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MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF [ORIGINAL DATE: INCIDENT NO: STATE POLICE Sun, Jun 26, 2022 062-0002783-22 ORIGINAL INCIDENT REPORT TiWE RECEIVED: FILE GLASS: 2150 98006 WORK UNIT county: MSP HART POST OCEANA SOMPLAWANT: TELEPHONE No "ADDRESS: STREET AND NO: cy: state: | zp cove: 3793 W POLK RD HART Mi | 49420 INCIDENT STATUS: CLOSED CIVIL MATTER DISPUTES - FAMILY TROUBLE SUMMARY / INFORMATION: On the below date and time, Trooper Gariglio and |, Trooper Mattice, were dispatched to assist EFF event security. Troopers received information from dispatch that EFF security was attempting to tow a vehicle and the vehicle owners were becoming argumentative with event security and that they needed police assistance. Upon arrival, Troopers were advised that the owners had locked themselves inside the RV, which was parked in the Lucky Lake Campground and were refusing to come out. Troopers were also advised that itis suspected that nitrous was being taken from this campsite and into the Electric Forest Festival where it was, being distributed to patrons. I knocked on the door to the RV while announcing myself as a police officer. A male who was later identified verbally 25 NN opened the door and exited. | advised mm that police officers were called for assistance with removing a vehicle from the property. | had Iam speak with the event security staff and as they were speaking with INN event security asked to search the box truck parked on the lot. HE 2s refusing the request to search the vehicle by event security. ‘After INN refused the search of the box truck as requested by EFF event security, EFF Event Security advised that the vehicle was on EFF property. | advised EFF Event security to follow their procedures and policies with searching vehicles coming in and on event property. EFF Event security used an angle grinder to cut a lock which was on the back of the box truck where EFF event security looked inside the cargo area before they towed the vehicle from the property. | advised jum that if he had any issues, to speak with EFF event security, Troopers did not search or assist with searching the property on or within the campsite. The vehicle was towed by event security and Troopers cleared the scene without incident PAGE! INVESTIGATED BY: INVESTIGATED BY: REVIEWED BY: tots [MATTICE, DANA, 1763, TROOPER GARIGLIO, RANDY, 607, TROOPER PRINTED: THO2022 1:07 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF [ORIGINAL DATE: INCIDENT NO: STATE POLICE Sun, Jun 26, 2022 062-0002783-22 ORIGINAL INCIDENT REPORT TiWE RECEIVED: FILE GLASS: 2150 98006 VENUE, DATE & TIME: OCEANA COUNTY LUCKY LAKE, APT/LOT 63 ROTHBURY, MI AT OR NEAR: JJ RANCHIEFF ON OR AFTER: SUN, JUN 26, 2022 AT 2150 OTHER PERSONS: AV: BIR: RAC: TH: NBR: DIR SEX § STR: DOB: SSN: SFX: HGT: I: / CTY: ST: WGT: BI: TXH: ZIP: HAL: INU: TXW: EYE: rR: SMT: STATEMENTS MADE BY Sa Upon contact with [gg he asked if we had a search warrant. | advised IgM that | wasn't here to search anything. | advised IgM that I was here to assist with a vehicle to be towed. NN stated he was ok with that and stated the vehicle wasn't his though. | asked jg who the vehicle belonged to and he stated it was not for him to say. [NM again stated the vehicle wasn't his. [NM stated he doesn't want any problems and asked if anyone was being arrested. | informed gammy that no one was being arrested. [NNN asked me what the plan was. | had EFF security speak with J [mM advised that the EFF security didn’t announce themselves and he got scared. (gm stated that there are bad people in the festival adding that he is trying to have a good time and that he isn't one of the bad people. MEE @8Ked what was going on, so | informed him that | didn’t know and that security called us to respond to the venue. MM stated that the RV he was in doesn’t belong to him. An EFF security officer them came to speak with IM The security officer was not identified by myself or other troopers on scene. The following is a synopsis of the conversation between the security officers (SO) and jg and is not verbatim: SO advised gm that they have a lot of nitrous being brought to the events from this camp site and other campgrounds and that he believed the box truck contains nitrous. SO also advised jm that he believes he is dealing from inside the RV. NNN advised SO that he hasn't. SO informed [ga "So what you're saying is that there is nothing in the car, because obviously, you were stashing everything away when we were coming’ informed SO that they were having fun and that there is a truck with inventory with stuff, “lots of stuff, not just those”, IN informed the SO that he has nothing to do with that. SO asked [NNN if there is a bunch of nitrous. A second unidentified SO asked [gm who the truck PAGE: INVESTIGATED BY: INVESTIGATED BY: REVIEWED BY. [ore | MATTICE, DANA, 1783, TROOPER [.Garicuio. RANDY, so7.TROOFER | PRINTED: THG2022 1:07 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF [ORIGINAL DATE: INCIDENT NO: STATE POLICE Sun, Jun 26, 2022 062-0002783-22 ORIGINAL INCIDENT REPORT TiWE RECEIVED: FILE GLASS: 2150 98006 belongs to. [NM stated, “Not me.” [NINE then asked the SO’s what they wanted to do and asked if he could just leave: A brief conversation happened as I was speaking to command via radio and a third SO began speaking with MEE HEE {11¢0 informed the three SO’s that they have made them selves loud and clear and ruined the weekend. [MM stated to the SO’s that they really hurt his friend. mm asked the SO’s not to take this any further and he asked to leave. One of the SO's told ggg 10 open the truck and they will leave. NINN stated he knew what would happen if he opened the truck and asked to leave again. IEEE sited he didn't want any news or bad publicity to come of this incident. An SO advised am that a lot of people have been going to medical. [NM told the SO that the Nitrous Mafia is inside selling mechanical gas right now and its horrible for people. [NNN Stated he isn't involved with anything An SO asked (gm if he had a key for the truck and gg stated he didn’t. The SO then asked MEE if they were ok with opening it, JNM stated he isn't ok with that. [NNN stated to the SO that he needed a warrant for that. HEME s'ated he doesn't understand what the purpose of all this is. One SO tells gg and I that this campground is passed the security vehicle check point and that all vehicles are subject to search. J——— stated that isn’t true and that there are two entrances to the campground. The SO later explained to Jaa that he can let them search the contents of the box truck and not tow it, or they can tow it, he can pay the tow bil, and that they are still keeping what's inside the truck. [EEE siated he has invoices for everything inside the box truck and that it was purchased in Michigan. HEE @sked what law he broke. | advised jug that this issue falls on property policy and not state aw. [informed Ig that all vehicles coming in and out of this property are subject to search. | asked HEE £0 [et the security staff do their job and that troopers are not taking any enforcement action. IEEE s'2ted if someone is stealing something that is bought and paid for, that is illegal and that a law has been broken. | informed security officers to do what they had to do. NNN became upset and started accusing the security officers of stealing. mmm asked if he could just drive the vehicle away. Another SO approached gg and informed him that this is private property and they have a right to search his vehicle. [NM stated to the SO’s that the box truck is private property and they are breaking the law. [NNN stated the items inside the truck were legally purchased in the state of Michigan. Sgt. Lalone informed Iga that people purchased alcohol in the state of Michigan that was taken by security when they entered the venue. || also later informed Ig that security is taking glass pickle jars upon entry to the venue, IEE @sKed Us to provide a signed contract which allows a search of his vehicle. [NN asked Sgt. Lalone, "How can they steal my, How can they steal product?" gg called his attorney and informed him of what was happening. SM told his attorney, “they are taking stuff out of my truck that is locked on a private campground”. NM Stated to his attomey, “They did it last night to some other people". PAGE: INVESTIGATED BY: INVESTIGATED BY: REVIEWED BY: 3 0f4 [MATTICE, DANA, 1763, TROOPER GARIGLIO, RANDY, 607, TROOPER PRINTED: 12G2022 15:07 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF [ORIGINAL DATE: INCIDENT NO: STATE POLICE Sun, Jun 26, 2022 062-0002783-22 ORIGINAL INCIDENT REPORT TiWE RECEIVED: FILE GLASS: 2150 98006 MEN sated he would pack his things tonight and leave. (NM asked if the state police was towing his vehicle. [NNN was advised that the state police was not towing his vehicle and that the security company is. [NNN asked to not tow the vehicle and that he would leave. [NN stated there will be a lot of lawsuits coming out of this and promised to sue everyone. INNNNNNNN advised troopers that we are legally obligated to stop the security officers. NNN was stil on the phone with his attorney when he was advised to take any issues directly to his attorney, the tow truck company and security company. HEE informed me that he was about to call the police when the security company arrived because he was scared. | advised (gg that every vehicle that comes to the property is subject to search at any time by security staff. | informed I that | was informed that people are involved with transporting items in and out of the venue and that he may be involved. [NM stated he may have been indirectly involved in that. IEEE slated he is a friend and the “fall guy”. NINN was concerned that the security will break into his vehicle and steal items. | asked [NM if he has been on the grounds before and he stated he has. | asked Iam if he knew that he was Subject to search and he stated he knew that. [NN stated he hasn't been searched once on the property, [NNN statod he went through the gate like everyone cise, NNN stated that if security would have opened the truck and looked at his items and informed him they weren't allowed, he would have complied. NNN stated he didn’t have a clue that this was a problem and if it was, he wouldn't have done it It should be noted that no items were observed taken or removed from the box truck by security while on scene. OTHER: AV: BIR: RAC: ETH: NBR: DIR: SEX: DL: Es STR: DoB: SS! SFX. HGT. si CTY: ST: WGT| FBI: XH: ZIP: HAI: IMNU: TXW: EYE: IPR: ‘SMT: IN CAR VIDEO / BODY WORN CAMERA: Patrol car 6312. Trooper Gariglio and I both had body worn cameras and both were activated during this incident. Sgt. Lalone also had a body worn camera. STATUS: CLOSED PAGE! INVESTIGATED BY: INVESTIGATED BY. REVIEWED BY. 4 0f4 [MATTICE, DANA, 1763, TROOPER GARIGLIO, RANDY, 607, TROOPER PRINTED: THG2022 1:07

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