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MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF [ORIGINAL DATE: INCIDENT NO: STATE POLICE Sun, Jun 26, 2022 062-0002774-22 ORIGINAL INCIDENT REPORT ME RECEIVED: FILE GLASS: 1642 13001 WORK UNIT county: MSP HART POST OCEANA SOMPLAWANT: TELEPHONE No "ADDRESS: STREET AND NO: cy: state: | zp cove: 3793 W POLK RD HART Mi | 49420 INCIDENT STATUS: UNFOUNDED DOMESTIC UNFOUNDED SUMMARY: On the below date and time, Troopers were dispatched for a domestic violence incident. Upon arrival, it was determined that there was no domestic violence, but an assault occurred after someone was caught stealing items from tents. The aggressor, mm was trespassed from the property and kicked off the grounds by event security. The victims stated they didn't want to press charges, however iy NM the aggressor, stated he wanted to press charges for assault on the victims after he sustained minor injuries from the victims defending themselves from his assault. was taken to the main medical center on the Electric Forest Festival grounds because he slated his shoulder hurt and had a bloody nose. NNN refused medical treatment on scene. Upon arrival to the medical facility, the EFF medical staff was unable to treat gg due to his behavior. NM began swearing at the medical staff stating “Fuck you' to several medical workers. The medical staff attempted to get an ambulance so that he could be transported to the nearest hospital for a possible concussion, but he refused and stated he was going to sue the medical staff and law enforcement for not treating him medically. After INN left the main medical tent, Trooper Gariglio and | allowed him to get some belongings from his camp site and then followed him off the property as gam stated he was able to drive his vehicle. IEEE Wass also found to be in possession of illegal drugs by EFF security and was trespassed from the property. Event security also cut his wristband denying him entry into the Electric Forest Festival grounds This report is unfounded. VENUE, DATE & TIME: OCEANA COUNTY GOLDEN ROD ROTHBURY, MI AT OR NEAR: BY FERRIS WHEEL ON OR AFTER: SUN, JUN 26, 2022 AT 1642 PAGE: INVESTIGATED BY: INVESTIGATED BY: REVIEWED BY: tots | MATTICE, OANA, 1763, TROOPER ODELL, STEPHEN, 772, TROOPER PRINTED: TABIZOZ2 1308 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF [ORIGINAL DATE: INCIDENT NO: STATE POLICE Sun, Jun 26, 2022 062-0002774-22 ORIGINAL INCIDENT REPORT WE RECEIVED: FILE GLASS: 1642 13001 WITNESS: NAM: BIR: RAC: ETH: NBR DIR: SEX: DL: / STR: Dos: SSN: SFX: HGT: SI: t CTY: ST: wot: FBI. TXH: ZIP: HAI: MNU: Txw EYE: PR: CT: SMT: INTERVIEW WITNESS (Qa The following information is typed by Trooper O'Dell On 06/26/22 | spoke to NN INN Who was a witness to this incident. jj stated she was camping at the Electric Forest Campground with her friend ggg Another female camping at an adjoining campsite entered into their tent and stole a purse belonging to her friend I] NMI Said the purse was recovered inside of this other females tent, IgM said she and her friend then moved this other persons tent away from their tent, A short time later a male unknown to her or ggg appeared and was accusing her friend gg of stealing. mmm described this male as wearing a sleeveless yellow shirt (IgM She further said he was acting very aggressive and soon got into a fight with someone who came to their aid. (ggg stated that this other person (GHEE W228; the antagonist and started the altercation WITNESS: NAV: BIR: RAC: ETH: NBR: oi DIR: SEX: DL: t TR i DOB: SSN: SFX: =i HGT: SI: t cy = ST: wer: FBI: = TXH; ZIP: HAI: MNU: TXW: EYE: PR: CT: ‘SMT: PAGE: | NVESTIGATED BY. INVESTIGATED BY. REVIEWED BY. 208s [MATTICE, DANA, 1763, TROOPER DELL, STEPHEN, 772, TROOPER PRINTED: TOB2022 1306 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF [ORIGINAL DATE: INCIDENT NO: STATE POLICE Sun, Jun 26, 2022 062-0002774-22 ORIGINAL INCIDENT REPORT WE RECEIVED: FILE GLASS: 1642 13001 INTERVIEW WITNESS (Qa The following information is typed by Trooper O'Dell On 06/26/22 | spoke to III NINN who approached me and wanted to make a statement to what she observed. [gM said she was not familiar with any of the individuals involved, she just was camping in a nearby campsite. IMME said she was not a witness to what was the cause of this incident but a man wearing a green shirt (GHEE arrived in the area and was “very aggressive” She further described he was yelling and swearing and was getting into other people's face. NI Said this man threw the first punch and was "swinging on others"...."he attacked first’. SUSPECT: Vi BIR: RAC: NBR: DIR: ‘SEX: STR: DOB: SFX HGT: CTY: st: = WT: TXH. za: HAI: TXW: EYE: ‘SMT: INTERVIEW i | approached gg and he asked for medial assistance. | requested medical to respond to the scene IEEE Stated he wanted to press charges and stated he was attacked. | asked gga who he was fighting with and he stated he wasn't fighting with anyone and that it started with the “guy in the purple hat" (GRRE RS 2c that the "guy in the purple hat” got in his face and accused his "girl" of stealing. [NNN stated he didn’t hit anyone and that he couldn't because “they” attacked him. Jam then stated he was defending himself. gM later stated he pushed the purple hat guy first WITNESS / VICTI NM BIR: RAC: ETH: NBR: DIR: SEX: DL: a STR: Dos: SSN: SFX HGT: SI / cry: st: wer: FBI: TXH; ZIP: HAI: MNU: TXW: EYE: PR: PAGE INVESTIGATED BY, INVESTIGATED BY. REVIEWED BY. [sors [MATTICE, DANA, 1763, TROOPER [ovELL STEPHEN, 772, TROOPER | PRINTED: THG2022 15:06 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF [ORIGINAL DATE: INCIDENT No: STATE POLICE Sun, Jun 26, 2022 }062-0002774-22 ORIGINAL INCIDENT REPORT Prime RECEIVED: FILE CLASS: 1642 13001 ‘SMT: INTERVIEW After investigating this incident, NNN approached me. [NNN stated she saw what was happening and tried to calm qu Gown. NNN stated when she approached ggg he headbutt her, striking his head against hers. (NN stated she didn't want to press charges On IN INN doesn't know MN ©* the parties involved victim: NAM: BIR: RAC: ETH: NBR DIR: SEX DL: = = STR: DOB: SSN: SFX: HGT: sk t CTY: ST: WGT: FBI: TXH: 2p Hal MNU: TXW: EYE: PR: SMT. INTERVIEW x HN iat Hit him in the face after Imm came to their camp site. uM stated after he was hit in the face, he took ggg to the ground and struck| in the face approximately two times. IEE stated after this, he tried to get up to get away from the altercation. [NN stated NNN got back up and kept coming at him. ggg stated at this point, someone unknown to him came over and tried to stop the fight. [MM stated he kept telling IgM f0 leave and to get away from them, but a Kept coming at him. Another male who was standing with jg (not identified) stated a man, whom they don't know, PUt NN in a choke hold to keep him down while attempting to stop the fight. At this point, am stated [mM Said he was done fighting. (uM stated IN told him that he was going to jail and that he was pressing charges on him, but NNN Started the altercation. INN stated he didn’t want to press. charges on I and just wanted him away from their camp site. IN-CAR CAMERA / BODY WORN CAMERA: Patrol car 6312. My body wom camera was activated. | was assisted on scene by Sat. Lalone and Tpr. O'Dell. Sgt. Lalone had a body worn camera, but Tpr. O'Dell has not been equipped with one. MEDICAL TREATMENT: Electric Forest Festival (EFF) medical staff responded on scene to assist IN INN was taken to the main medical tent where he became belligerent with staff. I was advised by medical staff that am told several employees, “Fuck you" and threatened to sue them when they couldn't treat him due to his behavior. EFF medical staff tried to accommodate jg by calling an ambulance for him to be transported to the hospital due to a possible concussion but he refused. PAGE: INVESTIGATED BY: INVESTIGATED BY. REVIEWED BY: 4085 MATTICE, DANA, 1763, TROOPER ODELL, STEPHEN, 772, TROOPER PRINTED: T2022 13506 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF [ORIGINAL DATE: INCIDENT NO: STATE POLICE Sun, Jun 26, 2022 062-0002774-22 ORIGINAL INCIDENT REPORT ME RECEIVED: FILE GLASS: 1642 13001 TRESSPASS: EFF security trespassed I from the property and cut his wristband after they found him to be in possession of illegal drugs. | advised ggg that | would allow him to gather a few small belongings so that he could leave the property. | followed IN to his camp site and then escorted him off the property. ‘SUSPECT INJURIES - IEEE complained of shoulder pain, had a bloody nose and possible concussion. He refused all medical treatment. VICTIM INJURIES ~ ME fad redness and swelling near his mouth where he stated he was punched. WITNESS / VICTIM INJURIES — aa I didn't observe any injuries on jam STATUS: Unfounded Domestic Violence. PAGE! | NVESTIGATED BY: INVESTIGATED BY: REVIEWED BY. Sots | MATTICE, OANA, 1763, TROOPER ODELL, STEPHEN, 772, TROOPER PRINTED: THB2022 1306

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