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WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 0



Principles of Speech Delivery

Development Team
Writer: Vrenie Joy C. Pedro
Editors: Maria Corazon H. Retutal Rodel Bryan C. Valdez
Reviewer: Adelyn C. Domingo
Illustrator: Wynnelord Rainier E. Tibay
Lay-out Artist: Wynnelord Rainier E. Tibay
Management Team: Vilma D. Eda Arnel S. Bandiola
Lourdes B. Arucan Juanito V. Labao
Adelyn C. Domingo

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 1

What I Need to Know

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Uses principles of effective speech delivery focusing on articulation, modulation, stage
presence, facial expressions, gestures and movements, and rapport with the audience.

In your journey through the discussions and different tasks, you are expected to:
1. identify the characteristics of good delivery;
2. evaluate a speech; and
3. use principles of effective speech delivery.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 2

What I Know

Directions: Read each item carefully. Select your answer from the given choices then write
the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. It means to change the sound of your voice by making it higher, lower, etc. What principle
of speech delivery is being referred to?
A. articulation B. modulation C. movement D. stage presence

2. It refers to the clear and accurate pronunciation of words especially in public speaking.
A. articulation B. modulation C. movement D. stage presence

3. Which of the following is not a principle of a good speech delivery?

A. It makes use of appropriate audiovisual aids.
B. A good delivery calls for rapport with the audience.
C. To deliver a good speech, one way to relax is to over-think.
D. A speech is best delivered with clear and correct articulation and well-enunciated words
in in a properly modulated voice.

4. Which of the following is an effective speech delivery technique?

A. Pause to emphasize words.
B. Always be formal and serious.
C. Use filler words to avoid dead air.
D. Rarely look the audience in the eye.

5. Which of the following statements about speech delivery is true?

A. Public speaking is a talent and cannot be learned.
B. Speech delivery is about pronouncing words perfectly.
C. Good delivery lies in the intellectual words used in the speech.
D. Effective speech delivery means connecting with the audience and communicating the
6. Is the use of “fillers” in a speech part of a competent delivery?
A. Yes, because they add excitement to the speech.
B. No, because fillers are language no one understands.
C. Yes, because no one is perfect in delivering every single detail of a speech.
D. No, because they distract the listeners and convey nothing about the speech.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 3

7. Good delivery conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly, interestingly, and without distracting
the audience. Which of the following should NOT be observed when delivering a speech?
A. Use conversational style more often.
B. Observe appropriate and effective nonverbal cues.
C. Use fillers or expressions that substitute actual words in your speech.
D. Maintain eye contact to keep the attention of your audience and enhance your delivery.

8. The following are considerations when performing speeches EXCEPT:

A. Eye contact is effectively used.
B. Rate and speed of speaking is the same.
C. Distracting movements or mannerisms are avoided.
D. Facial expressions are appropriate to the message.

9. Which of the following is not a consideration when preparing and delivering a speech?
A. Develop a visual support.
B. Analyze the audience and the occasion.
C. Select a general purpose and a specific purpose.
D. Allow your thoughts to flow freely while your delivering your speech.

10. The following are tips that can help you use your voice expressively and meaningfully
A. Speak with appropriate loudness and speed.
B. Minimize the use of uhs, ums, likes and y’knows.
C. Enunciate words clearly. Don’t mumble or garble them.
D. Maintain your speed, inflections and force while speaking.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 4

Principles of Speech Delivery
Knowing how to write a good speech is half the challenge of conveying the message
you want your audience to receive. The other half relies on delivering it properly and
excellently with focus on articulation, proper gestures, facial expression and modulation. It is
important that a speaker will be able to match his words, utterances and actions while taking
into consideration the context of the speech.

To further understand about speech delivery, communicators need to be familiar with

the principles of speech delivery and types of speech according to delivery. This lesson
presents how these types of speeches can be properly and effectively delivered. The pieces
of information about communication discussed in this module were derived from the books of
Sipacio (2016), Dapat (2016) and Pilapil (2017).

What’s In

In the previous module you have learned the principles of speech writing. You were
also able to differentiate the stages or processes in speech writing, with the ultimate goal of
being able to apply the principles of speech writing when asked to write a speech.

Before you proceed to the next lesson, let’s check how well you have learned the
previous lesson by illustrating the speech writing process using the diagram below.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 5

What’s New

Activity 1. 2 Pics 1 Word. Using the given pictures, guess the word/words being portrayed.

1. _ _ _ _ _ _

2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. _ _ _ _ _ _

http://clipart- http://clipart-

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 6

Read the statements that follow. Evaluate each statement and tell whether it is a Fact or
bluff . Draw your chosen emoticon on the box provided.

Statement about Speech Delivery

Standing in front of an audience is always a delight for many.
Voice and body language make a speech performance vigorous.
Speaker’s high confidence is expressed in limited use of hand and body
Awesome personality charms the audience.
The more practice and experience gained in delivering speeches, the more
natural the delivery will become.

What is It

Listening and hearing are terms that sometimes mistakenly used by people.
Speaking and public speaking are also terms that should not be taken lightly. It is right to say
that knowing how to speak well is not a guarantee for a person to be a public speaker and
being able to express oneself effectively is a step closer to becoming a public speaker.

As a student, you should know that there are speakers who are naturally born, but
most of the best speakers are those who were trained, honed, and got involved in numerous
public speaking situations. They were not made overnight but honed and made overtime.
(Sipacio, 2016)

According to Stephen Lucas (2011) author of the Public Speaking, a good delivery
means that you are capable and able to present your message in a clear, coherent and
interesting way.

There are challenges that contend with public speaking, since we cannot completely
control the speaking engagements that we have. In reality, there are a lot of distractions
between the speaker and the audience during the course, a message notification may lead
to confusion on the part of the listener, a technical problem or a low-battery microphone may
distract the flow of thoughts of the speaker, and the filler “uhmm” can create communication
breakdown. Knowing the principles of speech delivery and the types of speech according to
delivery can help learners like you to become good public speakers.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 7

According to Gabinete (2017), the principles of effective speech delivery are
determined when the elements of such as articulation, modulation, stage presence, facial
expressions, gestures and movements, and rapport with the audience are tackled. Gabinete
(2017) defined the terms as follows.

Articulation, according to the Oxford Dictionary is the formation of clear and distinct
sounds in speech: the articulation of vowels and consonants. It has to do with speaking or
reading a written speech with correct and distinct utterance for each word, avoiding any slur
or slip in sounds produced.

Modulation refers to the variation in the strength, tone, or pitch of one’s voice, like in
the phrase excellent voice modulation. This has to do with voice control to make your
speech delivery good sounding and to avoid monotony at any point.

As a speaker, you must develop the ability to control your voice, not only in terms of
volume (loud vs. soft) but also in terms of pitch (high vs. low). Then, there is also control of
the tone of voice. This principle is a bit more advanced, but it separates the great speakers
from the rest.

Stage Presence has to do with self-projection and the image one manages to create
with his or her efforts to make a good impression. How to project yourself depends on your
carriage of yourself onstage, your posture and the air of confidence you exude. With proper
voice projection, a positive stage presence is established.

Facial Expressions include eye movement, eye contact and control of your face
muscles. Appropriateness of facial expressions can lead to effective communication. By
making eye contact to your audience and keeping a sincere and honest look in your eyes,
you are allowing your audience get the meaning of your words and letting them relate to
what you are saying. Remember that even if, to a large extent, you are reading from a script,
you are speaking to real people.
Gestures and Movements refer to bodily movement. While delivering a speech,
controlling gestures is necessary since too much or too little does not look good. Make sure
to practice ahead of time in front of people you can trust or before a mirror so that you can
identify mannerisms and gestures that are not necessary while you speak like swaying and
Rapport with the Audience refers to the connection you build with your audience.
The more connected you are to them, the more that they will remember your message and
they will be hooked to your speech. Bear in mind that failure to establish rapport can result to
failure of your speech. Keeping them hooked by providing visual images, powerful lines,
figures of speech and intriguing questions are some ways to catch their attention.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 8

Pilapil (2017) explained that a good written speech should be delivered well in order
to captivate the mind and heart of the listener.
Public speaking, then, requires making connections with the audience while formally
presenting the speech to the public (Sipacio, 2016). Aside from knowing who the target
audience is, using the most suitable type of speech for the given situation is also a
consideration. Delivering the speech right in front of the audience is a factor of successful
public speaking while using the most appropriate attack is another.
Below is a checklist for preparing and delivering a speech. Pilapil (2017) said that this
can serve as a guide for speakers before, during and after the delivery. Using this will
improve the preparation and confidence of the speaker.
1. Analyze the audience and the occasion, so that you can adapt your speech to the needs
and interests of the listeners.
2. Choose a topic.
3. Select a general purpose and a specific purpose.
4. Devise a central idea.
5. Find information (in books, magazines, interviews, personal experiences, etc.)
6. Develop verbal supports for your ideas.
7. Develop visual supports for your ideas (if appropriate).
8. Organize the body of your speech.
9. Prepare the introduction.
10. Prepare the conclusion.
11. Transfer the material to a formal outline to test for strength and continuity.
12. Prepare speaking notes based on the outline.
13. Consider your use of language, especially the difference between oral and written
14. Rehearse your speech.
15. Learn how to control nervousness.
16. Deliver your speech.
17. Conduct a question - and - answer period.
18. Seek evaluations of your speech (from instructors or colleague) so that you can make
improvements in your next speech.

More Tips on Effective Speech Delivery

Below are additional tips for effective delivery written by (2020)
1. Make a good set of notes you can follow at a glance and PRACTICE your presentation.
2. Dress for the occasion and tidy yourself up. Do something about hair that tends to fall
into your face. Avoid wearing a hat or cap because it can obscure your face.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 9

3. Arrange the environment to suit your presentation and get rid of distractions; erase
needless information from the boards, turn off equipment you’re not going to use, close
or open windows, blinds and doors to aid audience visibility, hearing and comfort. Turn
on enough light so people can adequately see you, your eyes and your facial
4. Check the operation of audiovisual equipment before your presentation. Have a backup
plan in case it fails.
5. Make sure your notes and other materials are in proper order before you begin.
6. Get rid of any gum or food you might have in your mouth. Don't hold a pen or paper clip
or anything else that you might twiddle and distract your listeners.
7. Stand or sit up straight with your weight balanced. Avoid slumping, twisting or leaning
on the lectern, table, or computer console. Don't stand in the light from the projector.
8. Make eye contact before you start to speak, as you normally do in beginning a
9. Don't start with “um” or “OK.”
10. Talk to your listeners as if you are having a conversation with them.
• Make plenty of genuine eye-to-eye contact with members of the audience.
• Avoid merely reading your presentation.
• Focus on sharing your ideas. Communicate.
11. Use your voice expressively and meaningfully.
• Minimize the uhs, ums, likes and y’knows.
• Enunciate words clearly. Don’t mumble or garble them.
• Speak with appropriate loudness and speed. Consider audience, place and
• Use variations in speed, inflections, and force to enhance your meaning and
hold audience attention. Avoid monotony.
12. Use your body expressively and meaningfully.
• Look interested in your topic. Show your enthusiasm, sincerity, commitment.
• Minimize distracting mannerisms and aimlessly shifting weight or moving
• Use gesture and movement naturally to describe things, underscore
transitions and emphasize points.


WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 10

What’s More

Read to Analyze. Read the article below about speech delivery and answer the Tic-Tac-Toe
Board below.
Good Delivery Is a Habit
Luckily, public speaking is an activity that, when done conscientiously,
strengthens with practice. As you become aware of the areas where your delivery has
room for improvement, you will begin developing a keen sense of what “works” and
what audiences respond to.

It is advisable to practice out loud in front of other people several times,

spreading your rehearsals out over several days. To do this kind of practice, of course,
you need to have your speech be finalized well ahead of the date when you are going
to give it. During these practice sessions, you can time your speech to make sure it
lasts the appropriate length of time. A friend of ours was the second student on the
program in an event where each student’s presentation was to last thirty to forty-five
minutes. After the first student had been speaking for seventy-five minutes, the
professor in charge asked, “Can we speed this up?” The student said yes and
proceeded to continue speaking for another seventy-five minutes before finally
concluding his portion of the program. Although we might fault the professor for not
“pulling the plug,” clearly the student had not timed his speech in advance.

Your practice sessions will also enable you to make adjustments to your notecards
to make them more effective in supporting your contact with your audience. This kind of
practice is not just a strategy for beginners; it is practiced by many highly placed public
figures with extensive experience in public speaking.

Your public speaking course is one of the best opportunities you will have to manage
your performance anxiety, build your confidence in speaking extemporaneously, develop
your vocal skills, and become adept at self-presentation. The habits you can develop
through targeted practice are to build continuously on your strengths and to challenge
yourself to find new areas for improving your delivery. By taking advantage of these
opportunities, you will gain the ability to present a speech effectively whenever you may be
called upon to speak publicly.


WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 11

Identify the characteristics of good delivery
ARTICLE: Good delivery is a habit

Q1 Q2 Q3
Why is practice important in What strategy is best for Why is time important in
speech delivery? beginner-speakers? speech delivery?
Q4 Q5
Who are the key people you
How can you improve your What can public speaking do
need to consider when
speech performance? to students?
delivering your speech?
Q7 Q9
Why is effective speech Why do we need to write our
What habit should a speaker
delivery important? errors when we deliver


DIRECTIONS: You are required to answer the center question no. 5. After answering,
select 2 more to form a straight row or column like in a tic tac toe game (e.g., horizontal for
Questions 4, 5 and 6; vertical for Questions 2, 5 and 8; or diagonal left for Questions 1, 5
and 9 or diagonal right for Questions 3, 5 and 7). Whatever straight line you choose, you
will be answering only 3 questions.

Write the number of the questions you are answering. Then proceed to complete the CLAIM-
EVIDENCE-REASONING for each question. For evidence, you have to refer to the article.

QUESTION NO. 5: What can public speaking do to students?

CLAIM: My answer to the question is

EVIDENCE: The statement in the article that supports my answer is…
REASONING: The evidence I chose supports my answer because…
CLAIM: My answer to the question is
EVIDENCE: The statement in the article that supports my answer is…
REASONING: The evidence I chose supports my answer because…
CLAIM: My answer to the question is

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 12

EVIDENCE: The statement in the article that supports my answer is…
REASONING: The evidence I chose supports my answer because…

Activity 2.B Critical Judgment. Read and understand each statement on the box. Cross-
out all statements that are incorrect. Write your reason why you cross-out the statement on
the spaces provided below the table.

1. Speech delivery is 2. Variations in 3. Eye-to-eye contact 4. Body language

the first challenge a speed, inflections is not so important speaks no words.
speaker meets and force can when delivering a
before an audience. enhance your speech.
speech delivery.
5. Rehearsing your 6. Voice and body 7. Technology usage 8. Awesome
speech once is the language make a distracts speech personality in
best preparation. speech performance presentation. speaking is enough
vigorous. to maintain audience
9. Appropriateness of 10. Information 11. Knowing your 12. Speaker’s high
facial expressions giving is only a small audience is not a confidence is
can lead to effective pie in speech priority when expressed in limited
communication. performance. delivering speeches. use of hand and
body movement.

What makes the statement wrong?

Sentence Number Reason
_____ __________________________________________________
_____ __________________________________________________
_____ __________________________________________________
_____ __________________________________________________
_____ __________________________________________________

What I Have Learned

Activity 3. Synthesizing Concepts. After having tested your critical judgment about those
previous concepts, come up with a general statement about the principles of speech

My Synthesis

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 13

Activity 4. Conditioning Oneself. Supposedly you will become a commencement speaker
of your previous high school in the province. What are you going to do as preparation of your


What I Can Do

Activity 5. ABCs of Speech Delivery. Based on what you have learned from this lesson,
list down at least ten (10) habits for good delivery that a speaker needs to develop. You may
use your name as acronym for the habits.
Clear your mind before you start delivering your speech.

Activity 6. Let’s Evaluate. Below are links to empowering speeches delivered by inspiring
people at an event organized by non-profit organization, TED (Technology, Entertainment,
and Design).

Watch any of the videos. Alternatively, you may refer to this link
http;// for other options. Then do the task that follows.
⚫ Why We Tell Stories by Patricia Evangelista

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 14

⚫ Our Return on Investment by Sabsy Ongkiko (spoken in Tagalog)
⚫ Balikbayan

Evaluate the speaker and complete the following table with your assessment.
Title of the Speech Viewed:
Name of the Speaker:
Type of Speech Delivery Used:
What is the audience and venue size?
Did the speaker adjust to the audience size
and venue size?
Did the speaker use the microphone?
How did the speaker approach the audience?
Did the speaker maintain eye contact?
Did the speaker use the volume of his/her
voice well?
Did the speaker use his/her rate well?
Did the speaker use his/her pitch well?
Did the speaker use pauses well?
Did the speaker pronounce words correctly?
Did the speaker avoid fillers?
Did the speaker avoid distracting movements?
Did the speaker use appropriate facial
Did the speaker dress for the occasion?
Complete your evaluation by giving the good points of the speech and the recommendations
you have.

Good Points


WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 15


Directions: Read each item carefully. Select your answer from the given
choices then write
the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. It refers to the formation of clear and distinct sounds of speech: the articulation of vowels and
A. articulation B. modulation C. tone D. pitch
2. Which of the following is an effective speech delivery technique?
A. Pause to emphasize words.
B. Rarely look the audience in the eye.
C. Always be formal and serious.
D. Use filler words to avoid dead air.
3. Which of the following should be emulated from good speakers?
A. How they walk
B. How they laugh
C. How they connect with the audience
D. How they walk away from the stage

4. Which of the following statements about speech delivery is true?

A. Public speaking is a talent and cannot be learned.
B. Speech delivery is about pronouncing words perfectly.
C. Good delivery lies in the intellectual words used in the speech.
D. Effective speech delivery means connecting with the audience and communicating the

5. Is the use of “fillers” in a speech part of a competent delivery?

A. Yes, because they add excitement to the speech.
B. No, because fillers are language no one understands.
C. Yes, because no one is perfect in delivering every single detail of a speech.
D. No, because they distract the listeners and convey nothing about the speech.
6. Good delivery conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly, interestingly, and without distracting the
audience. Which of the following should NOT be observed when delivering a speech?
A. Use a conversational style more often.
B. Observe appropriate and effective nonverbal cues.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 16

C. Use fillers or expressions that substitute actual words in your speech.
D. Eye contact should be maintained to keep the attention of your audience and enhance
your delivery.
7. Which of the following should be avoided when delivering a speech?
A. Focus on sharing your ideas.
B. Talk to your listeners as if you are having a conversation with them.
C. Maintain your speed, inflections and force when delivering the speech.
D. Minimize distracting mannerisms and aimlessly shifting weight or moving about.

8. Which of the following should be done be after the speech presentation?

A. Analyze the audience and the occasion, so that you can adapt your speech to the
needs and interests of the listeners.
B. Find information (in books, magazines, interviews, personal experiences, etc.).
C. Consider your use of language, especially the difference between oral and written
D. Seek evaluations of your speech (from instructors or colleague) so that you can
make improvements in your next speech.

9. Which of the following should be done before the writing the speech?
A. Analyze the audience and the occasion, so that you can adapt your speech to the
needs and interests of the listeners.
B. Find information (in books, magazines, interviews, personal experiences, etc.)
C. Consider your use of language, especially the difference between oral and written
D. Seek evaluations of your speech (from instructors or colleague) so that you can
make improvements in your next speech.
10. Appropriateness of facial expressions can lead to effective communication. Which of the
following is not a consideration when delivering a speech?
A. Make an eye contact with your audience.
B. Keep a sincere and honest look in your eyes.
C. Avoid facial mannerisms while delivering a speech.
D. Constantly look at your manuscript when delivering a speech

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 17

Answer Key

10. D 10. D
9. A 9. D
8. D 8. B
7. C Answers may vary. 7. C
6. C What’s More 6. D
5. D Answers may vary. 5. D
4. D What I Can Do Expression 4. A
3. C 3. Facial 3. C
2. A Answers may vary. 2. Audience Impact 2. A
1. A learned 1. Speech Delivery 1. B
Assessment What I have What’s New What I Know


Dapat, Jose O., Oral Communication in Focus for Senior High School (Core Subject).
Philippines: Lorimar Publishing, 2016.

Gabinete, Mari Karen L., Effective Oral Communication A Practical Approach.
Philippines, Trinitas Publishing, Inc., 2017.

Pilapil, Edwin A, Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School. Philippines:
Mutya Publishing House, Inc., 2017.

Sipacio, Philippe John F., Oral Communication in Context foe Senior High School.
Philippines: C&E Publishing, Inc., 2016.

“Stand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking.” 2012. Saylor Academy
2012. Accessed November 23, 2020.

“Tips for Effective Delivery.” n.d. Accessed November 23, 2020.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Oral Com in Context 18

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education-Schools Division of Laoag City

Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)

Brgy. 23 San Matias, Laoag City 2900

Contact Number: (077)771-3678


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