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Subject: Reading and Writing Skills

Grade, Strand & Section: 12 ABM A

LAS 3.2

Explicit-Contrast Comparison Implicit-Contrast

1. Clearly stated Both are statement of Unstate

2. Direct claims
Informative/Source of d
3. Preferred in Preferred in Literature
academic writing
4. Literal and factual Literary
5. Easy to Interpret Challenging to interpret

1. There is value in informal discussions but these needed to take pla ce more
often if they are to help to properly maintain consistency of approach and
progression among the pupils.
2. Our school's physical education program is in good shape, however there are
certain difficulties that the report identifies as opportunities for development. We
discovered that there was frequently insufficient physical, rigorous exercise in
P.E courses, that some teachers chatted for too long, and that students were not
supplied with enough activity to enable them to acquire or improve their abilities.
3. More capable students are not always challenged to do their very best; just a few
institutions have found a method to strike a balance between boosting
participation and producing peak performance
4. In schools where geography was strong, the subject effectively contributed to
curricular consistency while also fulfilling students' interest about people and
5. Informal discussions have importance and should be held more frequently if they
are to assist students retain consistency of approach and growth.

Expli Impli
1. It was a dark and stormy night. 1. The trees were swaying wildly

2. The grass was green. 2. A sighing carpet of green

3. I could smell the toast. 3. Every morning there was a scent

4. We were sitting on the bus. 4. Every school day we are
transported to school
5. Sue fell on the sidewalk. 5. She stumbled while running down
the road

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