves of plants of plants
- Wilting

Figure 12. Plant from Pot 3 in week 2 with signs of withering.

Out of six plants whose soil was contaminated with white vinegar, all had undergone stress symptoms upon
the addition of the pollutant. These stress symptoms include wilting, browning, drooping, and plant death
(Table 4 and Figure 12). One plant died while five remained alive despite soil contamination.

Figure 13. Plant heights in centimeters of experimental setup 3 (Pots 4) contaminated with dishwashing liquid
or powdered detergent.

The heights of the plants from pots 4 that were contaminated with white vinegar were recorded. All plants
increased in height by week 2 except for Gemino’s, which increased right after until it continually decreased
again by weeks 4 to 5. (Figure 10). Odono’s also decreased in height by week 5. On the other hand, Cortez’s
significantly increased by week 4 until it drastically decreased by week 5, still being the tallest among the
remaining plants (Figure 13).
Figure 14. Plant widths in centimeters of experimental setup 3 (Pots 4) contaminated with dishwashing liquid
or powdered detergent.

For the width of the plants in pots 4, all had an increase by week 2 except for Gemino’s and Cortez’s.
Gemino’s plant decreased in width by week 4 to 5 after its slight week 3 increase, while Cortez’s steadily
increased until the final week. Odono’s plants also increased until week 4 and experienced a slight decrease by
week 5. The remaining plant, which was Sioco’s, consistently widened until week 5 (Figure 14).

Table 5. Stress symptoms undergone by plants from six Pots 4 per week.

Pots 4

Cortez Gemino Sioco Pangilinan Odono Mauricio

Week 1 None None None None None None

Week 2 None - Death of None - Wilting - Stopped - Wilting

some - Browning growth
seedlings - Drooping
- Wilting

Week 3 None - Death of - Shriveling N/A - Yellowing - Wilting

some - Paling of of leaves
seedlings green color

Week 4 None - Death of - Wilting None None - Wilting

- Browning

Week 5 None - Plant death - Wilting None - Wilting - Wilting

- Paling of
green color
Figure 15. Plant from Pot 4 in week 6 with signs of wilting, drooping, and browning of leaves.

Out of six plants whose soil is contaminated with dishwashing liquid or powdered detergent, five had
undergone stress symptoms, while one had no significant changes upon the addition of the pollutant. These
stress symptoms include wilting, browning and yellowing of leaves, stopped growth, drooping, and plant
death (Table 5 and Figure 15). One plant had died while 5 plants remained alive despite soil contamination.

Table 6. Comparison of average plant measurements of uncontaminated and contaminated setups.

Uncontaminated Contaminated Plants

Plants (Experimental Setups: Pots 2, 3, and 4)
(Control Setups:
Pots 2 Pots 3 (White Pots 4
Pots 1A and 1B)
(Motor / Cooking Vinegar) (Liquid
Oil) Detergent)

Average Height 14.36 cm 10.83 cm (75.4%) 8.89 cm (61.9%) 9.5 cm (66.13%)

(Week 5)

Average Width 12.21 cm 11.62 cm (95.15%) 10.88 cm (89.09%) 10.2 cm (83.54%)

(Week 5)

Among a total of 18 experimental setups, one died from contamination by motor oil/cooking oil, one died
from contamination by white vinegar, and one died from contamination by liquid detergent, while only one
died from a total of 12 control setups. These did not count plant setups that have died or been destroyed due to
direct external interferences, such as the causes previously mentioned. The average week 5 height and width
from uncontaminated plants that were counted are 14.36 cm and 12.21 cm respectively. The average height
and width of plants contaminated with motor oil/cooking oil reached 75.40% and 95.15%, those of plants
contaminated with white vinegar reached 61.90% and 89.09%, and those of plants contaminated with
dishwashing liquid or powdered detergent reached 66.13% and 83.54% of the uncontaminated plants’ average
height and width, respectively (Table 6).

Table 7. Number of surviving plants from control and experimental setups per week.

Number of Surviving Plants

Week Control Setup 1 Control Setup 2 Experimental Experimental Experimental

Setup 1 Setup 2 (White Setup 3 (Liquid
(Cooking Vinegar Detergent
Oil/Motor Oil contaminant) contaminant)

1 6 6 6 6 6

2 6 6 6 5 6

3 6 6 5 5 6

4 4 5 5 5 5

5 3 4 4 4 3

Some of these plants died or did not last until a certain week due to external factors earlier mentioned.
Moreover, one of the setups in experimental setup 2 or Pot 3 appeared to have withered but grew back again,
so this was not counted as mortality (Table 7).

Table 8. Number of surviving plants from control and experimental setups not affected by external factors per

Number of Surviving Plants

Week Control Setup 1 Control Setup 2 Experimental Experimental Experimental

Setup 1 Setup 2 (White Setup 3 (Liquid
(Cooking Vinegar Detergent
Oil/Motor Oil contaminant) contaminant)

1 4 4 5 5 4

2 4 4 5 5 4

3 4 4 4 4 4
4 3 4 4 4 4

5 3 4 4 4 3

The setups with external factors directly contributing to the welfare of the plant were removed to determine
the actual number of surviving plants (Table 8).

IV. Discussion
This experiment proved that even two tablespoons of each contaminant for each pot significantly affected
plant growth and survivability. As demonstrated by the setups, the average plant measurements of the height
and width for all contaminated setups were lower than the uncontaminated setups (Table 6). Thus, the group
inferred that all three contaminants have the capacity to impede the growth of the mung bean plants,
supporting the hypothesis that exposure to contaminants has negative effects on the height and width of the
plant. Nonetheless, it is important to note that some of the control setups had plants that experienced stress
symptoms. While pots 1A or 1B had all surviving plants for the first few weeks, some died after Week 3.
Moreover, they did not end with the most number of alive plants compared to the experimental setups (Table 7
and Table 8). This may be due to the lack of water because there were some days wherein (1) the researchers
were not able to check on their plants, (2) extreme weather conditions dried up the plants, and (3) other
outside disturbances occurred that the group couldn’t control.

In addition, the group agreed that white vinegar was the most detrimental, for it had the lowest average height
(Table 6). This was the only setup where all had undergone stress symptoms, and most immediately wilted
during the week of adding the pollutant (Table 4). According to Hill (2018), White vinegar is made of acetic
acid and water. Excessive amounts of acid can penetrate and damage the cell membrane and leak cell contents,
causing plant desiccation, which means “dry out”. Vinegar is known to harm the leaves but not the roots of
plants because some plants can save energy in the root system to develop new leaves or plants. On the other
hand, mung bean plants require a soil pH ranging from 6.2 - 7.2 which is considered neutral. Thus, when
vinegar is introduced to the soil, it lowers the pH level, inhibiting plant growth. (Lee, 2021).

Nonetheless, this did not mean the other pollutants were not harmful to the mung bean plants. Oils can kill
plants by entering their stomata and damaging their cell membranes leading to leakage of cell contents, and oil
may enter the cells. Since oil blocks stomata and intercellular spaces, they reduce the transpiration rate, which
is the release of water vapor into the air from leaves. The risk of harm further increases in sunny conditions as
the stomata is open, and decreases at night when the stomata is closed (Baker, 1970, 27-44). This severely
affected the mung bean plant, for it thrives in warm conditions and requires direct sunlight. Furthermore, one
researcher noticed that the water added after was not absorbed by the soil. In a study conducted by Abosede
(2013), it was found that the oil can clog the soil spaces, which could reduce soil aeration and water
infiltration (14-17).
Liquid detergents are also phytotoxic and can kill or impede plant growth by impairing light-harvesting
pigments and cell viability (Uzma et al., 2013, 651). Dishwashing liquids are primarily designed to dissolve
grease from dishes and clean clothes. With this, the dish detergents may also dissolve the protective waxes on
the plant leaves, causing them to die from dehydration or desiccation (Bruton, 2010).

This experiment illustrates how household contaminants eventually leak into the environment and kill the
plants, especially when residents utilize their waste water to irrigate outdoor planting instead of brand-new
water. Whether it is dishwater, bathwater, or laundry water, they contain residues and other organic matter like
vinegar, oil, soap, and detergent, and all of these materials consist of chemicals that can be toxic to plants. It is
imperative that members of the household irrigate their plants with better quality water or at least be aware of
what type of water is suitable for certain plants to cut the concentration of harmful chemicals and reduce the
chances of deterioration.

For more constructive and accurate research, first, the group recommends constant care and following of
proper guidelines over the mung bean plants such as regular watering, pest control, and placement in an
appropriate environment to yield the most optimal results. Due to schedule conflicts or forgetfulness, some
researchers were not able to consistently monitor the conditions of their plants, which impeded the overall rate
of plant growth. This can explain some of the control setups died and showed similar signs of wilting
compared to the experimental. If this is not possible, a member of the household can be assigned to aid in
checking on the plants.

Second, the group suggests placing the plants in more sheltered areas but with enough sunlight, as well as
keeping an eye out for any environmental conditions that can be detrimental to the plant's growth. This is due
to the fact that some of the plants in the uncontaminated setups got damaged from unfavorable weather
circumstances and other outside interferences.

Next, because the researchers grew plants in their own locations, they each provided their separate soil from
their limited resources. This leads to the recommendation of having the right type of soil before proceeding
with the rest of the process. Ideally, mung bean plants should make use of well-drained sandy loam soil to
fully maximize their growth and retain more water. Any other type of soil other than sandy loam soil could
slow down the plant growth, or in worse cases, no visible plant growth at all in which some of the researchers

In relation to having the right type of soil used, proper drainage is also recommended like placing holes under
the pots since this will help prevent the mung bean plant from instances where it is overwatered. Drainage will
allow healthier root growth and a balanced water retention.

Even though excessive watering can have adverse consequences, it is still necessary to ensure that the plant
receives an adequate amount of water, since the lack of water on the other hand could lead to wilting and
permanently cause irreversible damage to the plant. A common problem for the group was that not all mung
bean plants received the same amount of water due to inconsistent water measurements, which led to multiple
growth issues in the first week of the experiment. The researchers believe that having a set measurement of
water for pouring, combined with proper drainage, can considerably improve the state of the plant.

In brief, the experiment displayed that there were a variety of factors that affected the growth of mung bean
plants, since the results clearly indicated that the addition of pollutants and not following the proper planting
guidelines still had similar impacts on the state of mung bean plants. Introducing contaminants to the soil
induced stress symptoms and frequently ended in plant death. In further detail, adding motor or cooking oil
and liquid detergent led to many stress symptoms in 5 out of the 6 plants, whereas adding white vinegar led to
stress symptoms in all of the plants, making it the most detrimental. As for the control setups with
uncontaminated soil, stress symptoms were observed in 5 out of 6 plants in both the first and second setups.
While the plants remained healthy from Week 1 to 3, some eventually died in the following weeks. The main
factor as to why negative effects were observed was due to lack of water and inconsistent monitoring and
measures taken.

It can be deduced that although the severity of the impact is similar for both types of setups, there is a smaller
likelihood for plant death in the uncontaminated setups since there are no harsh chemicals present. Overall, the
results suggest that the addition of pollutants to the soil can have more negative effects on plant health,
causing stress symptoms and even death in most cases. The severity of these effects may depend on the type
of pollutant and the plant species involved.


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Appendix A
Data tables from setups for charts and analysis

Control SetupSetup 1
Height Week 1 (n=6) Week 2 (n=6) Week 3 (n=6) Week 4 (n=5) Week 5 (n=4)
Cortez 6.3 12.5 15.5 23 25.5
Gemino 5.925 6.94 10.2 10.68 12.8
Sioco 6 11 9 0 0
Pangilinan 3 24 24 na na
Odono 1.6 7.2 9.8 11 12.2
Mauricio 3.51 5.1 6.53 7.64 na

Control SetupSetup 1
Width Week 1 (n=6) Week 2 (n=6) Week 3 (n=6) Week 4 (n=5) Week 5 (n=4)
Cortez 9 10 11 29 30.5
Gemino 3.84 3.15 7.02 7.6 6.62
Sioco 5.6 8.4 8 0 0
Pangilinan 2 5 5 na na
Odono 3.7 5.8 6.3 6.7 5.4
Mauricio 1.43 2.33 2.52 2.65 na

Control SetupSetup 2
Height Week 1 (n=6) Week 2 (n=6) Week 3 (n=6) Week 4 (n=5) Week 5 (n=4)
Cortez 10.5 16 16.5 26 28.5
Gemino 5.86 5.86 5.96 8.78 11.9
Sioco 5.5 10.4 11 12 12.2
Pangilinan 2 18 18 na na
Odono 1.7 6.9 8.7 10.3 11.8
Mauricio 2.41 5.3 6.73 9.51 na

Control SetupSetup 2
Width Week 1 (n=6) Week 2 (n=6) Week 3 (n=6) Week 4 (n=5) Week 5 (n=4)
Cortez 11.5 10 12.5 28 33
Gemino 4.69 2.07 4.25 6.24 5.08
Sioco 5.1 7.8 9.4 10.1 10.6
Pangilinan 0.5 4 4 na na
Odono 3.9 4.3 5.8 6.3 6.5
Mauricio 1.15 2.2 2.45 2.72 na

Experimental SetupSetup 1
Height Week 1 (n=6) Week 2 (n=6) Week 3 (n=6) Week 4 (n=6) Week 5 (n=5)
Cortez 11 14.5 17 30 18.5
Gemino 6.44 6.2 7.05 10.95 12.05
Sioco 7.5 10.5 11.2 13 14
Pangilinan 1 8 0 0 0
Odono 1.3 4.9 7.4 9.8 9.6
Mauricio 2.52 5.45 6.84 9.17 na

Experimental SetupSetup 1
Width Week 1 (n=6) Week 2 (n=6) Week 3 (n=6) Week 4 (n=6) Week 5 (n=5)
Cortez 13.5 12.5 14.5 33.5 35
Gemino 4.98 2.02 6.55 7.6 6.9
Sioco 5.4 8 9.3 10.2 10.6
Pangilinan 0 1 0 0 0
Odono 2.7 4.7 7.6 7.2 5.6
Mauricio 1.09 2.15 2.57 2.66 na

Experimental SetupSetup 2
Height Week 1 (n=6) Week 2 (n=6) Week 3 (n=6) Week 4 (n=6) Week 5 (n=5)
Cortez 8.5 11.5 16 30 21.5
Gemino 8.02 7.52 7.6 8.95 9.45
Sioco 5.5 6.5 7.2 8 8.9
Pangilinan 3 0 0 0 0
Odono 1.7 0 1.5 4.2 4.6
Mauricio 3.34 6.84 8.71 10.2 na

Experimental SetupSetup 2
Width Week 1 (n=6) Week 2 (n=6) Week 3 (n=6) Week 4 (n=6) Week 5 (n=5)
Cortez 9.5 8 11.5 28.5 36
Gemino 5.7 2.56 7.8 7.95 5.1
Sioco 5.3 5.6 6 6.1 6.5
Pangilinan 0.5 0 0 0 0
Odono 3.4 0 2.3 5.3 6.8
Mauricio 1.27 2.42 2.76 3.01 na

Experimental SetupSetup 3
Height Week 1 (n=6) Week 2 (n=6) Week 3 (n=6) Week 4 (n=5) Week 5 (n=4)
Cortez 9 11 17 28.5 18
Gemino 5.77 4.02 6.8 5.5 0
Sioco 7 10 10 11.5 12.1
Pangilinan 2 15 15 na na
Odono 2.86 5.03 6.77 9.2 7.89
Mauricio 3.34 6.84 8.71 10.2 na

Experimental SetupSetup 3
Width Week 1 (n=6) Week 2 (n=6) Week 3 (n=6) Week 4 (n=5) Week 5 (n=4)
Cortez 11 10.5 16 28 29
Gemino 3.44 1.37 2.3 1 0
Sioco 5.4 7.5 7.8 9.3 9.8
Pangilinan 0.5 6 6 na na
Odono 0.97 2.18 2.34 2.56 2.01
Mauricio 1.27 2.42 2.76 3.01 na

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