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ELSEVIER Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 ( 1996) 547-561

Rb-Sr ages and Nd isotopic compositions of melt inclusions from

the Bishop Tuff and the generation of silicic magma
John N. Christensen *, Alex N. Halliday ’
Deparrmenr of Geological Sciences, Unirersin; of Michigan, 2534 C.C. Little Building, Ann Arbor. MI 48109.1063, USA

Received 22 February 1996; revised 4 September 1996; accepted 13 September 1996


Rb-Sr ages of melt inclusions in quartz have the potential to provide a unique and illuminating record of the
differentiation and accumulation history of silicic magmas. Here we report the first Sr and Nd isotopic measurements of melt
inclusion bearing quartz (MIBQ), extracted from the Bishop Tuff (BT), representing what is arguably the world’s most
controversial yet classic zoned silicic magmatic system. Early erupted BT airfall pumice, representing material from the top
of the magma chamber, yields individual quartz crystals with Rb/Sr > 70 and variable apparent differentiation ages of
1,420 f 80 ka, 2,100 f 100 ka, 2,150 f 150 ka and 2,500) 200 ka. A bulk quartz separate has an apparent age of
1,900 f 300 ka, while a quartz separate from an individual airfall pumice has an apparent age of 1,330 f 80 ka. These ages
are similar to the Rb-Sr differentiation ages (2,047-1,894 ka) and k-Ar eruption ages (2,100-1,300 ka) of the adjacent
early pre-caldera rhyolites at Glass Mountain (GM), indicating that the upper portions of the BT magma chamber included
components that episodically differentiated over the same time interval as early Glass Mountain volcanism. However, at this
stage the magmatic systems were separate, as indicated by lNd of - 1 for airfall melt inclusions, similar to the BT and late
GM rhyolites, compared to lNd of - 3 for early GM rhyolites. In contrast to BT airfall, melt inclusions from intermediate
and later erupted BT ignimbrite pumice, from deeper levels of the magma chamber, give younger apparent differentiation
ages: 1,040 f 140 ka (late erupted), 1,180 +_80 ka (intermediate erupted clast l), and 1,060 * 110 ka, 1080 f 110 ka
(intermediate erupted clast 2, two quartz size fractions). These ages are indistinguishable from the Rb-Sr differentiation age
of the late pre-caldera GM rhyolites, 1,140 f 80 ka. The eNd of intermediate and late erupted melt inclusions is - 1, the
same as BT airfall melt inclusions.
These data are consistent with an early episodic development of the evolved upper portions of the BT magma chamber.
However, we find no evidence that most of the differentiation took place at around 2 Ma, as recently suggested on the basis
of 40Ar-39Ar dating. Most of the Bishop Tuff magma, particularly the later erupted portions, differentiated in major events at
around 1.0-1.2 Ma. Early differentiated melts repeatedly accumulated in the upper portions of the chamber concomitantly
with differentiation, accumulation and eruption in the nearby Glass Mountain magma reservoir, which possibly represented a
separate cupola to a larger complex system. By _ 1.2 Ma the Bishop Tuff magmatic system expanded to include the Glass
Mountain region. We find no evidence for differentiation younger than _ 1.0 Ma in any samples from the Bishop Tuff (or

* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1 313 763 4767. E-mail:

’ Tel.: + 1 313 764 1482. E-mail:

0012-821X/96/$12.00 Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII SOO12-821X(96)001 81-1
548 J.N. Christensen, A.N. Hallida!,/ Earth and Planetav Science Letters 144 C1996) 547-561

Glass Mountain), confirming the view that over the > 300,000 years that elapsed before eruption of the Bishop Tuff, the
stratified magmatic system remained largely stable.

Keswords: Rb-Sr; Nd/Nd; Bishop Tuff: magmatic differentiation; absolute age

1. Introduction entiated magma batches or between melt and phe-

nocrysts. As a result of such studies it was concluded
The chemical compositions of large (> 10’ km3) that highly evolved silicic magma was produced in
high silica rhyolitic ignimbrites commonly change short-lived (lo4 yr) pulses [25] but that large vol-
during the course of eruption, a feature thought to umes of this fractionated magma resided in the upper
reflect eruption from a vertically zoned or layered crust for as much as 300 kyr before eruption, during
volume of magma. The processes responsible for the which time there was little crystal growth [5-71.
generation of such large volumes of chemically zoned Although such conclusions have been debated
magma have been fiercely debated [l-4]. Two end- [9-l I], recent melt inclusion data have been used to
member models can be considered. In the first, shal- argue for even longer residence times for Bishop
low level silicic magma chambers develop and per- Tuff magma [14]. Quartz phenocrysts in the BT
sist over a considerable period of time (> 10’ yr), commonly contain inclusions of glass, representing
during which time differentiation and episodic erup- melt trapped during crystal growth. These inclusions
tion can occur [5-71. In the second, such magma have been extensively studied for their major and
chambers are transient phenomena in which magma trace element composition as well as volatile content
rapidly differentiates then freezes or erupts on a [15-IS]. Melt inclusion bearing quartz (MIBQ) from
much shorter time scale (< 10’ yr). In this case the Bishop Tuff yields “‘Ar- 39Ar ages of 1.96 -t 0.06
episodic volcanism is merely the product of multiple (1 cr) Ma from airfall pumice, and 2.3 f 0.4 (1 a)
pulses of magma rising from the deep crust in sepa- Ma from early ignimbrite pumice [14]. These ages
rate melting events [S]. Knowledge of the timescales are similar to the Rb-Sr differentiation ages of the
over which these magmas are produced and stored is earliest Glass Mountain rhyolites, previously thought
therefore critical to understanding the processes gov- to be part of an earlier magma system [5,7]. It has
erning their origin, but has also been contentious now been suggested [14] that they are part of the
[5--7,9-l 11. Most of the recent debate over the ori- Bishop Tuff magma that resided as evolved melt in
gins of high silica rhyolite has focused on the Long the upper crust for > 1.1 Myr.
Valley magmatic system in eastern California, which In this paper we present Sr and Nd isotopic data
produced one large pyroclastic eruption, the Bishop for glass inclusions in Bishop Tuff quartz in order to
Tuff [ 1,2], at 760 ka [4,27,28]. Prior to this time elucidate accurately their origin, test these hypothe-
there were eruptions of small volumes of highly ses, and clarify how such evolved roof zones of
evolved rhyolite over a period of about 1.4 Myr silicic magmas differentiate. Early Long Valley sili-
[ 12,131. These are now exposed at Glass Mountain tic magmas have such high Rb/Sr that the Rb-Sr
on the northeast side of the caldera wall. The Bishop model age of trapped melt should be totally domi-
Tuff (BT), then, provides a snapshot of the contents nated by the age of the differentiation that produced
of the Long Valley magma chamber at a particular the elevated Rb/Sr ratio. Only if that differentiation
point in time, whereas the lavas forming Glass occurred close in time to the growth of all the quartz,
Mountain (GM) appear to provide samples of evolved would this age also represent the age of the quartz.
portions of the magma system prior to the eruption We assume that quartz contributes little to the total
of the BT. Sr and Nd of the MIBQ samples and that our analy-
Unique insights into the differentiation history of ses represent essentially the melt inclusions. Diffu-
this system are afforded by the unusually high Rb/Sr sion of Sr in quartz appears to be sufficiently slow
ratios (in some cases > 3,000) of these rhyolites. that, subsequent to trapping, the included melts are
Over very short timescales (IO3 yr), measurable protected against potential pre- and post-eruption
differences in s7Sr/ 86Sr can develop between differ- contamination or re-equilibration. This has been
J.N. Christensen. A.N. Hallida?/ Earth and Planetam Science Letters 144 (1996) 547-561 549

tested using Sr in biotite inclusions in quartz [5]. Fe-Ti oxide temperature, “C

Measurements of the Nd isotopic compositions of 700 720 740 760 780 8
I. I. I. I. 1.
the melt inclusion bearing quartz are invaluable for e Pyroxene bearing+
testing whether they were indeed co-genetic with the Airfall ..-I..

early GM rhyolites, since these have compositions

which are distinct from those of the BT and late GM
rhyolites [5.7,19].
Early 'amm
San Joaquin k
2. Background geology and sampling

Volcanism in the immediate Long Valley region l-
extends back to 4 Ma [20],[21]. Between 4.0 and 3.5 Adobe
Ma, basaltic flows were erupted which are composi- r I$mic
tionally and isotopically very similar to much younger Mono
(60 ka) flows erupted within the post-Bishop Tuff
caldera. The early basaltic activity was followed by c
Early Late
the building of dacite/quartz latite domes between
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the eruption sequence of the
3.0 and 2.7 Ma. The earliest volcanism which may
Bishop Tuff based on apparent Fe-Ti oxide temperature. figure
be directly associated with the Bishop Tuff produced modified from [2] to show sample positions in the eruptive
the rhyolites of Glass Mountain [ 12,131. These rhyo- sequence. The position of sample BT-20 within the Adohe Lobe
lites were erupted between 2.1 and 0.8 Ma and can stratigraphy is uncertain. Dashed line for airfall represents the
be divided, on the basis of chemical and isotopic results of recent stratigraphic observations, indicating that eruption
of Plinian airfall was synchronous and continuous with interca-
composition and time of eruption, into early (2.1- 1.3
lated early ignimbrite flows [23].
Ma) and late (1.2-0.8 Ma) suites. The two suites can
also be distinguished on the basis of their age of
differentiation, which in some cases was 2 lo5 yr vidual pumice clasts and from multiple-pumice sam-
before eruption [5,7]. The Bishop Tuff consists of ples. For the airfall sample (LV/g/l), quartz sepa-
1750 km3 [22] of high silica (75 wt%) rhyolite rates from multiple pumice clasts as well from a
erupted to form a series of airfall tuffs and large single clast were analyzed. In addition, four individ-
ignimbrite outflow sheets, leading to caldera collapse ual inclusion-bearing quartz grains (Qtz A, Qtz B,
[2]. The ignimbrite flows can be divided into early, Qtz C and Qtz D) were selected from the multiple-
intermediate and late Bishop Tuff (BT), representing clast quartz separate for individual analysis. These
approximately an inverted stratigraphy of the magma quartz phenocrysts contained large (- 200 Frn di-
chamber [2]. Early ignimbrite flows are underlain ameter) glass inclusions. The quartz separates from
and intercalated with a co-erupted Plinian airfall the intermediate ignimbrite sample (BT-38) are from
pumice sequence [23]. a multiple pumice clast sample, and two discrete
Samples discussed in this paper are from: early pumice clasts (clast 1 and clast 2). The quartz sepa-
erupted BT: airfall, Gorges Lobe, and San Joaquin rate from pumice clast 2 was divided into two size
Lobe (lower cooling unit); intermediate erupted BT: fractions (1.4- 1.7 mm and 0.85- 1.40 mm) for anal-
Tableland Lobe; and late erupted BT: Adobe Lobe ysis. For the late ignimbrite sample (BT-20), a quartz
and Mono Lobe (Fig. 1, locations in Appendix A). separate from a multiple pumice clast sample was
MIBQ was separated from pumice samples repre- analyzed. Individual, large (3-4 mm) crystals of
senting early erupted Plinian airfall (LV/8/ l), inter- sanidine and plagioclase were also analyzed from
mediate erupted ignimbrite (pyroxene free, Tableland samples BT-38 pumice clast 2 and LV/8/ 1 pumice
Lobe) 0.5 m above airfall (BT-38) and from late clast 1.
erupted ignimbrite (pyroxene bearing) of the Adobe Quartz phenocrysts from the samples are bi-
Lobe (BT-20). Quartz was separated from both indi- pyramidal in form and range in size from about 0.5
550 J.N. Christensen, A.N. Halliday/ Earth and Planetary Science Letters I44 (1996) 547-561

mm to 3 mm in greatest dimension. Crystal edges are approximately 50 pg Sr and 10 pg Rb, representing

generally sharp. Melt inclusions in quartz from the I 1% of those samples. No blank corrections were
airfall pumice (LV/8/1) are clear and colorless, made to the bulk quartz analyses. The total chemistry
showing no sign of devitrification. Most inclusions blank for the individual quartz phenocryst analyses
are rounded, or roughly cylindrical, and up to 200 was 15 pg Sr with a measured s7Sr/ 86Sr of 0.7062
pm in size. Quartz from the intermediate ignimbrite f 2. Because of their small size, blank corrections to
sample (BT-38) contains melt inclusions that are the analyses of the individual quartz phenocrysts
variably devitrified. Small inclusions show no sign were made using this blank composition. The uncer-
of devitrification, while larger inclusions can be a tainty in this correction is included in the uncertain-
pale green color, indicating nascent devitrification. ties reported for the measured s7Sr/ “Sr of these
Inclusions that were open to the outside of the samples. For three of the samples, REEs were sepa-
crystal or were ruptured on eruption are brown in rated from the unspiked portions using TRU-spec
color. Melt inclusions in quartz from the late erupted resin before separation of Sr. This REE cut was
ignimbrite sample (BT-20) are smaller, commonly passed through a column containing H-DEHP coated
have negative crystal shape and are white, indicating PTFE beads to isolate Nd for isotopic analysis.
significant devitrification. Sr was loaded on Re filaments with a TaCl solu-
tion, Rb was loaded onto the side filament of a Ta
triple filament assembly, and Nd was loaded on a Ta
3. Techniques side filament with a Re center filament. Sr and Nd
isotopic compositions were measured on a VG Sec-
Quartz phenocrysts with glass inclusions were tor mass spectrometer equipped with seven Faraday
hand picked from crushed and sieved pumice clasts. detectors and using multidynamic data acquisition.
Care was taken to avoid quartz phenocrysts with The Sr isotopic compositions of the individual MIBQ
glass inclusions exposed by fractures or glass inclu- phenocrysts were measured using static multiple col-
sions connected to the exterior of the crystal (hour lection. Sr and Rb isotope dilution data were also
glass inclusions [24]). After ultrasonic cleaning in collected using static multiple collection. During the
de-ionized water, the quartz separates were weighed course of the analyses, the average measured
and leached in a HF-HCl mixture to remove glass s7Sr/86Sr for NIST SRM 987 was 0.710245 fr: 16
adhering to the outside of the crystals. The leached for multidynamic analysis and 0.710252 + 34 (2 u,
quartz separates were rinsed, dried and a final pick n = 8) for static analysis. The average 143Nd/ ‘44Nd
was made and between 80 and 400 mg of glass for the LaJolla Nd standard was 0.5 11859 + 6 (2 cr,
inclusion bearing quartz was dissolved for each bulk n = 3). Isochrons were fitted using ISOPLOT [16].
sample. For dissolution, 2 ml HF/lOO mg quartz
was used. In addition, for the airfall multiple pumice
sample, four quartz crystals bearing large melt inclu- 4. Results
sions were selected from the bulk separate for indi-
vidual analysis. These crystals were dissolved in 200 4.1. Melt inclusion ages
~1 each of HF and HNO,. The samples were dried
down, redissolved in 30% HNO,, dried down, and The age of differentiation of the melt trapped as
taken up again in 2.5 N HCI. inclusions in the quartz can be estimated assuming
To determine sample 87Rb/ “Sr, 5- 10% aliquots an initial 87Sr/ 86Sr of 0.7060 & 1 for the Bishop
of the sample solutions were split then spiked with a Tuff (BT) magma based on analysis of low Rb/Sr
mixed 87Rb-s4Sr spike. Due to their small sample feldspar from late BT fiamme [6,19]. This is within
size, the four individual quartz grains were totally the uncertainties of the initial 87Sr/ 86Sr of isochrons
spiked. Sr was separated from the spiked sample for early Glass Mountain rhyolites (0.7063 + 2,
splits and the unspiked portions for Sr isotopic anal- 0.7062 f 2 [7]) and late Glass Mountain rhyolites
ysis using Sr-spec (Eichrom 1nd.s Inc.) resin. Total (0.7061 * 3 [S]). The uncertainties in the calculated
chemistry blanks for the bulk quartz samples were model ages include the uncertainty in the assumed
J.N. Chrisiensen. A.N. Hallida?/ Earth and Planetav Science Letters 144 (19%) 547-561 551

initial *‘Sr/ “Sr and the uncertainties in the mea- MIBQ separates from individual intermediate ign-
sured “Sr/ 86Sr and “Rb/*‘Sr (* 1%). All age imbrite pumice lumps (BT-38) give similar results.
uncertainties are stated at the 2a level. The bulk MIBQ separate from pumice clast 1 has a
The bulk MIBQ separate from the multiple pumice model age of 1,180 + 80 ka. Two size fractions of
airfall (LV/8/1) sample yields a model age of MIBQ crystals from pumice clast 2 give identical
1,900 +_300 ka (Table 1). The four individual MIBQ model ages (and similar Rb/Sr) of 1,080 + 110 ka
crystals reserved from this population have model (1.4-1.7 mm) and 1,060 & 110 ka (0.85-1.4 mm).
ages of 2,100 + 100 ka, 2,150 + 150 ka, 2,500 ? 200 On a Rb-Sr isotopic diagram (Fig. 2a). three of
ka and 1,420 + 80 ka, with a weighted average of the MIBQ samples (BT-20, BT-38 pumice clast 2
2,000 + 700 ka, indistinguishable from the apparent MIBQ separates) define a linear array indicating an
age of the bulk MIBQ separate of the multiple age of 1,140 ka. These samples fall along the same
pumice clast sample (Table 1). The variation in line defined by late BT fiamme (Mono Lobe) glass
apparent age of the individual crystals indicates that and feldspar (BT-27 and BT-22, data from [6]).
the bulk quartz separate derived from multiple airfall Together they form an isochron indicating an age of
pumice clasts consisted of a mixed population of 1,100 k 30 ka (MSWD = 0.86) and an initial
crystals. A single airfall pumice clast yielded a bulk “Sr/ 86Sr of 0.70594 _t 5 (Fig. 2a). The MIBQ sam-
MIBQ separate with a model age of 1,330 _t 80 ka, ple from pumice clast 1 of BT-38 falls outside the
supporting the conclusion that, for the airfall, there error envelope of this isochron. Instead, it falls on
may be clast to clast variation in melt inclusion age. the isochron defined by late GM rhyolites which
This age is within error of the model age, 1,420 _t 80 gives an age of 1,140 k 80 ka and a initial *‘Sr/ 86Sr
ka, of one of the individual MIBQ crystals. of 0.7061 + 3 [5].
In contrast to the MIBQ separates from the airfall None of the individual MIBQ crystals from the
sample, samples of intermediate and late erupted airfall sample (LV/8/1) plot near a late GM
ignimbrite yield MIBQ with younger model ages isochron nor near the ignimbrite isochron (Fig. 2b).
(Table 1). Again, model ages are calculated assum- However, two of the four individual MIBQ analyses
ing an initial 87Sr/ “Sr of 0.7060 -+ 1. The bulk (Qtz A 2,100 ka and Qtz C 2.150 ka) fall near the
MIBQ separate from the late ignimbrite pumice sam- isochron for early GM inner lavas (2,047 _t 13 ka).
ple (BT-20) has a model age of 1.040 + 140 ka. Analyses of bulk airfall glass and sanidine (sample

Table I
Rb-Sr isotopic data
Sample Rb L Sr L: R7Rb/ 86Sr s7Sr/shSr Apparent age
(ppm) (PPm) (f2u) (Ma k2a)
LV/8/ 1 MIBQ multi-clast _ 32.62 0.706857 f 17 1.9 f 0.3
LV/8/ 1 qtz A 256.9 0.71354 + 33 2.07 f 0.10
LV/8,‘1 qtz B 214.1 0.71356 f 32 2.5 + 0.2
LV/8/1 qtz C 280.0 0.71453 + 34 2.15 + 0.15
LV/S/ I qtz D 298.3 0.7 1199 + 29 I .42 f 0.08
LV/8/1 I MIBQ single clast _ 211.7 0.709992 & 85 I .33 & 0.08
LV/S/ 1 1 plagioclase A 2.432 22.42 0.3140 0.706398 + 20 1.20+ 0.05
LV/8/ 1 1 plagioclase B 2.402 28.79 0.24 I5 0.706334 +_ 10 1.22 & 0.04
BT-38- I MIBQ clast 1 143.2 0.708405 + 52 1.18 kO.08
BT-38-2A MIBQ d clast 2 134.7 0.708069 f 91 1.08 f 0. I I
BT-38-2B MIBQ e clast 2 129.5 0.707955 + 82 1.06 + 0.1 I
BT-38-2 sanidine clast 2 109.7 24.44 12.99 0.706564 k 20 0.87 + 0.08 ‘, 0.84 & 0.07 b
BT-38-2 plagioclase clast 2 2.926 36.98 0.2290 0.706342 f 11 0.90 f 0.06 d. 0.88 + 0.06 b
BT-20 MIBQ 89.16 0.707318 * 64 1.04&0.14

’ Age calculated using data for BT-38-2A MIBQ. b Age calculated using data for BT-38.2B MIBQ. ’ No absolute concentrations are
reported for MIBQ because the weights of analyzed inclusions are uncertain. d 1.4-1.7 mm size fraction. ’ 0.85-1.4 mm size fraction.
552 J.N. Christensen, A.N. Halliday/Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (19961 547-561

4.2. Average ages of feldspar crystallization

The Rb-Sr isotopic data (Table 1) for feldspar

and coexisting glass can be used to calculate appar-
ent ages of feldspar growth (e.g. [7,26]). For the
individual pumice BT-38-2 (intermediate ignimbrite)
there are two bulk MIBQ analyses to use as repre-
sentative of the melt from which the feldspars crys-
tallized. For the sanidine crystal this yields apparent
ages of 870 + 80 ka (qtz separate A) and 840 + 70
ka (qtz separate B) and for the plagioclase yields
ages of 900 k 60 ka (qtz separate A) and 880 * 60
0.705 ka (qtz separate B). The uncertainties for the ages
0 100 200
were calculated from the uncertainties of both the
feldspar and the MIBQ analyses. The apparent age of
sanidine growth for BT-38-2 is indistinguishable from
the average time of growth of sanidine from early
BT fiamme (820 _+ 30 ka and 810 f 50 ka, BT-29
and BT-39 [26]) and from the apparent age of bulk
sanidine from a late GM inner lava (810 + 20 ka,
calculated from data for sample YG of [5], cf. Fig.
5). The difference in relative time between the aver-
age growth of the BT-38-2 plagioclase and sanidine
is 35 _+ 10 kyr (Fig. 3a). In this case the uncertainty
is based on those of the feldspar analyses alone [7].
The average ages of BT-38-2 sanidine and plagio-
clase growth are resolvable from both the eruption
100 200 300 age of the BT (760 + 1 ka [4,19,20]) and the BT
87Rb86Sr ignimbrite MIBQ/late fiamme isochron age (1,100
Fig. 2. Rb-Sr isotopic diagrams for MIBQ. data from Table I. (a) f 30 ka). With Sr diffusivities in the range of
MIBQ from bulk airfall pumice (0 ), bulk MIBQ from ignimbrite 10~‘7-10-‘x cm’/sec [29-321, the age of the
pumice ( n ), and late Bishop Tuff feldspar and glass [6] (grey feldspar crystals on eruption (90 and 125 kyr) may
squares). Isochrons for early Glass Mountain inner and outer lavas represent 85- > 90% of their true ages [6,7]. The two
[7] and for late Glass Mountain outer lavas [5] are shown for
plagioclase crystals from LV/8/1 pumice clast 1
reference. MIBQ from Adobe lobe (BT-20) pumice, and Table-
land Lobe (BT-38) clast 2 form an isochron with late erupted have identical apparent ages of 1,200 & 50 ka and
Bishop Tuff fiamme glass and feldspar, indicating an age of 1,220 _+40 ka. For this airfall sample the age differ-
1.lO+O.O3 Ma. MIBQ from Tableland lobe (BT-38) clast 1 falls ence between the apparent ages of the plagioclase
on the isochron for Late Glass Mountain outer lavas. (b) Composi-
phenocrysts and the MIBQ is 120 f 90 kyr (Fig. 3b).
tions of individual MIBQ crystals A, B, C and D (grey circles)
and bulk MIBQ (0). See text for discussion of MIBQ apparent
Since the analyzed crystals are nearly complete
ages. Isochrons as shown in (a). individual phenocrysts of sanidine and plagioclase,
the apparent ages represent the weighted average age
of crystal growth. How that average is weighted
depends on the history of crystal growth; that is,
whether growth was continuous or discontinuous and
whether it was at a constant rate of change of mass,
BT-6, [6]) also fall along the early GM isochrons area, or radius. Nonetheless, the average age of
within their error envelopes, and yield a feldspar growth for the early and intermediate BT
sanidine/glass apparent age of 1,820 k 50 ka [6,26]. ignimbrite samples suggests that BT magma was in a
J.N. Christensen, A.N. Hallida!/ Earth and Planetan, Science Letters 144 (1996) 547-561 553

liquid state between 1.1 Ma and eruption at 0.76 Ma

BT-38 pumice clast 2
(cf. [7,9- 111).
0.708 Tableland lobe
It has been shown that phenocrysts in pre-Mazama
rhyodacites were largely derived from admixed crys-
tal mush, perhaps from the chamber margins [38].
There is little or no petrographic evidence in the BT
for such a process. although the latest erupted BT
pumice does contain extremely rare, small crystal
clots. There is geochemical evidence as well against
admixed crystal mush in the BT. The sanidine/glass
Sr partition coefficient (Ds, = 10.3 [26]) derived from
analyses of bulk sanidine and glass from early erupted
fiamme is in excellent agreement with that derived 0.5 eruption 1 .o 1.5
from ion microprobe analyses of melt inclusions and time, Ma
their sanidine hosts (Dsr = 11 [39]). If random crys-
tals from a mush were admixed into the magma, it
would not be expected that the results of bulk and LV/S/l Pumice Clast 1
0.710 Plinian airfall
micoprobe techniques would be in such agreement;
especially considering that the concentrations of Sr
in BT feldspar and glass ranges over an order of

4.3. Relationships between the Bishop Tuff and the

Glass Mountain rhyolite magmas

0.706 L
From an 1”‘Ar-“9Ar study of MIBQ from BT
airfall and early ignimbrite, Bogaard and Schirnick
[14] concluded that quartz had resided in the BT 0.0 0.5 rrupBo” 1 .o tdiff. I .5 2.0
magma for - 1.1 m.y. before eruption and, there- time, Ma
fore. that the entire BT magma volume had existed Fig. 3. Sr evolution diagrams for individual feldspars and inclu-
for that period. The Rb-Sr isotopic data reported sion glass (MIBQ) from BT-38 clast 2 (a) and LV/8/1 clast 1
here for MIBQ requires some modification of this (b). The symbol t dlff stands for the apparent age of the MIBQ for
those samples assuming an initial “Sr/ XhSr of 0.706, shown by
conclusion. The 4”Ar-39Ar isochron age for MIBQ
the horizontal black lines. The eruption of the Bishop Tuff was at
from airfall is 1,930 5 12 (2 a) ka, while that for 0.760 Ma [14,27.28]. In (a) the difference in apparent age between
MIBQ from early erupted Gorges Lobe ignimbrite is the sanidine and plagioclase crystals is calculated based on the
2,300 + 800 ka [14]. These ages are supported by the uncertainties in the isotopic compositions of the feldspars alone
Rb-Sr age of the airfall bulk MIBQ sample, 1,900 + 171.
30 ka, and by two of the individual MIBQ single-
crystal Rb-Sr ages (Qtz A, 2,100 + 100 ka and Qtz
C, 2,150 f 150 ka) (Fig. 4). Total fusion ‘OAr-‘YAr bulk MIBQ from LV/8/ 1 pumice clast 1 ( 1,330 _+
ages of individual airfall MIBQ crystals range from 80 ka). Thus it is possible that there are components
1,590 k 400 ka to 2,300 _t 340 ka [14] with a in the early erupted BT both older and younger than
weighted average of 1,890 5- 60 (2 a) ka. Although -2Ma.
the J”Ar-‘9Ar data yield an isochron with a MSWD In contrast to the early erupted BT, the Rb-Sr
of 2.2, the range of individual 10Ar-3YAr apparent data for MIBQ from both intermediate and late
ages is sufficiently broad that it encompasses the ignimbrite indicate ages around 1,100 ka (Fig. 4).
Rb-Sr ages of individual MIBQ phenocrysts Qtz B Clearly, not all melt inclusions in the Bishop Tuff
(2,500 + 200 ka), Qtz D (1,420 * 80 ka) and the are N 2,000 ka. Melt inclusions of that age appear to
554 J.N. Christensen, A.N. Halliday/ Earth and Planetaw Science Letters 144 (19%) 547-561

be confined to the early erupted BT. The greater + 13 ka (“Sr/ 86Sr initial of 0.7063 k 2) while a set
portion of the BT, represented by the intermediate further from the rim (outer Iavas) define a 1,894 _t 13
and late ignimbrite pumice samples, is characterized ka isochron (“Sr/ “Sr initial of 0.7062 + 2). These
by MIBQ of N 1,100 ka age (340 kyr residence ages correspond with the Rb-Sr model ages of bulk
time). MIBQ from the airfall (1900 k 300 ka), individual
There is a correspondence between the BT melt MIBQ phenocrysts Qtz A and Qtz C (2,100 & 100 ka
inclusion apparent ages and Rb-Sr isochron ages for and 2,150 + 150 ka).
early and late Glass Mountain (GM) rhyolites. Rhyo- Late GM lavas can also be geographically divided
lites of GM were erupted prior to the Bishop Tuff into inner and outer lavas. They give younger Rb-Sr
between 2,100 and 800 ka and can be divided chemi- isochron ages of 1,090 f 50 ka (“Sr/ 86Sr initial of
cally into an early (eruption ages 2,100-1,300 ka) 0.7057 + 2) for inner lavas (G.R. Davies and A.N.
and late (eruption ages 1,200-800 ka) series of flows Halliday, unpubl. data, [33]) and 1,140 & 80 ka (ini-
[ 12,131. The later GM rhyolites are more differenti- tial “Sr/ *‘Sr of 0.7061 + 3) for outer lavas [5].
ated than the Bishop Tuff but show a chemical trend These ages correspond to the model ages of MIBQ
toward early BT compositions [ 12,131 and have Nd from the ignimbrite pumice samples thought to rep-
and Pb isotopic compositions indistinguishable from resent a large potion of the BT (BT-20 bulk quartz
the BT, suggesting that the BT magma and late GM 1,040 f. 140 ka, BT-38-l bulk quartz 1,180 + 80 ka,
rhyolites were tapped from the same magma body BT-38-2 1,080 f. 110 ka and 1,060 + 110 ka). The
[5]. Rb-Sr isotopic studies have shown [5,7] that GM model ages of LV/8/1 pumice clast 1 bulk MIBQ
lavas erupted at various times fall along distinct (1,330 _t 80 ka) and airfall individual MIBQ Qtz D
isochrons, indicating ages corresponding to the ages (1,420 F 80 ka) do not correspond to ages recorded
of the oldest lavas erupted in the early and late by Glass Mountain rhyolites, and may represent
series, respectively. These authors interpret these pre-late GM magmatic events in the Long Valley
isochrons as representing two major episodes (at ca. system. The temporal relationships between the BT
2 Ma and ca. 1.1 Ma) of differentiation and produc- and the early and late GM rhyolites are summarized
tion of high Rb/Sr rhyolitic magma in the Long in Fig. 4.
Valley system. Early GM lavas close to the present Some early erupted ignimbrite may be directly
caldera rim (inner lavas) define an isochron of 2,047 related to magmas erupted as late GM inner rhyo-

Individualmeltindwion bear@
quark grainsfrom&fall
Bulk meltindusion bearing
quark separatesfmm &fall
quark separatesfromignimbrik
“Arl’gAr meltinclusion
Bogaardand Schirnick, 1995

Fig. 4. A schematic presentation of the Rb-Sr ages of MIBQ. 40Ar-79Ar ages for MIBQ from airfall and the Gorges Lobe ignimbrite from
[4] are represented by grey triangles. Rb-Sr isochron ages (0) for early Glass Mountain and late Glass Mountain rhyolites are from [7] and
[I], respectively. The age of the Bishop Tuff eruption is from [14.27,28].
J.N. Christensen, A.N. Halliday/Earth and Planeran Science Letters 144 (19961547-561 555

distinct volume from the stratigraphically higher in-

termediate and late ignimbrite pumice samples (BT-
38-2 and BT-20) discussed above (“Sr/ 86Sr inter-
cept of 0.70594 & 5). Although the relative positions
in the eruptive sequence of the Bogaard and Schir-
nick Gorges sample and the early BT fiamme sam-
ples is uncertain, the transition from - 2 Ma ages to
- 1.1 Ma ages may lie between them.
The Rb-Sr isochron ages of the late GM outer
lavas (1,140 + 80 ka), late Glass Mountain inner
lavas (1.090 f 50 ka) and the BT ignimbrite
MIBQ/late fiamme (1,100 + 30 ka) are indistin-
I guishable from each other. Taken together, these
100 200 300
geochronologic observations provide strong links be-
tween events recorded by GM rhyolites and events
Fig. 5. Rb-Sr isotopic diagram. Shown are the compositions of
recorded by the magma erupted as the Bishop Tuff
early Bishop Tuff (BT) fiamme (grey squares) glass (g) and
sanidine (s), and of late Glass Mountain inner lava YG (0).
(Fig. 4). In terms of initial “Sr/ 86Sr, however, there
whole rock (ujr). glass (g) and sanidine (3). Isochrons for late may be a distinction between the magmas erupted as
Glass Mountain outer and inner lavas are from [5] and 1331, early BT fiamme/late GM inner lavas and the mag-
respectively. Model whole rock composition for early BT fiamme mas erupted as the rest of the BT and the late GM
(indicated by arrow) falls on the late Glass Mountain outer lavas
outer lavas.
isochron. Glass and sanidine from early BT fiamme and late Glass
Mountain lava YG form an isochron indicating an age of 0.820f
0.008 Ma. representing the average age of sanidine growth in 4.4. Continuous uersus episodic differentiation
those samples. Data for early Bishop Tuff fiamme from [6] and for
late Glass Mountain inner lava YG from [5.33]. A major question that may be addressed by the
isotopic data for GM lavas and the BT is whether the
generation of high Rb/Sr magma is episodic or
lites. In Fig. 5 Rb-Sr isochrons are plotted for late continuous. Christensen and DePaolo [6] modeled
GM outer lavas [5] and inner lavas (G.R. Davies and the isotopic evolution of a growing magma volume
A.N. Halliday, unpubl. data, [33]) along with the continuously fed from the time of inception to the
compositions for glass and sanidine from early BT time of eruption by newly differentiated magma with
fiamme (BT-39 and BT-29 [6,26]) and a late GM the same initial “Sr/ 86Sr. They showed that the rate
inner lava (YG, G.R. Davies and A.N. Halliday, of increase of “Sr/ *‘Sr in the layer would be l/2
unpubl. data. [5,33]). Using the observed modal the rate calculated from the “Rb/ 86Sr of the magma
abundances and Rb-Sr isotopic compositions of volume. They applied this model to the observed
minerals and glass of early BT fiamme, a whole rock difference in *‘Sr/ 86Sr on eruption between early
“Rb/ 86Sr of 214 can be calculated [26] which can BT fiamme and late BT fiamme and deduced a
then be used to calculate a model whole rock timescale of ca. 500 kyr for the development of
“Sr/ 86Sr. This model whole rock Rb-Sr isotopic layering in the BT magma chamber. Christensen and
composition plots (Fig. 5) on the late GM inner DePaolo [6] suggested that this model could also
isochron c8’Sr/ 86Sr intercept = 0.70570 + 16, age apply to late Glass Mountain rhyolites.
= 1,090 _t 50 ka, G.R. Davies and A.N. Halliday, The Christensen and DePaolo continuous growth
unpubl. data, [33]). The “Sr/ 86Sr intercept of this model can be tested using samples from the GM
isochron is resolvably lower than the intercept of the isochrons with similar Rb/Sr and Sr concentration,
BT ignimbrite MIBQ/late fiamme isochron by 2.4 presumably therefore tapping the same volume of
_+ I .7 X 1O-‘. Therefore, the early BT fiamme sam- magma. but with different eruption ages (data from
ples (BT-39 and BT-29) may have a differentiation [51, cf. trace and major element data in [13]). Fig. 6
age of - 1,100 ka but represent an isotopically shows the Sr isotopic evolution of pairs of GM lavas
556 J.N. Christensen. A.N. Hallida.v/Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 11996) 547-561

intercept, indicating an “Rb/ 86Sr of 217, in good

agreement with their actual “Rb/ 86Sr (198 and
197). The eruption 87Sr/86Sr of YA and YE alone,
however, define a line indicating a 87Rb/ 86Sr of
257 + 25, higher than their “Rb/ *‘Sr. This can be
accounted for if YA was produced - 50 kyr later
than YE, a period of time within the uncertainty of
0.71 the Rb-Sr isochron age of late Glass Mountain outer
lavas. Late GM lavas YK and YO have fairly dissim-
ilar “Rb/ ‘“Sr and so should be considered sepa-
rately. Using the initial ratio of the late GM isochron
. I. I . I. I
I 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 .I 2.0 with their eruption “Sr/ 86Sr, lavas YK (87Rb/ “Sr
Age, Ma = 397) and YO (” Rb/ 86Sr = 437) define evolution
0.7074, . I . I . I I . , lines with slopes corresponding to *‘Rb/ 86Sr of 359
I and 449, respectively, again in good agreement with
their actual R7Rb/86Sr (Fig. 5b). Thus the data are
0.7070 -
consistent with the episodic model of differentiation
and production of the early and late GM lavas within
periods of - 25-50 kyr, as concluded by [5,7].

4.5. Nd isotopic composition of melt inclusions

’ Late Glass Mt. The Nd isotopic compositions of MIBQ also have

0.7062 -
implications for the history and geometry of the
Long Valley magma chamber. The Nd isotopic data
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 for bulk MIBQ separates from airfall pumice
Age, Ma
(LV/8/ 1). intermediate ignimbrite pumice (BT-38)
Fig. 6. Sr evolution diagrams for (a) selected early Glass Moun- and late ignimbrite pumice (BT-20) are given in
tain whole rocks and (b) selected late Glass Mountain whole Table 2. For comparison, the Nd isotopic composi-
rocks. Sample s’Sr/ 86Sr at eruption are plotted against eruption
tions of the BT [ 191, and early and late Glass Moun-
age. Numbers in parentheses are sample whole rock 87Rb/ 86Sr.
while numbers next to evolution lines represent their “Rb/ s6 Sr. tain rhyolites [5] are also given. All three bulk MIBQ
Also shown are the initial *‘Sr/ 86Sr plotted against ages which samples have identical ‘43Nd/ ‘44Nd within error,
are interpreted as times of differentiation. Data from 151. corresponding to a weighted average eNd of -0.96
f 0.14.
The Nd isotopic compositions of the bulk MIBQ
with similar Rb/Sr ratios and isochron ages. If the
magma volumes were growing continuously, then
the slopes of evolution lines defined by the sample Table 2
pairs would not correspond to their “Rb/ 86Sr but, Nd isotopic data
instead, to approximately l/2 their “Rb/ 86Sr. In Sample “‘Nd/ 14’Nd ENd
the case of early GM lavas OJ and OK erupted 290 120 +2u
kyr apart [ 121, the slope of the evolution line defined LV/S/ 1 MIBQ 0.5 12588 k 23 - 0.98 f 0.45
by their eruption 87Sr/ R6Sr corresponds to an BT-38 MIBQ 0.512591 f 10 - 0.92 + 0.20
87Rb/ 86Sr of 3230 and agrees well with their actual BT-20 MIBQ 0.5 12586 + I1 - 1.01 kO.22
“Rb/ 86Sr (3211 and 33 15) (Fig. 6a). Similarly Average BT - 1.22f0.16 a
Average early GM -3.21 f0.38 b
(Fig. 6b), for the late GM pair YA and YE, erupted
Average late GM - 0.98 i0.24 h
170 kyr apart [12], fall along an evolution line
passing through the late GM isochron 87Sr/ 86Sr ’ Data from [19]. ’ Data from [5].
J.N. Christensen, A.N. Halliday/Earth and Planeta? Science Letters 144 (1996) 547-561 557

from the airfall sample (Ed,, = - 1) matches the Nd Future Caldera

isotopic composition of the Bishop Tuff [19] and the
late Glass Mountain Rhyolites [5]. The early GM
rhyolites, which have a differentiation age essentially
identical to the airfall MIBQ, have a distinctly differ-
ent lNd of -3 [5,7]. Since no Glass Mountain
eruptive material has been identified with both the
Nd isotopic composition and differentiation age of
the MIBQ found in the airfall, that magma can not
have been present beneath the site of Glass Mountain
and could not have been parental to the early GM
rhyolites. The isotopic data and geologic relation-
ships, therefore, can give both spatial and temporal
information. Based on lithic fragments found in the
airfall and the earliest ignimbrite units, Hildreth and
Mahood [22] concluded that the initial vent for erup-
tion of the BT was located in the south-central
portion of the present caldera, probably near the
intersection of the Hilton Creek Fault with the caldera
ring fault. This scenario and the isotopic data suggest
that, at about 1900 ka there were two separate bodies
of magma, one erupted to form the early GM rhyo-
lites with eNd of - 3 and the other with eNd = - 1
Fig. 7. Schematic view of the Long Valley area at three different
stored until the eruption of the Bishop Tuff at 760
periods: 1.8-2.0 Ma; 1.1 Ma; and 0.76 Ma. The oval represents
ka. This is illustrated in Fig. 7. the caldera outline, the light grey circle represents the early Glass
Mountain magma body with lNd = - 3. while the patterned circle
4.6. Magma residence times represents the magma erupted as the Bishop Tuff initial airfall
with eNd = - 1. At around 1.l Ma the late Glass Mountain
magmas with eNd = - 1 were differentiated and emplaced, the
From the Rb-Sr isotopic data, the residence time previous early Glass Mountain magmas having been erupted or
for the magma erupted as the early BT is N 1,200 crystallized. At 0.76 Ma the Bishop Tuff erupted with accompany-
kyr, while the residence time of the high Rb/Sr ing caldera collapse. The initial vent for the Bishop Tuff airfall
intermediate BT ignimbrite magma is 340 f 30 kyr was located in the south-central portion of the present caldera,
near the intersection of the Hilton Creek fault with the caldera
(the difference between the eruption age of the BT
ring fault 1221. See text for complete discussion.
760 -t 1 ka and the 1,100 + 30 ka isochron). This
residence time appears to be much longer than the
duration of differentiation; that is, production of high
Rb/Sr magma seems to have been episodic. In order The observation that the average age of feldspar
to remain liquid between 1,100 ka and 760 ka re- growth in early and intermediate erupted BT is N 850
quires an input of heat from below, perhaps from ka, intermediate between the differentiation age, N
subjacent basaltic magma, as has been suggested 1.1 Ma, and eruption at 760 ka, indicates that these
previously [2,5,10,6]. Since differentiation presum- magmas developed their crystal content over that
ably requires some sort of crystal fractionation (e.g. w 300 ka period. In contrast, the 1,820 ka apparent
sidewall crystallization), this implies short episodes age for bulk airfall sanidine suggests that portions of
of cooling, perhaps due to a decrease in the basaltic the early BT may have been thermally rejuvenated
flux to the system. On the basis of Sr isotopic some time prior to eruption (cf. [l 11). Measurement
analyses of the cores and rims of early GM feldspars, of Sr isotopic profiles of BT feldspar phenocrysts are
it has been argued that those magmas remained needed to establish whether or not pre-eruption crys-
relatively crystal poor for timescales of 10’ yr [7]. tal contents varied due to alternating growth and
558 J.N. Christensen. A.N. Hallida_v/ Earth and Planetary Science Letter.9 144 (1996) 547-561

resorption episodes in response to variations in ther- glass (BT-24) appears to have been the most affected
mal input to the system. by the proposed magma mixing event, with perhaps
The Rb-Sr isochrons and model ages of MIBQ as much 30% less differentiated pyroxene-bearing
apply only to the production of high Rb/Sr liquid in rhyolite mixed in 16,261. Late and intermediate
the BT magma chamber. Because of their low Rb/Sr, erupted melt inclusions do not appear to record this
it is less certain how long the less evolved (magma) mixing event [34]. Therefore, the majority of melt
portions of the BT existed in the Long Valley magma inclusions in quartz formed prior to the putative
chamber. The feldspar/glass ages for late BT fi- mixing event, and so the inferred MIBQ ages would
amme (relatively low Rb/Sr) range from 1.400 F not be affected. The observation that late erupted
400 ka (sanidine BT-27) to 1,130 f 240 ka (sanidine fiamme glass and feldspar lie on an isochron with
BT-22) and 1,150 + 240 ka (plagioclase BT-22) (data late and intermediate erupted MIBQ suggests that
from [6]). These ages are consistent with the average these samples have Sr isotopic compositions little
age of feldspar growth in late BT fiamme magma, affected by magma mixing.
correlating with the differentiation episode that pro-
duced the high Rb/Sr magmas represented by inter- 4.8. Lack of evidence for assimilation
mediate BT ignimbrite and late Glass Mountain lavas.
The agreement between “Ar-“‘Ar and Rb-Sr
4.7. Anomalies in the late erupted Bishop Tuff techniques for a N 2000 ka BT airfall MIBQ negates
the need for assimilation [26,37] to explain the Sr
Melt inclusions from the late erupted BT have isotopic contrast at eruption between the early BT
higher Rb/Sr than glass from late erupted BT (31 airfall and the rest of the BT. The magma erupted as
(Table 1) vs. 2.2-7.2 [6]), contrary to expectation. early BT airfall is not necessarily contaminated, it
This is consistent with the observation that melt was simply older at 760 ka than later erupted BT
inclusions from the late erupted BT have trace ele- magma. Other considerations indicate that assimila-
ment compositions that are more evolved than the tion was insignificant in the BT magma chamber.
host glass [34]. Other anomalous features of the late Low Sr concentrations in the GM rhyolites and early
erupted BT include: sanidine phenocrysts with Sr- BT suggest assimilation of Sr-rich wall rock could
and Ba-rich rims [ 16,341; chemical disequilibrium not have been important [6,19,22,26]. Consideration
between pyroxenes and Fe-Ti oxides [35]; elevated of the Sr evolution plots for GM rhyolites (Fig. 4a,b)
87Sr/ “Sr of latest erupted (Fig. 1) BT pumiceous also suggests minimal assimilation, a conclusion also
glass (BT-24) [6,26]; and Fe-Ti oxide inclusions in reached by others [5,7] based on the robustness of
quartz that are similar to those in early erupted BT the GM Rb-Sr isochrons. Therefore, it appears that
rather than those in the host glass [36]. These fea- there was no roofward increase in assimilation in the
tures have been attributed to the mixing of two BT magma chamber, as has been suggested by some
different rhyolitic magmas [36,35.6,26]. However, ]371.
the compositional range of late erupted quartz-hosted
melt inclusions is consistent with fractional crystal-
lization, not magma mixing [34]. In addition, from 5. Conclusions
the observation that, for late erupted quartz with
multiple inclusions, higher concentrations of COZ , The Sr isotopic data provide evidence that the
which are correlated with higher compatible element Bishop Tuff (BT) consists of several components
concentration, are found in inclusions closer to the with different differentiation ages. The BT airfall has
crystal rims, Lu et al. [34] inferred that late-erupted melt inclusion bearing quartz (MIBQ) with a range
quartz settled into less differentiated melt during of Rb-Sr ages with an average of N 2000 ka, in
their growth. agreement with the ““Ar-39Ar results of Bogaard and
The proportion of the BT that has been effected Schimick [ 141. MIBQ from intermediate and late
by the above processes is unclear. From its Sr iso- ignimbrite pumice have Rb-Sr ages of N 1,100 ka,
topic composition, the latest erupted BT pumice suggesting that other portions of the BT magma were
J.N. Christensen. A.N. Halliduy/Eurth and Planetarv Science Letters 144 (19961 547-561 559

Long Valley Magmatic History evidence that the magma erupted as intennediate and
late BT ignimbrite had resided for 340 * 30 kyr.
Thus, the results for the Bishop Tuff air-fall sample
greatly extend the possible time period for pre-erup-
tion magma storage (cf. [1411.
The history and geometry for the Long Valley
I ? Magma chamber from IV 2,000 ka to eruption of the
1.1Ma Late BT at 760 ka are summarized in Fig. 8. This history
I II provides a framework for considering the chemical
evolution of the Long Valley magmatic system. Pre-
viously, it has been assumed that the observed chem-
ical variation within the Bishop Tuff (and so by
inference the variation that existed vertically within
the magma chamber) was developed by a process
operating over a single period of time. However, the
observation that a portion of the early Bishop Tuff
was differentiated nearly 1 m.y. earlier than later
erupted BT precludes the necessity of assimilation to
explain its Sr isotopic composition and observed
reversals in trace element content. In order to make
sense of chemical and isotopic patterns within a
single eruption or series of eruptions requires a
knowledge and consideration of the time transgres-
sive (or episodic) nature of magma production as
exemplified by the Long Valley system.
Fig. 8. Schematic cross sections along line A-B in Fig. 7,
The isotopic analysis of melt inclusion bearing
showing the magmatic history of the Long Valley magma cham- phenocrysts, as demonstrated by this paper, provides
ber (cf. [5,14]). The last two panels depict the eruption of the BT, a means to see through effects of post-eruption alter-
first from a single vent then from the ring-fracture during caldera ation, magma mixing and crystal settling. Given the
collapse [22]. During the later phase of eruption in response to
low concentration of Sr in the BT melt inclusions,
caldera collapse, hotter, less evolved magma may have been
forced (shown by arrow in the last panel) from deeper levels and
similar techniques should be readily applicable as
erupted [22]. well to other melt inclusion bearing phenocrysts,
such olivine from MORB or OIB, which have far
higher Sr concentrations.
differentiated in the same event that produced the
late Glass Mountain (GM) high Rb/Sr rhyolites.
The eNd of MIBQ from air-fall pumice is - 1, in
contrast to early GM rhyolites which have eNd = - 3. Acknowledgements
This, together with the age of MIBQ from the BT
airfall, suggests the existence at N 2 Ma of two This research was supported by NSF grants EAR
spatially separate and isotopically distinct magma 911238, 9205435, 9304159, 9405503, 9406248 to
bodies: eruption from one produced the early GM ANH. Reviews by C. Bacon, G. Mahood and R.
rhyolites, while the other was preserved for a period Carlson improved the manuscript and are gratefully
of N 1.2 m.y. until it was erupted as the early acknowledged. Thanks are due to Wes Hildreth for
Plinian airfall of the Bishop Tuff. Previous observa- discussions in the field of the eruption sequence of
tions [7] showed that the early GM rhyolites had the Bishop Tuff. The authors would also like to
been stored for periods ranging from 60 to 360 kyr thank Gail Mahood and Diane Nielsen for their
before eruption. The data presented here provide assistance in the collection of sample LV/8/1, [CL]
560 f.N. Christensen, A.N. ~allida~/~art~ and Planetar?, Science Lettem 144 /I9961 547-561

Appendix A times of rhyolitic magma in the Long Valley magmatic

system: isotopic record in precaldera lavas of Glass Moun-
tain, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 94, 274-290, 1989.
Locations of analyzed and discussed Bishop Tuff [6] J.N. Christensen and D.J. DePaolo. Timescale of large vol-
samples. Indicated 15’ quadrangle topographic maps ume silicic magma systems: Sr isotopic systematics of phe-
are published by the United States Geological Sur- nocrysts and glass from the Bishop Tuff, Long Valley Cali-
vey. fornia, Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 113, 100-l 14. 1993.
[7] G.R. Davies, A.N. Halliday, G.A. Mahood and C.M. Hall,
LV/8/1 airfall - Bishop 15’ Quadrangle (j79’,
Isotopic constraints on the production rates, crystallisation
4’475) Chalfant Quarry (a.k.a. Bishop Quarry), 1.4 histories and residence times of pre-caldera silicic magmas,
km west of US Hwy 6 Long Valley. California, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 125, 17-37,
BT-38 Tableland Lobe - Bishop 15’ Quadrangle 1994.
(3722, 4’417) [S] H.E. Huppert and R.S.J. Sparks, The generation of granitic
magmas by intrusion of basalt into continental crust, J.
BT-20 Adobe Lobe - Glass Mt. 15’ Quadrangle
Petrol. 29. 599-624, 1988.
(3498, 4’979) on US Hwy 120 [9] R.S.J. Sparks, H.E. Huppert and C.J.N. Wilson, Comment on
Bogaard and Schirnick [14] airfall - Approxi- “Evidence for long residence times of rhyolitic magma in
mately same location as LV/8/1 the Long Valley magmatic system: isotopic record in pre-
Bogaard and Schimick [14] Gorges Lobe - Casa caldera lavas of Glass Mountain” by A.N. Halliday, G.A.
Mahood, P. Holden, J.M. Metz, T.J. Dempster and J.P.
Diablo Mt. 15’ Quadrangle approximately (3615,
Davidson, Earth Planet. Sci. J&t. 99, 387-389, 1990.
4’5 15>,Owens River Gorge [lo] A.N. Halliday, Reply to comment of R.S.J. Sparks, H.E.
BT-27 16,261 Mono Lobe fiamme, Mono Craters Huppert and C.J.N. Wilson on “Evidence for long residence
15’ Quadrangle (’ 17g, 41928), Aeolian Buttes, eleva- times of rhyolitic magma in the Long Valley magmatic
tion = 7080’ system: isotopic record in precaldera lavas of Glass Moun-
tain”, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 99, 390-394, 1990.
BT-22 [6,26] Mono Lobe fiamme, Mono Craters
[ 1 I] G.A. Mahood. Second reply to comment of R.S.J. Sparks,
15’ Quadrangle (3202, 4’855) H.E. Huppert and C.J.N. Wilson on “Evidence for long
BT-24 [6,26] Mono Lobe pumice, Mono Craters residence times of rhyolitic magma in the Long Valley
15’ Quadrangle (3 17‘, 41923), Aeolian Buttes, eleva- magmatic system: isotopic record in precaldera lavas of
tion = 7340’ Glass Mountain”, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 99, 395-399,
BT-39 [6,26] Gorges Lobe fiamme, Casa Diablo
[12] J.M. Metz and G.A. Mahood, Precursors to the Bishop Tuff
Mt. 15’ Quadrangle (3568, 4’532), Rock Creek Gorge eruption, Glass Mountain, Long Valley, California, J. Geo-
BT-29 [6,26] San Juaquin Lobe, fiamme, lower phys. Res. 90, 11,121-11,126, 1985.
cooling unit, Devil’s Postpile 15’ Quadrangle (3 17’, 1131 J.M. Metz and G.A. Mahood. Development of the Long
4’653) Valley, California magma recorded in pre-caldera rhyolite
lavas of Glass Mountain, Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 106,
379-397. 1991.
[141P. van den Bogaard and C. Schimick, 40Ar/ s9Ar laser probe
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