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Skin effect

1- What is the skin effect ?

It is The non-uniform distribution of electric
current over the surface or skin of the
conductor carrying a.c is called the skin
effect. In other words, the concentration of
charge is more near the surface as
compared to the core of the conductor.

2- Factors affecting skin effect

1. Frequency – Skin effect increases with the increase in
2. Diameter – It increases with the increase in diameter of
the conductor.
3. The shape of the conductor – Skin effect is more in
the solid conductor and less in the stranded conductor
because the surface area of the solid conductor is
4. Type of material – Skin effect increase with the
increase in the permeability of the material
(Permeability is the ability of material to support the
formation of the magnetic field).

3- The reasons for the

occurrence of the skin
A current in a conductor produces a magnetic field in and
around the conductor. When the intensity of current in a
conductor changes, the magnetic field also changes. The
change in the magnetic field, in turn, creates an electric
field which opposes the change in current intensity. This
opposing electric field is called “counter-electromotive
force” (back EMF). The back EMF is strongest at the
center of the conductor, and forces the conducting
electrons to the outside of the conductor
the current density is found to be greatest at the
conductor's surface, with a reduced magnitude deeper in
the conductor.

An alternating current may also be induced in a

conductor due to an

4- Disadvantages of skin effect

Skin effect is a undesired phenomenon which leads to many disadvantages in the
power system as:

1. Effective resistance increases (Reff ↑)

Due to skin effect, majority current flows near the surface of the conductor. Due
to this phenomenon the whole cross-section of the conductor is not being used
and this reduces the effective cross-sectional area (the area of the conductor
through which the current is actually flowing).

As we know that resistance is inversely proportional to the area, If the effective

cross-sectional area is reduced then the effective resistance will increase.

2. Copper losses Increases:

Copper losses or I2R losses will increase because the effective resistance has
increased due to ski effect. Increment in copper losses also leads to Heat loss.

3. Voltage drop increases:

When resistance increases, it also increases the Voltage drop.

4. Voltage regulation decreases

5. Efficiency decreases

5- Methods to reduce skin effect

We can reduce the skin effect to some extent but we can not Finish the skin effect,
There are few methods to reduce the Skin effect a follows:

1. By using Stranded conductors:

Stranded conductor consists of several thin wires of small cross-sectional area
called as Strands. These conductors are more flexible than the solid conductors
and they help to reduce the skin effect.

This is the most widely used method to reduce the skin effect. There are many
types of Stranded conductors but generally we use ACSR (Aluminium
Conductor Steel- Reinforced) conductor.

This conductor is made up of two layers, the inner layer has Steel strands which
provide strength to the cable, and outer layer is made up of Aluminium strands
which are used to take current.
2. Reducing the Diameter:  
By reducing the thickness of conductor we can reduce the Skin effect.

3. Using hollow conductors:

As we know that, Due to skin effect the majority of the current flows through the
outer surface of the conductor, This method is only used in some applications
like Bus-Bars in substation. As

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